I Became a Level -99 Vicious Lord

Chapter 202:

Chapter 202:

The forces led by the Rivolt swiftly prepared for battle and braced themselves for the invasion by the Lota Kingdom's army.

But the odds were stacked against them.

The difference in military strength was so immense that even if ten miracles occurred, victory would still be impossible.

"What can we do…."

Rivolt and his advisors stayed up all night thinking.

However, even if they mobilized all their military knowledge, the prospect of victory was inconceivable.

Late night.

"So this is the end."

Rivolt lamented as he sipped his drink alone.

It had started well.

A famine struck the Kingdom of Loredin, and with the royal family's tyrannical rule, an opportunity arose.

Rivolt seized this opportunity to stage an uprising, and as a result, grew to become the largest among the various rebel forces.

With a little luck, he could take over the Kingdom of Loredin and ascend to the throne.

However, the arrival of the Lota Kingdom army shattered Rivolt's dream to pieces.

"Why now, of all times? Ah, if only I had a little more time."

As he lamented.


Suddenly, he recalled something he had heard about the Kingdom of Lota.

‘The current situation in the Lota Kingdom is very chaotic. I've heard that their rapid territorial expansion has caused various complications.'


‘First, feign surrender and bide my time for an opportunity. Then, take advantage of the chaos to incite rebellion, and if possible, even devour the Lota Kingdom'

It was an absurd plan, but Rivolt thought it was possible.

‘With the power of this holy relic.'

Rivolt unconsciously stroked the crude rosary wrapped around his right arm.

The Rosary of Maitreya attracted talent from any faction, captivated public sentiment, and boosted the rebel forces' combat effectiveness, enabling them to incite rebellion within any power.

‘Yes, the power of this relic will allow me to launch an uprising within the kingdom of Lota. For now, I'll falsely surrender and wait for an opportunity.'

Rivolt decided to rely on Maitreya's rosary and let the present crisis pass.

‘There's no need to throw away my life when I'm sure I'll be annihilated if I fight.'

Moreover, there was a possibility that an opportunity would eventually come if he waited.

‘In this world, there is no perfect Kingdom. There will always be discontented people, and they will follow me regardless.'

As long as he carries Maitreya's rosary, opportunity will eventually arrive.

‘We'll see. I'll bend the knee for now, but it's only a temporary humiliation, necessary for the greater good. I will have my revenge.'

With that decision, the Rivolt decided to await for the future and surrender to the Kingdom of Lota.

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* /SchattenTranslations *

The Lota Kingdom's army marched at a terrifying speed, indiscriminately sweeping through the areas under Rivolt's control.

No force was able to stop the Lota forces, and they were forced to retreat.

They realized from the battles that had occurred earlier that the overwhelming disparity in power meant that fighting would only result in one-sided massacre.

Undaunted, the Kingdom of Lota's forces succeeded in closing the distance between them and Rivolt's main base to less than half a day's march.

Rivolt stationed his troops at strategic points and fought against the invading Lota forces.

But it was only a temporary respite.

Rivolt's entire force was no match for the Kingdom of Lota's, and could only stall for time.

In other words, it was a battle that had already been decided.

When the two armies finally came head-to-head.

"Get ready to welcome our guests~"


Camille tilted his head, wondering what this meant.

"Are you talking about a visitor?"


"What kind of guests are you talking about? Is it time for Lady Elise to come?"

"That's still a bit far off."


"Rivolt will come soon."

Otto said in a confident tone.

"So we need to prepare to welcome him."

"Is Rivolt crazy?"

Camille asked Otto, as if it makes sense.

"Why would Rivolt come here?"


"No way."

Camille's expression suddenly grew serious.

"Are you saying he's coming to assassinate Your Highness?"


Otto dismissively threw up his hands.

"Assassination? Do you think the Lota Kingdom's army would be stopped just by killing me alone?"

"That's true."

"They'll probably come to surrender."


Camille suddenly understood Otto's meaning.

"So, are they surrendering because they have no chance of winning?"


Otto nodded his head.

"Of course, it's not a complete surrender."


"He'll probably surrender for now, pretend to be loyal under me, and later plan to revolt."

Otto was familiar with Rivolt all too well.

Among the 100 Lords, Rivolt was known for his ability to stab players in their backs.

When encountering the player as an enemy, they fight hard but eventually surrender. However, this was nothing more than a highly deceptive tactic.

He would give the appearance of surrender, only to rebel again within the player's camp, giving his allegiance to them, but never really meaning it.

‘He's just like Emperor Argonne.'

Otto knew Rivolt's tendencies all too well, and he had no intention of being fooled by his false surrender.

In addition, Rivolt's holy relic, the Maitreya's Rosary, had the effect of weakening the power of Otto's holy relic, the Scripture of Reconciliation.

As such, Maitreya's Rosary was a counter to the Scripture of Reconciliation.

It was for this reason that Otto felt it was imperative to get his hands on Maitreya's Rosary.

If the wielder of Maitreya's Rosary had a wicked heart and dreamed of rebellion, a rebellion was bound to spread out of control.

In the worst case scenario, even those loyal to Otto could be swayed by the power of Maitreya's Rosary.

Given the poor compatibility between the Scripture of Reconciliation and Maitreya's Rosary, Otto felt it was imperative to obtain the rosary.

‘I can't accept Rivolt. If I can't use the Scripture of Reconciliation, the whole kingdom will be torn apart.'

With that thought, Otto prepared to face Rivolt.

A few hours later.

Otto's words became reality.


In the distance, a pure white flag was raised from Rivolt's encampment.

