I Became a Level -99 Vicious Lord

Chapter 146:

Chapter 146:

Each of the 100 Lords has a holy relic item that corresponds to their character.

For Nazrak, the first Undead Lord that Otto encountered, the [Portrait of Eternal Life], the source of his immortality, is his holy relic.

Amukhan has a Unique Holy Relic, namely the scenario-droppable [Scripture of Reconciliation].

Helmuts Brick.

Togrils Totem.

Drakes Pirate Ship, The [Red Goddess], was also a Unique Holy Relic.

Since Avery was also one of the 100 Lords, naturally he had a Holy Relic.

Like Drake, Averys pirate ship, the [Serpents Tongue], was a Holy Relic.

Its ability is to utilize the large reefs near the [Gurling Archipelago] as a kind of warp gate.

So its not surprising that Avery, as the ruler of the [Gurling Archipelago], is considered the most dangerous of all pirates.

Of course, there was the distinct limitation that this ability could only be used in the waters surrounding the [Gurling Archipelago], which meant that Avery was stuck in a corner.

In that sense, Otto de Scuderia was a true trash character.

After all, even the penguin Qasim had picked up had its own Holy Grail.

But Otto..


Otto looked down at the [Poker of Awakening] hanging from his waist and exhaled heavily.

The [Poker of Awakening], was nothing more than a unique item.

This was your way of avoiding bloodshed?

A flabbergasted Drake asked Otto.


After a moment of confusion, Otto snapped out of it and answered Drakes question.

Theres no reason to break through their defenses, is there? We may not stop spilling blood, but at least well spill less.


Look. No ones attacking us.

<No one attacked Ottos Fleet, in spite of entering the center of the [Gurling Archipelago].

If they had approached from the outside, even with the [Serpents Tongue], they would have been stopped and inspected.

However, since they had already crossed into the center, there was no need for a security check.

C-Captain Avery is leading the Black Fleet?

Oh, my God, he really got the Pirate Kings Fleet!

The pirates were simply awestruck that Averys pirate ship, the Serpents Tongue, was returning with the legendary invincible armada.

They mistakenly believe that Avery has actually acquired the fleet of Pirate King Bardo.

With the pirates in such disarray, it was a golden opportunity for Otto.

Admiral Drake.

Ottos stern voice commanded Drake.

Yes, sir, I am here.

Drake dropped to one knee, ready to receive Ottos command.

As King of the Kingdom of Lota, I command you. Occupy the heart of this Archipelago.

Yes, Your Majesty.

Drake immediately deployed the [Black Fleet] at Ottos command.


*BOOM!* *BANG!* *BOOM!!* *BANG!*

The [Black Fleet] began simultaneously firing their cannons at the central hub, which was a naval base of sorts.

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Ahh! Arghhh!

God durn it!

Enemy! Its an enemy attack!

Blindsided in the middle of their own base, the pirates were unable to respond and were slaughtered one-sidedly.

There was little the pirates could do as they faced a baptism of artillery shells fired indiscriminately while defenseless.

All they could do was either die or escape.

*Boom!* *Whoosh!* *CRASHH!*

A few quick-witted pirates managed to mobilize their pirate ships to exchange rounds of fire, but it was more like a handshake.


Because The Black Fleets priority targets were the resisting pirate ships.

*Boom!* *Whoosh!* *Boom!*




Without exception, the ships that returned fire were honored to be the first to sink under the baptism of fire from the Black Fleets cannons.

As for the pirate ships that had remained still, they were not hit by even a single shell, so it was not an exaggeration to say that their quick response brought about disaster.

The bombardment ceased.

You brats, lets have a little action after all these years!


Kairos summoned his men, the Soul Knights, and jumped aboard the [Red Goddess].

They landed like a streak of lightning and proceeded to mow down the incoming pirates.

Lota Kingdom forces, follow me!


Not to be outdone, Camille led a squadron of Magic Swordsmen and Soldiers of the Kingdom of Lota ashore to take control of the enemy naval base.

Wipe them out! Spare those who surrender, but show no mercy to those who resist!

Otto let out a Barbarians Roar, granting his allies buffs and inflicting debuffs on the enemy to provide additional rear support.

The ambushed pirates were a mere ragtag bunch, and the battle was over in an instant.

When Camille and Kairos made landfall with their respective troops, the tide had completely turned.

And when Otto stepped off the flagship [Tyrant] and landed on the shore.


Camille knelt down on one knee to greet Otto.

Your Majesty, I congratulate you on your victory.

Then, the magic swordsmen and Lota Kingdom troops lined up on the left and right shouted in a thunderous voice.

We congratulate you on your victory.

We congratulate you on your victory.

We congratulate you on your victory.

Otto, who had been reborn as a warlord commanding an entire army, looked left and right and ordered.

Youve all done well. First, tend to the wounded, then regroup. Well concentrate on eliminating any last remnants of the enemy and taking complete control of this place.

Yes, Your Majesty!

Just like that, Otto succeeded in taking control of the Gurling Archipelago, effectively gaining control of the continents southwestern seas.

What had begun as a journey of simple maritime trade had turned into a hegemony of the sea.

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Meanwhile, Emperor Argonne was stuck in a quandary.

The situation wasnt looking good.

