I Became the Leader of the Monster Circus Troupe

Chapter 192: Demon in the Bottle – 31

Chapter 192: Demon in the Bottle – 31

“I wonder if you all taste good. Hehe, if I could just draw all of your souls into my domain…”

The Avatar muttered to itself as if he is in full control.

However, that didn’t mean that actually was the case.

Through the “window” called the Apostle, the Demon revealed a part of itself to this world.

In other words, the personality of the Apostle had a significant influence.

The problem was that Clara originally didn’t have the qualifications of a Apostle.

The vessel of her body was forced and indebted through Debulroots, and even the vessel of her soul was based on artificial creation.

Furthermore, there was even “identity fraud” involved, making her state extremely unstable.

The Demon sensed that there was something wrong with the vessel.

“Hmm? Hehehe… Is this the limit? Well, it can’t be helped. For the remaining time, do as you wish. Though it was short, you were my Apostle.”

It was quite a stretch for the Demon to exert his power throughout the entire banquet hall.

The window shattered, and the frame distorted.

The Avatar handed over the dominance of personality to his Apostle and disappeared to the other side.

The exoskeleton covering the Avtar’s body twitched stiffly like dominoes falling.

She looked around and shouted loudly.

“Ugh, fine. It’s my turn now… Reyna, where is that woman? Come out!”

The Avatar descended from the stage, tapping her legs as she walked around the banquet hall.

She swept through the hall, wielding dozens of tendrils.

Hundreds of people were on the ground, clutching their heads and ears in agony.

Around them, bubbles of air burst, containing rumors and gossip that plunged people into mental shock.

Various large corals appeared and disappeared translucently.

The “Garden of Whispers” the domain of Cinepecus was a forest of coral reefs existing in the shallow sea of the abyss.

The corals grew by filtering the conversations that accumulated there and exhaling whispers in the form of air bubbles.

“It’s all because of that woman! Reyna, where did you go?”

The Avatar wandered around the banquet hall, screaming.

She must be here.

Because of her, she is in this state.

Stealing Charlie, and now making her like this.

She has to tell her.

About her birth secret!

About her fake life!

Haha, she’ll despair, won’t she?

The Avatar wandered around the banquet hall, dragging her tail, searching for her.

Karen froze in place despite a large pincer passing by right in front of her.

She, too, was ensnared by the whispers like everyone else.

“Your mother left you and just left for no reason.”

“What are you looking at, huh? Want me to gouge your eyes out?”

When she was verbally and physically abused by her father.

“You… You’re strange. Honestly, I can’t be friends with someone like you.”

“A disgusting person like you, really.”

When she was ostracized by her first same-sex friends.

“Get lost.”

“Just go away.”

“I can’t be friends with someone as disgusting as you.”

When Maya ended their friendship.

Unpleasant memories flooded in like waves.

Despite covering her ears, the noise didn’t diminish at all.

It directly affected her heart.

“I hate it… Stop… Please stop…”

Karen dropped to her knees and sat down.

She no longer had the strength to endure mentally.

It felt like her soul was escaping from her body.

This phenomenon was happening throughout the entire banquet hall.

Clara looked around the hall with despairing eyes.

Adults, students, everyone was gradually losing their vitality, ensnared by Papiflux.

“I’ll walk quietly… Please don’t hit me.”

Merren, who was beside her, crawled on the floor, pouring out tears.

Originally, Papiflux whispered subtly into the mind.

This direct and blatant attack was because the Demon directly used its power.

Fortunately, it didn’t affect Clara.

But that didn’t mean the situation was hopeful.

To exist as Clara, she had to drink a special potion every day.

It required fragments of Debulrotos and Trill to produce and handle it.

But both had been stolen.

Even if she survived here, her physical and mental divergence would gradually occur from tomorrow, eventually causing the collapse of the magic.

And there would be no original body to return to.

Seeing the Avtar rampaging now, she wouldn’t last a few hours.

The only way out was to break the magic.

Then find her original body again and somehow recover the remaining resources to escape.

With such a large-scale disturbance, the Orthodox Church would not remain idle.

Perhaps exorcists would come flooding in.

Clara pulled out a dagger from her bosom.

The seemingly ordinary blade was densely filled with red characters written in blood.

It was an item she secretly carried for emergency escapes.

Stabbing herself with it would break the magic.

“Reyna, where are you hiding? Huh?”

The Avatar thrashed the banquet hall with her tail, which had a pincer attached to it.

She rummaged through the people with her legs, but she couldn’t seem to find her anywhere.

Growling and venting her frustration, she found another target for her outburst.

Two people stood in front of the stage.

Maya and Karen.

“Yeah. It’s you two.”

She dismissed the traps she had meticulously prepared in the bamboo forest as mere tricks.

