I Became a Level -99 Vicious Lord

Chapter 125:

Chapter 125:

The operational plan is drawn up.

1. Otto will lead the forces of the Kingdom of Lota to the western seaboard to wipe out the monsters and establish a shipping route.

2. Egos ships will be loaded with antiques and materials from the tomb of Argonne the Great.

3. The Lota Kingdom Army stays behind and constructs a harbor.

4. Occupy an island that will become an important hub for maritime trade.

5. Travel to the Caliphate to sell the antiques and goods, and utilize the money to buy war supplies, provisions, and food.

The issue is time.

Ottos plan was to reach the continent before summer, so they had to hurry.

So Otto hastily assembled his troops and set out on his expedition.

Your Majesty, take us with you!

Your Majesty, well come with you!

To Ottos surprise, dozens of dwarves from the Red Anvil Tribe, who had just visited the Capital of the Lota Kingdom, volunteered to participate in the expedition.


Otto was overjoyed.

Dwarves are a race that specializes in the arts of building and engineering.

Since the expedition was all about carving out a shipping route and building a dock to serve as a harbor, having them on board was like having a thousand soldiers.

I would be extremely grateful if you were to be a part of this, but I hope you dont mind, its going to be a long journey.

Of course not, this is nothing compared to the grace I have received from Your Highness, please allow me to help you!

Erikson, the dwarf who had been exiled from his tribe and was redeemed by Ottos help, laughed heartily.

The other dwarves did the same.

Isnt that what we dwarves are all about!

Well be happy to help!

For a race that is so sincere about repaying favors, the dwarves were so cooperative that he wondered where their pride and stubbornness had gone.

To think theyd volunteer to do something like this.

Well, thank you all for this. Ill be happy to take your help, then.

With that, the dwarves had joined the expedition.

Your majesty, a messenger has been sent from the Ego Merchants, saying that they have docked their ships at the agreed upon location and will be waiting for you.

I see.

Otto nodded as he received Camilles report.

This is the first time Ive ever experienced a sea route being opened, so there must be something wrong.

The idea of opening a shipping route and engaging in maritime trade in the Kingdom of Lota was something that he hadnt experienced in the game.

In fact, ransacking the tomb of the Great Emperor Argonne hadnt even been part of his original strategy.

Therefore, developing transportation routes and establishing sea trade to peddle the stolen antiques and goods would be a first.

Your Highness.

Camille addressed Otto.

About the transportation routes and harbors were developing.


Its a huge stretch, even for maritime trade.

You dont think theres much to be gained by pioneering them?


Thats not quite true.

Otto shook his head.

It may look that way on the map, but we can use existing trade routes to gather specialties from the western fringes.

Its connected to an existing trade route?

Thats right.

Otto nodded.

Did you know that there are quite a few good specialties in the western border? However, supplying them to the southern part of the continent using land routes is too long. But if we use the sea, although it is a long route, transportation is relatively convenient.


And here.

Otto pointed to a remote island south of the continent.

Its a remote, uninhabited island. We can use it as a base, a warehouse, and sell our goods from the coastal cities south of the continent to the Caliphate.

Oh, my God.

The island that Otto pointed to.

In reality, it was about half the size of Jeju Island, which was pretty big for an uninhabited island.

There are a few small, petty problems, but this island is definitely a must-have. Its going to be the logistical center of the southern seas.

Otto said with a smirk.

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The expedition, consisting of about 500 men, traveled at a very fast pace toward the western coast.

The terrain was harsh and unforgiving.

There were hardly any roads and they had to make their way through thick, virgin forests, but the expedition was like a runaway locomotive.

The snow was waist deep, but the party pushed through.

*Thump!* *Thump!* *Thump!*

The Tatar horses, a specialty of the Khabr Steppes and a recognized master on the continent, used their immense strength and size to crush the accumulated snow.

They werent the only ones.

Go! Let the chopping begin!

*Thud!* *Thud!* *Thud!*

The 50 dwarves on this expedition cut down the beautiful trees in their path like they were mowing a lawn.

Dwarves excel at logging, mining, smelting, metallurgy, and anything else that involves performing physical labor.

Clearing the trees that blocked their path was no mean task.

So the expedition reached the western seaboard in just a week.

And they did it by making a road.


Reaching the shore, Otto looked down at the cliffs and stuck his tongue out.

The western coast was elevated, fringed by kilometers of rocky terrain.

In other words, the terrain was not suitable for anchoring ships or maritime trade.

Aside from that, it was so uninhabited that it was probably decades since anyone had ever come this far.

What are we going to do?

Camille asked Otto.

Its not easy to unload cargo from a cliff this high, and the waves are strong, so it doesnt look like well be able to even get the ship close to the side if we try.

I can see that. This is a tough one.

They finally made it, but the terrain was too rugged.

Even if the ships Ego had sent arrived, it was doubtful the cargo would be able to be loaded properly.

Hahaha, Your Majesty, leave it to us!

Dwarf Erickson stepped forward.

