I Became a Foreign Worker Loved by Transcendents

Chapter 45: Resignation From The Oldest Loyalist

Chapter 45: Resignation From The Oldest Loyalist

I must speak.

There was no other choice.

For demons, what was built through desire was the foundation, vision, and everything.

If there was a past where she had sworn loyalty to him, a new beginning required putting an end to such a past.

Even if that act might lead her to death.

I must speak to my Lord

Feeling such anxiety, as she gradually raised her bowed head, she began to vaguely see the figure of the Lord she served.

Oooong, ooong.

No, she could only barely make out his outline.

The torrents of power filling his body swallowed up the form that should have been visible, preventing anyone from discerning his appearance with the naked eye.

Depending on the view, he appeared like an adult or a child, indistinguishable as male or female, human or beast

Four Heavenly Kings.

He faced them in such an unrecognizable form.

Soon, the Demon King began to slowly open his mouth, as if splitting the heavy silence.

My loyal vassals Have you all gathered here?

A chill ran down her spine at his voice, distorted by the torrents.

In that situation, the first to speak was Beelzebub, who acted as the treasurer of the Demon Kings army.

Yes, Demon King. All the Four Heavenly Kings have responded to your summons. Please tell us the reason for this gathering.

He continued in his characteristically polite manner, yet he couldnt suppress the trembling of his body.

Naturally. The one before them possessed such immense power that just by standing there, he could crush everything around him.

Conversely, everyone present believed that by simply following his path, they could indirectly achieve what they desired.

Such expectations allowed them to face the being before them without pure fear

Demon King, before hearing your command, just a moment

Wait a moment before that. Hey, Demon King! I have something to say. Is that alright?

Grizvill raised his hand first, taking advantage of the moment when she was about to express her intention.

Mephisto, holding her resignation letter, silently turned to look at Grizvill, who had risen before her.

Even at this moment, she observed the most greedy demon coveting her rank.

Attention, everyone here! I am going to make a declaration right now in front of the Demon King.

He soon spoke, drawing everyones attention to himself.

Even the aura emitted by the Demon King was somehow overcome by the powerful desire he was born with.

Mephisto Rage. Right here in front of the Demon King, I challenge you to a duel!

Then, turning his gaze towards her, Grizvill delivered the expected words, smirking venomously.

Receiving that gaze, Mephisto stood quietly, prompting Grizvill to burst into a confident laugh as if even the silence were beneath him.

Its best not to find it strange. Considering what youve done in the Demon Kings army, everyone here knows that the second rank is too much for a mere jester like you.

Oh dear.


Beelzebub shook his head as if troubled by Grizvills words, while Yasmo Deus burst into laughter, amused.

Such sentiments were shared by the other demons around them.

More curiosity than confusion, admiration, and aspiration for being able to speak so openly in front of the Demon King

This atmosphere generally favored Grizvill.

But that doesnt matter.

Yes, she was a jester.

Rank, achievements, strength

If none of it helped to amuse her Lord, then it was of no concern to her.

Demon King, dont you think the same? That a damned jester who contributes nothing to your army, claiming to be your right hand is ridiculous?

There was one reason she hadnt stepped forward.

It was because she first needed to see how her Lord would react to these words.

If he even slightly agrees with these words


If he shows any significant emotion toward this arrogant speech, she might even consider tearing up the resignation letter she held.

Why should I care about such matters?

But the words eventually spoken were as she had initially anticipated.

The moment that voice quelled the disarray in the room, bewilderment began to bloom on Grizvills face, who until then had been speaking confidently.


Why? I cant understand why youre asking me that.

The Demon King, looking down at Grizvill, spoke.

Ranking is something you should decide among yourselves. Why should I concern myself with such trivial matters?

Silence fell.

The murmurs that had filled the space suddenly ceased.

Only two people in this place maintained their composure, anticipating these words.

The jester, who had predicted his statement from the beginning.

And Mongma, the envoy, who at this moment stared not at the Demon King but at the jester.

Demon King, what are you saying? Didnt you say if were unhappy with our rank, we have to prove it by force in front of you

But Demon King!

Before Grizvill, who failed to notice and expressed his dismay, Beelzebub hastily started to shout.

