I Became a Level -99 Vicious Lord

Chapter 230:

Chapter 230:




When Otto ordered the public execution of those who did not participate in the restoration work, the nobles present were virtually overcome with horror.

They realized that the new king, Otto, did not care one bit about lineage or status in the crudest sense.

And indeed, that was the case.

‘What power do you people have?’

Otto was not the least bit afraid of the nobles from the Kingdom of Cherokee.

The nobles from the Kingdom of Cherokee had already lost their foundation and had no significant power left.

With the entire Kingdom devastated by the great flood, the nobles had no power left.


He can just import them.

Furthermore, even at this moment, talented young individuals were pouring out of various academies.

Otto preferred passionate young individuals over the existing privileged class, who were full of fat in their bellies.

As the Dynasty had changed, Otto wanted to fill the roles of those managing the state with fresh, vibrant individuals suited to the new era.

“Especially at a time when public sentiment is so turbulent.”

Otto coldly said to the nobles lying prostrate on the ground.

“Who do you think you are? Acting all high and mighty in front of me, calling yourselves nobles.”

The nobles were left speechless, stunned into silence.

If they so much as utter a word here…


Given Otto’s demeanor, it wouldn’t have been surprising if he had ordered their immediate execution right then and there.

Otto was in a position where he needed to make an example, and his feelings towards the nobles from the Kingdom of Cherokee were far from favorable.

In other words, he was ready to strike down the nobles from the Kingdom of Cherokee at any moment.

“If you want to live and be treated well, keep your mouth shut and work hard. That way, you might at least be able to earn your keep.”

After delivering a stern warning, Otto gripped his shovel once more and began to clear the mud covering the road.

“Alright, everyone! Let’s get to work!”

“After just one hour of hard work, snacks will be served!”

“Let’s keep going!”

Seeing Otto lead by example, everyone at the site eagerly grabbed their tools and threw themselves back into the restoration work.




The nobles from the Cherokee Nation stared at the sight for a moment, dumbfounded.

It was such an unusual sight to see the King himself rolling up his sleeves and sweating it out in the restoration work.

But it was only for a moment.

“Where is… my shovel?”

Led by Duke Chester, the nobles slowly began to rejoin the work.

With King Otto setting an example on the same site, they couldn’t very well stay idle, could they?

Having already fallen out of favor and been stripped of their status and titles, with their ranks reduced to commoners, showing further lack of diligence would put their necks at risk.

To survive, they had to work hard and labor.

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The restoration work seemed endless.

Given that the entire Kingdom of Cherokee had been laid to waste, it was not something that could be resolved in a day or two.

However, public sentiment began to recover very quickly.

Thanks to Otto’s public execution of the nobles who had not participated in the restoration work, the once turbulent public sentiment had calmed down to some extent.

The public executions of the nobles, who had been responsible for the widespread discontent and anger among the people, helped to somewhat soothe the public’s feelings.

Additionally, as Otto and the nobles actively participated in the recovery efforts, working hard and sweating alongside everyone, the public sentiment rapidly improved.

As a result, despite being a new ruler, Otto received overwhelming support from the people.

While the reconstruction work was ongoing, an epidemic broke out.

The flood and the epidemic were like two sides of the same coin, with diseases inevitably spreading after a major flood.

But Otto managed to suppress the epidemic with remarkable ease.

Thanks to the large stockpile of medical supplies he had preemptively acquired through the goblin merchant Ego, Otto was able to treat those infected early and prevent the epidemic from spreading.

And so Otto continued to work on the recovery, slowly rebuilding the public’s sense of trust.

“This is it.”

While inspecting the repairs to the collapsed city walls, Otto was stunned by the scene before him.



The sight of wyverns lifting and moving heavy bricks was so incredible that it was hard to believe, even with one’s own eyes.

Wyverns were known to be extremely fierce and difficult to tame creatures.

But seeing the scene unfolding before his eyes, his thoughts completely flipped.

Wyverns did not attack humans at all.

“Skreee! Kyaaak!”

The wyverns, under the command of Khamak, diligently participated in the restoration work, carrying heavy stones and lifting heavy equipment.

And it was Qasim who was directing Khamak overseeing the wyverns.

“Well done, my boy.”

“Gwiik! Guiiic!”

Qasim alongside Peng, directed the wyverns and made significant contributions to the reconstruction efforts.

With the elevation of Khamak to the leader of the wyvern pack, he naturally transitioned into the role of Wyvern Lord.

‘Even if Qasim is Khamak’s father, the wyverns are behaving remarkably well. Could this be the effect of the Scripture of Reconciliation?’

Otto wondered if the Scripture of Reconciliation might be the reason why the ferocious wyverns were so easily domesticated.

Qasim is a key figure in the Lota Kingdom.

Khamak is a companion wyvern of Qasim, like his child.

And the wyverns are a group that follows Khamak as their leader.

As a result, the wyverns were also considered part of the Lota Kingdom, so it seems the effects of the Scripture of Reconciliation were applied to them as well.


“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Otto, upon seeing the scene, immediately called for Dwarf Erickson.

“I was wondering if you could make some armor for the wyverns?”

