I Became a Witch in a World Full of Urban Legends

Chapter 118: The Nemesis of the Facially Paralyzed

Chapter 118: The Nemesis of the Facially Paralyzed

The crimson flames reflected the sky a scarlet red as if a hideous scar had been burnt above the clouds.

Although she didnt know how to judge the level of psychic fluctuations, she knew whoever just cast that spell was somebody terrifying.

That mantra Its similar to mine.

Was she doing it on purpose?

She could feel someone powerful hiding in that building.

However, there was a great distance between them, and coupled with the barrier of steam and mist, she couldnt see whoever it was clearly.

Withdrawing her gaze, she slowly raised her hands and secretly tried to recall the spell the other girl recited.

Thankfully, she noticed that casting spells in her dream took no toll on her body.

So, she tentatively interpreted that the mysterious girl let her know the stronger version of her own spell.

Desolate wilderness; straw, bones, fan a fire, burn the rhinoceros, and shine like a fiery disaster!

She felt her body stir, and a restlessness several times stronger was brewing in her body. Her psychic energy twisted and turned within her, and then


The spell seemed to squeeze her dry of her psychic energy; her body convulsed uncontrollably, and she passed out.

You cant treat magical mantras like skills in an RPG.

If you learn a skill that is temporarily unavailable to you, the most common prompt would be insufficient mana.

However, if you use high-level mantras that dont belong to you, you will only drain all of your energy, and your body will shut down in response.

At eight oclock in the morning, the alarm blares in Lu Yibeis bedroom.

This mundane routine of going to bed early and waking up early is foreign to him. Hes used to staying up until late in the morning.

Opening the curtains, he vaguely recalled Du Sixian fainting in his dreamscape, and he couldnt help but feel bad.

N-no. It was her making a fool of herself. I dont need to feel sorry for her.

He took off his pyjamas, put on a knit sweater and jeans, and went downstairs.

He was greeted by the sight of Jumeng sitting cross-legged on the sofa, staring at the TV while watching a romance drama on TV.

She was watching it all night. In Yibeis dreamscape, he could vaguely hear lines from the drama she was watching.

Why do ancient goddesses even entertain corny soap operas like this? I guess they do appeal to old people.

Ready for school? Jumeng perked up.


Alright, make sure you listen to your teacher and dont talk back! Have a nice day at school, and remember to eat breakfast!

Youre acting like my mother.

O-oh? Jumeng was stunned for a moment, with a shy expression on her face, I could be your great-great-great-great grandmother at my age, but I prefer the term sister; but if you insist, you can call me mother if you want.

Goddesses know no shame.

Whatever. Do you happen to know what the Curse of Red Flames is?

What? Jumengs eyes widened as she took her attention off of her soap opera. Where did you learn that from?

I overheard it from somewhere.

That is a very powerful spell, ranked #80 in the Night Division; it rivals forbidden spells that most Witches dare not to cast. With your psychic tendencies, if you cast them, youll be squeezed dry like a wet rag on a sunny day. Dont you even think about trying to cast that spellyou still need to help me heal.

Im not your slave!

D-dont worry about it. I just wanted to know about it.

Although he looked calm, he was panicking inside.

The f*ck! How do I even know dangerous spells like these?

Judging from Jumengs explanation, if Du Sixian were to use this without a care in the world, would she

If the Night Division were to investigate this and find out that a Witch had secretly implanted knowledge of a dangerous spell onto their recruit

His whole body felt as if an ice bucket had been poured on top of him.

His gaze moved towards Jumeng.

I have to think of a way to tie her up and haul her over to the Night Division, confess my sins, and maybe theyll let me off easy.

Are you thinking of something bad happening to me? Jumeng asked.


Although he was proficient in lying thanks to his facial paralysis, it seems that he has met his match!

Is that so? This little thing on my hand is telling me otherwise Jumeng teased, raising her right hand, revealing a pattern of interlaced leaves and flames shimmering on the back of her hand.

Do you know what that means? Jumeng questioned.

Uh, you like leaves and fire so much you got them tattooed on you?

This means you violated something in our agreement, she smiled. Youre heartless, arent you? You stabbed an innocent old woman and injured her, and now, you want to take advantage of her!

Lu Yibei raised his right hand in silence, showing off the shimmering engravings on his hand.

The two stared at each other, and the whole room was filled with an awkward silence.

Im sorry for stealing food from you.

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