I Became the Leader of the Monster Circus Troupe

Chapter 180: Demon in the Bottle – 19

Chapter 180: Demon in the Bottle – 19

The magicians of Cinepecus possessed a technique to erase their own names.

By using it, they could erase their existence from this world.

They primarily used it to escape dire situations.

As powerful as it was, the price they had to pay was not small.

Those whose names were erased wandered like specters in the Garden of Whispers, the domain of Cinepecus, forgetting even who they were.

It was impossible for them to recover their selves and return to the original world on their own.

Therefore, they prepared a way to escape from there in advance.

They asked someone they could trust. to perform a ritual routinely.

If someone called their name, they could regain their identity in the Garden of Whispers and return to the original world.

However, the demon born within the flask had never been given a name.

His creator did not give him one.

So, the moment he escaped from the flask, his existence began to be automatically erased from this world.

His flesh and skin melted away like water-soaked sand.

Just because he had no name, he couldnt even enjoy the freedom he had barely obtained and had to disappear.

He resented his creator and despaired of his situation.

As he was giving up everything, he heard a voice.

It belonged to a young woman who had just turned twenty.

She was searching for her mentor in this dreadful scene of destruction.

There was no purpose behind the demon gathering information about her using all his powers except that he had nothing else to do until he died.

And that final act of defiance brought unexpected hope to him.

He heard about the ability she acquired a few days ago.

It had the power to fix living beings in their current state.

Even if an injured animal was dying, its wounds would stop progressing once inside it.

If that power worked on him too?

Maybe he could survive.

He took a gamble, and it paid off.

Though he ended up trapped in the bottle again, he could escape from the hands of the Black Magician.

And after seventeen years of research and study, the demon in the flask finally gained a body that could walk outside the bottle and a name to sustain himself.

Even if it was stolen from someone else.


Clara took a deep breath and exhaled.

After spending most of her life trapped in the flask, she finally came out into the world.

She casually tapped the bottle she had stayed in for seventeen years with her finger, mimicking the tone of the original owners voice.

Hello, my name is Clara.

Having collected information about her for the past few weeks, she could perfectly mimic her language.

The amorphous liquid trapped in the bottle made a gurgling sound.

Who, who are you What are you doing to my body Dont mess with me! Im Clara! I, Im Clara

Whatever you say. Officially, the world recognizes me as Clara.

Clara mocked the bubbling liquid monster.

This allowed her to avoid over 90% of tracking and exploration abilities.

She plugged the mouth of the glass bottle with a cork and covered it with a black cloth.

The spell she cast was a kind of deception that overlaid the name and ownership of the body.

To maintain this, the original owner had to continue to survive.

Stay quiet. I can return your body later.

She said so and put it on a shelf in the corner.

Then Clara examined her body closely.

Two legs stretched out from under her short skirt.

White stockings made of elastic material gently hugged her thighs, revealing a bit of skin.

The sensation of standing on soft legs instead of rigid prosthetics was new.

It was amazing that she could balance with just two legs.

She thrilled at the scent of soap tickling her nose and the stiff feeling of the school uniform touching her entire body.

Every sensation was unfamiliar and new.

Thanks to the abilities given by Cinepecus, she had accumulated more diverse and extensive knowledge than any scholar in the world. The spell she used to steal bodies and names was her invention.

With that information and knowledge, she could easily play the role of Pyrenes mentor.

But the world she experienced and the whispers she eavesdropped on were all she had.

It was the first time she directly felt anything with her own body, no matter how trivial.

She wanted to taste chocolate.

Would it really be as delicious as rumored?

She also wanted to ride an airship.

How would it feel to soar in the sky?

There were so many things she wanted to do.

Lost in her imagination, Pyrene spoke to her with a trembling voice.

Ma, Master? Are you Are you my Master?

Clara glanced at the corner of the room.

There, Pyrene was sitting on the floor, trembling all over.

Pyri, my dear disciple.

Clara had no hesitation in calling her a disciple.

Although it started as a deception, over the seventeen years, she had actually received a lot of teachings from her.

She was indeed her true disciple.

Clara looked into her pale face.

She had observed her for the past dozen years.

When it came to her, Clara knew her better than Pyrene knew herself.

She was currently locked in fear.

It wasnt guilt about harming her student.

She could do anything for her mentor.

Furthermore, Clara was a criminal caught trying to kill someone.

She had no qualms about using her.

What she feared was the possibility that her mentor, who had finally gained freedom, might no longer need her and leave.

She decided to reward her disciple with what she had always wanted.

It was thanks to her that Clara could finally come out into the world like this.

