I Became A Part Time Employee For Gods

Chapter 35

I Became A Part Time Employee For Gods Chapter 35

#35. Apollo is the god of medicine? God of archery?

“This is absolutely ridiculous.”

Damdeok muttered as he looked at the divine power that appeared before his eyes.

[Strength: 50011]

“Really, just hanging that banner made my stamina increase so much… Does this make sense?”

“Why doesn’t it make sense? It’s all based on the wisdom I’ve lived through…”

Damdeok jerks! When I shot it, Jooyul, who was stroking Apollo’s horse, turned his head.

“As for temperament….”

“Hey, that’s what I’m going to say?!”

“…Hey. let’s go.”

Damdeok placed his chin on his boiling forehead as he watched Jusoyul moving away.

‘How embarrassing!’

Although it is only four days, the sun chariot circles Apollo’s domain once at dawn and once at sunset.

Every time they pass by waving a banner….

“Yoo Dam-deok? “Who is Yu Dam-deok?”

“Why not? “I heard that you saved Gunnut Village from a fire monster…”

“Well, Apollo seems to care for you a lot. “I see you even put your name on a carriage like that…”

The villagers’ whispers were heard completely in Damdeok’s extremely sensitive ears.

And every time, Damdeok declared that he would cut down the banner.

I never succeeded because I was stopped by Ju Soo-yul…

‘Damn it! That guy has so much strength!’

Damdeok, a low-level rookie, was still unable to withstand Jusoyul’s power.

In this way, Damdeok’s name spread widely not only to the villagers, but also to nearby spirits and unknown gods living in Apollo’s domain.

“I heard that Apollo goes around promoting a lesser god?”

“I heard you brag a lot… tsk tsk.”

The gods’ reaction wasn’t very positive, but they definitely engraved the three letters of the name Yu Dam-deok. It was enough to do it.

And the result is….

[The power > is activated!]

[Only subjects overflowing with pure reverence can be registered as priests.] The

‘God’s Call’ that Ju Juryul emphasized so much has been obtained.

So, with this, all I have to do is find the 12 guardians who will join me in stopping the war of the gods and register them as priests.

“12 Guardians… That’s a grand name.”

According to Jusoul’s explanation, recruiting the 12 guardians would not be easy.

What more can I say, since I said that each one of them was a powerful being and reigned as a ruler of a dimension?

‘I need to get stronger faster.’

I already bought one more talent with the name value that Hephaestus gave me as a daily instructor’s salary.

The reason I bought the shooting talent was because I felt that swordsmanship and martial arts were sufficient for close range combat.

However, long-distance combat was very weak.

‘If the Sun Wolves had shooting talent, they wouldn’t have had to fight by jumping into a pit of fire like that.’

Sword fighting, martial arts and shooting.

If you can bring these three talents to the highest level, you will have nothing to fear in the world.

‘Everyone dreams of becoming an All Master.’

As I was looking at the system window, letting my imagination run wild, someone suddenly shoved my face in my face.

[What are you looking at?]

Shocked, Damdeok hurriedly turned off the window.

Apollo stood spinning around.

The radiance emanating from the body brightens up the darkness of the field.

[Kkeuk, my mother’s system is invisible to others, so why bother turning it off?]

“…I’m just surprised for a moment.”

[Then then~ I don’t think much about it~]

Apollo spread his arms and shrugged his shoulders.

[Did anything special happen?]

The answer to Apollo’s question was a sharp response.

“yes. There wasn’t. “There were some sun wolves that attacked us, but we easily defeated them.”

[Ho-oh, too. When playing in a team of two, an intermediate level is essential.]

Apollo uses a finger gun! The address rate was praised.


Ju Ju-yul’s expression was extremely cold.

Apollo hmm! He cleared his throat and with a slightly red face said that he would now pay.

[It was written in the notice, but only one person will receive this. It’s a pretty useful power. Who wants to receive it?]

Apollo played with the system in the air and looked at Juryul and me alternately.

The story is already over.

Ju Ju-yul’s finger pointed at Damdeok and Apollo said he knew and started tapping on the system window.


[Apollon’s power is registered!]

A soft light surrounded the surroundings and entered the center of the chest.

That was the end of it.

‘Hmm, now that I’ve gained the power of self-healing, it will be easier in the future.’

Damdeok clenched and unclenched his hands and concentrated on feeling his newfound power.

Apollo was standing in front of him and explaining the power of self-healing until his saliva ran dry.

Of course, if you listen to it, it all boils down to self-bragging.

– Will…

Snow White woke up to Apollo’s chatter, rubbing her eyes.

“Oh, Baek Seol.”

I woke up just right.

Because I wanted to test my self-healing abilities right away.

Apollo’s eyes widen as Snow White, who understands my will, instantly turns into a sword.

Is this really that surprising?

