I Became a Ruined Character in a Dark Fantasy

Chapter 67

Chapter 67

In the Kingdom of Lu Sard, Glumir.

This domain, the second largest and wealthiest in the kingdom, was ruled by demons, specifically a clan of vampires. The Labyrinth Mansion, located on the outskirts of Glumir, was their stronghold. A three-story mansion built in the style of the empire. The name Labyrinth Mansion was given because the massive garden attached to the mansion was designed in the form of a maze.

In fact, it wasn’t just the garden that was like this. The mansion itself was dark and complex in structure, contrary to its appearance. Even those who had visited the mansion a few times could get lost if they were not careful for a moment. Of course, only a very few across the continent knew this fact. A man wearing a hood, sitting opposite Countess Nigrilante, the owner of the Labyrinth Mansion, was one of them.

“Have you found the lost lamb, madam?” The man spoke in a calm voice.

A large circle was embroidered with gold thread on his robe. The symbol of Lu Solar. However, the countess paid no attention to the symbol. The vampire clan had been subject to the Empire and the order for a long time. In exchange for cooperating with the research into the secrets of immortality and eternal life, they enjoyed prosperity in the closest border kingdom to the Empire. The man sitting before her was in charge of that part.

“Unfortunately... not yet, father.” The lady spoke softly, starting with the conclusion and smiling gently. It was a smile that could enchant anyone if they were human, but it had no effect on the man called the father.

“But, it seems to become an even more interesting being because of that. It will become a different subject than before. Not just because it's a fairy, but because it seems to be tightly packed with a will to live,” said the lady.

“So, you’re saying you need more time.”

The lady smiled even more softly, not to show her tension. This man was a fanatic of Lu Solar. If he wanted, he could cover the entire Labyrinth Mansion in light. That was also why the lady did not try to reveal his identity and face. Sometimes, not knowing was safer.

“Recently, I found traces of that child in Bel Ronde. I have dispatched the clan's judge, so it wouldn't take long.”

“...Fortunately for you madam, there’s a minor hiccup in our plans.”

Who exactly "our" referred to was not known to the lady. However, she had a rough idea of their plans.

“You’re speaking of that plan, to bring a deeper darkness to the frontier?”

“The plan to make the light shine brighter and more brilliantly.”

The lady responded to the man’s correction with a smile.

“There was an unexpected variable, but nothing will change. The Goddess gives only trials that are unpredictable but bearable.”

“I hope it resolves well.”

As she spoke, the lady thought that perhaps the most insane was not the fanatic, but Lu Solar herself. That detestable Goddess of Light seemed not to care what her followers did, as long as they fervently worshiped her. Otherwise, she wouldn't have granted such divine power to the priest in front of her.

“It will. I hope you wish the same, madam. I’ll give you another half a year.” The priest stood up after speaking. “This is the last time. Next... you should prepare a new lamb.”

“Gladly,” said the lady.

The priest turned away. The smile on the lady’s lips vanished the moment he walked out the door.

Pulling out a blood wine soaked with a girl’s blood from a drawer, she murmured, “An unexpected variable...”

In fact, she knew what the variable the priest was talking about was. The savior of Agel Lan and the slaughterer of Bel Ronde. A mercenary of unknown origin, known only by name. She had learned this while tracking the movements of that cross-species experimental female creature she didn’t even want to call her kin.

“...I hope he causes more chaos.”

So that they wouldn’t have the capacity to covet the precious true blood of the clan. With sincere hope, the lady gulped down the blood wine in one go.


The breath he exhaled was frosty. A sense of relief washed over Ian’s face and he slumped back onto his chair. Because in a few hours, he would arrive at the Temple of Brazier. Once he delivered Lucy and Miguel inside, this long and arduous request would finally come to an end. And then, he planned to visit a nearby village immediately. He needed to regroup and rest, but unexpectedly, the most urgent matter was a bath. Because he smelled like a sewer.

“It seems, Larmut didn’t trust Javier after all,” Charlotte suddenly muttered.

Ian moved only his eyes to look up at the back of her head, “Speak so I can understand.”

“The knights are waiting.”


