I Became a Level -99 Vicious Lord

Chapter 159:

Chapter 159:

Rushing to Al-Salam, Saladin was immediately met with his father, Sultan Abdul II.

Okay, are you injured anywhere?

The expression on Abdul IIs face as he looked at Saladin was not a happy one.

In fact, Abdul II didnt like Saladin very much.

As far as he was concerned, Saladin was a pretty good crown prince.

Saladin was pious, not extravagant, polite, wise, and more than adequately skilled with a sword.

He had all the qualities of a future Sultan, making him a very good heir apparent.

Nevertheless, Abdul II did not like Saladin because of his fragile character.

Father, Why wilt thou wage war, and I pray thee, give me counsel!

Saladin fell flat on his face toward Abdul II and cupped his hands around his head.

How come I wage war?

Abdul IIs eyes became fierce.

Do you mean to say that this Father is a warmonger?

Abba, do you not know better than anyone that we Caliphs are not a people to be subjugated by mere force of arms? Please, for the sake of our people, let us call them back!

Such cowardice!

A harsh reprimand fell from Abdul IIs lips.

Jalalabad, our trading port, has been razed to the ground, and your own life has been endangered, and not only that, but Yusuf, our most loyal soldier, has been slain! With things at this point, you dare to start a conflict with your father!


Do you mean to say that this father should be a laughingstock to the throng of people who would not care to tear him to pieces!

That is not what I mean!

Saladdin persuaded Abdul II with earnestness and sincerity

They deserve to be punished for what they have done, but I fear that the innocent will be among the victims.


Father, we must win the hearts and minds of the people, not oppress them by force! We, the Caliphs, must not.

Shut up!


Are you saying, then, that this Father of yours is not a Caliph?

T-That is not.

As Crown Prince, you have a duty to ensure the eternal prosperity of our dynasty! How dare you try to break this Fathers will with such feeble words!

I only fear that this war will sweep our caliphate into the maelstrom of war again!

Despite Abdul IIs ire, Saladin was undeterred.

Please, Father, find and punish those involved. Not war.

This boy!?

If you cannot calm your anger, please endure for a few more years! Let the power of the dynasty grow stronger so that we can surely suppress other tribes. Then, raise the army at that time! Now is the time to endure!

Saldins words were right.

The current Caliphate was strong, with Sultan Abdul IIs reign nearly unmatched, and its military prowess was unparalleled.

But given the ethnicity of the caliphs, it was not enough.

If one were to look back at history, this is certainly true.

When compared to the military power of the invading powers, its hard to imagine the Caliphate being more powerful than them.

Though the Caliphate kingdom possessed a formidable military force within the confines of its own history.

Please, let them grow stronger for just three more years, and then the damage will be lessened. If we make a mistake, our dynasty may also enter a period of decline. That is the fear that haunts your son. Please heed my earnest plea

Shut up, you bastard!!!


Go away, you cowardly wretch! Youll just have to watch the show and eat your rice cakes!

Fa, Father!

You will one day run this dynasty that your father left you! As the Sultan of the Caliphate, a unified kingdom led by us, the Pamirs, not a tribal state!

To which Abdul II reveals his grand ambitions.

It will not be too late for you to exercise your idealism then, and you will be forever grateful to this father for giving you a unified dynasty!

Fathers will is.

Saladin couldnt finish his sentence.

What are you doing? Get the crown prince out of here!

Yes, Sultan!

The standing guards grabbed Saladin.

Father! Father! please listen to me, I beg you, Please heed your sons earnest plea just this once!

Thus Saladin was dragged out of the palace by the guards.

What a cowardly wretch.

Abdul II fumed.

If only I had one more blood kin, I would have stripped him of his crown prince status!

Such was Abdul IIs determination to wage war and wipe out tribes hostile to his dynasty.

He would have deposed Saladin and crowned another blood relative as crown prince if he could have.

But he couldnt, because Saladin was his only direct blood kin.

Be weak as you may, but for your sake, I will ensure the succession of the unified dynasty. Just wait quietly. The day will come when you understand your fathers great and noble intentions.

As Abdul II said this to himself, his eyes gleamed as he looked at the map.

His gaze lingered on the map, resting on Masiaf Fortress in the mountains of the northern part of the Caliphate.

Rashid. Just wait. You will pay for daring to defy my dynasty.

Abdul II gnashed his teeth as he recalled his lifelong nemesis, Rashid, the Old Man on the Mountain

This time, he vowed, he would capture Masiaf and occupy Allamut, the mountainous northern territory

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Nearing Al-Salam.

Whats wrong with him?

Camille asked Otto, pointing to Hassassin.

The Hassassin was riding on a horse with Otto, who happened to be ahead of him.

I dont know?

Ottos eyes blinked and he gave him a bewildered look.

Why? Is he in a bad condition?

Um, pretty bad.

How bad is it?

See for yourself.

Otto studied the complexion of the Hassassin who rode in front of Camilles horse.

The Hassassins mouth was still clenched tightly shut, but his complexion was very pale.

He had dark circles under his eyes, the corners of his mouth were bloodless and bluish, and a cold sweat was dripping down his face.

His eyes were rolled upside down, exposing the hollow whites.



Otto was alarmed to see a trickle of blood dripping from the Hassassins ear.

Whats wrong with him? Do you think he took the poison, or something?

Just then.


A faint voice came from the Hassassins mouth.

T-Thats enough, please.


