I Became The Academy’s Narrow-Eyes

Chapter 18: Adryn Teln is a Surprisingly Delicate Person

Chapter 18: Adryn Teln is a Surprisingly Delicate Person

Adryn Teln.

While not as famous as Drin and Kasha, she was a very talented member of a prestigious family and was featured heavily in the story.

One of the most striking features of the game is that events only occur when the player’s level is equal to or higher than Adryn’s.

She wasn’t an opportunist or a discriminator.

She was simply someone who wanted to confirm her own worth while associating with exceptional people.

Now that I have passed through the second round with an ordinary record after having my first place ranking taken away, I probably don’t meet her standards anymore.

But why did she come to talk to me separately after the exam?

So I wondered if Adryn came here just now to give me a sharp word about what happened earlier.

See? That’s what I said!

‘Did you apologize to both of them!?’

If it were diligent and strong-willed Adryn, she would have ticked off those words without hesitation.

“Are you okay…?”

But instead, something unexpected happened. She cautiously observed my reaction and asked how I’m doing while carefully watching my expression.

‘What’s wrong with her?’

The clue to that question came not from Adryn but from nearby nobles.

“That guy over there-”

“Oh, him?”

“Yep. Looking at his stupid face, I can see how he could have done such a stupid thing.”

“How could he think he could outperform Drin-ssi and Kasha-ssi?”

“Like any commoner entering the academy, they’re just incapable of understanding the topic.”

Nobles insulting me.

And Adryn, whose condition worsened after hearing the insults, now fidgeted like a person who had committed a crime.

‘Ah, so that’s why.’

I finally understand why Adryn is acting this way.

Now I finally understand why Adryn is acting this way. It seems like she cares about what happened earlier when she openly challenged me in the exam room.

She must have felt awkward from my perspective and is now feeling guilty.


That’s why Adryn heard my criticism as if it were her own and seemed to be suffering because of it.

Meanwhile, I was completely unaffected by it.

‘Isn’t it surprising?’

I didn’t know that Adryn, with her strong personality, had such a delicate side to her.

‘Ah, right.’

Adryn did have a setting for being overly conscious of how she was viewed or her reputation.

There was an event like that.

Condition 1: Similar level to Adryn.

Condition 2: Complete Adryn’s quest.

Condition 3: You haven’t visited Adryn since completing the quest.

If you meet these three conditions and happen to run into Adryn.

Adryn would aggressively confront the player saying, “Hey! Are you avoiding me lately!?” but then timidly ask, “Um… Did I do something wrong…?” triggering an event where she shows a vulnerable side.

‘That’s right.’

Now that I think about it, it wasn’t surprising at all.

This is who Adryn is.

She’s a strong and confident person on the outside, but she’s a delicate person on the inside.

And now she was looking at me.

Looking guilty at me.


It’s embarrassing but saliva started flowing in my mouth involuntarily. This kind of development would be perfect for someone like me who enjoys trashy characters with thick skin sensitivity issues.

I would pretend to be tormented by bullying, just as Adryn feared.

And then she’d see me, regret what she’d done, be tormented by guilt, and cling to me to atone.

‘But maybe this is going too far.’

It feels like eating a dish full of cheese mixed with capsaicin – stimulating bomb-like food made by recklessly throwing them together.

I prefer a more subtle approach.

In that sense, I decided to relieve Adryn’s guilt that she is currently feeling.

Although it feels like a waste for someone like me who has an aversion to sensitive people, what can I do?

Food like this, full of cheese and capsaicin, might taste good at the time, but it’s bound to make you sick later.

‘And won’t there be another ‘opportunity’ when I enter the academy?’

How should we handle this so that we don’t break Miss Adryn’s delicate heart?

After carefully considering my plan, I opened my mouth.



As Adryn listened to the gossip about Ceylon, she realized how real it was. She understood how terrible her actions were. Ceylon was now outcasted by Drin Lebringer and Kasha Hanahan and openly despised by other noble.

If Adryn were in such a situation herself, she would never have been able to endure it. She would have given up everything – the academy and run back home immediately.

What about Ceylon?

Adryn cautiously observed Ceylon’s appearance.

He still wore the same unmistakable smile.

But in Adryn’s eyes, filled with guilt, Ceylon appeared lonely as if immersed in deep self-reflection.

A heavy sense of frustration settled in her chest.

