I Became a Level -99 Vicious Lord

Chapter 210:

Chapter 210:

"My younger brother."

Kairos opened his mouth.

"I can see you've been worried this Brother of yours wouldn't be like I used to be?"


"You don't have to worry about that, my brother."

At that moment.



The greatsword of Argonne began to crack.

Kairos had shattered the greatsword with his bare hands.

Despite the greatsword having a blazing blue aura.

"You don't have to worry about that, my brother."

At that moment.



The greatsword of Argonne began to crack.


Kairos had shattered the greatsword with his bare hands.

Despite the greatsword having a blazing blue aura.


Then the greatsword broke.


Argonne was so startled that he couldn't help but scream.

*Tremble* *Shake*

Argonne's legs began to tremble like aspen leaves with fear.

If Kairos still possessed the power he had in his prime…..


It was horrifying to imagine.

Even if Argonne reincarnated, it would be impossible for him to deal with Kairos in his prime.

Back then, he'd only been able to defeat Kairos because he had several loyal subordinates whose strength matched his own, and he doubted that he'd ever defeated Kairos one-on-one, not even in his wildest dreams.

"It seems my dear brother is having some trouble digesting lately." Kairos said.

"W-What do you…."


Kairos drove his fist into Argonne's left side.


Argonne yelped as he collapsed to the ground.

The blow had hit him right where his kidneys were and the pain was excruciating.

"Cough…. Uuughhh!"

Argon cried out, rolling on the ground.

"Your Majesty!"

"Your Maaajesty!"

The knights rushed to Argonne's aid, but the attempt was a suicide in the truest sense of the word.


Kairos throws out a punch.

*Boom!* *Splatter*

The knights who were trying to save Argonne the Great exploded into pieces.

Kairos' fist didn't even touch them.

The force from his fist had simply blasted them to pieces….


Argonne the Great peed himself as he watched his men explode.

With that kind of power, it was perfectly reasonable to believe that Kairos was still in his prime.

"That spot."

Kairos said to Argonne, who clutched his lower stomach.

"You do realize that's the same place you stabbed me when you surprise attacked me, don't you?"


"It's time to pay the price."


Kairos grabbed Argonne by the hair.

"You will pay for betraying me."

The next moment.

*Smack* *Pow*

Kairos began to pummel Argonne's face with punches.

"Kuk! Kwah! Kweeeeeeee!"

Unable to even fight back, Argonne the Great was beaten to a pulp by Kairos' fists.

All that reincarnated power?

It was useless.

Now that Kairos had demonstrated the power of his prime, all the Argonne could do was suffer the blows.

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The combat might of Otto, Camille, and the magic swordsmen was immense.

Argonne's men lasted no more than a few minutes, annihilated in the blink of an eye.

Not a single one was left alive.

Not even a single soul.


Otto opened the Book of Carnage and sucked in the soul energy of the dead.


A faint green glow emanated from the Book of Carnage.

– M…. More.

A whisper was heard.


Otto was surprised to hear an unrecognizable voice.

‘What is this?'

It was neither a man's nor a woman's voice.

It sounded like some kind of indefinable voice.

And that voice was insatiably hungry for something.

– Kill more, more. Kill even more people.

– Don't you want to be strong? Then kill. Anyone is good. Kill, absorb their souls.

It was a thirst for killing, a thirst for soul energy.

The Book of Carnage was tempting Otto to kill more and absorb their souls.


– Do you not want to be omnipotent? Do you not want to be a god?

– I will give you all the knowledge in the world.

– I will give you invincible power.

The voice whispered incessantly, tempting Otto.

Yet Otto did not give in.

"Yeah, fuck that."

Otto immediately rejected the voice.

"If I thought I would succumb to such temptation, I wouldn't have touched the book in the first place."

Otto shrugged off the temptation so easily.

It wasn't because Otto had exceptionally strong willpower or lacked ambition.

It was because he knew.

The Book of Carnage could literally make its owner omnipotent, but Otto knew all too well what terrible consequences could ensue if it was abused.

He had learned from the game that using the Book of Carnage indiscriminately and without caution would either cause his character to spiral out of control and go on a rampage, or result in him being hunted down as a result of accumulated karma.

Knowing that the end would never be pretty, Otto refused to be tempted.

"Your Majesty."

Camille approached and asked Otto.

"Are you all right?"



When Camille was about to ask out of curiosity.

"It's nothing like that."


"I'm not blood-crazed."

Otto sensed what Camille was worried about and reassured him.

"I'm just pissed off at what these pricks have done."

Otto glanced around at the bodies strewn about, his voice somewhat harsh.

Thinking about what they'd done to the powerless people, Otto was still not quite satisfied.


In this world, the weak are relatively much more powerless compared to the world Otto used to live in.

"Mercy to these scoundrels is nothing but a luxury."

Otto said bluntly.

"The atrocities they've committed so far are probably far more numerous than we know."

"I agree."

"I only killed them, not particularly in a fit of madness, so don't worry."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Camille was reassured by Otto's words.


Otto glanced at Kairos and Argonne in the distance.