"Your Majesty, Rivolt has signaled his intention to surrender."

"They'll soon send someone to negotiate surrender. Get ready,"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Otto relaxed and waited for Rivolt to come to surrender.

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* /SchattenTranslations *

The next morning.

Rivolt, accompanied by his most trusted subordinates, visited the encampment of the Kingdom of Lota.

They had raised a white flag, and by coming in person, he made his intentions of surrender clear.

"I greet Your Majesty, King of the Kingdom of Lota."

Rivolt lowered his head toward Otto.

"My name is Rivolt."

"I've had a difficult time getting here."


Rivolt was confused.

‘Don't they normally say you must have had a hard time coming a long way?'

Rivolt forced a smile, thinking it was quite unusual for Otto to have traveled to the battlefield himself.

“Yes, Your Majesty. Although it was close, the distance felt endlessly far as much as the heart.”


Otto honestly admired Rivolt's eloquent response.

"Such a response is quite refreshing, isn't it?"

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Camille, who was at his side, frowned.

"Watch and learn."


"Even if you speak like a dog’s rice cake, you should understand it like a sticky rice cake. It means you’re unnecessarily serious and no fun in everything.”¹

Camille felt unfairly criticized by Otto's sudden reproach, but decided to endure it for the sake of the occasion.

It seemed like he couldn't help but nitpick whenever there was an opportunity.

The man called Otto.

"So you're surrendering then?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Rivolt dropped to his knees and bowed his head.

"We have no chance of winning. Rather than shedding meaningless blood, I have chosen to surrender," Rivolt explained.


Otto narrowed his eyes and stared at Rivolt.

"You seem too calm for someone surrendering," Otto remarked, eyeing Rivolt suspiciously.


"Like someone pretending to surrender?"


Rivolt shook his head.

"I have risen up for the weary people oppressed by the royal tyranny, not out of ambition to overthrow power. I have heard that His Majesty the King is known for his great mercy and righteousness. If such a noble ruler were to govern the Kingdom of Loreden…"

"You're lying."


"At least wet your lips before you lie to me."²

"No, Your Majesty."

Rivolt said with indignation.

"How could you say that to someone who came to surren…"

"If you truly intend to surrender, then as proof, offer up what you have wrapped around your arm."

Otto pointed to the rosary around Rivolt's wrist.


Then Rivolt flinched and shuddered as if struck by lightning.

‘Does he know about the rosary?'

Rivolt tensed, but managed to smile and answer.

"Your Excellency, this rosary is a keepsake from my late mother. I'm sorry, but…"

"Maitreya's Rosary."


"It's a holy relic that specializes in inciting rebellion."

Otto pressured Rivolt with an icy look.

"And you claim it's a keepsake from your late mother? Cut the bullshit."


"The real reason you came to surrender in the first place is so you could stay under me until the right moment to betray me. Isn't that right?"

Rivolt made no response.

‘…You knew all along.'

Rivolt felt an infinite sense of despair that Otto could see right through him.


Otto looked at Rivolt and spoke firmly.

"I may accept those who sincerely come to surrender, but scoundrels like you who think about stabbing me in the back will never be welcomed," Otto said sternly to Rivolt.


"So you'd better prepare to die," Otto added coldly.


Otto unsheathed his sword and pointed it at Rivolt.

"If I offer you the rosary… will you let me live?"

Rivolt asked Otto.


Otto shook his head.

"I can't do that."


"You should have surrendered with a rosary from the start."

Otto had no intention of letting Rivolt live.

Rivolt, being inherently rebellious by nature, was not one to stay under anyone's authority for long.

Even as a mercenary, he had betrayed his mercenary captains and had risen to take their place.

Even if Rivolt offered the rosary, the probability of betrayal would still converge towards 99.9%. It was clear that accepting them would eventually lead to betrayal.

"Go die nicely."

Otto advised Rivolt.

"Don't be an asshole."

"…I will."

Rivolt quickly stood up.

"You think I'll just die obediently?"

Just then.


A tremendous amount of mana surged out from Rivolt like a storm.

"Your Majesty!"

"Protect His Highness!"

The magic swordsmen, including Camille, rushed to cover Otto in formation.

As they did so.

"Yeah, I never had any intention of sincerely surrendering to the likes of you," Rivolt declared defiantly.

Suddenly drawing the hidden sword, Rivolt revealed their true intentions.


The aura that erupted from Rivolt's sword was like a blazing fire.

"I'll kill you."

Rivolt declared, staring directly at Otto surrounded by the magic swordsmen

At that instant.


Otto spat out a vile death bead, catching Rivolt by surprise.


Rivolt screamed in agony.

The reason was simple.

Like any good fighter, Rivolt reacted to the incoming death bead.

However, he couldn't completely evade it, and the vile death bead grazed his left eye.

As a result, Rivolt lost the sight in his left eye completely.

If he had reacted just a bit faster, Rivolt wouldn't have suffered any damage. Unfortunately, he fell just short.

<Illustration of Camille>

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1. The expression uses the imagery of ‘dog’s rice cake’ (개떡) which is a nonsensical or poorly articulated speech, and ‘sticky rice cake’ (찰떡) which is clear and easy to understand. It suggests that even if someone doesn’t communicate clearly, the listener should be able to understand what’s being said. The second sentence criticizes someone for being too serious and not fun. It’s a playful way to remind someone to be more understanding and less rigid.

2. This is an idiomatic expression that suggests someone should at least make an effort to be convincing when telling a lie, implying that the lie is too obvious or poorly constructed.

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