“Are you thinking of arming the wyvern horde that Sir Qasim brought with him?”



A fervor bordering on madness began to blaze in Erickson’s eyes.

“Armor specifically for wyverns! An opportunity to make such a thing! Raaaaaahhh!”


“Your Majesty, we dwarves will do our best to make it, ooooooooooo!”

Dwarves are a race of born blacksmiths, miners, and also artists.

For dwarves, the opportunity to create armor for wyverns was something that stimulated their inherent creative desires and inspired them.

Even for dwarves, it was no exaggeration to say that the chance to create armor for wyverns in their lifetime was extremely rare.

“I’ll get started immediately! Your Majesty!”

“W-Well, I would be grateful if you could do that.”

“Armor for wyverns! To have the chance to create armor for wyverns! Ahahahahahaha!”


“I’ll make wyvern armor! Wyvern ARMOR!!”

Shouting like that, Erikson dashed out in a hurry.

“…Is it really that exciting?”

Otto shook his head in disbelief as he watched Erickson’s retreating figure.

As a human, Otto couldn’t fully understand the dwarves’ way of thinking, so he couldn’t empathize with such a reaction.

Well, in any case.

“Did you call for me? Your Majesty?”¹

Taking advantage of the situation, Otto called for Qasim as well.

“Sir Qasim.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“As the Air Force Chief of Staff, what do you think about creating a knight order composed of wyvern riders?”


“Since the wyverns follow you, Sir Qasim, I was thinking of selecting the best among our magic swordsmen to train as wyvern riders.”

“I… Is that really true?”

Qasim’s eyes sparkled with excitement.

“So… Does that mean I’ll really be leading a knight order of wyvern riders as the Air Force Chief of Staff?”

“That’s right. If Sir Qasim will agree to it, that is.”

“Air Force Chief of Staff… the Commander of a Knight Order made up of wyvern riders…”

Qasim’s eyes sparkled with excitement.

Even just being a Knight Commander would be considered a significant achievement, but leading a Knight Order made up of wyvern riders would be an unparalleled honor and status.

“If you give me the honor, I will do my utmost to form a Knight Order.”

“Sounds good.”

As Qasim accepted the proposal, a faint smile spread across Otto’s face

With this, the Lota Kingdom now had a truly formidable air force and could easily secure air superiority in future battles.

Additionally, it would become possible to infiltrate deep into enemy territory with great ease by riding wyverns.

Not only in conventional warfare but also in irregular special operations, the operational capabilities would see a tremendous boost.

‘Truly a lucky person, a real stroke of luck.’

Otto found Qasim so endearing that he just wanted to give him a big, affectionate bite.

Creating an air force using wyverns was something Otto hadn’t even planned for, so this was like luck falling right into his lap.

So, it’s no wonder Otto finds Qasim so appealing.

“Well then, I’ll give you carte blanche², so go ahead and give it a try.”

“Is that really true?!”

“Taming wyverns is Sir Qasim’s specialty, so have a good talk with Khamak and go for it.”

“Yes, Your Majesty! Hail, Hail, Hail!!!”

Qasim shouted loudly, gave a salute to Otto, and then sprinted off with Peng.

“Let’s go!”

“Gui! Gwiiik!”

Otto watched Qasim’s retreating figure with satisfaction before focusing back on his work.

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The devastation from the Great Flood was not limited to the Cherokee Kingdom.

The Great Flood was a catastrophe for the entire western part of the continent, and the areas surrounding the Cherokee Kingdom were also affected.

The twisted wilderness on the border between the former Cherokee and Lota Kingdoms was no exception.

The wilderness that had not seen a single drop of rain for hundreds, if not thousands of years.

However, thanks to Otto taking the Varuna’s Water Pillar, the twisted wilderness was also not spared from the great flood.

Eventually, the twisted wilderness, which had turned into a sea of water, transformed into a vast, muddy swamp once the water receded.

It became like a mudflat.

And then, the surface of the mudflat began to squirm, as unidentified creatures started to emerge one by one.

The creatures that emerged from the mudflats had moist, smooth skin and were fish-like monsters with arms and legs similar to those of humans.

The number of these fish-like monsters was astonishingly large.

There seemed to be easily thousands, if not tens of thousands of them.

“Glug.. Glug.”


The fish-like monsters emerging from the mudflats seemed disoriented, as if they were trying to wake up from a long slumber.

Their appearance was quite similar to frogs awakening from a long winter’s sleep as they stir into activity with the arrival of spring.

But only for a moment.

The fish-like monsters, having regained their senses, began to move one by one, dripping sticky, viscous fluid from their bodies.

They then started moving in a group, heading in the same direction.

But no one noticed this development.

The twisted wilderness was an abandoned land that no one cared about.

Given that it was an area where human presence was extremely rare, perhaps only once or twice in several centuries, the appearance of the fish-like monsters remained entirely unknown to anyone.

** ** **


1. Raw only has “Did you call me?” when it’s “THE” Qasim being called by Otto so had to add in “Your Majesty” and “for”, since Qasim idolized and revered everything about Otto.

2. Carte Blanche – complete freedom to act as one wishes or thinks best.

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