I Became a Ruined Character in a Dark Fantasy

Chapter 143

Chapter 143

Near the hill, the ground was littered with the bodies of horses and people. Less than half of the knights remained. Their only achievement so far was killing the Red Knight's horse.

Of course, this was not a significant accomplishment. The Red Knight, Mev, continued to fight effortlessly after falling from her horse. She skillfully evaded attacks from the knights, pulling them off their horses.

"Huff... Huff...." The knight standing in front of her now was the last one left. He was fully armored with only his eyes and nose visible through his helmet.

His name, was it Orlando?

Mev took a deep breath and stared at him. No one interfered with the two of them. The few remaining attackers circled around, preoccupied with confronting Charlotte. They were practically running away from her.

"I will... reclaim my honor!" Orlando, having caught his breath, charged first.

Mev's breathing steadied instantly.


The swords clashed briefly. Mev quickly reached out and grabbed the center of her blade, closing in on Orlando. He also gripped the tip of his sword, trying to push her away.

Pretending to exert force, Mev suddenly stepped back to throw him off balance. Orlando took a step forward, letting go of his sword's hilt, which came down like a blunt weapon on Mev's head. It was an impact that would resonate through her helmet if hit.

Mev calmly blocked the attack with her sword, twisting her wrist to entangle their crossguards.

At that moment, Orlando yanked his sword forward, intending to topple Mev. She faked being affected, let go of her sword, and slipped between his legs, tripping him. As she mounted him, she raised her fist.


The faceplate of his helmet was slightly dented. The impact didn’t need to be strong, since it would still resonate inside his head anyway. As Mev struck a few more times, Orlando's eyes became slightly unfocused.

He instinctively raised his left arm to shield his face. Mev, taking advantage of the moment, reached out with her left hand and grabbed the blade of his sword, pulling it away. Caught off guard, Orlando tried to push her away. In that gap, Mev's right fist flew at him again.


His helmet shook again. Mev swiftly grabbed the sword hilt with her right hand. She elbowed Orlando's arm away and adjusted her grip on the sword with her left hand.

A gap in his helmet was exposed. His blue eyes, dazed but aware of their impending fate, stared back.


The blade plunged deeply through the gap. The knight's short breath ceased as his body went limp.

"Huff... Huff...." Mev panted heavily as she stood up.

She did not feel good. Five knights, who merely wanted to reclaim their honor, had died. One was on horseback, one fell at Charlotte's hands, one fell from his horse, and two perished in duels with her.

"Oh, Lu Solar...."

She murmured as she pulled the sword from Orlando's face and stood up, looking at the remaining riders. One had already fallen from his horse and was about to lose his life to Charlotte's ax.

Mev shouted, "All the knights you served are dead! Will you still continue to fight?"

"I-I surrender...! I surrender!" The one pinned under Charlotte yelled. He was crying, covering his face with both arms.

Charlotte’s ax, which had been falling with a whooshing sound, halted abruptly just above the man's arms. He opened his eyes in bewilderment, seeing the monster that had unseated him, now retreating.

"Th-thank you...! Thank you...!"

Not expecting to be spared, the man muttered in disbelief and crawled away, then got up and ran down the hill without looking back.


"Run! Retreat!"

The remaining riders did the same. They fled with faces full of terror. Mev finally staggered and sat down, planting her sword into the ground for support. She panted heavily, leaning on the sword.

“Ugh, ahhhh... Ahhhhh...!”

Late screams came from the wagon. One guy was crawling. He seemed to have broken a leg falling from his horse. His remaining companion was already fleeing on horseback far away.

Ian, with a sword resting on his shoulder, followed leisurely.

"If you can't get up, I’ll make it easy for you."

"Ugh, ugh... aah!" The guy limped on one leg, trying to run.

Ian, who had finally stopped, smacked his lips and muttered, "They looked like they would give some experience points... Useless."

Just then, Philip jumped off the wagon and hurriedly ran to Mev, holding a leather water bottle.

"My lord...! Are you alright...?!"

Mev waved her arm in response. Philip slid to a stop beside her, offering the water bottle. Mev wearily lifted her faceplate.

"I'm fine... Thank you, Philip."

