I Became The Academy’s Narrow-Eyes

Chapter 35: Sorting the Hierarchy (2)

Chapter 35: Sorting the Hierarchy (2)

Adella felt a frustrating sensation as she looked at the arrogant Adryn, who exuded superiority. It was more than just irritation; it was a profound sense of bewilderment.

On that day, at the social gathering held at the Espien estate, Adella had suffered a humiliating defeat to Adryn in a friendly duel that adorned the pinnacle of the social event, all in front of an audience. To Adella, who was still young and had grown up sheltered, this defeat had been a tremendous shock.

She had thought that Adryn had looked down on her and mocked her, so she made a vow. She vowed to make Adryn pay for this humiliation. She would become someone so remarkable that Adryn, despite his noble status, would have to acknowledge her.

Time had passed, and Adella had achieved her modest goals. Her martial skills surpassed Adryn’s by a clear margin. Her position within the aristocratic society? Not just a step ahead, but several steps ahead. While the influence of Espien and Teln families within the noble society might be similar, the influence Adella had and the influence Adryn possessed were incomparable.

Adryn didn’t actively seek aristocratic connections, whereas Adella had gone to great lengths to establish them, even if it meant pushing herself. She excelled as a commoner, excelled as a noble, and thus, excelled as a human.

Adella had never doubted that she was a more outstanding person than Adryn. However, at this moment, facing Adryn, she couldn’t feel any superiority over him. Instead, an indescribable unease crept in.


Was it because Adryn was more familiar with that man, Ceylon?

‘Seems foolish,’ Adella thought.

She had to admit his talent; she recognized that his future held promise. However, as of now, Ceylon was nothing more than a commoner who had performed well in the entrance exam. Adella, on the other hand, was an upper-level student at the academy, even friendly with the instructors. In terms of the connections she had in the aristocratic society, Adella far outstripped Ceylon. So why did Adryn’s familiarity with that man make her feel uneasy?

It didn’t make sense.

But she could acknowledge one thing to some extent: Adryn showing off his connection with that man was annoying to watch.


Adella thought.

She wasn’t particularly interested in that man, but she would take him away from Adryn just to see his twisted face.

Her original purpose had changed. It went beyond preserving her relationship with the exceptionally talented commoner; it had become more than that.

‘Do I really have to go this far…’

She pondered.

Adryn was openly defending that man. He was even boasting about it. Insignificant individuals were teaming up and creating unrest among themselves. If their hearts were in sync, she wanted to leave this place.

She wanted to use all the influence she had within the aristocratic society and the academy to return the humiliation to those two.

“I’m sorry. Upon reflection, I was too hasty. It seems I became impatient due to a mistake I made, or rather, a breach of etiquette.”

But she would endure.

Because that was something she could do anytime.

“What happened just now, and what happened during the entrance exam, the mistake I made – no, the breach of etiquette. I will formally apologize to both of you here.”

Adella made a formal apology with a bow.


Adryn, upon seeing her, wore an expression of both vulnerability and uncertainty.

She never expected a proper apology like this, especially from someone like Adella Espien. It’s unrealistic for a noble like Adella to apologize to a commoner like Ceylon. Adryn, a noble of similar status, knew how difficult it was.

“Miss Adryn, what’s your decision?”

Ceylon asked at that moment.

“Huh? Me? What for?”

“Miss Adella has offered her apology. Will you accept it?”

“No, why would you offer it to me… What about you?”

“In truth, I’m not particularly holding onto what happened during the exam. I’m not the type to be so concerned about people’s opinions and actions.”


Ceylon chuckled coolly and scratched the back of his head.

“Well, I have no doubt that I’m not the type to be so concerned about people’s opinions.”

Mizu, noticing that the atmosphere had calmed down somewhat, chimed in subtly.


Adryn let out a faint smile and turned his gaze to the side.

“So, I’m just concerned about Miss Adryn’s feelings. After all, that situation must have been more awkward for Miss Adryn than for me.”

“… What? why you…”


Adryn, taken aback, stepped back from Ceylon.

‘Why is he being so charming?’

Adryn almost asked, ‘Do you like me?!’ because of his exceptionally courteous attitude.

But she realized that Ceylon’s words didn’t carry any special intentions, and with a bewildered heart, she coughed and changed the subject.

“Oh, no. Well, so what? How about me? Hmm… Alright. If you’re okay with it, I won’t pay it much mind.”

“Wow, you’re so cool!”

NOTE: He said ‘cool’ in english pronounciation.


