I Became a Ruined Character in a Dark Fantasy

Chapter 43

Chapter 43

On the outer tower of Agel Lan's castle, with the city sprawling below, Duke Regis Brant stood solemnly by the parapet.


His eyelids closed, his eyes darted beneath them, and his fingers twitched around his staff. Veins bulged like spiderwebs across his furrowed brow, signaling his deep concentration. He was attuned to every corner of the city, perceiving it in ways beyond ordinary sight, through wavelengths of color invisible to the naked eye, smells, and sounds, all at once.

This hyper-awareness was a boon from opening the demonic realm, allowing him to control the hounds. Despite the screams and fear filling the air, casualties outside the walls were minimal, a testament to Regis's meticulous planning. He didn't wish for Agel Lan to crumble completely. The citizens were the seeds of the city, and a certain level of sacrifice was enough to engrave fear and anger into their souls.

His main targets were the nobles within the inner castle and their retainers, those who hadn't sworn loyalty or stood in his way, turning crisis into opportunity. When he heard that even Duke Burchard had fallen, he sensed his end was not far.

...Paths open to those who don't give up, Regis thought.

After this night of madness, his few followers would stand among the majority.

"Hmph..." A low chuckle escaped Regis's lips, thinking of Mev Riurel.

She had returned as the most troubling variable, the fallen angel of Tir En. That she was beyond his heightened senses suggested she was buried in despair and defeat. How she managed to decimate the kingdom's limbs was beyond him, but the near-total annihilation of her house must have avenged his followers sufficiently.

Yet, she had not paid for disrupting his plans. Her soul and the hounds would be offerings to his god, a worthy exchange for opening the demonic realm and receiving its power.

It was then that Regis's eyes twitched, sensing another disturbance outside the city. Something was fighting and evading the hounds in the outskirts.

Initially, he thought it was Mev, but now he knew otherwise; she wasn't this agile. Not that it mattered much. He commanded the outer hounds to pursue the nuisance. After all, the hounds needed their prey.

Controlling so many was challenging, a first for him, as was managing the demonic realm. But it was a power he couldn't forsake, not when he aimed to dedicate the entire kingdom to his God and to secure this power forever. By then, he would be near divine, able to proclaim the true faith even against the empire.

"If only that damned woman were gone... no one would be able to stop me...." muttering, Regis's speech halted at the sound of ascending footsteps.

His brow relaxed, dispersing his hyper-awareness as he slowly opened his eyes to the tower's view below.

"Open up! Please, open the gates!"

"Please...! Save us, please...! Ah, aaaah!"

Late evacuees screaming and pounding on the sealed gates were now fleeing, chased by several hounds. How trivial mortal life seemed. A faint smile crossed Regis's lips as a soldier entered the tower.

"Duke Brant." The soldier's arrival wiped the smile from Regis's face, replaced by a somber expression.

The soldier bowed, "Why are you here in such a dangerous place? If something were to happen to you, many would fall."

"Hasn't disaster struck? I can't ignore the pleas as the Goddess's faithful servant. Just now, someone's family knocked on the gates. Why weren't they opened?" said Regis.

"It was the His Majesty’s command... I apologize," said the soldier.

"No need for your apologies. ...So, what brings you here?" Regis asked.

"His Majesty seeks you. And so do other nobles," said the soldier.

"Let's return together. It's just as dangerous for you to remain alone," said Regis.

The soldier gestured toward the staircase with utmost respect. Regis didn't hesitate to descend. Passing through narrow corridors and rooms, he entered the assembly hall crowded with refugees.

Surrounded by the royal guard and soldiers, the gathered evacuees murmured among themselves. Exchanging glances with a few followers, Regis approached the throne at the head of the hall. There, wearing an expression of annoyance and impatience, was Erwin Archibald Brant, his nephew, and the king, Erwin II. Despite viewing him as a pathetic man who only inherited his brother's blood, Regis offered a compassionate smile.

"Your Majesty. I heard that you were looking for me," said Regis.

"Uncle. What's the situation like outside?" The king looked up at him, the crown shaped like interwoven deer antlers shimmering gold in the candlelight.

"The soldiers on each wall are fighting valiantly. It seems the beasts cannot climb the walls. The people... can only pray for the vivid Goddess's protection," said Regis.

"Damn it... To have such a disgraceful event occur in the kingdom's capital. If word spreads, people will think Agel Lan has weakened," said the king.

"Overcoming this incident will, in fact, prove the kingdom's strength. Once daylight breaks, we shall seek out and eradicate the source of this curse," said Regis.

"There has been much talk about that. We need your wisdom, uncle," said the king.

"Wisdom, you say...?" Regis asked.

"Let's go back to the conversation we were having earlier." The king gestured with his hand. Several nobles who had been glancing over now stood up.

Commanded by the king, a noble bowed his head and began, "I believe the Riurel House is behind this incident."

"On what grounds?" Regis asked.

"It is known to us all that the previous head of the Riurel House, Vernon Riurel, fell to darkness. Moreover, Sir Mev Riurel has been inciting the kingdom's strife and even fell into delusion. It is clear that she ultimately summoned the madness of the black wall."

