I Became the Fiancé of a Crazy Heroine

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Sion Laird embraced his new life, burying his old name in the depths of his heart.

It was lonely and painful to be a part of the modern world.

Sure, it was a little strange at first, but he quickly adjusted, and became another human being.

Is this how chaebols live?

As the youngest son of a marquess, Sion Laird was living a comfortable life.

He was surrounded by maids and servants, and his father, a man of vast wealth and prestige, led the family.

He was not disliked by either of his parents, and his two older brothers were gentle and talented.

As long as the family didnt ruin itself, he would never have to suffer.

Pretty good for an extra.

This world was not meant to be real.

It was merely a fiction that existed only in fiction.

But as an extra, Sion Laird had come to accept it as a reality, albeit belatedly.

It would be nice to live like this and die in peace.

Sion Laird pulled himself up and out of bed slowly.

The suns warm rays were coming through the window.

It had been nearly a month since he arrived in this world, but it was as if the sight was all new to him.

But it wont be a smooth ride.

As he admires the scenery outside the window, he turns away.

While adapting to this new life, he was constantly thinking.

How would the story begin, how would it progress, and how would it end?

How will the main character act, and how will the other characters react?

After all, no matter the world, nothing is easy.

Sion Laird knew where this world was headed.

Hed read it many times, even looked up the setting.

Of course, he couldnt see all the information about the extras, but he knew enough about himself.

Running away will only cause suffering, and staying put will make no difference.

If this world was to continue as it had been written, he would be swept up along with it.

Although Sion Laird was an extra, he wasnt completely absent.

To put it mildly, it was only mentioned once or twice as the story progressed.

Its just the way it is. I have nothing to brag about.

Unlike his two older brothers, Sion Laird had no special talents.

The Marquess of Lairds eldest son was skilled with a sword, and his younger brother was an administrator in the royal court.

But the youngest, Sion Laird, had done nothing but behave himself and stayed in the manor.

Im useless, so theyll have to sell me.

Of course, the Marquess of Laird did not hold any ill will towards him.

He wasnt as talented as his siblings, but he didnt cause trouble or cause a disturbance in the manor.

He had been given appropriate responsibilities and duties for the good of the house and the family.

Sion Laird sighed and sank onto his bed.

His new life was slowly unraveling.

If only hed had a choice.

Its so frustrating.

Of course, he did have some rough plans in mind.

What kind of thoughts did Crazy have, how should he treat her, what would be the outcome, etc.

There were no guarantees that things would go as planned, but he could at least try to follow the direction if he wanted to.

At least Im not married.

In the original story, Sion Laird was engaged to someone, and lives with his wife at their house.

That someone was a Crazy, and she was also the heroine of the story.

In other words, Sion Laird unintentionally became indirectly involved with the protagonist.

I have to be ready when the hero shows up.

Actually, from an objective point of view, there was no need to prepare.

The protagonist had high potential and power, and would surely reach the ending after going through many processes.

All Sion Laird wanted to do was build a solid life for himself.

I have to be strong enough not to be taken advantage of.

What if, for example, Sion Laird possessed qualities that made him superior to his two brothers?

He wouldnt have been used as a tool in an arranged marriage, but rather kept close by.

Moreover, if he had achieved so much and made such a name for himself, wouldnt he be able to choose who he wants to marry?

I have my tastes, and this is not one of them.

Marriage is a deliberate decision, not a mindless instinct.

Dating is something you can do as you please, but marriage is the ultimate life commitment.

By the time you want to get a divorce, its too late, and if you have kids, its the end.

If I dont find a girl I like, Ill stay single.

Of course, in this world, celibacy isnt allowed, or youll be criticized by family and friends.

But Sion Laird had no intention of letting that dictate his life.

If you cant forge your own path, youre just a puppet, not a human being.

I dont care what the protagonist does. I care about only ME.

Even if you stand still, the protagonist will take charge.

Over time, they grow stronger, defeat their enemies naturally, and accomplish many more feats.

There was no reason for him to be in the way.

Ah, I want to live easy life.

Marquis Lairds room at his residence.

At this hour he should have been working in his office, or going out and meeting people.