Ian's brows furrowed as he straightened his posture. In the middle of a hill along the road, he caught sight of men in plate armor, waiting beside a campfire. There were four of them—two appeared to be knights, and two seemed like squires.

“How do you know that they are waiting for us?” Miguel, instinctively shrugging his shoulders upon seeing them, asked.

Charlotte's voice followed, “Can't you see the crest? They’re from the Thunderbolt Knights.”

“Thunderbolt... Knights?”

“Larumut’s royal guards.”

“This damned luck... Just when I thought it was all over.” Miguel sighed.

Ian's brow furrowed on its own. Larmut knew that Lucy had received the blessing of Lu Entre. It wouldn't have been difficult for them to predict their destination. It seemed they had dispatched their elite knights as a precaution upon hearing the news. They were probably planning to intercept Lucy before they could reach the temple. Ian knew their determination to seize Lucy was strong, but he hadn’t expected them to be this thorough.

I guess you really get backstabbed the moment you let your guard down....

Ian had encountered the Thunderbolt Knights in a game before. They were mid-bosses, gone mad yet defending a castle that had turned into a demonic realm as if it were a sacred site. Naturally, they were terribly strong, and their patterns were tricky. Although their numbers were much fewer now, they were undoubtedly going to be strong. Especially in the group’s tired state.

Charlotte, who had been observing the knights starting to prepare after spotting the carriage, finally laughed, “Splendid. The Thunderbolt Knights, no less.”

“Looks like you're thrilled to have reinforcements.” Miguel sneered.

Charlotte looked back at him as if he had said something ridiculous, “Do you think they’ll spare me?”

“...? You said it was splendid.”

“Splendid as in it’ll be a splendid death. Rather than living long in this state, dying in a fight against them would be far more beautiful.”


“They are some of the finest warriors in the Empire, armed with weapons containing the essence bead of the Gray Magic Tower. The outcome is predictable, but it will be a beautiful battle.”

Miguel was speechless, his mouth opening and closing without words.

Ian snorted, who are you to decide on the end?

“Planning to die before even fighting. Lost your wildness along with your tail, have you?” asked Ian.

Charlotte looked back at him with an indignant expression, “My wildness is intact! I was just stating the facts...!”

“No matter how strong, a beheading or a burst heart means death.”

Ian looked into Charlotte’s eyes as he stretched his neck, “That’s the fact I know.”

This time, Charlotte was the one left speechless. Ashamed, she averted her gaze from Ian, whose eyes bore no hint of surrender. They were the eyes of a warrior willing to do anything to survive.

“Stop the carriage!”

A robust shout rang out. Mounted knights with lances tucked under their arms were looking their way. Despite being only two, Ian’s instincts sent him a warning.

So, they are incredibly strong.

Ian stood up and said, “Miguel, when the fight starts, circle around the hill and head for the temple. Don’t worry about the outcome, just go.”

“Ah, got it....”

The knight’s voice rang out again, "I salute the strength that has prevented you from returning empty-handed! But this is as far as it goes! Surrender the young lady peacefully, and I promise you a death without pain!"

Quite the knightly thing to say. Ian didn’t respond, jumping off the side of the carriage instead. Charlotte, drawing her dual swords, landed low behind him. The knights laughed as they saw the two step forward.

“Seeking an honorable death, then.”

As if changing their minds, they dismounted, threw their lances, and drew their swords. Blue sparks ran along their armor and swords. Wind whipped around Ian and Charlotte as well. As the distance closed, the knights’ pace quickened. Soon, both parties began to charge at each other. The moment a clash seemed imminent.


A wall of yellow flames sprang up between them. Ian, squinting, stopped, and the others did the same. Charlotte looked back at Ian. Her eyes asked if he was responsible.

Instead of answering, Ian turned his gaze away. This wasn't magic. It was a holy fire, burning with divine power as its fuel. Identifying the one who manifested this power wasn't difficult. A figure holding aloft their arm, imbued with divine power, stood at the top of the hill, flanked by over thirty riders.

“Cease the battle!”

Clad in priestly robes and clutching maces, they shouted as they ran down the hill.

