I Became a Level -99 Vicious Lord

Chapter 226:

Chapter 226:

Khamak, already highly agitated, seemed furious when the female wyvern blocked his path.


Khamak growled at the female wyvern, as if telling her to move aside.

Having gained the upper hand, Khamak needed to finish off the chief wyvern now.

He couldn't spew fire indefinitely, and Khamak was quite exhausted, so if he didn't secure victory now, he might not be able to at all.

"Kyaaak! Kyaaak! Kyaaaak!"

The female wyvern yelled something at Khamak.


At that moment, Khamak seemed momentarily flustered and took a step back.

Another female wyvern approached and surrounded the fallen chief wyvern.

"W-What is going on?"

"Guic? Peng doesn't know either! Gwik! I can't communicate with wyverns! Gwiik!"

Qasim and Peng couldn't quite understand what was going on.

In the natural world, it was an unwritten rule and a law of nature that once a fight for leadership began, other creatures would not interfere.

“Kyaak! Kyaak! Kyaak! Kyaak!”

A young female wyvern shouted something at Khamak, pushing him back.

“Ka… Kaak?!”

Khamak stumbled backwards.

“Kaa! Kaak! Kaaaak! Kaaaak!”


“Skreee! Kee! Kyaaa! Ka! Kaaaaaah!"

"Ka… Kaaaah. Kaah.."

"Kyaaa! Ka! Kaaah!"



For some reason, Khamak, overwhelmed by the female wyvern's demeanor, could no longer attack the chief wyvern.

Instead, he quietly retreated and took his place beside Qasim.

"Khamak? What's wrong with you?"

Qasim asked Khamak.

"Our Khamak won, right? Why are you backing down?"


Khamak looked dejected, like a wilting plant.

“W-What is."

Qasim racked his brain as best he could, trying to make sense of the situation.

In the midst of this,


Qasim exclaimed, realizing something.

"Khamak! Is that female wyvern the chief wyvern's daughter?"

Qasim asked Khamak.

“Ka, Kaah!”

Khamak understood Qasim's words and nodded.

“I see.”

Finally understanding the situation, Qasim nodded in acceptance.

If that female wyvern was the chief wyvern's daughter, everything made perfect sense.

“Oh my.”

Qasim comforted Khamak.

"You just had to pick the chief's daughter, huh? Oh, my poor boy."

“Ka, Kaaaah.”

"It's okay. We'll just have to find another female wyvern."


Despite Qasim's comforting words, Khamak seemed deeply disheartened.

Since he had ended up beating up the prospective father-in-law and trying to take his place, his relationship with the chosen female wyvern was effectively ruined.

Of course, as the new leader, he could force a mating, but judging by Khamak's behavior, it didn't seem like he would do that.

"Let's look somewhere else."


While Qasim was comforting Khamak


The fallen chief wyvern got up and approached Khamak.

“Kaaaaah! Kaaaaak!”

The chief wyvern wailed at Khamak.


Khamak was startled by the chief wyvern's outburst.

"Kyaaak?! Kyaaak! Kyaaaak! Kyaaak!"

"Kaaa! Kaaa! Skreee!"

"Kaaa! Kaaah!"

"Skree! Skreee! Kaaaah!"


“Kyaaak! Kyaaak! Kyaaak! Kyaaak!”

Khamak and the chief wyvern communicated with each other for quite some time.

"What are they saying?"

"Gwik! Peng doesn't know either! Gwuik!"

Qasim and Peng waited quietly, not understanding a word, until Khamak and the chief wyvern finished their conversation.

After about five minutes had passed,


The chief wyvern raised Khamak's forepaw, making a gesture that seemed to acknowledge his victory.

“Kaa… Kaaah!”

Khamak was initially startled by the chief wyvern's action, but soon adopted a proud and confident expression, letting out a mighty roar.


It was a roar of victory.

This meant that he had been recognized by his father-in-law(?) as the new leader of the pack.

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Based on Khamak and the chief wyvern's conversation, it could be inferred as follows:

‘I acknowledge you as the new leader.'


‘You are a noble-born Black Wyvern. If I ever had to relinquish my position as leader, I hoped it would be to a young Black Wyvern.'