Then finally, Ceylon opened his mouth.

What would he say?

That because of you, all my efforts to get into the academy have been in vain?

Whether I pass the exam or not, my life at the academy is over?

Now I’m finished?

My life, my dreams are over?

Words of blame?

Words of curse?

Maybe he would try to comfort her while pretending everything is fine-

No matter what reaction Adryn expected from Ceylon, she couldn’t bear it herself.

“It’s okay. What are you talking about?”

However, Ceylon’s response was completely unexpected for Adryn.

Ceylon replied with a light-hearted answer and a carefree impression on his face.

It was exactly how Adryn first saw him.


A sigh of relief escaped Adryn’s lips.

But that feeling didn’t last long either.

Nothing had changed.

Ceylon was still in the worst possible situation.

And it was because of herself.

She had to do something.

‘But what can I do…?’

If Ceylon had confronted Adryn with anger or hatred as much as possible, Adryn would have willingly accepted it and apologized.

But now that Ceylon acted as if nothing happened, Adryn didn’t know how to react anymore.

It was as if she hadn’t done anything wrong.

“What are you talking about…? Don’t you understand the situation yet? Didn’t you hear what those guys were saying about you just now?”

In the end, Adryn behaved and spoke as if nothing had happened between them.

She faced Ceylon without any emotional baggage.

“What they were saying about me? Ah. So that’s what they were talking about.”

A bitter laugh escaped Ceylon’s thin lips.

Adryn felt a pang of irritation and raised her voice.

“That’s right! Why did you insist on such an unreasonable stubbornness? If things continue like this, your position within the academy will-”

“Well… It was an unavoidable situation. Shall we say it was a situation where I couldn’t give up?”

“What, what!? An unavoidable situation…?”

Adryn wondered if he was going to tell her some kind of complicated, deep, ‘promise to my parents’ story.

“Have you never imagined such a thing?”

“What? What kind of imagination…?”

“A scenario where you perform remarkably in front of people and gain recognition from those who ignored you, saying ‘Oh! That guy is actually amazing!’ A dreamlike fantasy.”


“If you have human emotions, then surely at least once you must have imagined it! Dreams! Romance! I believed that moment when that scenario came true was not far away. The reason why I could never give up! You know what I mean by all this!”

Adryn’s mouth dropped open at the passionate way Ceylon spoke.

This guy…

More stupid than she could have ever imagined.

Unimaginably weird.

“That expression! Finally, someone who understands me!”

“I don’t understand anything! How can anyone understand such ridiculous thoughts!? It’s just that your nonsense left me speechless!”

“Oh really~? Well then, it seems like you don’t understand this sentimentality. It appears that you are someone who doesn’t know romance.”

“I’m sorry to disappoint you but if this is romance…I’d rather not know it.”

“Sorry but cause and effect are reversed here. Because you don’t know romance, that’s why you can’t understand it.”

Adryn stared back at Ceylon with determined eyes.


Adryn couldn’t help but chuckle.

She suddenly felt funny.

Why did she let herself be so upset because of this foolish guy?

“Hey. That, the one I just mentioned-”



‘I understand. I know.’

The gossip from the nobles that keeps resurfacing in her mind.

The signal revealing how precarious Ceylon’s position is within the academy.

It’s because of her.

That is exactly what Adryn has done to Ceylon.

Because of that, she should rightfully feel guilty and remorseful towards Ceylon

Adryn knew it for sure.

But strangely enough, Ceylon who should know better seemed oblivious to it all.

He acted as if Adryn didn’t need to feel any guilt at all.

What kind of game was Ceylon playing?

It was beyond comprehension.

“Hmph, they will paying the price for their arrogance.”

That was the reaction from Ceylon who heard the noble’s gossip.

Adryn couldn’t contain her curiosity any longer and voiced her question.

“Is that all?”

“Um, what do you mean?”

“If things continue like this, even if you get accepted into the academy, your life there will be extremely difficult. Aren’t you worried at all? Half of the students in the academy won’t want anything to do with you while the other half will look down on you.”

Ceylon pondered for a moment, then shook his head confidently.

“If that’s how it is then there’s no need to worry. It actually makes me more determined.”

“Becomes more determined…?”

“Shall we imagine for a moment? In front of those people who have been ignoring me like that, I make remarkable achievements. Then those who used to insult me will have no choice but to watch in awe-”

Another one of Ceylon stupid romantic rants.