Not only was the tomb plundered, but the perpetrator remained undiscovered, leaving the incident in complete disarray

Could they be in hiding?

Or had they already sold it and moved on.

Despite exhausting all of their resources, they were unable to find even a shadow of them.

But that wasnt all.

Damn it, how much money did I spend to silence them.

As the rescued workers reported to their respective homelands, knights from several lands, including the Arad Empire, launched an investigation to find the culprits.

As a result, Argonne has been forced to pay an astronomical amount of bribes to silence the investigators.

Were in deficit. At this rate, we wont be able to pay the due amount when it comes time to settle.

Not long ago.

The Great Argonne went on a massive stockpiling spree.

The intent was to buy certain items in bulk and pay for them with the treasures of the tomb.

The plan was good.

If it had succeeded, he would have left behind at least ten times as much.

However, the treasures were stolen, and it became impossible to pay for the items that had been stockpiled.

It was because the financial plan went awry that they ended up facing the full force of the backlash.

Even if I refund some of the items, I dont have enough money to pay for them. The only way we can stop this is to sell off some of our assets but that would severely damage our credibility. I need to do something.

And then.

Your Majesty.

The young merchant [Glen], one of the core cadres of the Trading Company, spoke up.

He was only 20 years old, but he was a genius merchant who had shown great business acumen from an early age.

You look troubled, sir.


I dare not presume to know His Majestys intentions, but may I offer a suggestion.

Glen had a mind beyond his years, and he was also cunning.

Bold enough to order murder if necessary, he was also a man well trusted by Argonne.

Of course, Glen.

At the moment, our organization is experiencing a cash flow problem, and its not going to be easy to fix.

I see that.

Weve thought of all sorts of solutions, sir, but were not going to be able to get through this in the normal way.

What do you want to say?

I know of a merchant in the Caliphate whose main trade is in magic stones.

No way are you suggesting that we engage in smuggling?

A voice close to a groan escaped from the mouth of the Great Argonne.

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That night.

The bodies of the former pirate lord Avery and the vile traitor Mordred were displayed on the docks.

It was a warning, a declaration of sorts, and it also marked the end of Drakes brief vendetta.

Ive gotten my revenge, Dad. Mom, sister, and our beloved youngest. May you all rest in peace.

Drake then poured a bottle of rum into the ocean, commemorating his deceased family members.

The rum was a kind of offering to the family members who had been cast into the sea by Avery.

Now you can really shake it off.

Otto, who was watching from the sidelines, turned to Drake.

Yes, Your Majesty.


Otto patted Drake on the shoulder.

Youve gotten your revenge, youve fulfilled your childhood dream. Now you can finally lay it to rest.

Childhood dreams you mean?

You wanted to be in the Navy.

How do you?

Drakes dream was to be a naval officer.

As a child.

Dad! Why are you hiding?

Shhh! Be quiet, Daddy might get caught!


The Navy thinks Dads a bad guy. So we have to be careful.

If we fight, will Daddy lose?

Of course. The Navy is very strong. Hahaha.

Then I want to join the Navy! Navy!

Drake decided he wanted to be a naval officer after watching his father sneak away whenever they passed by.

Even if it wasnt for that reason, the sight of naval officers walking down the street, dressed in their fancy uniforms, looked so cool.

Soon Ill give you a nice uniform, and Ill give you a proper commissioning ceremony.

I am honored. Your Majesty.

Drake was suddenly very curious as Otto spoke of his dream.

Your Majesty.


Your Majestys dream is.

Yah! The weather is nice! Its chilly!

Otto chimed and walked away.

Get some rest! See you tomorrow~!

The hem of Ottos coat billowed in the ocean breeze.

Camille wordlessly followed behind him.

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You go inside first. Ill get some air.

Otto walked for a bit, then looked back at Camille.

I need to be alone for a while.

Ill be waiting nearby.


Otto cast one last glance at Camille, then walked over to the dock and sat down.

What is my dream?

Otto muttered bitterly to himself.


He wasnt sure he had any.

Such luxuries hadnt crossed his mind since hed been possessed by this world.

Only survival.

Just diligently preparing for the world war to come.

What I know is becoming a double-edged sword. This is dangerous.

His thoughts were jumbled.

The vast amount of information about this world and the knowledge of what was to come was a tremendous advantage.

And it was also Ottos greatest weapon.

But it was also his greatest poison.

I expected Avery to only have one Kraken that he could summon, so I started the fight with that in mind, and I planned my strategy and tactics around that. But Avery summoned three Krakens, so we were counterattacked, and we were in trouble, and if Elise hadnt shown up.

A shiver ran down his spine at the thought.

My weakness Im vulnerable to variables.

It wasnt just this time.

It was the same when he was learning Invincible Swordsmanship in the Sanctuary.

Against Togril in the Haver Prairie.

Hed been caught off guard by unexpected variables.

If I hadnt known. If I didnt have the information I had. I would have been more cautious. Or avoid it altogether. But instead, I went in confidently, recklessly.

Otto realized painfully what it meant to be better off not knowing than to be reckless.

Variables keep popping up, and the butterfly effect is growing. The more time that passes, the more dangerous the information I have becomes. Its going to be less and less reliable.

And then.

May I sit down?

Elises voice broke into his reverie.

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