“Yeah, cool. It means you’re composed, fiery, cool. Something like that. It seems to fit Miss Adryn perfectly.”

“That’s amusing. I’ve never heard that word before. Is it a dialect from your hometown or another language?”

“If you want to put it that way, sure. Anyway, Miss Adella? I’m glad. Miss Adryn is so forgiving. Since Miss Adryn has forgiven you, I will forgive Miss Adella too!”



Adryn panicked and called out to Ceylon.

Even Mizu, who was watching the situation from the side, was flustered.

Despite Adella apologizing and seeking forgiveness in such a dignified manner, it was a clearbreach of etiquette for a commoner like Ceylon to say, “I will forgive you.”


Adella smiled gracefully, veins sprouting on her face.

“Oh no! Did I make a mistake or something…!”

“I-It’s fine.”

Adella replied with great effort.

“Ceylon is also a student at the academy, just like me. There’s no need for such formality. Besides, Ceylon probably isn’t familiar with these ‘etiquette’ things. It wasn’t said with impure intentions, so I don’t mind.”

Literally, Adella believed that Ceylon didn’t know the etiquette of the noble world and had made a mistake.

But why?

Looking at Ceylon, who seemed to be happy, made her feel oddly pleased.

‘Maybe it’s just my imagination?’

Adella managed to calm herself and regained her usual elegant and dignified demeanor.

“So, Ceylon?”


Now it was time to get to the point.

“Returning to the main topic, would you be available from now on?”

“What’s that? Is your business with Ceylon over now that he’s accepted your apology?”

Adella asked Ceylon, but the answer came from Adryn.

Of course, even though Ceylon accepted Adella’s apology, it didn’t mean that their relationship had become friendly. It had simply shifted from a relationship openly displaying rejection to a more subtle one.

Adryn, as if hiding Ceylon in her pocket, stepped forward in his place and answered.

“… Well, I’d like to invite Ceylon to the mansion of our Espien family, which is nearby, from now on.”

Adryn looked at Ceylon with widened eyes.

‘What did you just say?’

It seemed like such a voice was echoing.

“Even if you don’t know what’s going on, could you please tone it down a bit? We’re planning to have a simple banquet tonight, and that’s the only reason for the invitation.”

“A banquet, you say?”

Ceylon, who was already pondering how to handle the lodging problem until he entered the dormitory today, reacted to the keyword ‘banquet’ with interest.

Now three questions popped into his mind.

Can I bathe?

Will there be food?

Can I stay overnight?

Adella, who read his interest, quickly spoke up.

“This is a celebration of your successful entrance exam, and I believe it’s an occasion that suits Ceylon well. Regardless of what others might say, you were the protagonist of today’s entrance exam.”

“Oh, being called the protagonist~”

“I would like to take this opportunity to convey my apologies to Ceylon once again and offer my congratulations. How about it? Would you like to grace the occasion?”

“Wait a moment!”

Seeing that Ceylon’s response wasn’t entirely negative, Adryn hurriedly intervened.

“Ceylon, by the way. What are your plans from now until the entrance ceremony?”

“Haha, I was just thinking about that. I came here with the idea of simply seeing how things go after passing the entrance exam.”

“In that case! How about spending the time until the entrance ceremony at our Teln mansion nearby?”

“Excuse me, Adryn?”

Adella called out to Adryn with a somewhat forceful tone.

“I’m the one making the offer to Ceylon right now, aren’t I? This isn’t the time for you to step in.”

“If we’re going to put it that way, then isn’t Adella the one who shouldn’t step in?”

“Well, why is that?”

“Today, Ceylon and I were comrades in the third test. If anyone has the right to congratulate Ceylon first, wouldn’t that be me?”

“And me, Mizu Bauer, Ceylon’s mentor.”

Mizu interjected, pointing his thumb at himself.

Adryn smiled proudly.

“Oh, of course, Mizu too. Given the circumstances, how about it, Ceylon? We’re planning to hold a simple banquet at our mansion as well, would you like to attend? And after the banquet, you can just stay at our mansion. No pressure, we have plenty of vacant rooms.”

“We also have plenty of vacant rooms in our mansion too. Proper guest rooms, Ceylon. If you come to our mansion, we’ll treat you as an honored guest.”

“Ceylon, our mansion’s head chef is the most renowned chef in Arienne. You can look forward to it.”

“Ceylon? Our mansion’s head chef is a certified top-notch talent in Arienne. Do you know the five-star restaurant called Redimo in this area? That name, where do you think it came from?”



How long had this mansion boasting competition between the two of them been going on?