"Let's go take a look."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Otto decided to sit back and watch the confrontation between Kairos and Argonne.

They say the most entertaining thing in this world is watching a fight. How could he miss such a rare sight, something even money couldn't buy?

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Kairos' beating of Argonne the Great was indiscriminate, merciless, and brutal.

"Kuk! Kerk!"

Argonne coughed up a steady stream of blood.

Each time, it came out of his mouth… a bloody corn.

No, it was a bloody tooth coming out of Argonne's mouth.

Kairos, intent on smashing his face in, knocked all of Argonne's teeth out with his fist.

"Kuk! Ugh! Y-Your Majesty… Brother! Kueek!"

In the midst of the beating, Argonne the Great sent Kairos a pleading look for mercy.

"My brother… Akk! M-Mortal Sin… Akk!"

"If you've committed a sin worthy of death, shouldn't you die?"


The founding emperor of the once great empire of Krares, which united the continent, was forced to suffer a horrific beating at the hands of his former lord and brother, whom he had betrayed.

Because Kairos, who demonstrated his power in his prime, was utterly unstoppable.

"Everyone said I should kill you, but I didn't. How could I kill you, my brother, with my own hands?"


"As a result, I lost everything. Not only that, but even my men became miserable."


"That karma will never be light."

After beating Argonne for a long time, Kairos felt thirsty enough to pull out his skull goblet and guzzle down a large amount of alcohol.

Then he poured the rest of the drink over Argonne's head.

"Do you know what this drinking cup is made of?"


"It is made from your skull. Kehahaha."

At Kairos's words, Argonne the Great was stunned into silence.

A grudge so deep and bloody that Kairos even turned his skull into a drinking cup.

But Kairos wasn't the only one with a debt to settle.

"I've wanted to slit your throat since long ago."

"You son of a bitch!"

"I should have gutted you then!"

Agatho, Hildegard, and Maximus surrounded Argonne, kicking and stomping indiscriminately.

Even they were holding back the desire to kill Argonne with all their might.

Because there was only one body.

Even if one didn't know it, if they lined up all the people who wanted to kill Argonne the Great, it would stretch from one end of the continent to the other many times over.

Kairos too, has been forcibly restraining his desire to kill Argonne, and is keeping the man alive.

It was too precious of an opportunity to simply waste.


Wasn't this his chance for revenge after 450 years?

Moreover, there were others gnashing their teeth against Argonne.

"You bastard."

Ariel appeared and began kicking Argonne in the face.

"Because of you."




"For 450 years."


"I remain unmarried."


"I lived."


"You son of a bitch."

Ariel pummeled and beat Argonne the Great with her spiked club, like a goblin's bat², over and over again.

"Die, Diieeeee!!!"


The rage of a woman who had lost the man she loved to Argonne was terrifying enough to make others recoil in horror.

"S-Stop! Honey! That's enough!"

"Your Grace! Please endure!"

"Elder Sister, hold on, please!"

"Sister-in-law! We must not kill him like this! Hey!"

Kairos, Agatho, Hildegard, and Maximus had to restrain the frenzied Ariel, who had lost all reason and was rampaging.

If left alone, Ariel would have turned Argonne the Great into minced meat.

"Huh? What if the bastard dies like that? Hold on a moment."

Otto thought that Argonne might actually die, so he called in a group of mages.

Otto had them cast healing magic on Argonne the Great.


After receiving the healing magic, Argonne the Great regained consciousness and stood up.

With several mages casting healing magic at the same time, he quickly recovered.

Furthermore, Otto even took out ‘that jelly' from his pocket and fed it to Emperor Argonne.


In no time at all, Argonne the Great looked as if he had never been beaten.

The efficacy of ‘that jelly,' which can revive even those on the brink of death, was certainly not a lie.

"W-Why is my body…?"

Emperor Argonne, feeling revitalized when he was on the brink of death, looked around himself in disbelief, as if he couldn't believe his own body had suddenly become so vital.

The efficacy of ‘that jelly' was so powerful that even in such a situation, it was astonishing.


Otto glanced back at Kairos.

"Now that he's all healed, continue what you're doing. Just don't kill him. If he gets out of shape, tell me again. I still have plenty of that stuff."

Otto shook the pouch filled with ‘that jelly'.³

In reality, there was an enormous amount of ‘that jelly'.

The person who produced the raw materials for the jelly had excreted so much that the amount produced was bound to be enormous.

Realizing the reason Otto had healed him, Argonne's face turned pale.

Beatings, healing.

Getting beaten again, then healed.

Argonne realized what Otto intended.

"Y… Yo…"

Argonne the Great shouted, glaring at Otto with bloodshot eyes.

"You demonic bastard!!!"

** ** **


1. Korean Aspen Tree

Other Info:

Although aspen are somewhat similar in appearance to some species of birch, birch trees belong to an entirely different family of trees. Birch trees are famous for having bark that peels back like paper; aspen bark does not peel.

2. Ref of the Bat being described wielded by Ariel resembling a Goblin's bat.

3. That Jelly that must not be named… in close proximity to those who experienced its potency namely Camille and Qasim.

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