I Became a Level -99 Vicious Lord

Chapter 127:

Chapter 127:

The heavens helped.

He needed a ship, and there were ships to change into!

Three of them!


Otto jumped up and down with excitement.

Its a pirate! Pirate! Im a Pirate~~ Pirate! Something thats nice and wholesome and appeals to my taste~

What are you doing?

Cant you tell? Im singing for fun.

Please, keep it down.

Camille rubbed his eyes and scolded Otto.

Youre a king now, Your Highness. Youre not a country bumpkin lord anymore.

Oh come on, stop nagging me, Im about to have all my treasures sunk and then be saved, cant I just sing a song, eh?

No matter how you spin it, does it make you feel better to sing while dancing such a frivolous dance?

Ugh. You sound like a mother-in-law.

Save some face. With that handsome face, dont you think its a waste to act so frivolously?


You know what, as long as you keep your mouth shut, youre perfect.

Mind your own business!

Otto glared at Camille, then turned his head to look in the direction the pirates were coming from.


Otto utilized the <Clairvoyance> skill without having to be given a telescope.

As Otto grew, his ability became more powerful, so he didnt need to rely on the telescope.


As reported, three pirate ships were approaching at a very high speed.

The only way to recognize them as pirates was the flags they were flying.

Pirates usually disguised themselves as normal ships without any flags, but when they went out to plunder, they would fly a black flag.

Pirate Flag.

Each pirate group has its own flag.

By looking at the flag, you could tell which crew was which.

Lets see who are they?

Otto amplified his Clairvoyance skill a bit more to see the symbols on the flags.

The crest on the flag depicted a broken skull.


Do you see anything?

Why are they here?

Otto cocked his head.

They dont belong here.

Whats wrong?


Otto answered Camilles question.

Theyre Battle hammer Pirates.


Yeah, those guys.

Otto answered roughly, then paused to think.

The Battle hammer Pirates are a bunch of bastards, but they work for Avery.

[Avery] was a major pirate who operated in the southern seas and belonged to the 100 Lords, the main characters of the games [Territory War].

His main area of activity was the southern seas of the continent, Ottos destination.

In particular, he was often found in the straits near the Caliphate.

He was also one of the five Pirate Lords, who controlled dozens of smaller pirate groups.

Thats odd. Why did the Battle Hammer Pirates show up here?

Otto unfolded the map and checked their current location.

Its weird, too. Theres no way the Battle Hammer Pirates would come this far. Theres gotta be something here.

The area Otto and his crew were currently sailing through was remote, with hardly any ships traveling through it.

There was no reason for these pirates to have come all this way.

Look at this.

Otto murmured in a low voice.

The smile on his face was eerie.

Is there something unusual about this?

There is, but now is not the time to talk about it.





From the distant pirate ship, a shot-using magic stones-came flying and landed nearby, causing a large explosion of water.

Everyone prepare for battle!

Camille barked out the order and immediately got into battle formation.

Your Majesty, if the pirates approach, well use close combat ah.

The reason Camille stopped speaking was simple.


Otto, who had just climbed the mast, was flying a pure white flag.

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* /SchattenTranslations *

The Battle Hammer pirates, who had been firing their cannons in a show of force, approached at great speed as the ships fleet raised the white flag in unison.

They then brought their ships close together and crossed over.

Thanks to the fleets white flag, the Hammer Pirates were able to capture five ships in one fell swoop without shedding a single drop of blood.

Everyone on your hands and knees!

Those who move will have their skulls smashed with these hammers!

The pirates of the Battle Hammer Pirates, each armed with a steel hammer, mobilized in formation and took control of the deck.

Hehehe, Seems like you guys know how to value your lives.

Skulk, the captain of the Battle Hammer Pirates, grinned evilly as he surveyed the deck.

So, whos in charge here?


The blond man pointed to the knight beside him.

This guy.

The knight rolled his eyes and sighed.

Are you the one in charge here?


Then who is?

This man here. His Majesty Otto de Scuderia, King of the Kingdom of Lota, is in charge of this fleet.

Hmm? His Majesty? The Kingdom of Lota?

Of course, Skulk didnt know about the Kingdom of Lota.

Do any of you know of a place called the Kingdom of Lota?

The pirates gave him a dumbfounded look in their eyes.

Not that any of you would know anything about it.

Skulk shook his head, as if he expected nothing less from his men in the first place.

Skulk was ignorant, but his men were even worse.

I dont know where the Kingdom of Lota is located but Im sure its a small, weak nation. Anyway, youre the king, then?

Yeah, well. Thats how it happened, hahaha.

What a despicable coward, passing the responsibility to a knight when youre the king?

Skulk leaned his big, black, bearded face close to the blond mans.

Well, well, well. What a coward. Im going to be extra cute with you.


