I Became The Indolent Young Master Of The Academy

Chapter 159


Archmage Delrin.

It can be seen as the oldest ancestor and origin of Windsor.

She wanted revenge.

It is such a deep resentment that we would ask our descendants 1,000 years from now to remember it.

I never imagined it would be like this.

“…You are trash. also.”

The first emperor tilted his head at the sudden change in Ruid’s mood.

“What now?”

“I said it was trash.”

Ruid raised his head and glanced at the first emperor.

The First Emperor’s eyebrows furrowed.

Clear blue eyes.

The blonde boy caught the light and gave off a mysterious aura.

It was then that I felt a sense of heterogeneity.

The blue light from Ruid’s body became increasingly darker, and the surrounding area was instantly filled with small beads.

Ruid stretched out his hand. One eye burned bright blue.

The first emperor was embarrassed and recited his authority.

“The first emperor Lione…”

“It’s already too late.”


The blue light from the small bead pierced the emperor’s body.

That was just the beginning.


Countless beads pierced the body of the first emperor.


The emperor writhed in pain. I waved my hand in the air. His body turned golden, and something like iron armor surrounded him as if to protect him. It was an object that looked exactly like a coffin.

Perhaps an artifact. It means that you have the means to protect your life.

It was as expected.


Ruid clenched his hands. The blue beads glowed and exploded simultaneously.


An explosion sound that exceeds the sound range and cannot be heard by the human ear.

It doesn’t matter how hard that artifact is.

The attack that first pierced the emperor.

That itself is a fuse.

Now the explosion exploded from inside the Emperor’s body.

No human being can bear it.

White dust flew. Ruid raised his magic power with cold eyes.

‘This is the one who came back to life after a thousand years. There is no relief unless the soul is obliterated.’

It was the moment to drive in the final wedge.


The wind cleared the smoke.

The coffin protecting the emperor was intact, without any trace of vitality.

That wasn’t the important thing.

A blonde girl half-clad in a robe was standing in front of him.


I was unable to completely block it, so I wrapped myself in a wavering barrier.


Ruid looked at her calmly.

Delrin, the greatest wizard in human history.

It was definitely her.

“Damn it.”

At the same time, the coffin surrounding the emperor’s body was lifted.

Ruid twitched his eyes. A nearby bead of light rushed towards the emperor.


Delrin lightly raised his staff to block.

“What kind of guy are you?”

“The person who will kill you.”

“I forgot for a moment that you shouldn’t show kindness to people in this world.”

Even while talking with the emperor, all of Ruid’s attention was focused on Delrin.

Delrin. I know that name because I’m tired of hearing it.

A person who redefined most of the current magical theories in a world where magic had not developed.

Befitting its reputation, it has an enormous amount of magical power.

In terms of magical power, it seemed that even Ruid himself was not overpowered.

But there was a big difference.

As an experiment, Ruid cast a simple spell.

Delrin mechanically swung his staff to block.


It was easily blocked, but even though it was a light magic, the level of barrier she deployed was far from high.

For a wizard of that level, it would be normal to calculate the exact amount of magic power and block it.

That means-

‘There is no ego.’

Maybe it was natural.

Unlike the first emperor, who was revived in the body of a descendant, Delrin does not have a body.

What makes up her body is magical power.

No matter how great a being, Ruid can be sure.

‘Weaker than me.’

Delrin waved his staff. A circular magic circle appeared around her.

As if the ground was shaking, it began to pull in the magic power around it. In the center of the magic circle, a light so intense that it was difficult to open my eyes appeared.

Each shot contained enough magic power to blow away a considerable amount of territory.

No one could survive being hit by something like that.

‘If not me.’


Lasers coming from magic circles in all directions hit Ruid’s body. Perhaps because the RBI was small, it almost came together as one point at the end.

Ruid stretched out his hand toward the laser. In Ruid’s hand, blue magic like the ocean enveloped the laser and instantly swallowed it up.

It was as if it had been sucked into my hand. It was a defense that could not have been cleaner than this.


The first emperor laughed maniacally.

He immediately spoke with an expression filled with joy.

“It feels like a thousand years have passed. “I never thought there would be a toy worse than Delrin.”


Lots of anger.

Countless regrets.

On the contrary, these negative things gave Ruid enlightenment.

The magic that had already been mastered to its limits had grown to the point where it could break those limits.

The word ‘outside the standard’ really suits the current Ruid.

“The 5th magic-”

A pentagram was drawn in the eyes of the first emperor. Perhaps that is the power of the first emperor. So that no one can disobey the words of the great emperor.

That doesn’t mean there isn’t a way.

“Be quiet my slave—”

“Time stops.”

The surroundings turned black and white.

The falling flames also stopped in the middle.

Time has stopped.

“It would be so unfair if you were the only one in this world with such fraudulent abilities. is not it?”

‘I’d like to use magic to kill him right here, but that would be difficult.’