For now, lets ignore Grizvills suggestion and hear why you called us. There must be a reason for summoning all the Four Heavenly Kings, isnt there?

Provoking discomfort might lead to a backlash against them.

In response to this hasty judgment, Grizvill belatedly grasped the situation and forced a smile.

Yes, thats right, Demon King. Lets hear it! Why have you personally summoned the four of us here?!

Everything she had achieved so far was possible because of the Demon King.

If her current actions displeased him, everything she had achieved so far could be in vain.

The cold sweat running down his face showed that the arrogance of the Plunderer did not apply to the Demon King.

We have destroyed many worlds so far, but youve rarely summoned the four of us like this, right? That means theres something you can only achieve by summoning us. Right? Am I wrong?

Yes, certainly, there was something I desired from you.

Grizvill, thinking he had appeased him, smiled brightly.

This smile was a sign of relief for having somehow managed the situation and anticipation for what was to come.

Hehehe! Come to think of it, this world is entirely different from the ones weve trampled before. Not only weak humans but living corpses and monsters beyond human comprehension and even those called heroes appeared, right!?

A world filled with elements far superior to the trivial worlds they had encountered before.

Thus, there must be much to achieve in this world.

Grizvill, guessing that his desires had summoned them, began to show his enthusiasm as if claiming to be the Demon Kings confidant.

So, just give the order, Demon King! Whatever you desire, we will accomplish it with our own hands!

They could destroy, plunder, and commit anything.

If the entire army combined its strength, dominating and crushing this one world would be effortless.

You will do anything for me, is that it?

Demon King Solomon rose from his throne in response to this proof of loyalty.

Soon, he flashed his red eyes and spoke to Grizvill.

Then die for me.



A loud noise.

As a body leaped from the throne and plummeted, a fountain of blood erupted, spreading in all directions.

At a speed no one present could perceive.


By the time they could only follow the afterimage with their eyes, everything was already over.

Body parts scattered on the floor wriggled, with blood oozing stickily underneath

The gruesome state, like the weak they had trampled before, was the final fate of the demon known as the Plunderer.

Looking back, I did everything I could and lived through it.

As everyone watched silently.

The Demon King, standing above, lifted his head and spoke softly.

I fought to live, finding value in that struggle and repeatedly treading the battlefields. I destroyed everything I wanted to, and when that wasnt enough, I even broke through the walls of dimensions.


Even the flesh was crushed underfoot.

It soon evaporated into smoke and ash from the surge of power.

Men, women, beasts, monsters and everything else I destroyed, violated, consumed, and toyed with them as I pleased, or even created them with these hands.

Even the dust and smoke vanished with a wave of his hand.

From between his fingers clutching his face, a hollow voice began to leak out.

All of it is meaningless. I feel nothing, no matter what I do, no matter what

My my Lord. Please calm down. I dont know what this is about, but Ugh!

Was he still not grasping the situation?

Reflexively approaching his side, Beelzebubs neck was caught in the Demon Kings hand, and soon, his body began to twitch, suspended in mid-air.

But when I heard that Mephisto had returned, something I hadnt done yet came to mind.


Ah, yes. Now that I think about it, Ive never killed my loyal servants who swore allegiance to me with my own hands

Kah, ah, ahh!

Despite maximum protection with magic, he felt his neck bones misalign from the mere strength of that grasp.

Seeing his subordinates struggle, the Demon Kings lips began to curl upward.

But still, I cant tell with just one. What am I feeling right now?

It was certainly a smile, but Mephisto, watching the scene, guessed.

This was not a smile born of joy, but rather a recollection of past joys.

Then, a bit more slowly

Yes, the Demon King was anticipating.

How it would feel to personally dispose of his most loyal subordinates for the first time.

The intensity it might bring could satisfy his emptiness.

Then if I kill a bit more slowly, perhaps Ill understand?

Ah, ahhhh! My my Lord! Please calm down! I dont know what you want, but please, calm down

Beelzebubs agonized screams echoed.

He might have guessed that the Demon Kings state wasnt normal, but his obsession with wealth still maintained his loyalty.

For him, who had traversed various dimensions collecting valuable items, betraying the Demon Kings loyalty meant losing everything he had maintained so far.

