I Became a Level -99 Vicious Lord

Chapter 142:

Chapter 142:

Falling into the sea, Otto could barely control himself.

Terror swallowed him whole in the span of a second.


He remembers almost drowning while playing in a ravine with his family.

Luckily, he was saved by his uncle, but at the time, he was truly close to death.

The fear of drowning, coupled with his lack of knowledge about swimming, left a lasting impression on him.

After that, he was afraid to swim, let alone take a deep bath.

This remained true even after becoming Otto de Scuderia.

Even with the power of the Invincible Emperor and his sword training, his fear of water was not something he could automatically overcome.

When he cut off the Krakens tentacles in the first place, he was courageous enough to risk his life for the sake of saving others.

If Otto hadnt cut off the Krakens tentacles, the Red Goddess would have been smashed to pieces and everyone would have become fish food.

Otto slowly sank below the waters, unable to swim, not knowing if he could manage it.

Deeper, deeper.

Further into the depths of the sea.

Like this am I going to die.

He could feel death closing in.

Im scared.

Who isnt afraid of death?

For Kim Dojin, it certainly was.

From the first day he stepped into this world until now, there hasnt been a single day that he hasnt been afraid.

He was simply an ordinary gamer who was having fun, playing a game, and being sincere about his love for Otto Scuderia, the ultimate trash character.

To say he wasnt afraid of this world, with its constant threat of death, would be a lie.

Just to get through it.

To avoid dying.

He pretended everything was fine.

But even such a strong mind was powerless in the face of the fear that had been so deeply imprinted on him since childhood.

Save me. Please. Someone please help me.

His consciousness blurred as oxygen became scarce.

Slowly, his eyes closed.

He didnt even feel the pain of his inability to breathe.


Suddenly, he seemed to see his uncle swimming toward him in the distance.

Uncle, help me, Uncle.

Through his fading consciousness, he reached out for his uncle.

A hand of salvation grasped his hand.


With difficulty, he lifted his eyelids to look at his uncle.

But it wasnt his uncle who held his hand.

The man he had mistaken for his uncle was.

Your Majesty!

Camille shouted.

Wake up, Your Highness!


Ill protect you, Ill never let you die, never!

Grabbing Otto by the waist, Camille began to swim at full speed toward the surface.


Otto let out a ragged breath as he broke the surface.

Damn it, come back to your senses!

Camille grabbed Otto by the scruff of his neck.


If you do that again, Im going to beat the shit out of you, Monarch or not.

Ha, ha.

Look at me.

Camille grabbed Ottos face and growled.

Try drowning in water a hundred or even a thousand times. Do you think Im going to let you die?


Ill pull you out a hundred or a thousand times, do you understand? Im behind you, Your Highness, so you dont have to be afraid of the water.


Get over it. I know you can. I believe in you, and you must believe in yourself. You can do it.

For some reason?

He was no longer afraid of the water.

A sense of clarity began to return.

His blurry vision became clear again.

He couldnt hear anything but Camilles voice, but he could clearly hear the noises that filled his surroundings.

The fear that had been so deeply imprinted in his mind was slowly diluting.

I can swim I think I can do it.

Otto gritted his teeth and gathered his courage.

Good, swim, its not hard, Ill pull you in.

Ill try.

At that moment.


A piece of wood that had been knocked off the <Tyrant> by the Krakens attack landed with a thud on Ottos head.


Otto let out a lone cry and went limp.


A swear word came out of Camilles mouth.

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With its tentacles severed, the Kraken continued to thrash about, screeching in a pained agony.

On the other hand, Avery was so stunned that he panicked for a moment before snapping out of it.

Holy shit.

Who knew there was a guy who could wield a twenty-meter greatsword and cut off a Krakens tentacles like that?

A-An opportunity!

Avery cheered as he looked through the telescope and saw that the guy was out cold.

Funnily enough, he didnt seem to be able to swim.

On top of that, he was unlucky enough to get hit in the head with a piece of wood.

*Splash!* *Splash!*

A knight was swimming toward the Red Goddess, dragging the unconscious man along with him.

This is my chance! If I can kill him, this entire sea battle will be mine!

As long as the Krakens used the tactics of hit and run, even the Pirate Kings invincible fleet would be no match for them.

The shrewd Avery had realized all too well what he had to do now.

A blonde youth wielding an enormous golden greatsword sliced away at the Krakens tentacles.

The key right now was to kill the unconscious bastard.

In addition, he was knocked out cold and was being rescued by a knight.

Hilariously, it was clear that he couldnt swim.

How dare a non-swimmer venture into the ocean.

The universe is helping me!

It was clear that such good fortune would never come again.

Kill him! We have to kill him first!

Avery shouted to the lone Kraken in the distance, fighting the Black Fleet alone.