Damdeok sighs. I thought as I lightly cut my hand.

Well, Hephaestus also said that Snow White was a precious treasure, so it seemed like even Apollo could be surprised.

“It stings.”

Took. Pop. dripping blood.

[The power of ‘self-healing’ is unleashed!]

A small light that entered the body earlier peeks out from the open wound.

‘This is kind of cute.’

As the light moved back and forth over the injured area, new skin began to grow on its own, albeit slowly.


Damdeok squeezed his healthy hand with a satisfied face.


Baek Seol, who has returned to her normal self, is showing affectionate affection on her shoulder.

“Okay, okay. good job.”

While I was petting Snow White, Apollo came up to me and asked.

[…is this guy a spirit creature? What type of spiritual creature is it? It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a guy who can turn into a weapon.]

I think it’s really amazing that Baek White has such a serious look in his eyes.

[You… do you think you have a knack for taming?]

Apollo’s interested gaze turned to Damdeok this time.

The sparkling eyes made it seem like Baek Seol was interested in taming rather than the main topic.

A talent for taming….

Many hounds and solar wolves Cerberus passed through my mind.

There’s nothing missing, right?

Damdeok shrugged his shoulders.

“Why are you suddenly taming me? “I guess you want to tame something these days.”

It was just something I brought up to spice things up.

But Apollo’s eyes were unusual.

[That’s right, there are some guys I want to tame.]

Apollo, who was always showing off, suddenly became serious.

And surprisingly, the story he told right away was about the sun wolves.

The problem was that no matter how much he scolded them and beat them up, they wouldn’t stop devouring the sun.

“Well, it’s a flame filled with Apollo’s magic, so it’s natural to covet it.”

Apollo nodded with a tearful expression on his face.

[yes. But that doesn’t mean we can’t not make the sun.]

Jooyul and I were trying to say that we just didn’t have to make it.

‘Anyway, I don’t know how serious you can be if you’re just making a sun to show off.’

But Apollo looked really serious.

I thought about completely drying out the seeds of the sun wolves, but it would be impossible to do that because they are beloved by the highest god, Zeus.

So, as a last resort, they want to use carrots…

“You mean it was completely impossible to tame them?”

Apollo nodded vigorously in response to Damdeok’s question.

[They are devils! The god who tames them probably doesn’t exist in this world?!]

At those words, Ju Ju-yul and Dam-deok looked at each other.

* * *

[No way….]

Apollo stared blankly at the scene before him.

A field brightened as if on fire.

Twelve solar wolves were sitting in front of Damdeok, wagging their tails.

“Get down. “That’s right.”

Not only that.

No matter what Damdeok says, the sun wolves are evil! The order was being carried out.

Finally, when Damdeok shouted “Bbangya!” Apollo, who saw the sun wolves sitting in a row falling like dominoes, jumped up.

[bravo. Really Bravo!]

Apollo looked at Damdeok with eyes of wonder.

[I apologize for calling you a chick last time. Can you tell me how on earth you tamed the sun wolf?]

Damdeok pretended to think for a moment and then answered willingly.


Then Soo-yul’s head, who had been watching quietly, turns.

It was a face that asked me if I was crazy.

It was natural.

The reason Damdeok was able to tame the sun wolf was purely because of his ‘opening spirit’ trait.

But how can you tell that?

Ju Soo-yul twitched his eyebrows hastily at Damdeok.

‘Let’s not do anything useless and quickly return to modern times.’

Damdeok coolly ignored Sooyul’s glance.


Jujuyul’s forehead was tense, but Apollo was so desperate that he couldn’t intervene.

[Thank you very much! thank you! I will think of you as a friend forever!]

Apollo hugged Damdeok with an over-the-top gesture.

Damdeok, who roughly adjusted the rhythm, carefully pushed Apollo’s body away and said.

“There is a condition instead.”


Apollo’s head tilted.

A look of puzzlement also appeared in Ju Ju-yul’s eyes.

What else are you going to do?

The twitching of his eyebrows seemed quite uncomfortable, but Damdeok didn’t care.

‘If you miss this opportunity, it will be a loss.’

Apparently Apollo has no idea how to tame anything.

Moreover, what Apollo suggested was simply to tell us a method, and there was no condition that the method had to be successful.

‘If you can’t tame it the way I showed you, that’s Apollo’s problem. I’m not.’


Because I succeeded in taming it.

Isn’t it natural?

So Damdeok decided to take advantage of this situation.

“Instead of telling me how to tame it, Apollo, please tell me something.”

At those words, Apollo burst into laughter with a relieved face.

[Ahaha! What else can I say! of course! of course! Just say anything!]

The corners of Damdeok’s mouth turned up in response.

There are many areas that Apollo oversees as a god.

Solar medicine, music, poetry and…


Damdeok said with a bright smile.

“Teach me archery. “That’s all I need.”

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