Time stops.

It’s truly like a dream, but there are many limitations.

You can ‘think’ as much as you like, but it is impossible to harm anyone.

Because attacking someone means that time passes.

Therefore, at this moment, we must do something to counter the power of the First Emperor.

Of course, Ruid already knew.

Power is a power engraved in the soul itself.

That may be why the first emperor, who had no magical powers at all, was able to use such ridiculous abilities.

In other words, the power of the first emperor can be seen as striking directly into the soul of the other person.

-Yes, I can see it. Master’s soul. He is a very special soul.

This is what Miho once said.

The Great Spirit can peer into the human soul.

The fact that she said that-

“…If you eat that much mana, you should start working soon.”

That it can protect the soul.

“Great spirit nine-tailed fox.”

As soon as Ruid finished speaking, the frozen space of time rippled.

A small fox with a pure white tail tore through the space and appeared.

This is possible because, unlike humans, who are three-dimensional beings, spirits are beings who live in the fourth dimension.

They are not limited by time and space. Therefore, it is possible to move even when time has stopped.

[Do you know how disappointed I was because I thought you had forgotten me?]

“I can’t forget it. They use magic power inhumanely. I know that? A normal human would have died.”

[But I can’t help it! If I didn’t use it that much, Ruid would have quickly forgotten my existence.]

“Just answer the question. “What are you doing walking around?”

Miho traced the floor with her small palm.

A black hole appeared and something came to mind.

It was someone’s head. 6.

[These are the heads of those who caused all of this.]

“…You worry about unnecessary things.”

I immediately recognized it as the corpse of a warlock.

I was wondering what he was doing walking around recently and I never thought he would be doing something like this.

[It’s not for nothing. That’s right, master, because of things like that, you’re thinking of ending this world and going back to the past.]

“You knew. But- sorry. Nothing changes just because you do that. “I will definitely go to the past and make everything right.”

[…Time magic is tricky.]

“I know.”

[Even if you go back to the past, changing the future is not easy. Surprisingly, even small things can make a big difference, and even if you change big things, nothing can change.]

“Just repeat until you get it right.”

[You can change it from the present. It’s not too late for anything yet. Just like I killed them – just kill all the people who were the culprits of this incident.]

“What do you want to say?”

[Irene Windsor.]


[Actually, you know that, right? If I just kill her, everything will go back to normal-]

Ruid did not answer that question.

I can only say this while looking at the first emperor.

“Let’s sign a new contract. “Soul Contract.”

The contract I signed with Miho so far was a provisional contract.

It was just a verbal relationship.

However, what we are about to make from now on is a true contract that binds soul to soul.

…Up until now, I was reluctant to risk my soul, so I didn’t do it.

[…Soul contract.]


Ruid closed his eyes.

When I opened my eyes again, there was only one complicated magic circle in front of me.

Miho placed her hand on the magic circle.

[Okay, master. What is the first command?]

“Protect my soul.”

[It’s a very simple story for the Great Spirit.]


When Miho clenched her fist-

The world was colored with light again.


The first emperor, Ian.

He was arrogant.

That has to be the case.

What you want becomes yours with just one word.

Who wouldn’t be arrogant when they have such incredible abilities?

He was excited about getting a new toy.

‘As expected, I’m lucky. ‘To have two geniuses born once in a thousand years under me.’

Even though he is still a small child, his strength is probably on the same level as Delrin.

Even if this world started over a couple of times, someone like Delrin, a genius who would never have been born, appears.

As expected, God was on his side.

“Be my servant-.”

The first emperor used stronger language than usual.

An evil smile appeared.

The emperor’s power is absolute.

It directly interferes with the human soul and places a spell that can never be rejected.

Soon, the greatest talent will become yours.



My vision has changed.

It happened so quickly that I couldn’t even recognize when it happened.

ocean. It was the sea.

The sea is so wide that you can’t see the end, and it’s scary.


The emperor looked around in confusion.

[This way. Foolish human being.]

Wusoosu got goosebumps.

A golden-eyed fox with a red face was glaring right in this direction.

It was very large and had nine tails.

[Are you sane after targeting my master’s soul?]

The emperor’s body trembled slightly as his voice trembled with anger.

A primal fear filled the emperor’s mind.

[Get out of here right now-]

The fox raises his arms. I swung it in an instant. The emperor’s vision wandered through the air. The head was blown off.

The vision lit up once more. It returned to its original place.

But the emperor’s shocked heart did not calm down.

“Huh huh huh-”

‘What was that…?’

He thought while taking a deep breath.

Without coming up with an answer, I looked at the boy walking confidently towards me.

One thing was certain about this.

There’s something about that boy.

And maybe that will be fatal for you.

“Kill them all right now. Delrin! Use your powers! “Give it your all!”

The first emperor had good instincts. That feeling speaks for itself.

He said that if he didn’t kill that boy, he would probably be the one who died.

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