The Kraken, upon Averys command, immediately let go of the Black Fleet.

Octopuses are among the most intelligent and cunning of marine creatures.

The sea monster Kraken possessed a great deal of intelligence as well, so there was no way it couldnt have understood Averys command.

Even without Averys words, the Krakens were planning to slaughter Otto first.

They realized that they needed to get rid of the only human who could cut off their tentacles.



The Kraken left the Black Fleet behind and dove deep under water.

It then began to swim at a terrifying speed toward the Red Goddess.

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Camille hauled the passed out Otto out of the water and placed him on the deck of the Red Goddess.

Your Majesty, come on and wake up, Your Majesty!

Your Majesty, Your Majesty!

Despite Camilles attempts to rouse him, Otto remained unresponsive.

He had barely gotten over his phobia of water, only to be smacked in the head with a piece of wood.

Hes breathing.

Camille checks to make sure it wasnt a case of heart attack.

But the situation was too urgent for relief.

In the far distance, he could see the silhouette of a kraken beneath the waters.

The Red Goddess traveled at full speed, but the Kraken was getting closer and closer.


Kairos exclaimed in alarm.

Its coming! The damned octopus is coming!

Even Kairos was in no position to take on the Kraken.

Unless he was in his prime.


The Kraken burst to the waters surface.

Hmph! COME! Id already die once, am not afraid to die a second time! Come! Ill make a meal out of you!

Kairos released the [Phantom Armor].

From the gaping maw of the armor, thousands of wraiths burst forth and swarmed the kraken.


The Kraken screeched in pain and withdrew.

From the Krakens perspective, the wraiths attack must have felt like a swarm of fire ants.

While Kairos buys them some time.

That was heavy.

Camille was stunned to see the unconscious Otto gripping the [Golden Greatsword] tightly.

He didnt know how to take this.

A man with a phobia of water couldnt let go of the Heavy Golden Greatsword even when he was about to drown?

On the contrary, he held onto it tightly?

How should he interpret this?

Did he intend to die?

Or maybe its because he knew the [Golden Greatsword] was the only way to get out of this mess.

If not that, then.

Its probably not because its such a waste of money.. Oh, no way. It cant possibly be. No way.

Camille wanted to believe that, but the memory of Ottos instinctive gesture toward Elise with the loan note made it difficult to completely shake the thought from his mind.

He really was a ridiculous human in his own right.

For him to have such a mind half-screwed, especially with the Kraken closing in at a terrifying pace.

I cant help it.

Camille reached for the [Golden Greatsword] in Ottos hand.

In this situation, the [Golden Greatsword] was the only thing they could rely on.


At this moment, the Kraken was driving away the wraiths and whipping out its giant tentacles to smash into The Red Goddess.

I have to hurry!

As Camille seized the [Golden Greatsword].


A rain of swords began to pour down from the sky.

*Swisssh!* *Swiiisssh!* *Swiiisssh!* *Booom!* *Bang!* Booom!* *Swooosssh!*

The swords of light made up of Aura hammered the kraken like battering rams.



The kraken that had surged to the surface lurched backward, and toppled backward into the sea.


Surprised, Camille turned to the direction where the swords of light had come from.

There she stood.

The Goddess of War, standing on the surface of the water as if it were the ground.

Lady Elise!

Camille exclaimed, realizing that it was Elise, Ottos fiance.


For what reason.

She should be beyond the Northern Wall, and he had no idea why she was here.

Ah! Has it been a month already!

They had been sailing for so long that he hadnt realized it.

That a month has already passed.

You dare.

A low, angry voice came out of Elises mouth.

Her voice was not raised at the top of her lungs, but it carried clearly to the ears of every living, breathing creature in the sea.

The fury of the Goddess of War was transmitted in words.

You dared to touch my fianc in front of my eyes and you expect to be in one piece.

A chilling tone echoed through the air.


A raging torrent of blades rushed from the sword wielded by Elise, splitting the sea in half.

In the olden days.

A prophet borrowed the power of the gods to split the sea.

Elises power, at its peak, was the stuff of legend and myth.


The Kraken shrieked as it was caught in the storm of blades and pushed hundreds of meters into the distance, before it was cleaved in two.

Whod have thought that a Kraken could be sliced in half with a single sword.

Is this still considered human strength?

Camille asked in astonishment.

Fianc, are you okay?

Did she teleport or something?

Elise, who had suddenly appeared at Ottos side, dropped to one knee.

His heart isnt beating.

Elises voice suddenly turned serious.

In that brief moment, he had suffered a cardiac arrest.

For a living being, a heart that stopped beating meant death.


Elise quickly ripped Ottos shirt off.


Elise then tipped Ottos head to clear his airway and began applying pressure to the center of his chest.

One, two, three, four.




Elise tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and closed her lips over Ottos.

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