I Became a Level -99 Vicious Lord

Chapter 235

Chapter 235

In the end, it was only after consuming an entire bowl of the decoction that Otto was freed from Olive's grasp.

"Ugh.. Uweeek!!"

Although he kept retching, the decoction had already passed down his throat and been consumed.

"Yo…. You!!!"

Otto growled at Camille.

"As a mere knight, How dare you make the King eat shit like that? Huh?"

"It's all for His Majesty's sake."

Camille shrugged as if it were no big deal.

"Your depletion of life force was severe. Had you not consumed the raw form, you would have passed away."

"Even so, that's too much!!!"

"Isn't it better than dying?"


Otto trembled with rage, but he couldn’t forcefully reprimand Camille.

It wasn't done out of malicious intent, it was a desperate measure to treat him. Can he really blame them for that?

However, it was impossible to suppress his frustration.

‘That Smile?!'

Otto remembered exactly the look on Camille's face, the smile, as he took the decoction.

That smile full of anticipation and satisfaction.

‘We'll see!'

Otto vowed that if Camille were ever seriously injured, he would make sure to feed him the same decoction he had just taken as revenge."

Of course, such a situation should never occur.


Otto stifled his rising anger and got to his feet.


But his body felt like a deflated balloon, lacking strength.

"Take it easy."

Elise said to Otto.

"You need rest for the time being."

"I can’t stay lying down forever."

Otto shook his head.

"It's times like these that I need to move my bod…"


Otto was unable to get out of bed and collapsed right there.


His legs were shaking like an aspen tree, and he could barely stand on his own two feet.

"It's still too early."

Elise helped Otto back to the bed.

"For the time being, you need to focus solely on your recovery."


"Rest is also part of the training."

Elise said bluntly.

"When injured, you must focus entirely on recovery. If you can’t control your impatience, it will only delay your healing. Focusing solely on recovery is also a form of mental discipline."

"Is that so? Haha… Hahaha."

Otto gave a wry smile at Elise’s rigid values.

To think of rest from such a perspective.

At this point, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say she was born for training.

"You need to continue taking the medicine and receiving treatment for at least a week. So, please be patient."

"Wait a sec."

Otto furrowed his brow, sensing something odd.

"For a week I need to keep taking the medicine?"

"That's right."


Otto pointed to the empty bowl."

"There is no other way besides that."


"It’s a matter of survival. Even if it’s unpleasant, endure it."

Elise said this and then turned her head to avoid Otto's gaze.

‘Why is she avoiding my gaze?'

‘Why on earth!'

"…Maybe it would be better to just die."

Otto squeezed his eyes shut, not sure he could handle another week.

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Afterward, Otto was forced to take the [decoction] in question for a week to replenish his depleted life force.

It was a very arduous process.

Perhaps it would have been better if he hadn't known what he was drinking, but the problem was that Otto knew all too well what the medicine was.

"Uweek! Uweeek!! S-Stop! I don’t want to drink it anymore! I’m not taking the medicine! I’m not going toooooo!"

Otto struggled and threw tantrums every time he had to take the medicine, but that didn’t change the fact that he had to drink it.

"Ensure that His Majesty cannot escape from the ward by keeping a strict 24-hour watch. This is for His Majesty's health, so there must be no neglect whatsoever."

"Understood, Sir Camille."

Camille, concerned that Otto might attempt to escape, ordered dozens of knights to keep a strict watch over him.

As a result, Otto couldn’t even go to the bathroom alone, let alone escape from the ward.

"I'm pooping!!! I'm taking a dump!!! Please just let me be alone during these times!!!”

Otto cried out in desperation, but the knights did not budge.

"We are simply following the orders of Sir Camille, the Captain of the Royal Guard."

“We’re fine, Your Majesty. Please feel free to take care of your business.”

But the knights did not even blink an eye.

Indeed, it wasn’t unusual for someone to accompany the King to the bathroom.

After all, a King is someone whose every move is attended to by attendants, maids, subjects, and knights.

As a result, it was extremely rare for the King to be alone even in such a private environment.

It was not just in this world.

Such situations were common in the world where Otto lived as well, and anyone with even a bit of interest in history would be familiar with this fact.

However, for Otto, a modern person, such customs and traditions were impossible to understand.

"I want to… die…."

So Otto was forced to do his business in front of the knights, tears of shame streaming down his face.

Is that all?

"You must eat this."

"No! I don't want to!"

When Otto threw a tantrum and struggled, Olive leaned in and whispered in his ear.

"Do I need to break your arms and legs to make you eat this?"

"Hei, Heeeik?!"

“Eat quietly while I’m still speaking nicely.”


In the end, Otto had to reluctantly drink the infamous medicine three times a day, all while crying and feeling miserable.

He had to drink every last spoonful, leaving nothing behind.

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One week later.

After finally recovering his health, Otto was able to leave the infirmary and regain his freedom.

"I'm free… Freedom…"

Otto's expression as he walked out of the ward was that of a convict who had been sentenced to life imprisonment and was lucky enough to be paroled after decades in prison.

‘I will never overexert myself like that again, never again.'