Mmmmmmmmm. Youre so incredibly cute as you squirm around like a fawn. How pretty would it be if I stripped you naked and threw you on the bed? Hmph.


The flesh is clearly white like that porcelain skin


Skulks musing was cut off by the blonde handsome man spitting at him.


Skulk fell to the ground.

There was a hole the size of an almond in the center of his forehead.

Cap Captain!


The pirates were alarmed.

Ugh. Gross.

The handsome blond man looked back at the stunned pirates with a look of displeasure.

Im going to kill every single one of those that move from now on.

At the same time, the magic swordsmen and Lota Kingdom soldiers who had been hiding in the cabin began to emerge one by one, surrounding and killing the pirates.



Regardless of which ship they infiltrated, screams echoed from within the cabin of the ships.

The tables had turned in an instant.


The pirate closest to the blond man collapsed in a shower of blood.

No! Why are you killing him! He wasnt moving!

I said well kill anyone who moves, I didnt say well spare those who didnt move?

The blonde handsome man answered the pirates question with a smirk.

He didnt lie!

He just didnt tell them the other part.

What kind of bullshit is that Argh!

The pirate who had protested to the handsome blond was unable to finish his sentence and collapsed with an incoherent scream.

Pfft. Why would you expect me to be merciful to pirates like you.

The blond handsome man.

Otto snorted mockingly.

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* /SchattenTranslations *

The expedition, led by Otto, overpowered the Battle Hammer Pirates in the space of a couple of minutes and captured three of their ships.

However, Otto didnt kill all of the pirates.

There was such a vast disparity in power that they had to make an example of a few of them, but most of them were easily subdued.

Hurry up and move the cargo!

Careful! Careful!

Otto abandoned the ship that was about to sink and switched to the pirate ship.

The pirate ship was a hundred times better than the dilapidated vessel.

It also contained several naval weapons.

Thanks to this, Otto was able to retain the treasure on his ship, even though it was about to sink.

A blessing in disguise.

He was saved from losing an astronomical amount of money by the timely arrival of a pirate ship.

Your Majesty, we found civilians on the pirate ship.

What? Why would there be civilians on a pirate ship?

It looks like theyve been looting coastal villages and trying to sell the people living there as slaves, mostly helpless children and women.

These inhuman bastards.

Otto was furious at Camilles report.

Well carry them and drop them off somewhere safe. Let them out and give them some water and something to eat. Dont forget to be soft and kind so they dont panic.

Thats wise. What do we do with the pirates?

Lock them up for now. Lets not get our hands dirty. Oh, and. I want all our crew assembled.

You mean all of them?

Yes. All of them. All the captains and sailors on the other ships. Dont leave anybody out.

Why would you give such an order?

Why would pirates come all the way out here? Theres something to rob.


Camille nodded, suddenly understanding Ottos point.

Pirates usually hung around coastal areas where there were towns, or in waters where cargo ships came and went, not out in the middle of nowhere like this.

That said.

You mean theres an insider in our fleet?


Knight Camille, I receive your orders.

Camille followed Ottos orders and gathered the 100 or so sailors together.

Listen, all of you, there is a man among us who is in league with the pirates.


The sailors chattered, one after another.

If you confess immediately.



In the midst of the commotion, Kairos, who had been sleeping soundly in his cabin, suddenly appeared and fussed.

Such a crude way to catch a rat. Im rather frustrated with you, little rascal. Hahaha


When you attain greatness, like I did, you can see things for what they truly are.

Suddenly, Kairos began to sound like a cult leader.

Hahahaha. Look at yourself, look at the other side. Gaze upon this continent. When you reach this level, you will be able to recognize the human mind.

Ah, cmon, youre full of shit!

Otto interrupted Kairos and glared at him.

Havent you gotten over your cultist ways yet?


What was that thing you did in your prime The Artrophos sect? I heard you even served as a monk there. And at the end of your life, you said you would fight the sect and even take down the pope?

Damn you, you dont know what youre talking about!

Kairos snapped.

Reform the rotten church that sucks the blood of the people, set the true doctrine straight, and.

Nye, nye, nye, as you wish, Your Majesty. Or shall I call you Holy Father?

I This This!!!

Kairos shuddered, rummaged in his robes, and pulled out a golden eyeball the size of a ping-pong ball.

The eyeball, made of pure gold, was the prosthetic eye Kairos had worn when he was alive.

When Otto collected Kairos remains back then he had kept it and returned it to Kairos.

Im going to sell this and buy something delicious. Hehehe.

In truth, he had intended to sell it and pocket the cash, but.

Ill show you whats in my heart.

With that, Kairos brought the golden eyeball to his right eye.

Then something amazing happened.


The golden fake eyeball scattered like sand and began to permeate Kairos right eye.

** ** **


1. See Chapter 15

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