‘You defeated me. So, from now on, you are the leader of our pack.'


‘Wings! A new leader has emerged!'

Of course, the conversation took place in the wyverns' own communication method, so the exact words weren't clear.

It was merely a conjecture about what the content might have been.

However, considering the way things were unfolding, it was hard not to think that this conjecture was quite plausible.



“Skreee! Kiiee! Kaaaaaah!”

The wyverns surrounded Khamak and roared towards the sky.

It was as if they were celebrating the birth of a new leader.

“Kaaah! Skreee! Kaaaak!”

The chief wyvern.

No, now the wyvern who had become the elder gently nudged his daughter towards Khamak.

From now on, the elder wyvern would serve as the pack's former leader and wise elder, acting as the spiritual pillar for the group and as Khamak's father-in-law.

Seeing this scene, one could tell that wyverns were quite intelligent and highly social creatures.

The fact that the former leader wasn't removed or exiled, and that he acknowledged the new leader, clearly demonstrated their intelligence and social nature.

"Ka… Kaaah!!!"

The female wyvern, unable to resist her father's urging, nestled under Khamak's wing.


Khamak embraced the female wyvern with his wing, wearing a proud and dignified expression.



Qasim and Peng cheered at the sight.

It meant that Khamak had not only ascended as the leader of the wyvern pack but had also found a mate.

“Khamak! Congratulations!"

"Guic! Congratulations! Gwiik!”

Qasim and Peng sincerely congratulated Khamak.

It seemed like just yesterday that he hatched from his egg, and now he was already the leader of a pack and the mate of a female wyvern.

*Drip* *Drip*

Tears streamed from Qasim's eyes.

‘Oh, my child. You're all grown up, you've grown into a man.'

Qasim's heart felt like that of a father sending his child off to get married as he looked at Khamak.

For some reason, his heart swelled with emotion, and he even felt a pang of sadness.

Whether Khamak knew how Qasim felt or not,

It meant that Khamak had not only ascended as the leader of the wyvern pack but had also found a mate.

“Khamak! Congratulations!"

"Guic! Congratulations! Gwiik!”

Qasim and Peng sincerely congratulated Khamak.

It seemed like just yesterday that he hatched from his egg, and now he was already the leader of a pack and the mate of a female wyvern.

*Drip* *Drip*

Tears streamed from Qasim's eyes.

‘Oh, my child. You're all grown up, you've grown into a man.'

Qasim's heart felt like that of a father sending his child off to get married as he looked at Khamak.

For some reason, his heart swelled with emotion, and he even felt a pang of sadness.

Whether Khamak knew how Qasim felt or not.

“Kyaaak! Kyaaak!”


Khamak and the female wyvern wrapped their necks around each other, engrossed in their courtship display.

At this rate, they would soon be mating and laying eggs at lightning speed.

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Afterward, Qasim stayed in the wyvern's nest for a while, watching Khamak and the female wyvern build their family.

Qasim and Peng even gave the female wyvern the name Kkotsun.¹

Khamak and Kkotsun flew freely through the sky, engaging in courtship and affectionate behavior, and eventually mate in a cave.

“…I'm still single.”

Qasim was envious of Khamak.

With his busy life, Qasim didn't have a single romantic partner, so he couldn't help but envy Khamak, who had confidently succeeded in finding a mate.

"Gwik! Cheer up! Guic! Qasim will find a beautiful bride too! Gwiiik!"

Peng patted Qasim on the shoulder, comforting him.

A few days passed like that.

“Khamak, I have to go.”


"Dad's a bit busy. Stay here. I'll come back for you."

Qasim couldn't stay in the wyvern habitat indefinitely, so he said his farewell to Khamak.

With the threat of an invasion from the Cherokee Kingdom looming, he couldn't afford to linger in the wyvern habitat indefinitely.

Settling the issue was difficult.


Upon hearing that, Khamak briefly locked eyes with the elder wyvern, his father-in-law, before lowering his body close to the ground in front of Qasim.

"Huh? Are you telling me to ride?"


“Are you going to take me home?”


“Okay, thanks.”