Otto vowed repeatedly that he would use the Book of Carnage as little as possible.

The physical pain?

He could handle it.

However, being confined to the infirmary and having to drink that "medicine" three times a day was unbearable.

He never wanted to find himself in such a situation again, to avoid drinking that decoction ever again.

‘Just you wait! You bastard Camille!'

Otto gritted his teeth at the thought of Camille.

No matter how much he thinks about it, he can't shake the feeling that Camille seems to be trying to get back at the bullying he's been subjected to.

Camille himself denied it, saying it was just a matter of feeling or a misunderstanding, but that was not true.

After regaining his freedom, Otto immediately returned to work and continued to govern… the kingdom.

"Wh.. What is all this?"

Seeing the mountain of paperwork piled up in his office, Otto involuntarily took a step back.

There was so much paperwork piled up that there wasn't a single spot to step in the office.

"What is all this?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The servant replied.

"These are the documents that Your Majesty needs to review and approve."

"Is… Is this all of it?"

"Well, Your Majesty."

"What is it…?"

"As you know, we have recently expanded our territory significantly, and with it, the administrative workload has also increased, resulting in a temporary increase in paperwork for you to review."


"Archduke Wazir has requested that you approve them as soon as possible."

"Uh. Umm."

Otto was at a loss for words and couldn't find anything to say.

‘Do I really have to review and approve all these documents one by one?'

Already, he could feel an itch starting, with his toes wriggling restlessly.

‘I have to escape.'

Otto didn't want to be buried under those piles of paperwork.

After barely managing to survive a week while taking that medicine, now he had to be trapped in a cage of paperwork.

To get through all those documents would definitely take not just a week but two weeks or more.

‘I have to get out of here….'


"It looks like you're trying to run away, huh?"


Otto staggered, momentarily losing his balance, upon hearing the voice from behind him.

"A… Archduke Wazir?"

Turning his head, an old, gray-haired gentleman grinned wickedly at Otto.

With a sharp, glinting knife in one hand.

"You’re not planning to run away, are you?"

"O… Of course not!"

"Of course not, right? You wouldn't dare run away from your duties, would you? Hahaha!"

"Of course! Haha! Hahahaha!"

"Just saying, in case you were thinking of it."

Archduke Wazir smiled as he warned Otto.

"You'd better not think of running away. If you do, I'll be tempted to stab you for some reason."


"Just stay put and do your work."


Otto replied in a hushed voice.

"Hahaha. Good boy."

Archduke Wazir smiled contentedly and turned to walk away.

However, Archduke Wazir had not let go of his suspicions.


Otto was at a loss for words when he saw two of Archduke Wazir's personal knights standing guard in front of his office.

It was obvious what the knights' mission was without needing to ask.

“…My fate.”

In the end, Otto gave up on escaping and sat down at his desk.

Then he silently began to concentrate on his work, going through the stacks of papers one by one.

One hour, two hours, three hours….

*Squirm* *Squirm*

Otto began to feel restless, fidgeting as he glanced out the window.

It was late Fall.

The sky was high and blue, clear with not a single cloud in sight.

Otto stepped away from his desk and moved toward the window.

"Chirp!" "Chirp!"

A sparrow was chirping and flying freely.

‘Even a sparrow can fly so freely….'



A hawk swooped down and snatched the sparrow.


Otto, stunned and at a loss for words, stared blankly out the window.

Archduke Wazir's personal knights did not restrain Otto.

The King might take a break from his work and they couldn't control that.

Moreover, Otto's office was situated quite high up, making it impossible to escape through the window




The knights were shocked when Otto crashed through the window and disappeared.

They had never imagined that Otto would be so unwilling to work that he would resort to jumping to his death.

However, Otto had not ended his own life.


*Thump* *Thump* *Thump*

In the distance, Otto, who had broken the window and escaped, was running across the palace rooftops.

"Yo… Your Majesty has escaped!"

"Your Majesty! Where are you going?!"

The knights chased after Otto.


But Otto had already escaped far away, leaving the knights in the position of dogs chasing after a chicken.

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After escaping from his office, Otto jumped over the palace walls at full speed.

‘I can't be trapped again after being stuck for a week.'

With that thought in mind, Otto headed northwest, leaving the Lota Kingdom behind.

Although the escape was sudden, Otto didn’t leave in search of freedom recklessly.

Otto wasn’t an irresponsible person, and it was actually out of character for him to just up and leave like this.

Honestly, while Otto disliked administrative work, the real reason for his escape was something else.

‘There's no time like the present.'

Otto planned to use this time to visit the Kuntachi Family, specifically the sanctuary within it.

The Invincible Emperor has a total of five powers.

Otto had obtained three of them, with two still remaining.

Thanks to defeating Deucalion during the recent Great Flood, Otto’s level had risen significantly, allowing him to obtain the fourth power.

In other words, Otto escaped the Lota Kingdom to both get some fresh air and acquire the fourth power of the Invincible Emperor.

** ** **


1. Decoction is a method of extraction by boiling herbal or plant material to dissolve the chemicals of the material. It is the most common preparation method in various herbal medicine systems.

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