I Became a Level -99 Vicious Lord

Chapter 194:

Chapter 194:

‘A face full of nothing but glitter.'

Emperor Argonne lost his confidence as soon as he saw Otto's face.

Before attending the banquet, he was overflowing with confidence, but seeing Otto in person made him realize it wasn't justified.

Otto's appearance was so overwhelming that Emperor Argon couldn't even imagine winning in competition against him.


Emperor Argonne shook his head.

‘In any case, how could relationships between men and women be solely based on appearance? Appearance is just one of the many elements of attraction.'

Emperor Argonne ignited his determination with such mindset.

Despite being overshadowed by Otto's appearance to an unimaginable extent, Argonne was convinced that the rest of his appeal could overwhelm Otto.

Meanwhile, Otto…


Otto felt a piercing gaze on him, one that stood out from the crowd, and turned his head and spotted Emperor Argonne.

‘That bastard is here?'

Upon seeing Argonne in the banquet hall, Otto couldn't help but smirk.

Otto hadn't expected Argonne to show his face in a place such as this, with the top Oberhauser Trading Company on the verge of collapse.

‘Well, such parasites wouldn't miss out on a good opportunity like this.', thought Otto.

Otto knew all too well why Argonne attended the banquet.

Emperor Argonne was a person who was adept at using others for his own gain.

‘At first, he charms his way in to win people's hearts. Then, he maintains a good relationship by pretending to ensure the other person's benefits. And when the moment comes where he feels he can exploit them, he does a complete 180 and stabs them in the back. That's your modus operandi, right?'

Not only Otto, but anyone who has played the game “Territory Wars” for any length of time knows the schemes of the "Julius Oberhauser".

Gamers would initially think that he was a good character because of the conveniences he provided, and then rage after getting a brutal stab in the back.

‘He's probably here to expand his network. Trying to bait someone and overcome the crisis at the Trading Company. He's trying so hard.'

While thinking so inwardly, Otto gave a small curtsy to the Argonne.

With a very polite expression.

Upon which Argonne also nodded respectfully towards Otto.

Smiling warmly.

However, the exteriors and interiors of the two were completely opposite.

‘This parasite.'

‘I will take your fiancée from you.'

Although Otto and Argonne exchanged bows and smiles outwardly, inwardly they were sharpening their knives against each other.

In order to destroy the other.

But only for a moment.

Otto and Argonne soon averted their gaze and moved on, each for their own business.

Although it was still far from the grand ball, which could be considered the highlight of the event, it was not yet time to engage in a nerve-wracking conflict.

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* /SchattenTranslations *

"…I hope you all have a wonderful time! Hahaha!”

Before the banquet, there was a brief speech by Killian II, the current Emperor of the Arad Empire.

When Otto saw Killian II, he had very complicated feelings.

‘That man is the biggest reason for the coming Great War.'

Of course, he wasn't the only factor in the coming Great War.

However, it was undeniable that he played a major role.

Killian II, still a young emperor, was the most immature of the immature.

The reason he ascended to the throne was because he was the eldest son of the former emperor, not because he had exceptional abilities as a crown prince.

Killian II liked to show off, was very stubborn, vain, and also extremely indecisive and weak.

He was a man whose characteristics were not, to put it mildly, compatible with being Emperor of a Great Empire.

Of course, if the issue of succession had been straightforward, Killian II's personality might not have been much of a problem.

He might have just spent his reign as a shadow emperor, a ruler who was incompetent and foolish, passing through an aimless era

However, the failure to purge his siblings in time made his reign very unstable.

Killian II had one younger sister and two younger brothers.

Princess Rowena.

Prince Tertemian.

Prince Paragon.

Exceptional abilities are the norm.

They were like dragons and tigers, all three of them possessing the qualities of rulers and having strong support bases.

In addition, all three were incredibly ambitious, and all three had their sights set on the throne.

And all three were among the 100 Lords, the central characters.

‘The former emperor was foolish too. If he was determined to put Killian II on the throne as crown prince, he should have suppressed his own children, even if they were his own flesh and blood. If he couldn't bear to kill them, he should have destroyed their support bases and cut off their limbs. Tsk tsk.'

Otto clicked his tongue towards the deceased former emperor.

But this wasn't just the Former Emperor's Fault.

Killian II should have killed his siblings when he ascended to the throne, but he did not.

He was too stupid to grasp the complexities of political rulership, and left his siblings alone because they were blood relatives.

In the interim, Rowena, Tertemian, and Paragon have each grown into frighteningly powerful individuals with their own factions of supporters.

And now, it was too late to wipe them out.

With that said….

‘Soon there will be a civil war, a bloody battle between siblings for the throne.'

The beginning of the Great War stems from the civil war within the Arad Empire.

A bloody and horrific war among siblings for the throne of Arad will spark a war that will spread across the continents.

In the end, the spark of the Great War originates from the internal strife within the Arad Empire's royal family.

‘Not knowing any of this, they indulged in banquets and revelry. Ugh.'

Otto, while sipping on the finest champagne, looked at Killian II, who was engrossed in his role as Emperor, and shook his head in dismay.

Unaware of how his own indecisiveness and dullness were causing great harm to the Continent, he was enjoying himself at the banquet.

‘That's why the position of Emperor of a Great Empire is a heavy one. If they're competent, the continent is at peace, but if they're incompetent, it's a recipe for a bloodbath.'

Otto frowns at Killian II as he drinks from his glass of champagne.