Stop. P-Please, please, Im begging you. Stop it.

What are you asking me to stop doing?

Otto made an innocent face not understanding, the Hassassins meaning at all.

Hey, whats wrong with you? When did we ever torture you? What do you want me to stop? One would think weve been torturing you for several days, huh? You?

Please, stop.

Hey, at least we dont harass prisoners and still guarantee the bare minimum of human rights.. Imagine if you were caught by others. You would have suffered severe torture as a basic, faced all kinds of insults and humiliating acts that hurt your dignity. Then, youd become completely broken, where your mind deteriorates before your body does. So even if youre alive, youre not really living. Even if youre released later, youd still be miserable, wandering aimlessly, not knowing where you are or who you are. Youd become a neighborhood fool. What happens then? The neighborhood kids follow you, mocking you, throwing stones

Pleeaase. Stooop. Argggh!

The Hassassin, who had suddenly raised himself to his feet, coughed up blood, shuddered, and collapsed into a heap.

What? Hey! Are you okay? Hey! Hes not dead, right?

I think he just fainted.

Camille said, checking the Hassassins pulse.

Why did he pass out after vomiting blood all by himself, did he have some kind of illness?

Are you asking because you dont know?


Forget it.

Camille shook his head as if fed up.

Im so sorry.

Inwardly, Camille apologized to the Hassassin.

I just said it out of curiosity, I didnt realize it would be real.

Camille felt a twinge of remorse, since it was him who had suggested that Otto take Hassashin around and talk to him.


I can see Al-Salam over there!

Before Otto and his group realize it, they arrive in Al-Salam, the Capital of Caliphate.

The majestic arch, constructed primarily of limestone, stood far away, serving as a grand gateway.

Behind it, the view of Al-Salam, a metropolis of stone buildings, was visible.

Ugh. Were finally here.

Just then.

Harem, is it a harem, Hehehe, Im finally in the Harem!

Kairos, who had been drinking in the palanquin, came running out panting and calling out for the harem.

I shouldnt have said that.

Otto shook his head, regretting that hed given Kairos the wrong idea.

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The welcome ceremony was both enthusiastic and luxurious.

It seems that Crown Prince Saladin was not exaggerating when he said that they would be treated like a state guest.


The loud blast of the horns.

*Clack* *Clack*

*Ding* . *Ding* . *Ding*

With the sound of various musical instruments, a welcoming crowd that must have numbered in the thousands rushed in and surrounded Ottos group.

*Flutter* *Flutter*

Its raining flowers.

*Tinkle* *Tinkle* *Tinkle*

Paper made of gold foil drifted away.

*Shake~!* *Shake~!*

Hundreds of dancers rushed in, showcasing their exquisite dances.

This is Caliphate???

Ottos jaw dropped as he marveled at the enormity and lavishness of the reception.

Its really something.

Even Camille looked somewhat surprised.

Yeah, it is. It really is.

Otto nodded.

How much did all this cost?


Its a rich country, so the welcome is quite extravagant. The flowers alone cost a fortune, and this paper looks like its made of real gold stretched thin.

Otto fiddled with the fluttering golden paper and was amazed.


Camille chided Otto.

Whats the sudden no?

Arent you thinking of picking up the golden pieces that have fallen to the ground?

Hmph! How did you know?

Keep your head. Its not as though your majesty has no money and no dignity.


Please bear with it. I beg of you. Im pleading earnestly.

When Otto reached the front of the palace, surprised by the enthusiastic reception, he was met by none other than Sultan Abdul II.

The all-powerful sultan himself had come to greet them.

This was proof that the efforts of Otto and his team in Jalalabad had been very successful.

Welcome, brothers of the Desert

Sultan Abdul II beamed.

I am Abdul II, Sultan of Caliphate. Welcome to the Capital City of Al-Salam.

I am Otto de Scuderia, King of the Kingdom of Lota. It is an honor to meet the Sultan of Caliphate.

Oh-ho, thou art the young king who is said to have traveled all the way from a faraway kingdom, Hahaha!

Sultan Abdul II welcomes Otto.

Yes, O Sultan.

Otto graciously bowed his head to honor Abdul IIs stature.

Well, since youve personally gone to the entrance of the palace, I think Ill give you an extra boost.

The fact that a young king from a foreign country would walk up and bow to Abdul II would be of great political benefit to him.


Because the people of Al-Salam were observing.


So even a foreign king bows to the Sultan!

It is the Sultan!

As Otto had predicted, bowing first stirred the hearts of Al-Salams subjects to a sense of patriotism.


Abdul II was thrilled that Otto had bowed before him.

Having just waged war and needing to rally the troops, Abdul II couldnt have asked for a better opportunity.

I have heard the details of your exploits in Jalalabad, and I know them by heart! You have done our Caliphate great favors.

I hereby extend my gratitude towards your country.

A pause.

Thus, Caliphate recognize your kingdom um your kingdom kingdom

Abdul II, who was saying his line, asked in a whisper in the ear of a servant beside him

What did he say the name of the country was?

*Drip* *Drip*

Tears streamed from Otto and Camilles eyes.

** ** **


1. The practice of referring to oneself in the third person had several underlying reasons:

The Emperor was often regarded as the Son of Heaven and believed to hold a mandate to rule over everyone in the world.

By using the third person, the emperor emphasized their divine status and supreme authority.

2. It means that Prince Saladin will just need to watch on the sidelines and wait for the war to end and enjoy the aftermath results.

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