I Became the Leader of the Monster Circus Troupe

Chapter 150: Black and Gold – 21

Chapter 150: Black and Gold – 21

Just a hundred years ago, 99% of the sugar on the market was made in one way.

It was by distilling the juice squeezed from sugarcane.

Sugarcane was a crop that could only be grown in humid tropical climates.

So in the empire where more than half of the territory belonged to the cold climate, there was always a shortage of sugar.

With the Industrial Revolution, the supply of sugar exploded, but the situation did not improve.

The empires distribution network was unstable due to slow development of transportation networks.

Moreover, the demand for sugar greatly increased due to the outbreak of civil war.

Nobles had to distribute high-calorie sugars to soldiers to maintain their combat effectiveness and morale.

It was a time when many nobles died in civil war and many new nobles were born.

Although there were various radical upward mobility news, becoming a son-in-law of a marquis and a son-in-law of a duke was considered disgraceful even at that time.

The dozens of marquis titles that the previous emperor distributed to relatives for the authority of the aristocracy were nothing more than hollow honours that only maintained dignity.

However, when the emperor died suddenly without an heir, the marquis titles became the right to vote for the next emperor.

While some marquises were considered walking ballot papers, there were also marquises who wielded real power directly.

The marquis who became the son-in-law of Wilhelm Slagbrot was one of those ambitious people.

At that time, Wilhelm was a renowned pastry chef in Yeterinpurrk.

He baked various strange pastries in ways that other craftsmen had never thought of.

The most surprising of his mysterious secrets was sugar production.

He developed a technique to extract sugar from sugar beets, which were used as livestock feed at the time.

It was amazing, but it didnt attract much attention.

Most alchemists had that level of vision.

The real value of the extraction method depended on profitability and material purity.

There were already hundreds of ways to produce sugar.

However, in the realm of industry, sugarcane was the only one used. It was because it had the highest profitability and purity.

So alchemists didnt think much of Wilhelms method.

Its just a strategy to mystify his own pastries.

No matter where you extract it, chemically, its no different, but people are easily deceived.

It was a coincidence that the marquis who would later become his craftsman found him.

He came to Yeterinpurrk for a rest from the long civil war without an escape route and happened to eat a pastry in a bakery. It was sweeter and tastier than any pastry he had ever tasted.

And it was cheaper.

At that moment, he heard rumors about Wilhelms sugar extraction method.

The marquis foresaw that the outcome of the civil war would be determined by vodka and sugar.

Moreover, sugar beets were a crop that could be easily found anywhere in the empire.

He saw the value of Wilhelms sugar extraction method.

It wasnt long before the marquis, faced with Wilhelms cries demanding nothing but his pretty and renowned youngest daughter in return. Wilhelm stormed out with a sword to slit the thiefs throat who dared to covet his daughter.

In the midst of his frenzy, he noticed his daughter standing between him and the intruder.

During his short stay in Yeterinpuurk, the two individuals, unbeknownst to him, fell in love and secretly met each other.

The fact that his daughter suddenly wanted to eat pastries and dragged him to the pastry shop a few days ago was no coincidence.

Seeing his youngest daughter, who always cooed and laughed at him, shedding tears and shouting angrily at him for the sake of another man, he was shocked.

He finally approved of their marriage a month later.

A large confectionery industrial complex was built in Yeterinpurrk six months later.

It was seven years later that the heir supported by the marquis became the emperor after the civil war ended.

It was fifteen years later that Wilhelm, supported by the marquis, won in the internal struggle of the marquisate and was also recognized as a marquis.

Although more than fifty years had passed since Wilhelm became a marquis, he still preferred to be called Candyman rather than Marquis Slagbrot.

Many believed it was a nickname derived from his pastry artisan days, but the truth was slightly different.

During the trend when lovers gave each other sweet nicknames, he called her Raspberry and it was her who game him the nickname Candyman.

Sitting on his home office chair, he listened to the factory manager reporting on the business situation, wrinkling his nose.

Not only was he skilled in running the factory, but he also had a knack for understanding his superiors moods.

Raspberry Pi and lemon cheesecake.

The two snacks on the home office desk were favourites of his departed wife and daughter.

Though he was too old to see now, when he smelled them, he could recall the smiling faces of the two people who loved his treats.

Their voices too.

Heh, you think eating these cheered you up yesterday.

Haha, how could anything made by His Lordship not be delicious?

Wilhelm coughed loudly.

The factory manager, startled, looked at him.

He worried that maybe Wilhelm had found some flaw in the business report.

But the Marquis reassured him with a wave of his hand.

He had just cleared his throat to dispel the tears that were welling up from memories of the past.

Ever since he lost his sight, he had developed a habit of being wary of how he appeared to others.

All right. Whats on the agenda for today?

Yes. First, youll inspect the snack production facility, then have lunch with the Golden Carnival acrobats, and afterward

The Candyman felt the sunlight stroking his cheek through the window.

Though he couldnt see, he could smell the scent carried on the breeze.

Somehow, he had a very welcoming feeling that a special guest would come today.


Slagbrot Pastry Factory welcomed visitors every day.

Anyone who hadnt yet become an adult was eligible to visit.

There was no admission fee. You just needed one guardian to accompany you.

It might only happen once in a lifetime, but children could gather unforgettable memories and go home with arms full of snack gifts.

And if they was lucky, it might not just be a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Ten or twenty years later, some people returned with their own children to visit the factory again.

Ella passed through the crowd lining up in front of the factory in a carriage.

They were guests invited by the owner of this factory.

They didnt have to wait like those people over there.

Sitting beside her, a Golden Carnival acrobat looked at the people outside through the window, reminiscing with colleagues about the memories they had when they visited this place with their mothers.

