I Became the Leader of the Monster Circus Troupe

Chapter 182: Demon in the Bottle – 21

Chapter 182: Demon in the Bottle – 21

Pyrenes office was deeply permeated with a nauseating stench.

As someone who frequently dealt with animals, it was inevitable that the room would smell of barnyard.

Clara struggled to maintain her composure.

She tried not to dwell on what had happened in this place last week.

But as she heard Pyrene locking the door upon entering the space, Clara couldnt help but involuntarily shiver.

The memories of that day were still vivid in her mind.

The day she succeeded in switching bodies, Clara had found herself naked, rolling around on the sofa and floor of this place with Pyrene.

Though they were of similar build, as Clara, who had just inhabited a human body, it was impossible for her to overpower Pyrene.

When Pyrene attempted to undress her, Clara resisted roughly.

But she ultimately succumbed to Pyrenes harsh words and light violence.

Im sorry! Im sorry! Ill do as you say, Professor sniff.

Tears streamed down her face involuntarily.

The pain of experiencing something for the first time was utterly terrifying.

Pyrenes sudden change in demeanor was also frightening.

Crying was the mark of a slave branded by the heart onto the flesh.

There was nothing more beastly than one controlled by emotions.

Tears were the most pitiful accessory a woman could wear.

Trying to gather her thoughts by recalling the words of philosophers and sages, Clara attempted to steady her mind.

But such things offered no help in overcoming physical pain and real fear.

Simply begging not to be treated as such was the best Clara could do.

Fortunately, as long as she pretended to be a meek student, Pyrene behaved like her usual kind professor.

Ah, yes. Well done. Good girl, Clara. Would you like to lie down on the sofa?

She complied with everything Pyrene asked, and in return, Pyrene rewarded her with pleasures she had never experienced before.

Claras mind was consumed by the intense service Pyrene provided.

Thinking of something or devising a plan in that state was impossible.

All she could do was cry out and cling tighter to her counterpart.

The next day, Pyrene apologized to her, crying.

She said she got carried away because she was so happy that he had regained a body after 17 years.

Clara stopped her from harming herself.

She forgave her disciple.

After all, Pyrene hadnt meant to harm her.

Moreover, Claras own actions had contributed to Pyrenes excitement.

Upon sober reflection, Pyrene hadnt changed particularly strangely.

Clara already knew about her obsessive attachment and possessiveness toward her mentor.

The reason Clara had been able to endure 17 years of subservience was not because she possessed some power.

It was because she had manipulated Pyrene using fears and sympathies over the concern that her mentor might die if the glass jar broke.

The problem now was that Clara wasnt trapped in the jar anymore.

To Pyrene, she was no longer a being to be treated cautiously.

Those marks still havent been erased.

Clara looked at the marks on the wooden floor, recalling her mistake.

In this room, where various traces of animal excrement were left everywhere, those marks seemed freshly made.

She had wet herself during the climax of their intense night together.

Ouch! Oh, ugh!

You really are quite something.

Clara listened to her disciples mockery as she spilled a pool of foul-smelling liquid onto the floor.

The stain still remained vividly on the floor.

It seems your traces are not easily erased.

Pyrene licked her lips, deliberately exuding a sense of disdain.

Claras face flushed with embarrassment.

It, it must be because of the substances I ingested.

She laid out the ingredients she had used for her ritual, explaining how they could affect bodily fluids.

Pyrene felt a tender affection for such a devoted disciple.

She wanted to embrace her tightly and whisper words of love.

But she suppressed the impulse.

Instead, she put on a mask of disdain and coldly smoothed her voice.

Im not interested in excuses.

She knew that love alone wouldnt suffice to tame Clara.

She needed to use carrots and whips methodically.

Now was the time to crush her mentors self-esteem.

Stroking would come later.

She stood before her mentor with her arms crossed.

Would you please take off your pants?

At her words, Clara found herself clutching her sleeves tightly.

This was exactly why she feared the obedience lessons.

I-Its okay. Ill do it later on my own

I said take them off.

Pyrene commanded in a cold voice.

Clara hesitated, then closed her eyes tightly and slowly lowered her pants.

Smooth white legs, adorned with well-defined muscles, curved gracefully into view.

Pyrene gazed at the juncture of her legs.

She wasnt wearing panties.

Instead, there was something inappropriate for her age.

Stacked layers of white fabric pieces.

It was a diaper.

Clara trembled, unable to find a place to avert her gaze.