They are the Priests of Lu Entre.

Ian let his sword hang loose. The priests split into two groups: half guarded the carriage, and the other half surrounded the two knights.

One of the priests spoke, “Sheathe your weapons. This is the domain of the Burning Goddess.”

Zap— Crack—

The knights, still clutching their swords crackling with blue lightning, turned to face the priests.

“We are here under the orders of the Duke of Larmut. Even if you are priests serving the Goddess, you have no right to interfere in official duties unrelated to you.”

“It is not unrelated. As long as it involves a child blessed by the Goddess.”

“To have let you spy on us was a mercy on our part. But if we return empty-handed, the Duke’s wrath will fall upon the temple.”

It was a blatant threat. The response, however, did not come from a priest.

“It seems you have not considered why the Duke had you wait in such a place rather than the temple.”

A woman’s voice spoke. The priests widened their circle, and a woman priest wearing a robe stepped forward, the one who had ignited the holy fire. She removed her hood as she spoke.

“Go and tell the Duke that Cherwyn Astrea, a servant of Lu Entre, will gladly wait for him.”

Blond hair and red eyes were revealed.

“Ah, Astrea...! Forgive our rudeness, my lady...!”

The knights quickly knelt on one knee, the lightning on their swords already dissipated. The priestess before them was of the Empire’s royal bloodline. Ian looked at her, amazed for another reason.

...The Saint of the Brazier. I didn't expect to see her in the flesh so soon.

In the game, by the middle of Chapter Three, when he visited the Temple of the Brazier, she had already lost her life. She sacrificed herself to the brazier’s ember to revive the dwindling holy fire. Although the flames of the brazier were rekindled, the priests fell into madness, beginning human sacrifices to continue her legacy.

Ian was the one who put an end to this ritual, killing all the priests and extinguishing the brazier’s holy fire, thus diminishing Lu Entre’s divinity. The consequences of plunging the continent into deeper darkness were, of course, unsaid.

...But now, it's a future that has been averted.

Meanwhile, the knights had retreated. Lucy and Miguel, under the priests’ protection, approached with puzzled expressions, while Cherwyn dismounted. She clasped her hands before her chest and bowed deeply.

“I sincerely thank you, carriers of the Ember. The Temple of the Brazier has received an invaluable grace.”

Her manner was earnest, disregarding the race and status of those she addressed.

Her gaze then turned to Lucy, “I am pleased to meet you. I have waited a long time.”

“It is my first time meeting you. I am Lucifer Ash Riurel.” Lucy greeted her politely.

Ian exchanged glances with Miguel at the mention of “Lucifer” as she added, “Am I to go directly to the temple now?”

“Yes. You will live and study with me. You are to inherit my role in time.”

“But I wish to learn magic.”

“Surprisingly, the divine power of the Burning Goddess shares many similarities with red magic. Before serving the Goddess's will, I was a red mage. What's important is that you do not lose your inner passion.”

The situation quickly settled. The group boarded the carriage again, and under the escort of the priests, headed for the temple. Miguel glanced back at Cherwyn walking beside the carriage.

“How did you know we were coming?”

“A month ago, the Goddess granted a prophecy that the Ember would be carried here.”

“A prophecy? From the Goddess herself...?” Miguel’s eyes widened. It was a rare occurrence.

Ian stifled a laugh; the timing overlapped with when he accepted the quest.

She must have been desperate. After all, her divinity was in decline.

“As we saw the Empire’s knights staying in the village, we realized they intended to intercept the Ember. We could only watch, having no excuse to expel them. ...Thankfully, it's not too late.”

Miguel nodded, then hesitated before adding, “Once we enter the temple, are Lucy and I not able to leave for a while?”

“During the apprenticeship, it is a strict rule not to leave the temple grounds.”

“Oh... Then... could we not go to the temple today and stop by the village first?”

As Cherwyn looked puzzled, Miguel, sweating yet determined, continued. “After such a long journey, it would be... wrong not to share a drink before parting...!”

Ian chuckled, turning to look at him. Even now, he’s thinking about a farewell party?

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