I Became a Level -99 Vicious Lord

Chapter 136:

Chapter 136:

I hate traitors like you more than anything in the world.

Kairos gripped Mordred by the hair and shoved his head up.


With his face half-wrecked, Mordred coughed up blood mixed with saliva.


Drake addressed Mordred from afar.

What did that person just say Whats this about Uncle selling out Father? To Avery?

Nonsense! Im being framed, Keukk! Its a false accusation! Why would I betray Captain William Keukk.!

Mordred scrupulously denied the alleged misdeed.

Its a frame-up! A plot! These men must have been sent by Avery, and theyre trying to put a wedge between you and me!

Is there any need to drive a wedge?

Drake replied in a cold voice.

If Avery puts his mind to it, killing ruffians like us is no big deal, and you know it.


Avery doesnt even acknowledge the threat you posed yet.

Mordred clamped his mouth shut, temporarily stupefied.

Good, well done.

Otto turned to Drake and smiled in satisfaction.

At this point, Drakes main scenario is just beginning.

It would have been weirder if Avery knew of Drakes existence.

At this stage, in fact, Drake was a young man who had just successfully completed his first pirate hunt.

As of yet, Avery doesnt know who is responsible for the deaths of his men.

From Drakes perspective.

And why do these men waste their time tearing uncle and me a part? If they wanted to kill us, they would have done it in a heartbeat.


Is it really true that it was you, Uncle, who sold my father out, and if that wasnt enough, that you also wanted to take advantage of me?

Oh, N-No, absolutely not, Im innocent Kuck!

Mordred was struck by Kaiross sword and spewed up blood.

Speak the truth while Im being nice, or else.

Kairos activated the Phantom Armor and called forth a group of wraiths.

Into the arms of death.

Lets go to hell.

Let us go together.

The wraiths swirled around Mordred, exuding unearthly energy.

Aaahhhh! G-Get away from me! Aaahhhh!

Mordred, completely overcome by fear, squirmed in place.

Tell me the truth.

Kairos pressured Mordred.

I have already seen the truth. That youve betrayed that boys father.


You cannot deceive me. Tell it as it is. If you dont, this thing will eat you.

The [Phantom Armor] snapped its greedy jaws and threatened Mordred.

Ill Ill tell you, please, stop, Ill tell you everything!

Eventually, Mordred yielded and caved in.

He was more afraid of being dragged away by those dreaded wraiths and tormented for eternity than of dying.

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* /SchattenTranslations *

First Mate Mordred was originally a former subordinate of Willams.

But when William decided to retire from piracy and offer the treasure of an ancient pirate lord to the navy, Mordred decided to betray him.

He coveted the treasure of an ancient pirate lord and couldnt contain his greed.

Mordred sought out Avery and told him this, resulting in a disastrous end for William and his family.

The Mustache Pirates were forced to disband in the aftermath of this event, and the crew scattered.

A few years later.

Uncle. Help me.


Drake visited Mordred, who was quietly enjoying his reclusive life.

He suggested they work together to get revenge on Avery.

Mordred made his way to Avery in secrecy and informed him of Drakes existence.

Williams son is alive? But dealing with a kid like that should be your job. Why did you bother coming to find me?

According to him, William hid more treasures when he was alive.

What? More treasure?

Yes, Captain.


He hasnt been able to pinpoint the location of the hidden stashes yet, but he says well find them all in a few years.

Hmm. I see why you came looking for me.

Avery remarked, while brushing his beard.

This is a little too big for you to do on your own, isnt it?

No! Not at all! Im just.

Hahaha, theres no need to make excuses. You wouldnt have come to me if it was something you could handle on your own.


Good. Its good timing. I was getting bored anyway. Looks like Ive found someone to entertain me.



Yes, Captain.

Now you and Williams son will search for the treasures he has hidden. Ill make sure you get your share.

Aye, captain.


Avery added.

And help Williams son take revenge on me.

What do you mean?

Im just saying that theres been a few bastards getting on my nerves lately.

Avery picked at his nails and smiled wryly.

Guys with lousy track records. The ones who dont listen. The ones who skimp on their payments. The ones who steal from me. Those who treat me like the old man behind the desk now that Im old.

No way.

The quick-witted Mordreds mouth gaped open, recognizing Averys meaning perfectly.

You mean youre trying to use him to?


Avery cackled maliciously.

Dont you think getting my hands dirty will only result in a backlash, Hahaha!

Oh, god.

Ill help you discreetly. You help that kid find the treasure and make those who dare to look down on me pay with their lives.

You mean, make him think hes getting revenge?

You certainly are quick witted, you sneaky bastard. Hehehe.

As they say, the Captain is a cunning man.

Mordred admired Averys cunning, but he was simultaneously terrified.

Avery. You didnt reign as a pirate lord for fifty years for nothing.

Using someone who wants revenge on him to eliminate his political adversaries.

It was a thought that no one else could conceive of, only Avery the Sea Serpent.

If Avery were to try to purge his own men, he would be taking a huge risk.

If he made a mistake, it could lead to a mutiny.