Come here, Pyri.

At the mentors call, Pyrene crawled towards her hesitantly.

Clara caressed the face of her trembling disciple.

Thanks to the secrets she taught her and her own constant efforts, Pyrene, in her mid-thirties, had skin not unlike that of a twenty-year-old.

Youre beautiful.


Pyrenes pupils shook.

Youre truly adorable.

Claras lips enveloped hers.

For a moment, Pyrene thought her heart had stopped.

Claras tongue lightly grazed her gums and passed by.

It was a simple kiss, but Pyrene felt more ecstatic than any caress.



Had won.

Her mentors heart.

Their lips parted.

Clara wiped the drool from her lips.

I am still not used to moving the body, huh.

Hah, M-Master

Pyrene looked at her with a trembling expression.

She lowered her head.

Call me Clara. Otherwise, whats the point of having control over this body?

Pyrene, facing her smile, heard her own heart explode.

Words were enough to convey information.

But conveying emotions between people sometimes required expressions, gestures, or even physical contact.

For seventeen years, their communication as mentor and disciple had been nothing but words.

But today, finally.

She was truly with her mentor in the truest sense.

Her mentor had expressed her feelings to her.

With joy and suppressed desires bursting forth.

Pyrene grabbed the wrist of the girl in front of her.

Clara furrowed her brow.

W-What are you doing?

It was the first pain she had ever experienced.

The unpleasant sensation she had only heard about made her squirm to pull her arm away.

Then, her disciple did something utterly unbelievable.


With a shock, her head turned to the right.

She looked at her with eyes that couldnt believe the situation, and Pyrene slapped her cheek.

Wha what?

Claras eyes widened.

Whats going on?

What did she do to deserve this?

No, what did she do to me

Stay still!

Pyrene growled lowly, looking at her with intense eyes. It was the pressure signal used by trainers to intimidate before taming, a combination of strong gaze and movements used in fighting wild animals.

Clara instinctively recoiled like a fawn, feeling a sharp pain in her cheek, tears welling up.

She had never seen Pyrene like this before, even after 17 years of knowing her

W-what are you doing, Py?

Clara tried to assert her authority as a mentor, but what came out of her throat was only the trembling of a frightened girl.

Pyrene smirked with sadistic pleasure.

Shouldnt you call me Professor, Clara?

Her hand slipped gently under Claras school uniform skirt, teasing her thigh with her fingers, trailing lightly like a tongue.

Claras legs trembled with a mix of ticklishness, embarrassment, and a tingling sensation of pleasure.

Uhh, wh-what

But she couldnt muster any more words.

Pyrenes lips covered hers, far more aggressive, sticky, and invasive than the favour she had bestowed earlier.

Her tongue coiled inside Claras mouth, while Pyrenes fingertip pressed firmly against the fabric covering Claras most intimate area.

Claras body shivered uncontrollably, her hips bucking.

She hadnt realized the depth of Pyrenes suppressed emotions over the 17 years.

She loved her mentor, but that didnt mean she had accepted everything comfortably.

Whenever pushed too hard or made unreasonable demands, she felt a sense of rebellion.

But she complied silently, suppressing her own desires.

Living in constant tension, day by day.

But finally, the mentor found solace in her embrace.

And expressed her affection.

It wasnt strange for everything pent up inside Pyrene to explode.

Ah, m-my body feels strange P-please, stop!

You mean Please stop, Professor, right?

Pyrene looked at her with desire-filled eyes, exerting more pressure with her hand between Claras trembling thighs.


Claras hips jerked.

Her body was drenched in sweat, trembling all over.

This was something she had never experienced before.

All her logic and knowledge crumbled before pleasure.

S-sensation like this ugh! I-its absurd just bodily fluids pl-please, Professor

Finally, words of surrender escaped her lips.

Tears and saliva flowed as she begged her.

But Pyrene didnt stop.

Clara couldnt even pretend to resist anymore.

She just cried and squirmed like a fool.

Pyrenes hands slowly unbuttoned Claras blouse.

Her hands groped her slender waist.

Clara couldnt even pretend to resist anymore.

She just writhed and cried like a fool.

Pyrenes hands finally reached their destination and grabbed it roughly.


Clara twisted her waist.

It felt like her respiratory center was paralyzed.

Unknowingly, her limbs went limp.

Pyrene lightly licked her neck and whispered.

Youre cute, mentor.

That night, the demon that emerged from the depths tasted the sweetness of chocolate it had longed for.

And experienced the feeling of flying through the sky on a spaceship.

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Chapter 179: Demon in the Bottle 18

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