I Became a Level -99 Vicious Lord

Chapter 204:

Chapter 204:


Blood spurts from Rivolt's breastplate.

A fatal wound.

It was a significant injury that would decisively impact the outcome of the battle.

But Rivolt did not falter there.


In the midst of this, he launched a counterattack at Otto.


The counterattack was so fierce that Otto couldn't continue his assault.

‘I'm going to wait it out.'

Otto stepped back for a moment, then resumed his assault on Rivolt.

"You little rat!"

A burst of indignation erupted from Rivolt's mouth.

However, having already suffered a mortal wound, Rivolt's movements were significantly compromised.

Already struggling with the effects of poison, slow, and petrification, the added mortal wound made it nearly impossible for him to continue fighting.

Nevertheless, as if to prove his strength, Rivolt demonstrated extraordinary swordsmanship.


"Grr… You… cowardly… bastard…."

Rivolt growled at Otto.

As he should be, Otto's offense against him was incredibly underhanded.

With constant petrification, poisoning, and even slow, Rivolt was unable to fully execute his skills.

That wasn't all.

Otto showed a villainy in which he didn't get greedy and relentlessly aimed only at the blind spot of the Rivolt on the left side very carefully.

It was slowly gnawing away at Rivolt.

"You fucking bastard!!!"

At that very moment when Rivolt was hurling curses and about to strike Otto with a single blow.


Rivolt couldn't continue his attack.

‘You filthy bastard!'

Rivolt couldn't continue his attack as Otto's mouth seemed to twitch as though he would spit at any moment.

He couldn't help but be reminded of the first time he'd been caught off guard.

‘He's flustered.'

Otto noticed the state of Rivolt's mind at a glance.

Just by looking at his expression, it was clear that his composure had completely shattered, revealing how shaken he was.

‘He is conscious of the vile death bead.'

It was a psychological warfare ploy.

The fear of not knowing when the vile death bead would strike at any moment.

Deterioration of condition due to poison, petrification, or slowing effects.

And a blind spot to his left.

Already, Rivolt was little more than a bug in the web of the spider known as Otto.

Regardless of how much combat power he possessed, he was no longer able to fully utilize it.

And the consequences were enormous.


Otto's sword sliced deeply into Rivolt's thigh.


Rivolt screamed.

‘One more breather.'

Otto stepped back, knowing that Rivolt would counterattack, and didn't strike again.

"You despicable bastard! You piece of shit!"

Rivolt's frustration at Otto's tactics exploded to the surface, and he screamed at the top of his lungs.

Never in his life had he fought someone with Otto's fighting style.

He had never known there was a human being in this world who could fight so viciously, savagely, despicably, relentlessly….

After struggling for a long time, Rivolt suddenly collapsed to his knees with a thud.


Rivolt vomited purple blood.

The cumulative effects of the Poison Gaze curse had turned his blood purple.

That wasn't all.

Before long, Rivolt's skin had turned a grayish color.

The petrification effect had begun to harden his skin into stone.

"…This is bullshit."

Rivolt muttered in frustration.

"To such a despicable bastard… to end like this so meaninglessly…”

Rivolt could not continue.


Rivolt's head drooped lifelessly.


Thus, he perished under the accumulated curse of Poison Gaze.

Without even having had a chance to use his true ability.

* * * * Read in GalaxyTranslation97 Website * * * *

* /SchattenTranslations *


Otto clicked his tongue in disappointment as he saw Rivolt dead.

He was about to deliver the final blow when Rivolt unexpectedly succumbed to poison, dying on the spot.




Meanwhile, onlookers were left at a loss for words.


Otto looked around and frowned.

"Why aren't you guys applauding?"

Despite defeating the formidable Rivolt, Otto was crestfallen when he received lukewarm reactions from those around him.

This wasn't the reaction he expected.

Is this right?

"Uh, Ehem. Well."

Camille responded.

"What? Why?"

"Isn't that too nasty?"


"I congratulate you on your victory, but the way you fought was so despicable that I'm not sure how to react…."


Otto rolled his eyes.

"What does it matter how I win? Winning is what counts, isn't it?"

"Well, that's true…"


Otto glared at Camille.

"Aren't you going to clap? Go ahead, applaud."

"Oh, yeah."

Reluctantly, Camille clapped his hands together.

Upon hearing this, the onlookers promptly began applauding as well.

*Clap!* *Clap!* *Clap!* *Clap!* *Clap!*

Realizing that if they didn't applaud now, they'd be endlessly drained and tormented in the days ahead, they soon began to cheer enthusiastically.

"Your Majesty, you rock!"

"Congratulations on the victory!"


Otto grinned and shrugged his shoulders in satisfaction.


Although the applause seemed forced, Otto didn't particularly mind.

‘Right. I'll just keep fighting and improving. I still have a long way to go.'

Otto was satisfied with his victory over the Rivolt.

It was quite an accomplishment to gain a sense of how a magic swordsman fights.

It was akin to taking the first step in integrating swordsmanship and magic through the duel with Rivolt.

[Alert: Your experience has increased!]

[Alert: You've leveled up!]

[Alert: You've reached level 261!]

[Alert: You've reached level 262!]

[Alert: You've reached level 263!]

[Alert: You've reached level 264!]

[Alert: You've reached level 265!]

He also saw a notification, albeit a faint one, that he'd gained experience and leveled up.