But something more important had come up, and he was discussing it with his wife.

The other family had requested it first, but it was an offer he couldnt refuse.

So youre saying youre going to hand over our youngest to them?

Hand him over? My son is not an object.

You dont consider him an object and want to give him to them?

Lianne Laird, matriarch, and Lady of the House of Laird, bit her lip.

She understood his point, and of course it could only be good for the house.

But in the grand scheme of things, it was nothing more than using their precious child as a networking tool.

Not quite so But. I cant refuse this offer, an opportunity to be form a link with a Duke.

Were marquises too! Do we not have pride?

Its not about pride. The title of duke is not given to just anyone, is it?

Of course, receiving the title of Marquis was not easy.

Its the second highest ranking title in the hierarchy, and it takes a certain amount of wealth and prestige to hold it.

But compared to the first ranking of Duke, it paled in comparison.

A marquis can become a duke if they want to.

You think I dont know that? Our familys strength is not weak right now, but we need to prepare for the future!

The patriarch of the Laird family, Marquis Fred Laird, revealed his growing anxiety.

So far, the Marquis Laird had managed to maintain his dignity and pride.

However, several nobles in the capital and elsewhere were beginning to expand their influence.

Most of them held the title of earl, which made the Marquis, who was directly above them, feel threatened.

Theyre using their commerce and connections to grow their power, and the king is taking an interest in them, and if things go wrong here, our family could be pushed aside!

I see what youre saying, but its no different from selling our children!

Wife. I love all three of them dearly. But I think each should learn to do what they can. Maybe going off and being a dukes son-in-law might do you some good?

Fred, too, was of Lairds blood, and had been favored by the family.

Eventually, he became the head of the Laird family and led the family as the Lord Marquis of Laird.

If you received a favor by being part of the family, you had to pay it back.

Of course, he was not overly greedy, only hoping to be of some help.

Dear. I was betrothed to House Laird for many reasons, and while my fears prevailed at the time, I have no regrets now, for you have treated me well.

Lianne was originally betrothed to Fred as a young lady of the earldom.

She abandoned her original surname and served him dutifully as a hostess for the Laird family.

Luckily for her, he loved her wholeheartedly, and never took a concubine.

But this was not a common occurrence.

Let me ask you a question: do you think our youngest will be treated well if he goes there?

There is no reason for them to treat our child harshly.

Of course not, hes my son, but what do you think of that Crazy girl?

Fred was momentarily speechless, but he did not avert his gaze from Lianne.

He knew what she meant.

The Duke was deliberately trying to set up an in-law arrangement in order to settle the matter concerning his Crazy daughter.

Its an engagement, not a marriage. If things go badly, we can ask for an annulment first.

On the contrary, if everything goes well, the marriage will take place. Why should I give my son to that Crazy girl?

If our family is strong, the youngest will not be abandoned.

What about the suffering hell have to go through? What about the time hell have to waste? Why should he have to go through all that?

Liannes voice rose to a howl.

She could admit that her youngest child lacked the qualities of his two older brothers.

But that didnt mean he was incompetent enough to be sold to a duke.

It was just that his talent was late in manifesting itself, and outwardly he was of great value as a son-in law.

I have already given a promise, he said, that if anything should happen to him, I will arrange a divorce for him, and give him a reasonable compensation.

What good is a promise? That Crazed young lady is going to destroy my sons life!


Fried clears his throat with a grim expression.

He had expected Lianne to object strongly.

His other children might be against it, but they were easy to convince compared to Lianne.

In other words, if Lianne changed her mind, he would accomplish what he wanted.

I understand your feelings, now will you listen to my proposal?

What are you going to say?

If the marriage is broken off after being engaged, I will leave all decisions about our youngest child to you.

.So no matter who I choose for marriage, you will do as I say?

Yes. I will not object to any marriage and will support it unconditionally.

Liannes anger eased slightly.

This was an arranged marriage for the family, so she couldnt be too stubborn.

Besides, his fiance was an idiot, and if things didnt go well, he might end up divorced.

In the first place, he wasnt aiming for royalty or dukes with his youngest child, so it wouldnt matter much if the marriage broke down.

I have my picks, but? Should I tell them in advance?

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