Qasim smiled and climbed onto Khamak's back.


Khamak took flight.

*Flap!* *Flap!*

Other wyverns also soared high into the sky after him.


Qasim was stunned.

About 50 wyverns simultaneously began formation flying, following Khamak.

The entire pack was moving in a group, following their new leader.

"Why is everyone coming along???"

“Kaa! Kaah!”

Khamak responded with a cry, but Qasim couldn't understand its meaning.

‘Somehow, it'll all work out,' he thought.

Qasim gave up trying to think, just letting things happen.

Although Wasim could communicate with Khamak to some extent, he couldn't fully understand the wyvern's words. He realized that sometimes it wasn't so bad to just go with the flow.

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The sweltering summer has passed, and a cool breeze has begun to blow.

Then one day.



Rain began to fall.

“It's autumn rain.”

King Kalmar of the Cherokee Kingdom watched the falling raindrops, steeling himself for battle.

"When this rain stops… we will advance on Lota."

Kalmar made up his mind.

Since their last defeat, the Cherokee Kingdom had mobilized all its resources to prepare for war and was now ready to invade Lota at any moment.

Once the rain stopped, Kalmar planned to officially declare war on the Kingdom of Lota and mobilize his army.

"Prepare the entire army for battle readiness and stand by for deployment," he commanded.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

However, Kalmarr's wishes did not come into effect.

The reason was simple.

The rain didn't stop.

The autumn rain, which fell like a light spring shower, continued for days on end.

Kalmar waited.

Before the full-scale war could begin.

There was a superstition that rain on the day of the departure ceremony was a bad omen, so he waited for clear weather.

But even after a week, the rain didn't stop, and the downpour only grew stronger.

At first, the rain was so light it was barely noticeable, but soon the raindrops grew as thick as an adult's finger and began pouring down relentlessly all day long.

After just 24 hours of this torrential downpour.

“Oh, my God.”

Kalmar suddenly realized.

"Could it be that Sullivan's prediction was right?"

It was utter chaos.

“Your Majesty! The entire capital is flooded!”

"Water has reached the entrance of the royal palace!"

"Your Majesty! The river has overflowed, and nearby cities are completely flooded!"

Reports of flood damage due to the water crisis kept coming in.

In just one night, the entire Kingdom had transformed into a sea of water.

The problem was that this was just the beginning.

*Pitter-patter!* *Pitter-patter!* *Pitter-patter!*

The rain didn't stop.

It rained, and rained, and pelted harder.

By evening, half of the royal palace was submerged, forcing King Kalmar and his officials to take refuge in the higher floors.

"Thi…. This is absurd."

Looking down at the capital from atop the spire, Kalmar despaired.

Nothing could be seen.

As the capital of a Kingdom, the enormous metropolis was submerged in murky, muddy water, leaving no trace behind.

It was impossible to even begin to estimate how many people had drowned.

“Aaa… Aaaaaaah…"

Kalmar sank to his knees in despair.

With Sullivan's prediction having come true, there was no hope left for the Kingdom of Cherokee.

How could mere human strength possibly prevent a natural disaster?

All Kalmar could do was run away to avoid drowning and watch his entire kingdom submerge and be destroyed.

Accusing Sullivan of being a spy for the Kingdom of Lota, he paid the price for being unprepared for the flood.

** ** **


1. It means a nickname referring to a cute and pretty girl.

Sometimes a puppy's name.

Extra TL/N:

Someone asked about the previous chapter why declaring war and justification is needed when Otto decided to grill the emissary from the Cherokee Kingdom that came asking for the ransom of prisoners to be reduced.

Since they(Cherokee) aren't the only Kingdom on the Continent, it would look bad on the others(kingdom) perspective and paint the Cherokee Kingdom as warmongering making the other Kingdom cautious and may even attack them to nip the problem in the bud.

Think it was in previous chapters regarding when Lota was still just an Estate and Sorun Estate had a conflict of each other and the King of Sorun was happy that Otto decided to borrow a large sum of money from them since the Sorun Estate will no longer wage war to conquer Lota and just wait when Otto can't payback his debt.

TL;DR – Just watch the NatGeo segment on War

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