The underling of Regis spoke. Some nodded in agreement, but more were skeptical, their eyes filled with disbelief.

Regis, having gauged the king's expression, spoke gently, "However, Sir Riurel is a holy apostle of the stern Goddess, a knight representing Agel Lan. She is also a grieving sister, and the Riurel House has been a loyal noble family to the kingdom through generations."

Regis looked around with a sorrowful gaze and continued, "Why would she initiate such an event, especially ahead of the assembly she requested?"

"Why then, do we not see any member of the Riurel House here? Moreover, where is Sir Riurel, the king's shield, at this moment?" the noble asked.

"She must be somewhere fighting against those cursed beasts..." said Regis.

"Enough," The king raised his hand, cutting off Regis. "I understand your feelings, Uncle. However, their words don't seem entirely baseless to me. It's an undeniable fact that ominous events have followed Sir Riurel's return to Agel Lan."

To doubt his own royal knight in front of his subjects, such a foolish man, thought Regis. Yet, internally amused, Regis maintained a look of concern, "However, Your Majesty..."

"We shall see after investigating. Once this accursed night passes, we'll clearly reveal the truth and restore Sir Riurel's honor."

Regis didn't respond.

The king, staring intently at him, added, "Uncle, take charge of the investigation. If Sir Riurel is proven innocent, I will sincerely apologize and speak no more of it."

A foolish person who takes pride in going against my wishes. How grateful I am, thought Regis.

While inwardly smiling, Regis merely bowed his head. Silence fell upon the hall, and a few royal guards exchanged uneasy glances when a calm voice resonated.

"Do not worry, Your Majesty."

The attention shifted toward the entrance of the hall from where the voice came. The king and Regis turned as well.

"I have arrived." Beneath the flickering candlelight, a knight in full armor approached.

How is that brat here...? As Regis's gaze darkened, the king frowned.

"Sir, How did you enter the castle?" the king asked.

"Through the main gate, Your Majesty." Mev's figure became clear, drenched in the black blood of the hounds.

Drops of blood fell from her armor with every step. A man in grey leather armor followed her, but no one spared him a glance, overwhelmed by Mev's ominous presence.

"Your Majesty, with corrupt individuals lurking around you, how could I, myself possibly leave you alone?" said Mev.

"Corrupt individuals? Are you still speaking of such things?" said the king.

Thud, thud.

Mev ignored the king's voice and stopped at the entrance of the hall.

"Do you not see? Those who plunged Agel Lan into chaos and still hide here calmly, covering Your Majesty's eyes and ears," said Mev.

Her words were undeniable, yet surely they fell on deaf ears to the king.

Regis's brow furrowed tighter.

Has that brat truly lost her mind? thought Regis. His gaze twitched momentarily as her cold eyes, even behind the visor, paused on him briefly.

...Could it be that she really knows everything? As Regis was about to muse internally,

"Do not worry. I, myself am here now." Mev knelt on one knee.

The king, his expression growing increasingly grim, demanded, "Sir, what are you talking about? Where are all the members of your household?"

Slowly standing, Mev answered, "They are all dead, Your Majesty."

As the king was at a loss for words, she continued, "Therefore, please watch, Your Majesty."


Mev slowly drew her sword, "I will eradicate the corrupt from this place."

"What... did you say?" The king's eyes gradually widened.

A tense atmosphere seemed about to explode in the hall. At that moment, when the hands of soldiers gripping spears trembled.

"Sir Riurel has truly gone mad! She intends to kill us all!"

Overwhelmed by the pressure, someone shouted. The refugees began to back away in fear.

"Pro.. protect the king...!"

Just as Regis was about to speak, someone shouted.

A member of the royal guard, one of those aligned with Mev's cause. Like the others, he had been overpowered by her presence but belatedly remembered his duty. Six members rushed toward the king almost simultaneously, and the remaining knights drew their swords. The trembling tips of the soldiers' spears began to aim at Mev.


Red divine power surged from the sword Mev held in front of her chest. The ominously flickering red light spread throughout Mev's entire being.

"Do not forgive the disloyalty of myself," said Mev.

The moment Regis realized her gaze was on him, his eyes filled with blood. He was certain this madwoman had come here to kill the corrupt indiscriminately, even if it meant slaughtering everyone left in the castle.


It's not an act, she’s genuine, Ian internally chuckled as he watched Mev's back.

He hadn't moved a step yet, but still, no one paid him any attention. Mev's presence was too overpowering. The divine power emitted by the Apostle of Vengeance was not as radiant as when she was the Apostle of Judgement.

It rather flowed sticky like blood, rising ominously and evaporating as if embodying the essence of vengeance. The appearance of the avenger, covered in blood, which Ian recalled, was exactly as he remembered. Furthermore, according to him, it wasn't only the outward appearance that remained unchanged from before.

Seems like she intends to finish her vengeance and die..., thought Ian.

As Mev began to move, Ian, loosening his ankles and shoulders, launched forward with a chill in his gaze.

...Sorry, but that's not going to happen.

After all, there was still a reward to be claimed.

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