Pyrene brought her hand to the front of the diaper and pressed down firmly.

She could feel it squish from being wet.

Youve soiled it again.

Hearing Claras tired sigh, Pyrene smiled inwardly at the crumbling of her mentors authority.

The method to keep a bird from flying away from its cage was simple.

You just had to break its wings.

But that could breed resentment in the bird.

The problem was also losing the trust built with the bird.

Using violence to tame was the act of a brute.

A master preferred to bend the will of a living being.

The method to keep a bird that had flown out of its cage from escaping was simple.

Implant in it the belief that it cannot fly.

When a bird realizes it cannot survive without someones care and cannot live alone, it stops thinking about flying away and stays in the cage.

Pyrene had no intention of letting the mentor who had emerged from the flask leave and live her own life.

She couldnt imagine living alone after 17 years of being together with her mentor.

She intended to never let her mentor escape her grasp.

Thats why she mixed diuretics into the medication Clara consumed every morning to maintain her body.

It was a means to subtly hint that there was something wrong with her body, alluding to the incident of wetting the bed on the first night.

Pyrene came back with a new cloth from the cupboard.

Alright, lean against the wall and spread your legs.

Claras face turned from red to almost black.

Leave it. I can change it myself.

Hmph. Quite confident, arent we? Talking about diapers in front of kid several decades younger.


At her words, Clara felt her self-esteem hit rock bottom.

Was she really such a worthless being?

Even though she is an apostle of the great mage and demon Cinepecus, even though she was created artificially

When she was in the flask, she acted as if she was the wisest person in the world.

In the Garden of Whispers, she could eavesdrop on every conversation.

She heard the negotiations of the worlds leaders, the scholarly debates, and the intricate affairs of households tangled in complex relationships.

She believed that with the wisdom and knowledge she had accumulated, she could accomplish great things once outside the flask.

She wanted to manipulate the world from behind the scenes, gaining power and eventually defeating even The Black Magician.

But now she understood.

Those were all futile dreams.

The pathetic girl who couldnt even handle school life alone was her current self.

Clara cried silently onto the carpet.

Heh, really. Are you crying now too?

St-stop itPyri I am your mentor

Still, she tried to maintain the mask that supported her last bit of self-esteem.

It was her pride.

It had sustained her for seventeen years.

But her pride shattered completely at her disciples words.

Surely youre not planning to play the role of a mentor in this pitiful state? At least wait until you can go to the bathroom on your own.


At Pyrenes cold retort, Clara hesitated and then slumped to the floor.

Her head, shoulders, and legs trembled pitifully.

Pyrene sensed that now was the time to offer a carrot.

Approaching the crying Clara, she hugged her without showing any emotion, grumbling with annoyance.

Ugh, seriously. Now youre crying?

The one that had supported her sincerely for seventeen years.

Leaving her embrace, she couldnt even fulfil the role of a proper person.

P-please, please change my diaperProfessor.

Although still embarrassed, her words felt much more obedient than before.

Pyrene smiled at her words.

It was a sight which she would have never imagined from the mentor of twenty years ago.

Pyrene knew the true terror that her Inspira possessed.

A world of perfect bliss without pain or change.

It sounded like a utopia just to hear about it.

There was a reason she could handle any animal proficiently.

In return for staying in this comfortable space, the animals submitted to her.

But one shouldnt keep animals in a glass jar for too long.

In a place without any stimulation, interaction, or contact, like a cradle, animals forget the tricks theyve learned, their social skills deteriorate, and they exhibit symptoms of mental regression.

She looked at the mentor trapped in a flask without walls or floor.

It had been nearly after twenty years since the prisoner had come out into the real world, and he had not been able to adapt to reality, eventually falling into social obscurity.

The mentor had become a fool, both physically and mentally, thanks to her Inspira.

That was why Pyrene didnt doubt her mentors easy surrender.

Now, stick your butt out this way and spread it. Are you still covering cleaning your faeces? Good holes deserve special rewards, dont they?

Yahahaha, Pyri, what no, Professaah!

Pyrene was determined not to let her recover her personality easily.

She planned to thoroughly tame her to rely on only her.

She would prioritize subjugating her mind.

But if necessary, she was willing to bend her will by causing an accident, even if it meant breaking her wings.

The most important thing in taming is deception.

Yes, Professor. I am faithfully fulfilling what you said.

She smiled softly, her tongue flicking her lips.

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Chapter 181: Demon in the Bottle 20

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