“What are you thinking?”

Elise asked Otto.

"I'm just feeling pensive as I watch His Majesty the Emperor."

"What thoughts have come to mind?"


Otto gave a subtle smile.

"If I speak those thoughts aloud, I might lose my head right here and now, you know?"

“No one's going to slit your throat.”

Elise hardened her expression.

"As long as I'm here, nobody can harm or trouble you."

"I know, I understand."

Otto almost panicked when he saw Elise's expression turn terrifying for a moment.

It felt like a gust of wind with a knife was about to sweep over him at any moment.

"Anyway, I just had a very disrespectful thought."

"Surely… you're not thinking about wanting to become Emperor or something like that?"

"No way."

Otto shook his head.

“I wouldn't want to be emperor even if you asked me to.”

“Really? But didn't you wage a war of conquest this time to expand your territory?”

“That's for survival. A preventative war for the coming future.”

“Is that true? I… I thought you had some kind of ambition.”

"I don't have any ambitions."

“Is that so?”

“As a man, is it bad to not have aspirations?”


Elise shook her head.

"The ambitions of a king always bring about war. Waging war for one's greed… honestly, it doesn't seem very admirable. I'd rather see a man tilling a vegetable garden in a rural village."

Elise is the Goddess of War.

As someone who fights daily beyond the Wall, she knows the horrors of war better than anyone.

By no means is she a warmonger.

She is merely a protector of the Continent from the savage Northern Empire beyond the Wall.

"I think so too. What's the point of shedding unnecessary blood? It only leads to endless suffering."

“If that's what you really think, then I'm very relieved to hear it.”

Just then, a beautiful melody played, and Emperor Killian II led the Empress out onto the ballroom floor at the center of the ballroom.

*Clap!* *Clap!* *Clap!* *Clap!* *Clap!* *Clap!*

The attendees of the banquet applauded in unison, praising the emperor and empress for their dance.

Soon, everyone at the banquet began to make their way out to the ballroom to dance as well.

“Shall we go?”

Otto held out his hand to Elise.


Elise took Otto's outstretched hand and held it.

Soon, the most beautiful man and woman in the world were dancing, capturing the attention of everyone in the ballroom.

* * * * Read in GalaxyTranslation97 Website * * * *

* /SchattenTranslations *

Otto and Elise start dancing and become the center of attention at the ball, only to be turned upside down by… a nasty bump.

“…Elise. Please relax your expression.”


“This isn't a war zone, Take it easy. Just relax."

Elise's dancing skills had improved tremendously, to the point where she could almost be considered a professional dancer.

But her expression was still as fierce as ever, making it seem like watching a dance of death.

So Otto had to exert all his efforts to ease Elise's expression.

“Who do you think she's here to kill?”

"It feels like a gust of wind with bloodshed could sweep over us at any moment."

"Wow. That's the scariest expression I've ever seen."

Those watching them were also intimidated by Elise's terrifying expression.

“S-Sorry. I always get tense when I dance. I guess I unconsciously stiffen up with the thought that I mustn't make a mistake."

“It's okay, just relax and have fun.”

"I'll try my best."

And just like that, their dance was over.

“I will take my daughter.”

Duke Randol took Elise away.

“Thank you.”


“I thought I would never see my daughter dance in my lifetime. But thanks to you, I have the honor of dancing with her.”

Duke Randol whispered in Otto's ear.

‘Ah. That's right. She said it was the first time she had ever danced with me.'

Otto nodded and bid farewell to Elise, sending her off with the Duke Randol so they could spend some time together.

At that moment, as if waiting, the noble youths of the empire requested a dance from Otto.

“E-Excuse me, may I ask a dance with you?”

“How about dancing with me?”

“Would you like to dance with me?”

This threw Otto into an awkward situation.


"It was then that Elise's brothers all turned their heads sharply and began to glare at Otto."

‘How dare you dance with another woman while leaving my sister alone?'

‘Are you trying to piss me off?'

‘Go on, dance.'

Under the intense gaze of Elise's brothers, Otto couldn't bring himself to dance with other women.

‘Why are you looking at me like that!!! I don't want to dance either!!!'

Feeling unjust, Otto forced a smile and apologized to the young ladies who had eagerly requested to dance with him.

“I'm sorry. I'm a little tired right now. The next time I get a chance, I'll definitely dance with all of you.”

Right at that moment.

"Oh, aren't you cute and handsome?"

An elven woman approached Otto and flirted with him.

She appeared to be in her late thirties to early forties in human terms, exuding a mature beauty.

‘Considering elven age, she must be at least 650 years old?'

As Otto thought that,

“What's your name?”

In an uncharacteristically brusque and impolite manner, the elven woman asked Otto.

“Uh, yes?”

Otto found himself overwhelmed by the elven woman's energy and power.

“I am Otto de Scuderia, King of the Kingdom of Lota.”

“And I am Ariel, my dear, handsome child, the princess of Maidriel, an Elven Realm in the Crimson Forest.”

“Ah, I see.”

Since Otto only knew that the Crimson Forest was located at the eastern end of the continent, he simply nodded in acknowledgment.

“So Princess Ariel, then.”

“Just call me ‘Older Sister‘.”

“O-Older Sister?”

"I'm 666 years old this year. Hohoho.”

“Haha. Hahaha. You're still in your prime.”

Just then.


Otto remembered something, and his expression stiffened.


It was a name he had heard many times before.

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