I Became the Academy’s Kibitz Villain

Chapter 184: Believing Himself To Be The Protagonist Of A Boys' Comic (2)

Chapter 184: Believing Himself To Be The Protagonist Of A Boys' Comic (2)

Friendship, effort, love.

The media that aided in the emotional development of children varied across countries.

In Korea, with a focus on education, an academy was established on Sejong Island. Here, students from elementary to high school were taught and nurtured at Sejong Academy.

Biographies of notable individuals, traditional folktales, stories like The Penguin Who Loved to Play, and tales of red and yellow bugs, among other cultural content, served as supplements to teach children various lessons.

What about Japan?

Japan primarily focused on manga content.

Comics aimed at children often featured royal tales, hero stories, and narratives centered around the protagonists victory.

The protagonist was always portrayed as right, just, and flawless.

There might have been villainous protagonists, but perhaps due to the Ministry of Educations censorship, they never emerged, preventing the creation of human musical instruments in this realm.

Instead, those who exhibited heroic deeds and righteousness gained more recognition.

Its somewhat ambiguous to label it as the opposite.

While many heroes in Korea prioritize the nation and patriotism, Japanese heroes often seem to view themselves as protagonists of shonen manga.

Just like now.


A purple giant roars as it dashes across the waves.

Despite its massive body stretching tens of meters, one might expect the giant to sink into the sea, but Susanoo crossed the Korea Strait with ease, thanks to its translucent giant body.


The Taegeuk Watch flashed, and soon, a somewhat familiar face appeared on the passenger ships monitor.

Its a heroine.

A Japanese S-class hero and original heroine, [Nadeshiko].

[Im so sorry! Despite our repeated persuasions and warnings, they broke through the barrier and escaped! Please, persuade them!!]

A graceful woman in a kimono with black hair bows in apology.

The water droplet-shaped mochi under her kimono wiggled due to the tight obi, causing the agents to sigh at the sight.

Ah, damn. Cant be helped.

Its not the first or second time kids behave like this.

Everyone empathizes with Susanoos actions.

Its because they were ability users, and like Susanoo, they had all experienced their own tempestuous times.

[Everyone, you know the situation, right?]

Another person appeared on the monitor.

[Its a headache from the start, but its likely not going to end with Susanoo. Please do your best. For now, Susanoo is]

[Chairman! Naeje has run out.]

[Ah, damn it! Why now!!]

An elderly man, the Hero Association Chairman, looked as if he was about to collapse as he continued.

[Internal agents, be alert for any disturbances or escapes among the Zenros! External agents, start intercepting shockwaves to keep the ship steady! Remember, our mission is to safely transport every single Zenros to Sejong Island without fail!]


With a loud cheer, I also joined in and headed to my position.

Naturally, my responsibility was the room where Gunggi was.

Its chaos.

Gunggi looked up at the monitor, savoring it as if watching an interesting movie.

Got any popcorn? I might turn into a devil if you dont bring some.

Is that a threat?

Even if I go, popcorn seems fine.

Agreed. But theres no popcorn in this room. How about some traditional sweets instead?

I took out some traditional sweets from the emergency snack basket in the room and tossed them to her.

Is this how you treat me?

Yes. But of all people, Naeje is going to subdue Susanoo.

I also took a sweet and bit into it.

Naeje hates guys like Susanoo.

She was always a fiery woman, wasnt she?

Not just ordinarily fiery.

Naeje didnt grow up on Sejong Island.

Until the age of 15, she lived abroad with her parents before immigrating to Korea. She was of mixed heritage, born to a Norwegian father and a Korean mother.

And the main cultural content she grew up watching was

-Hey! Stop! If you take one more step, Ill shoot lightning at you!

Its a Korean morning drama.

-I dont know who your friend is, but your friend is a criminal! Where do you think youre going with a criminal?

-Its a misunderstanding!

Oh, you can speak Korean? Thats unexpected.

The Korean Wave didnt just happen for no reason.

At first, you were shouting in Japanese while running.

I cant resist saying the predetermined lines.


The screen flickered, and instantly, lightning struck from the sky.

The lightning swiftly pierced Susanoos shoulder, making him stagger and come to a halt.

You actually attacked? Wow, thats awesome. Really tough.

I warned you that Id attack if you crossed the line.

Currently, excluding his status as a hero, Susanoo was an illegal intruder who crossed the border.

Being a hero and being a sensitive 15-year-old, he wasnt treated as a criminal or an international villain. If he were an adult over 20, he would have been held accountable for his actions.

-You attacked me?!

-Of course! Do you know how tense our soldiers are right now because of you?! Get out of here! Disappear from our waters!