‘Okay. This is how I grow, even if I'm a little sloppy now. I'm getting stronger.'

Having a quick burst of growth is great.

However, that was not something that could be achieved by simply rushing.

Strength is built in a gradual process.

Otto firmly believed that if he kept getting stronger little by little, there would come a day when he would be able to unleash the invincible force.


Because he knows.

By continuing like this, there will come a moment when he will grasp invincible power.

There was no need to rush.

The important thing was to steadily progress, even if it's just a little bit at a time.

"I should take care of this."

Otto retrieved the Rosary of Maitreya from the dead Rivolt.

He walked over to Kairos and handed him Maitreya's Rosary.


"Hmm? What is this?"

"The Rosary of Maitreya. It's a holy relic of the Order of Atropos."

Kairos had briefly lived as a monk in the Atropos Order in the past and possessed quite a deep knowledge of its doctrines.

It was honestly a bit surprising to see such a religious side from the former Emperor, known for his tendency for drinking.

"You mean this is a holy artifact of the Order of Atropos?"


Otto nodded his head.

"I think I found its owner."


"Keep it. It'll come in handy for a lot of things."

"I see."

Kairos accepted the rosary.


A golden glow began to emanate from the rosary.


Otto was stunned by the scene.

For the rosary to react like that, it meant that it had met its true master.

* * * * Read in GalaxyTranslation97 Website * * * *

* /SchattenTranslations *

Otto remembers the effects of Maitreya's Rosary as being…

[Maitreya's Rosary]

The Savior shall come.

– The Prophet of the Atropos Order.

Description: A holy relic of the Order of Atropos.

Rating: ★★★


– 500% increased affinity, dominance, and control over disgruntled members within your faction.

– 35% increase in all attributes for dissatisfied factions within the organization.

Special Note: The greater the dissatisfaction within the organization, the greater the effect will be.

Otto did not understand why Maitriya's rosary, once in Kairos's hands, emitted an auspicious glow of its own.

But Kairos could clearly feel its mysterious effects.


Kairos chuckled.

"I knew it."

"What is?"

Otto asked Kairos.

"What's wrong with you all of a sudden?"

"I was right."


"My interpretation of the Order's doctrine was correct."

"Can you explain in detail?"

"As I held the rosary in my hand, the truth of the Order's doctrine flowed into my mind."


"That true salvation doesn't involve the appearance of a savior."


"After all, it's people. Salvation is achieved through human effort."

"What are you talking about?"

Kairos did not reply.

Instead, he closed his eyes tightly, lost in thought.

"Mmm. Hmm."

As if trying to savor the insights gained from Maitreya's Rosary.

‘Well, he's quite the peculiar guy.'

Otto couldn't quite grasp what kind of person Kairos truly was.

Sometimes he seemed like a child.

Other times, he was the epitome of a tough guy.

Sometimes a drunkard.

And yet, when he shows his power, he's incredibly impressive.

Now, he's immersed in the truths of his former Order, the Church of Atropos.

But one thing was certain.

‘Well. That's probably why he built the barrier.'

Otto was certain that Kairos was not and could never be a villain.

The reason he had once excessively built the northern wall was also a sacrifice made for the security of the entire continent.

In the first place, Kairos had no intention of founding a unified dynasty and building a great empire.

His greater desire was simply for all people in the world to live happier and safer lives, making him someone who was never driven by ambition.

* * * * Read in GalaxyTranslation97 Website * * * *

* /SchattenTranslations *

With Rivolt's death, the forces of the Kingdom of Lota were able to absorb them completely.

Without Rivolt as their rallying figure and leader, the faction had neither the strength nor the will to resist the Lota Kingdom.

Thanks to this, the Lota Kingdom's army successfully occupied roughly half of the territory belonging to the Kingdom of Loredin without major battles.

Upon absorbing Rivolt's faction, Otto immediately utilized its substantial financial resources to generously supply food without hesitation.

With the vast wealth he gained from trade with the Caliphate, he was able to provide for the starving people of Loredin.

This made it very easy for Otto to win the hearts and minds of the people of the occupied territories.

But then.

"Your Majesty, Argonne the Great is plotting something terrible again."

Camille reported to Otto.

"A terrible plot?"

"According to our agents, Argonne and his cohorts are planning to enslave and sell the people of the occupied territories."

Currently, within the territories controlled by Argonne, there are spies of the Land of Iota.

Not knowing what else he might be scheming, they had planted many spies in advance.

"What? Enslave the people and sell them?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Camille handed over the report.

"It seems that they are planning to conscript the people and sell them as slaves to the Kingdom of Sahara."

"That inhuman piece of trash."

Otto was furious.

Just as he had been during the last incident at the imperial mausoleum, he was furious at the way Argon had used innocent people as sacrificial lambs to fill his own coffers.

‘This isn't going to work.'

Otto decided that it was about time to put an end to Emperor Argonne once and for all.

Originally, Otto planned not to kill Emperor Argonne immediately but to thoroughly manipulate, exploit, and torment him.


Because it would be more tormenting.

But now he couldn't let it go.

Continuing to keep him alive would only lead to more dreadful deeds being committed. This would inevitably result in more innocent victims and sacrifices.

"That guy is beyond redemption."

Otto stood up from his seat, wearing a chilling smile.

"I just have to kill him," Otto said.

Otto made up his mind to eliminate the Argonne.

<Otto Illustration>

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