“More importantly, Ceylon. If you attend our banquet, I’ll introduce you to other nobles.”

Adella revealed her trump card.

“Other nobles? Are you talking about your henchman- I mean friends who was making fun of Ceylon with you today?”

Adryn attempted to counter, but Adella remained composed.

“Of course, there are no other nobles I can introduce to Ceylon besides them, right? As Adryn knows, I have a fairly wide network here in Arienne.”


On the contrary, Adryn, who had a limited network in Arienne, remained silent.

“Most of them have quite an influence in the city. Among them, there are even people related to the Academy. If I ask, they will gladly attend the banquet tonight or tomorrow. So, Ceylon? If you come to our mansion, I’ll introduce all of them to you. I can guarantee that it will be a great help for your life at the Academy.”

“Oh… This isn’t a joke, if Ceylon doesn’t go, I want to go instead.”

Mizu muttered, and Adella immediately responded.

“Mizu Bauer, if possible, I’d like you to grace the occasion as well.”

“Oh, what an audacious request.”


Adryn raised an eyebrow and looked at her.

“Ahem, I’m just kidding. Of course, it’s a joke. But, Adryn, I’m asking just in case. What if I really go there?”

“Ugh! I don’t care, so go away!”

“Hmm, that’s what you say. Ceylon, shall we go?”

“Leave Ceylon alone, Bauer!”

“To use Bauer as an insult…!”

Mizu made a groaning noise with her mouth and lay down on the floor.

Adella smiled victoriously and asked Ceylon.

“So, Ceylon, what will you do?”


Adryn asked Ceylon with an uncertain attitude.

Ceylon glanced back and forth between the two of them and cautiously spoke.

“Um… um… Everyone, calm down. Mizu here has actually proposed a good compromise.”

“Huh? Me?”

“What do you think of this? Both Mizu and Adryn, along with me, will attend Adella’s banquet amicably. It will be a great opportunity for both of you to be introduced to the nobles attending. What do you say?”

“That’s a good idea!”

Unlike Adella, Adryn’s response was cold.

Even Mizu, who had just made a joking remark, showed a cold reaction.

“Hey, hey. Fool. Are you serious?”

“Ceylon, are you serious…?”

“Oh, then how about this…! First, Adella can attend the banquet at Adryn’s mansion, and then we can all attend the banquet at Adella’s mansion.”

“…Are you serious?”

Even Adella reacted coldly to this.

“What’s with this childlike way of thinking that combining things is always good? Is that you? Food will all mix in your stomach anyway, so are you the type who stirs everything on your plate with a fork?”

Mizu tried to lighten the mood with a senseless joke, but the atmosphere in the room only grew colder.

‘What should I do about this…’

At this point, Ceylon had decided that it would be more beneficial for both himself and Adryn to maintain a reasonable distance from Adella rather than completely alienate her.

The reason he was hesitating between Adryn and Adella in the current situation was because he judged that if Adella introduced the nobles attending her banquet to Adryn and Mizu, it would be a great help to their lives at the Academy.

However, both Adryn and Mizu seemed reluctant to attend Adella’s banquet.

‘Oh well.’

In this case, there was only one choice.

Ceylon was about to speak and convey this choice to Adella when a calm but more distinct voice than any other cut through.

A golden-haired figure with a more vivid color than gold and sapphire gems, combined with a cold expression, created an atmosphere that was even more powerful than anyone else present.

A presence that could evoke a sense of awe in anyone.

It was Drin Lebringer, the beloved of the 8 Great Families.

She had spotted Ceylon and let out a deep sigh.

“I’ve been looking for you.”


“I remembered what you said.”

“The things I said, you mean?”

“When we first met, remember? You said you came to Arienne without any plan, just to take the entrance exam.”


“Just in case, have you found accommodation for tonight?”


“I thought so. Anyway, let’s hurry and find a place to stay until you’re assigned to a dormitory.”


“At this time, finding an available room would be nearly impossible. Let’s go.”


“We have a mansion of the Lebringer family nearby. A kind of annex, you could say. Stay there until you’re assigned to a dormitory.”


“…What’s this? Your reaction. I thought you’d be happy.”

An abrupt and unexpected offer.

Adryn and Adella stared at the unexpected offer.


However, when Drin Lebringer finally noticed them and turned her gaze toward them…

“Miss Dr-Drin…! I’m from the Espien family, and-”

“Miss Drin, do you remember me? The 2nd test-”

She responded with a smug smile as if to say, “When was that?”

It was the moment when Ceylon’s lodging for the period until the entrance ceremony was decided.

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