“While Sir Riurel rests, gather the bodies and weapons. And the horses too. Before they escape.” Ian muttered as he passed by.

Philip stood up without a word. He had fought the least among the group, mainly guarding the carriage. Especially since Ian rejoined, he had even less to do.

“Is it really okay to let them go? They might follow us again.” Charlotte, catching her breath, said as she watched the fleeing riders. They were already almost over the distant hill.

Ian shrugged as he stood beside her.

“I doubt it.”

It was unlikely they had reported to Viscount Calderdale. If they had, the Viscount wouldn't have allowed it. He was a clever man, especially with the expedition ahead. It would be an easy calculation to see that killing Mev would bring nothing but losses.

So, probably, he wouldn't seek revenge for those who recklessly ran out in the name of honor. More likely, he would tighten internal control to prevent similar incidents in the future. At least, that's what Ian would do.

He might even decapitate a few as an example, citing breach of contract or unauthorized actions.

“Well, if that's what you think.”

Ian, seeing Charlotte readily agree, nodded toward the carriage and started walking.

“Bring something strong to bind tightly.”

“Hmm...? Alright.” Charlotte tilted her head but turned to follow him.

Ian leisurely descended the hill. A stiffly fallen elf lay ahead, beyond a few corpses.

It was Findrel. He was still frozen in the same position Ian had left him, looking for all the world like a corpse.

Thud, thud, thud—

Charlotte’s footsteps drew closer. Standing beside Ian, she held up a well-dried rope.

“So, what should I do now?”

“Tie him up. He’s not dead yet.” Ian said, kicking Findrel lightly.

Charlotte’s eyes gleamed. “Not dead? Hmm....”

Charlotte growled with a glint in her eye.

“You used the same thing that paralyzed me.”

“Yes. Since you have experienced it, how long did the effect last on you?”

“It felt like hours, but... it was actually just over an hour. I'm good at detoxifying, so for a weak elf like him, it should last several hours.”

Ian nodded, licking his lips.

“Then we’ll have to take him with us. Bind him securely so he can’t escape. And don’t kill him. I have to question him.”

“He won’t talk easily.”

Charlotte knelt on Findrel’s back, looking up at Ian with a strange anticipation.

Ian let out a chuckle and nodded.

“I was going to handle it myself, but I’ll need your help this time.”

“Gladly... Did you hear that, elf? I know you’re conscious. It’s going to be a very enjoyable time. I’m looking forward to it.” Charlotte whispered, lifting Findrel’s head by his hair.

She then twisted his arms behind his back and added, “I’ll tie you in the most uncomfortable and painful position. You won’t be able to escape. This is how we bind our prey.”

“When you’re done, load him into the carriage. Just throw him on the floor.”

“Can I gag him? Cover his eyes too?”

“...Do as you see fit.”

Seems like she’s pretty excited.

Ian shook his head and turned away. He saw Philip moving busily. Three horses were now standing in a row, and bodies were being stacked beside them.

When an old horse goes, a new one always comes...

Ian walked toward Mev, who had removed her helmet. Her expression wasn’t just tired; there was something else.

“Those who survived owe their lives to you, Sir,” Ian said softly as he stood beside her.

Mev looked up at him.

Ian added indifferently, “If it were just me and her, we wouldn’t have let a single one survive.”


For a moment, Mev had a peculiar expression. She soon turned to look at Charlotte, who was dragging Findrel's legs up the hill. Mev glanced at the elf, bound and with its face covered in dirt, then looked back up at Ian.

Ian shrugged. "We have something to discuss."

"...Just a discussion?"

"Of course not. I'm not a Red Knight, after all."

Mev's face softened into a faint smile at the teasing words.

"Yes... Perhaps your way of leaving no loose ends might, in the long run, reduce sacrifices more effectively."

"Nobody knows what's better. I just choose the easier way. Unlike you, I'm too fearful to show mercy."

"Fearful...? You...?" Mev's smile grew wider as if the idea was absurd.

As Ian shrugged, Philip's voice chimed in.

"It's almost finished, my lord!"

Ian turned immediately. In front of the hastily arranged bodies, there were weapons collected from all over piled up.

Philip, who had dusted off his hands, gestured with his chin.

“Take what you need.”

“You've really become exceptional in this field.”