She involuntarily took a deep breath.

Memories with her parents.

Ella, dont you like sweets? Want to go to the Candy factory with me?

Three weeks ago, Wonderstein had invited her to come here together.

Back then, she had brushed it off, saying it was a waste of time.

She looked through the window.

Excited children and smiling parents were there.

If only she had known, she would have agreed to his sudden suggestion of going out.

Maybe he wanted to give her some memories since she grew up as an orphan.

He was acting as a parent figure.

She felt grateful for his thoughtfulness.

She decided that when they returned, she would ask him to come here together again.

Even though he seemed to have no interest in anything other than the Circus Grand Prix, now she understood why he had suggested going out of the blue.

He probably wanted to give her some memories since she grew up as an orphan.

His heartfelt intentions were appreciated.

She would have to pretend that she had never been here before, so he could anticipate her surprise, but

When they got off the carriage, they were greeted by the factory manager.

His ample figure and jowls indirectly showed that he was a skilled pastry maker.

Welcome. The Worlds greatest acrobats.

Lord Fantastic stepped forward as their representative and shook hands with him.

Although we may not match the skills of our guests, our artisans will certainly delight our guests eyes.

As Ella and the Golden Carnival performers followed him into the factory, four people appeared in the crowd.

Are you enjoying yourself, Director?

In response to Yuraknes words, Wonderstein smiled with longing and looked up at the factory.

Do I seem to be?

Yes. Youve been humming a tune all the way here.

Wonderstein grinned awkwardly.

It was the background music for the candy factory map.

Have you ever been here, Director?

Wonderstein, who had been thinking for a moment, nodded his head.

A long time ago.

At that moment, the reception called out a number.

It belonged to Yurakne and Maya.

The two of them dashed forward.

Since Reyna had just gone into the restroom, Wonderstein looked around at the people waiting in line.

Adults and children stood in a 1:1 ratio.

To keep the spectators, employed jesters divided snacks and performed small-scale acrobatics.

Eat just a little.

If you eat too much now, you wont be able to enjoy the tastier things inside.

Parents made sure their children didnt fill up too much on the snacks handed out here.

Then, a jester extended a basket in front of where Wonderstein was standing.

He tried to refuse, but the jester looked at him with pleading eyes.

Oh, Director Wonderstein, isnt it?

He was a man with white face paint and a strawberry-sized nose.

At first, Wonderstein didnt recognize who he was, but soon he exclaimed, Ah! with realization.

Mr. Allen?

At that moment, another jester, similarly dressed, approached.

Whats going on Oh, its you?

He was surprised.

There was a brief pause between them.

Allen and Jo had applied for various additional roles, but they all fell through.

So they were earning money by doing such cheap jester gigs.

Lets hope for the next opportunity.

The path of art is long and hard.

Please remember us for the next audition.

The two of them nodded to him.

But that was a mistake.

Snacks spilled out of the basket they were holding onto the floor.

A factory employee supervising the temporary workers ran over from afar.

Whats wrong with you guys! Earlier, you stepped on pudding and slipped at the same time!

The two of them were eventually fired, and 10 minutes later, they were seen leaving the factory with their jester makeup removed and dejected faces.

Wonderstein looked at them with pity.

Two legends who had lost their anonymity as mercenaries ended up becoming comedians by chance

At that moment, Reyna approached him.

She tightly grabbed his sleeve and looked around.

Despite being in front of many people, she maintained her usual haughty princess demeanor, but her voice was trembling.

I-I think we might be too old

As Reyna said, most of the children in line were around their early to mid-teens.

It was the perfect age to enjoy a field trip and come to a place like this holding hands with their parents.

However, Reyna and Maya, brought by Wonderstein and Yurakne, were 17 years old.

Considering that they would become adults in two years, they were somewhat late to come to a place like this holding their parents hands.

Still, Maya, with her small stature and doll-like features, didnt seem out of place despite her age.

On the other hand, Reyna, with her tall stature and a body that could rival Yurakne, was quite mature.

Even though her face made her look like a teenager, her stature couldnt be ignored.

At that moment, Maya suddenly squeezed in between the two of them.

It seemed like the registration was over.

If you dont like it, then leave.

Her voice was cold and indifferent.

Reyna trembled at the hostility emanating from her.

She turned away from Reyna and looked at Wonderstein.


She tightly grabbed his hand and pulled him towards her.

Please change my clothes.

Reyna almost screamed at her words.

What is she talking about?

Oh, she wants her clothes changed?

Reynas face flushed red, but the two continued their conversation casually.

Sweaters and cardigans might get lint in the factory, so hang them outside. But I dont want to wear factory uniforms.

Oh, alright. Shall we go inside then?



There was no time to dry off.

She stared blankly as the two walked into the bathroom together.

In the same stall?

In this era, bathrooms werent just places for bodily functions but also served as rooms for fixing makeup and adjusting clothing.

Even so, for a man and a woman to enter together like that meant lets do something naughty.

Of course, they wouldnt do such a thing in broad daylight, especially in an outdoor bathroom with the ceiling vents wide open

But why would the Director change her clothes

And why does the Director accept it so naturally

Whats going on between them?

Reynas mind was in turmoil.

Unconsciously, she approached the stall.

Then, a large cat appeared in front of the bathroom stall.

It was the illusion cat that Maya talked about.

As Reyna approached, the cat unleashed a psychic storm, baring its sharp teeth.


It was the illusion cat.

Reyna stepped back.

And as she confirmed the cats expression, her face stiffened.


Though she couldnt hear any sound, Reyna could understand.

The cat was mocking her.

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