That was a huge political burden for Avery, who had the fatal weakness of being the least powerful of the pirate lords.

But if he could manipulate Drake behind the scenes to carry out the purge, his political burden would be greatly reduced, and he would be able to maneuver behind the scenes.

It would be like raising a tiger cub, but with Modred, the risks would be greatly reduced.

Will you do it?

Heheheh, of course! What kind of a fool would kick a rolling fortune, hehe!

And so the treacherous Mordred and the sea serpent Avery hatched a plan to use Drake to their advantage.

A scheme to exploit first his father, William, and then the son, Drake.

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* /SchattenTranslations *

The shocking revelation that Mordred was a despicable traitor and had been working for Avery is the centerpiece of Drakes main scenario.

As a result, gamers playing Drake for the first time are often in for a shock when Mordred finally reveals his true colors.

Its so outrageous that players are left half-stunned and beaten.

Or theyd get pissed off about the entire narrative.

From a gamers point of view, it was a hard slap in the back of the head, so it was impossible to have a good response.

Of course, if players succeed in overcoming this crisis and surviving, they will grow tremendously and succeed in achieving revenge.

If the gamers are shocked, then surely Drake will be too.

Otto looked at Drake, who was glaring at Mordred with bloodshot eyes, and knew what he was feeling.

For Drake, Mordred was an uncle hed known since childhood, before he was his fathers henchman.

Now he was a trusted confidant, a companion in his quest for revenge, and sometimes a great mentor.

If such a person was in truth an enemy of his family, a spy planted by Avery, it was difficult to fathom his feelings

Im sorry! Forgive me, I didnt mean to do it! I was just afraid of Avery! I was being threatened by the Sea Serpent! Please! I beg you!

You killed him.

Drake uttered in a low whisper.

You destroyed my fathers dreams. You killed my family.

N-No! I was merely following Averys orders! Who am I to defy Averys power!

Shut the fuck up.


Drake took out the [Blood Vengeance]

Everything is ruined because of you, Everything!


Do you know how much my father trusted you? Do you know how much I leaned on you? But how could you do this. How could you..

And then,


Otto squeezed Drakes arm as he went to pull the trigger.

Not yet.

Notyet? In this situation, youre asking me to put up with.

Dont you want to get back at Avery?


If you kill that fucker now, your revenge will be for naught, hes the tool to hunt Avery down the easiest and fastest path, and if you still want to shoot him, by all means do it.

Otto let go of Drakes arm.

I hope youre not stupid enough to kick away a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Drake was speechless.


Drakes grip on [Blood Vengeance] tightened, swelling to the point of bursting.

How I wish I had the strength.

At the very least, this will be less of a shock. Than finding out later.

If anything, that was good.

If his bond with Mordred had been formed more deeply, Drake would have been even more traumatized.

Lets go.

Yes, Your Majesty.

Otto headed for the cabin with Camille.


A gunshot rang out behind them, but Otto didnt look back.

Hell never kill him.

Otto knew Drake wouldnt kill Mordred.

At least not at this point.

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* /SchattenTranslations *

Taking Camille out of Drakes personal space, they headed to the cargo hold.

Inside was the cache of loot from Drakes first pirate hunt.

Lets see.

Otto opened his subspace inventory and took out the Golden Greatsword of Argonne.

A magical sword, the Golden Greatsword was rather unrealistic in size.

Total length 180 centimeters.

Its width measured 30 centimeters.

And weighed over 30 kilograms.

It wasnt meant to be a weapon for cutting people, but rather a weapon that could be used to slice through cavalry, ogres, minotaurs, and other huge enemies.

If it hadnt been for the enchantment in the first place, even the strongest of men wouldnt have been able to wield it.

Gold bars, more gold bars.

Otto rummaged through the spoils and pulled out a gold bar weighing a kilogram.

He quickly pressed it against the hilt of the Golden Greatsword.


Then, as if being erased like an eraser, the gold ingot began to fade away, and the golden greatsword started to take on a subtle golden hue.

What are you doing?

Camille asked.

Cant you tell by looking at it? It feeds on gold, gold.

The sword eats up gold, huh?

Cant you tell?

Otto held up the gold bar, which had now been reduced to the size of an eight-ounce eraser.

Eh, this sword is a capitalist pig. Its called genetic victory, uncontested defeat. This filthy world, kaakk, Ptui!


The [Vile Death Bead] shot out and pierced the wall.

Oops, my mistake.

Otto continued to take out gold bars and diligently pressed them against the blade of the Golden Greatsword.

A kilogram, two kilograms.

Fifty kilograms.

Why are you feeding it gold?

I think I might need to use it, so Im preparing it in advance. This sword will become stronger if you feed it gold.

Yes, well. Since Your Highness says so, I suppose so.

Camille questioned Otto as if there was something wrong.

But that gold bar isnt it Drakes?

Yes, it is.

Then why are you using Drakes gold on it? Its not even yours.

It would be a waste of money to use mine.


Dont tell him, because I need to get it done before Drake comes to his senses. Nows my only chance while hes distracted.

Hey, you lunatic, thats stealing!

Camille snapped at Otto.

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