Beelzebub, my loyal vassal please die for me right here!

No, that cant be Ugh!

No, struggle more resist for me. Even if its a struggle to live, make the feeling of killing you all clear for me

Ev-everyone, what are you doing?! My my Lord. Quickly, calm the Demon King dooown!

As that desire was soon swallowed by the urge to survive, the power emitted from him began to spread to the trembling demons around him.

It was pheromones. The power of avarice, created to exercise absolute command over those who willingly accepted his bodily fluids.

A power that could only be exerted with the others consent, but Beelzebub had established many under the guise of trade, amassing a considerable following.

Without exaggeration, among those in the Demon Kings army, few hadnt borrowed his treasures.

Keulk Aah!

What whats this? My body is moving on its own aah!

Led by the pheromones, the demons began to fall, pressed down by the surge of power, or collapsed, gasping for air.

Even if they managed to close the distance, the result was the same.

With just a flick of the Demon Kings fingers, the power released compressed their bodies into mere clumps of blood.

Ah, aah. Th-this this is

Nothing could be done with just the small fries.

Even in such a desperate situation, Beelzebub, seeking a way out, noticed a woman in a tuxedo taking out an instrument in the distance.

Shall I help you?

The frenzied jester, Mephisto.

As a violin and bow were summoned and grasped in her hand, Beelzebub felt his heart sink.

Me-Mephisto. What are you going to do?

I feel so sorry for you.

There was no malice.

Just a maybe, with her own performance.

If we stay like this, well just die. Shouldnt we at least have the chance to struggle?

Expecting that even the emotions felt from killing his loyal subordinates might somehow be amplified and awakened.

D-dont do it. Your power is dangerous in this situation


No, stop. Thats enough!

Theres no malice.

An honest answer.

And the power that filled her hand, ignoring the dissuasion.

From beginning to end, Im just a jester who wishes for the Demon Kings laughter.

Even if there was a slight possibility, if it was revealed in this final moment.


With a swing filled with such will, the chilling sound of the bow scraping the strings echoed.

The demons, stimulated by the performance, were drawn by Beelzebubs pheromones and began to rush towards the Demon King.

Like moths advancing through flames.


Into the disaster that crumbled everything in sight.

Forgetting the fear until the very end of all ends.

Ah Aaaaaaaaah!

Indeed, it wasnt even a massacre.

The outcome was so obvious, it could almost be called a collective suicide.

I dont feel anything anything at all

The living calamity that created such a desperate situation began to sob uncontrollably over the lake of flesh, where not even a form remained.

My subordinates, my loyal followers who believed in me

It was agonizing.

The reality that nothing could be felt, even though one had destroyed what one had built.

Even if I kill with these hands, I dont feel anything. Nothing Absolutely nothing!!

The Demon King, clutching his throat as if thirsty, cried out in despair.

But his attention never turned to the blood pooling on the floor.

He had long realized that no amount of blood and flesh crammed in could quench his thirst.

How in the world can I quench this thirst? How can I?!

It was something he had suspected for a long time.

As great as his power was, so was the vessel of his desires, never to be filled, no matter what he did.

A ruler who lost his laughter and felt no excitement for anything due to this.

It wouldnt be strange for him to destroy everything he had built with his own hands.

Your Majesty, the Demon King.

That limit was finally reached after coming to this world.

Sensing this, Mephisto, who had already surmised it, threw the resignation letter she held in front of the Demon King, who sat collapsed on the ground.

What what is this?

Its a resignation letter. Humans say when they quit their job, they give a paper to their master.

A single blank sheet of paper.

An item too poor, even for a stage prop, merely fulfilling a formality.

You mean youre quitting?.

Your Majesty, the Demon King. I am disappointed in you.

To the extent of wanting to pass off this situation with just that excuse.

His oldest and most loyal follower felt nothing upon seeing his current broken state.

You mean nothing to me anymore.

There was no sadness, no despair, not even feelings of betrayal or resentment.

She had long been prepared to express her resignation, having anticipated this situation long ago.

Likewise, I mean nothing to you now as well.

Isnt that reason enough for me to leave your side?


Wasnt it just the right thing to conclude a story too insignificant to even be considered a tragedy?

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