“Is that a compliment?”

“Of course.”

There were some gains. A few swords were better than the ones they had just bought. Ian retrieved a sword from his pocket dimension and replaced it with a new one, smacking his lips.

What a waste of money, damn it.

“What should we do with these bodies, sir?”

While Ian was gathering the spoils, Philip, who was helping Mev mount a horse, asked.

Mev glanced over the bodies and said, “Leave them. Let those who return retrieve them.”


Mev clasped her hands in front of her chest and began to recite a prayer in a low voice. It was a prayer wishing for the dead to ascend to heaven. Philip also closed his eyes and joined the prayer.

Ian, unconcerned, continued gathering the items. He picked up a helmet from one of the knights. He hadn't worn one before because it felt uncomfortable and dulled his senses, but this one fit well. The holes for the eyes and nose were in good positions, and if he removed the face guard, his mouth would be visible.

“When the prayer is done, pick a horse you like and ride it,” Ian added to Philip as he turned around.

Soon, the carriage was on the move again. Only a heap of weapons and a row of corpses remained, silently standing guard.


The dark clouds covering the sky began to grow even darker.

“We should stop the carriage for a moment.” Ian, who had been lounging in his seat, suddenly spoke up.

Mev looked at him, wondering why, while Charlotte, as if she had been waiting, stopped the carriage.

“It seems the paralysis is wearing off.” She muttered, looking at Findrel sprawled on the carriage floor.

Ian smiled. “Yes, he’s just pretending he’s not.”

Findrel's bound shoulders flinched. His eyes and mouth were covered with cloth. He also had a dirty rag stuffed in his mouth.

Ian pointed to a rock up the hill. “Drag him behind that.”

“Got it.” Charlotte quickly got up, grabbed Findrel by the hair, and threw him out of the carriage.

“Can I come along too?” Philip asked, looking down at the squirming Findrel.

Ian snorted as he got out of the carriage.

“Just watch the horses. Sir, please rest in the carriage. This won’t take long.”

“...Alright, I will.” Mev licked her lips, wondering if this was okay, as she watched Charlotte.

Charlotte was dragging Findrel by his legs, making sure to keep his head aimed at the ground. Findrel groaned and squirmed, but she paid no attention.

Ian followed her leisurely, and when they reached the rock, he spoke. “Kneel him down.”

Charlotte forced the dirt-covered Findrel to his knees. While she removed the cloth covering his eyes, Ian nonchalantly searched his body. Although they had already removed his sword, dagger, and knife, Ian wanted to check for hidden items.

Soon, he pulled a long box from Findrel's chest, and his eyes lit up with excitement.

“Well, well....”

Inside, there were over ten long, rolled cigars. He could even check the information window.

[Fairy's Cigarette.]

When used, it increased Mental Fortitude by one for a certain period.

What an excellent item.

Ian took one out and placed it in his mouth, then tucked the box into his coat. He conjured a fireball in his hand to light it, casually tossing the burning ember away as he tilted his chin.

“Remove the gag.”

Charlotte, holding a dagger in front of Findrel's face, removed the cloth covering his mouth. Findrel, who had been gagging, spat out the rag and shouted.

“You filthy beast woman, you human scum...! Do you know who I am? You are now—”

Charlotte grabbed Findrel's jaw. Immediately after, she flicked her hand lightly, cutting off the tip of Findrel's pointed ear, causing blood to spurt out.

“Ugh! Ugh—!”

“That sounds lovely. Keep going. I’ll keep cutting you little by little until you quiet down.” Charlotte whispered softly.

Findrel, with veins bulging on his forehead, panted heavily. Charlotte, looking disappointed, released his jaw.

Meanwhile, Ian, coughing lightly from the smoke, waved his hand to dispel it and spoke.

“This tastes like medicinal herbs.”

“Medicinal herbs...? What are those...?”

“It’s a bit strong but not bad. Got anything else?”

“...That’s all for now. The rest are in my room.” Findrel replied obediently.

Ian, blowing out herb-scented smoke, nodded.

“Alright. I believe you. Now, I have a question for you, Findrel.”

“A question...?” Findrel's eyes narrowed slightly.

Ian took another puff from the cigarette and finally asked.

“Do you know anything about the ancient tree?”

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