-I cant do that! I have to save my friend! I cant believe he became a devil!! Until I see him with my own eyes, I cant believe it!!

This is serious. Looks like hes gone mad from the lightning strike. Oh, maybe

Theres no issue since its a different person.

The Japanese student in charge, whom Susanoo was looking for, was almost dead from fear, and I was just leisurely watching this farce unfold.

Yumir and Doul should also be handling the situation well, without being noticed.

But somethings strange.

Since this situation didnt exist in the original story, judging from the information the Goblin knows, there was one peculiar thing.

Usually, it would be Tusin, not Naeje, who confronts such youngsters.

Compared to the realistic and cynical Naeje, a passionate and justice-filled character like Susanoo is closer to Tusin Ijunyeong.

So, I expected Tusin, who saved the person from the self-immolation protest, to step up, but unexpectedly, Naeje took the lead.


Maybe theres another situation being dealt with elsewhere.

Or maybe there was no other choice but for Naeje to step in.

Theres no way to find out right now, but if I had to

Hey, one of the agents.

Loyalty. Nothing unusual during the patrol.

You seem better than usual.

A man who entered the room without knockingmy disguised agents superiorpointed at Gunggi with an expressionless face.

Move to the container. Follow me.

Should I move right now?

Whats with you? Youre usually clumsy.

Its a problem even if you did your job too well.

Suddenly replacing a person, its tough to perfectly mimic them.

Seeing that, I feel like I might mess something up right now.

Huh. Alright. Get ready in 5 minutes. Then move directly to the container. Jeongjiwon ssi, cooperate.


Gunggi gets up from the bed, tidying her clothes, and I approach her, whispering with my mouth.

-Why are we going to the container?


Gunggi gave me a signal with a light hand gesture.

Her action of flicking her hand upwards was like pulling a fishing rod when a fish bites.


I knew shed take advantage of this chaos to move.


Meanwhile, on the deck.

Why cant I go?


At the chairmans order, Tusin, Lee Jun-yeong, beat his chest in frustration.

Why are you provoking him now? What if it escalates into an international conflict?

[If it escalates, it escalates. Its not our fault. Its Susanoos fault for coming at us in such a huge form in the sea.]

Chairman! What if Susanoo turns into a demon!

[So what if he does?]

At the chairmans cold response, Lee Jun-yeong felt his heart sink.

Chairman, are you suggesting?

[Susanoo turns into a demon? If that happens, whether its the Goblin or Solar Platina, they will step in.]

But an S-class hero turning into a demon!


Lee Jun-yeong bit his lower lip at the chairmans warning.

Understood. But this is dangerous. He currently believes he is in the right. He thinks saving his friend is justice. Are you going to keep stopping someone like that?


Lightning struck again from the sky.

Susanoo grabbed the spear of lightning and threw it backward, the spear dropping into the sea.



Every time the spear of lightning hit the sea, an explosion occurred.

As the lightning touched the water, magical power exploded, continuously bursting the surface.

[See. He threw it backward. He still has some rationality left.]


[Soon, well show him the footage of his so-called friends villainous acts. Then hell realize. That the one he wanted to save is no longer a friend but a demon. Will he still call him a friend after seeing him casually kill people?]


[Its not common, but occasionally, a close friend has to be stopped by ones own hands if they fall into evil. Like in your case.]

What do you mean?

Lee Jun-yeongs eyes darkened.

Are you saying he might come here?

[Yes. Thats why Im telling you not to intervene. According to intelligence]


The sound of a fighter jet passing overhead echoed.

Korean fighter jets narrowed the path as a threat, but a jumbo passenger plane, its entire body dyed red, brazenly crossed over the Korea Strait.

And then.


Something jumped from the passenger plane.

Lee Jun-yeong immediately jumped high, clenching his fist.

Its been a while, Lee Jun-yeong!

You traitor!!

The black-haired woman who jumped from the sky, wearing a qipao, extended her legs downwards.

Its not betrayal! I just went to where they pay more!

Lee Yerin!!


The clash of two S-class attacks shook the atmosphere.


The black-haired woman with a bun, Lee Yerin, landed lightly on the deck of the passenger ship, bowing her head slightly.

Heavenly Demon, making an appearance.

Formerly a Korean S-class.

Now, a Chinese S-class.

Heavenly Demon () Lee Yerin.



Its nothing.

The original heroine has made her appearance.

Should I kill her too?

A heroine burdened with the troublesome backstory of being a traitorous defector.


When each one appeared.

Hi, Jeon Juk.

The readers already knew the answer.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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