Can you build a dock out here, the working environment seems too dangerous?

Do not underestimate my race.

Thats not it, it just looks risky.

Let me show you, while you rest.

The 50 dwarves stepped out.

*Thump* *Thump!*

In the blink of an eye, the dwarves were cutting and sawing the beautiful trees into logs, driving supports into the cliffs and into the ground, and tying the logs together with ropes.

Eh? Wha?

As Otto watched the dwarves work, he marveled at their incredible speed and skill.

He would look away for a moment, then look again, and something would be built, followed by something else.

He couldnt tell if it was magic or manual labor.

The next day.

This is real?

From the top of the cliff, several feet high, to the churning waters below.

There was a pulley fully constructed for lowering the cargo.

And that wasnt all.

The dwarves managed to drive huge stakes into the rock formations at the base of the cliffs and in random spots throughout the area, and theyd even built a decent dock with logs propped up on top.

It was magic beyond the comprehension of common sense, and inconceivable to the human workers.

These dwarves???

Otto questioned his own eyes, his mouth hanging open at the unbelievable sight.

How strong and mysterious were the dwarves?

The cold sea breeze whipped at their bodies.

The cold waves pounded them relentlessly.

And yet, the fact that they finished their work in an instant, without faltering, shows that they are a race that is fundamentally different from humans.

Then, a voice called out.

Your Majesty, here they come.

Five ships came around the corner of the cliff, revealing their presence.

They were clearly sent by Ego.

What is that?

Otto looked dumbfounded at the state of the ships.

The five ships were large and decrepit to the point of being almost shipwrecked.

They werent even armed with cannons.

If they encountered pirates and got hit by a cannonball, or a typhoon, they would surely sink.

Pansy, do you think those are the ships were going to take?

I think so.

Sailing is fucked. Arent we all going to be fish food?


Otto decided to crawl down to the bottom of the cliff, climb aboard, and meet the man in charge.

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Your Highness. Im Caldwell, working at the Ego Merchant Troupe.

Pleased to meet you.

Caldwell is a merchant who works for Ego troupe, and is known for his hard work and meticulousness.

He was also the man who would later break away from Ego to form his own merchant company and become a colossus of the southern seas.

Whats going on with the ships, theyre in pretty bad shape, surely this isnt a cost-cutting scheme?

Otto asked Caldwell in a half-joking tone.

In no way was he being serious.

Ego couldnt have sent these rickety ships on purpose.

Caldwell shook his head at Ottos question.

No, absolutely not. Your Excellency, I apologize, but the Overhauser Group is closely monitoring the movements of ships around the southern port cities. Therefore, we had no choice but to mobilize unregistered ships formally.

That much?

Otto made a face of annoyance as he listened to Caldwells words, realizing the extent of Argonnes anger and the level of his persistence.

If hes going to go so far as to check the ships of the port cities, isnt that an indication that hes determined to find out whos responsible and kill them by any cost?

Well, okay. Im sure youre pissed off, but youre in the palm of my hand.

Otto snorted, then turned to Caldwell.

Tell Mr. Ego I appreciate it.

No, sire. Mr. Ego is incredibly sorry that he has not been able to provide you with a good ship.

Oh, well, procuring a ship somehow under the circumstances must be a challenge for him, and without his resourcefulness and connections, it would be impossible.

Otto smiled generously, fully understanding why Ego would send ships that were nothing more than wrecks.

He knew that Ego was a goblin who valued trust as much as, if not more than, life itself.

Its winter, so theres no danger of a storm blowing in, and if you can make it as far as the Caliphate, you can buy a good ship there and switch.

Yes, I will.

Otto had no intention of staying on such a dilapidated ship, so he would change to a new one as soon as he reached the Caliphate.

If he was going to die at Elises hands, he was going to do so, but he didnt want to be fish food with a sinking ship.

Come on, lets load the cargo!

And so the expedition, led by Otto, set sail, laden with the various antiques and goods that Ego had brought aboard the dilapidated, illicit vessels he had managed to procure.

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That night.

Even Ego couldnt help it, so Ill give it a few days.

With that thought, Otto tried to sleep.

Noise from the chase of the cat and the mouse-which was brought in for the purpose of catching rats.

The irregular swaying.

*Creak!* *Creak!*

The ship is quite old, so theres a lot of creaking noise.

The musty smell of mold and mildew.

There were all sorts of little inconveniences, but at least he was able to sleep at night and not get seasick.

Still, it was the first day, so the voyage went off without a hitch to speak of!


Otto, who had fallen asleep in his cabin, opened his eyes to a sudden sensation of coldness.

His entire body, from head to toe, was drenched in clammy wetness.

What is this?

Otto groggily opened his eyes and looked around.

The result.

A gurgling sound.

Cold seawater was pouring in from a hole in the cabin wall, and before he knew it, the floor was soaked and almost knee-deep.

In other words, the boat had a hole in it and was about to sink.

Wa.. Water!

A scream erupted from Ottos mouth as he realized what was happening.

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