Adryn looked at him and muttered incoherently.

“You’re a fool, aren’t you?”

“People who pursue romance are sometimes called that.”

Confidently. Adryn couldn’t help but burst into laughter at Ceylon’s ridiculous appearance.

“No, you’re a fool. A huge one.”

It was an unguarded laugh.

Suddenly, the guilt that had been plaguing Adryn was gone.

Instead, a new worry took its place within her.

What should she do with this foolish man?

Ceylon had nothing in common with the ideals Adryn pursued in human relationships.

Stupid and incompetent.

But now she felt like she couldn’t leave him alone.

Adryn cared about Ceylon and worried about him.



Because of responsibility.

NOTE: “Responsibility” huh, up to you girl.

Just because a stupid man lacks awareness of crisis and objectivity doesn’t mean that his situation is not serious at all. Surely no one from the Academy would want to associate with this stupid man. They would thoroughly ignore and despise him. Being a commoner and being completely excluded from the Academy is a difficult task under such unfavorable conditions. He may show strong confidence by saying he will overcome the situation by himself, but unless he has exceptional abilities like Kasha or Drin, it is impossible for him to succeed.

Adryn thought that Ceylon was in such a dire situation.

And it was her own fault that Ceylon was in that situation.

So she had to take responsibility.

Adryn thought she had to step forward and help Ceylon establish himself in the Academy.


Because it’s clear that there is no one else who will befriend this stupid commoner like Ceylon besides herself.

In Adryn’s mind, It’s clear that this stupid, pathetic guy has no one but herself.

Therefore, it’s pure sympathy. Consideration. Goodwill.

Having organized why she cared about Ceylon, Adryn wore a satisfied expression on her face.

Feeling like she could openly call him out on it without any hesitation, Adryn spoke to Ceylon.

“Hey. Idiot.”

“You called?”

“Do you want me to keep calling you idiot?”

“Well, as a weak and humble commoner like me, I can only follow your noble intentions.”

“Well, how can you judge a person like that? Tell me.”


“What shall I call you instead of idiot.”

“What? Ah, you mean you want me to give you my name.”

“No, I’m not really curious, I just don’t like you being called an idiot.”

Adryn avoided eye contact with an awkward smile.

“I apologize for the delay in introducing myself. My name is Ceylon.”

“Ceylon. Huh, it’s a fitting name somehow.”

“I’ll take it as a compliment.”

“It meant ‘fool,’ right?”

“Eek, my proud name-”

Adryn shook her head in disbelief at Ceylon cheeky response.

Then, turning away from him, she crosses her arms and speaks nonchalantly.

“Adryn Teln.”

“Yes? Oh. Yes. Adryn-ssi! Huh? Wait? Teln?”

Ceylon looks up at Adryn, startled.

“Oh… No wonder you seemed extraordinary. So you’re from the prestigious Teln family!”

“Geez, what nonsense are you talking about?”


Adrian restrained herself from showing an excited expression by tensing her facial muscles and maintained an indifferent expression.

“Well, whatever. I guess even an idiot can figure that out, so I guess that explains how great my family is.”

With an indifferent expression and casual tone of voice,

“I, Adryn of House Teln. If you ask very nicely, I’d be willing to continue our acquaintance.”

As if effortlessly playing the role of nobility making concessions while trying to appear as indifferent as possible.

With such indifference displayed, Adryn waited for Ceylon reaction. She anticipated it.

Surely, Adryn thought that this clueless man would show a very awkward- flustered reaction since he had the opportunity to befriend someone like her.

Adryn turned her head as he did and glanced at Ceylon to confirm his reaction.


As expected, Ceylon was very sudden- flustered by Adryn’s proposal.

This guy can be flustered, too, Adryn thought.

It felt like she had given him a blow with one punch.

Adryn smiled inwardly, barely suppressing her triumphant smile.

“So, what do you say? How will you respond?”

Feeling even more confident, Adryn confronted Ceylon.

Arms crossed, head turned away, her nobleman’s nonchalant demeanor relaxed.

Ceylon showed off his clueless appearance like a commoner, then said,

“Ah! So, you want to be friends with me!”


Adryn, who had her arms crossed and her head turned away, showing off her nonchalant demeanor, felt her face heat up.

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