How dare these young girls insult their seniors?

Approaching them threateningly, the Avatar raised her exoskeleton.

Clara tightened her grip on the dagger.

It had to be done now.

Before she did something else.

“Too bad.”

She smiled bitterly.

It was Clara’s life that she had just gotten used to.

Now even her friends who greeted her were welcome, and she enjoyed school life and was enthusiastic about learning acrobatics.

To receive support even from the master whom she had feared so much.

And now she had to leave again and live in hiding.

“I’m sorry.”

Clara silently apologized to the one who was presumed to have left the banquet hall and then quietly stabbed the knife into her neck.

But just before the blade touched her throat.

There was a change in the two people the Avatar had targeted.

No, to be precise, one person was still lying on the floor in a panic, but the other one moved.

Today’s party queen.

Maya waved her hand dismissively at the air bubbles rising near her as if swatting away annoying flies.

Despite the mass of whispers pouring out, her expression remained impassive.

“What’s going on, you… How did you overcome it?”

The monster muttered in disbelief.

Despite the fact that the Avatar had directly exerted the power, she stood there unharmed, and it was beyond her comprehension.

Maya felt energy surging through her whole body.

The hardened magic was moving again.

All the intensified poppy dust had dissipated.

She said in a detached voice,

“Thanks to you.”

What she heard were the two recent events that had troubled her.

The incident with the Director and Reyna.

The incident where Karen confessed to the Director.

The Avatar had poured out the details of the situations to make her suffer even more.

That was the Avatar’s mistake.

To Maya’s ears, the entire conversation between the two had been transmitted without omitting anything.

“It’s because I made it four years ago.”

“Thank you for granting my naïve request. Thanks to you, I had a good time.”


It was a misunderstanding that she had spent a passionate night with the Director.

She had just acted like a child.

This ridiculous girl.

What kind of absurd request did she make to the Director?

Listening to their conversation, she couldn’t help but laugh.

The girl who had been so haughty was now acting like a child in front of the Director.

After Maya’s conversation ended, Karen’s voice was heard next.

The full transcript of the conversation that day reached her ears.

“Do you know how much Maya wanted to go with the Director? Please give Maya some attention this time too!”

“But feminine things make my heart flutter. Is something wrong with me?”

The secret she had hidden from her wasn’t about her feelings for the Director.

A faint sigh escaped Maya’s lips.

She looked at Karen, who was lying on the floor, sobbing.

This fool.

She was both muttering to herself and addressing the other party.

For causing misunderstandings by doing unnecessary things.

She was a muttering towards herself, but at the same time, it was also a remark towards Karen.

Doing unnecessary things just to fuel misunderstandings.

If the Avatar had only targeted Maya individually, it wouldn’t have made such a mistake.

The Demon would have used a mix of truth and falsehoods.

Like in the case of Hopps.

Deliberately omitting and conveyed some information to him.

Such as when Pyrene put a drug in the Professor’s drink and led him to eat her on the first night, or when she deliberately used him in a deal with another senior who was aiming for Hopps’ top grades at the time.

Creating an image who cannot be hated is more mentally shocking than turning the opponent into pure evil.

Cinepecus knew that well.

But what it used in the end was a broad spell aimed at the hundreds of people here, and couldn’t go through such delicate adjustments.

So ironically Maya could escape from Papiflux.

The Avatar who didn’t know that fact expressed her anger, gnashing her teeth.

“…Alright. This cowardly woman. What kind of trick did you use this time? Like when you made the stairs. But anyway….”

Clank. Clang.

The Avatar twisted her exoskeleton and raised dozens of legs.

“If I directly crush you into pieces, that’ll be it!”

A huge shadow covered Maya.

She squeezed out all the available mana and sent out an energy sphere.

Its size was smaller than the one used in Dvallchep.

It couldn’t be helped.

She had just recovered her mana, so she couldn’t draw much.


The energy sphere collided with the exoskeleton, making a resounding impact but causing no substantial damage.

There was only a slight scratch on the hard shell, and the descending legs paused momentarily.

The Avatar being burst into laughter.

“Is that all? Don’t you have any more tricks?”

She struck again with her legs.

Maya looked at the death looming over her.

She had done everything she could.

It was truly the end now.


Did he return first during the party?

It was both cruel and comforting.

Even if he was the Director, it would be difficult to confront the Cinepecus’ Avatar directly.


At least the Director was alive.

She closed her eyes.


A rumble echoed through the entire banquet hall.

The marble floor trembled.

A cold gust swept past Maya’s cheek.

After waiting for a few seconds, she realized she was still unharmed.

The one who came to her mind was one person.

Could it be the Director?

She opened her eyes.

But there was no black cloak or golden hair there.

It was all red.

It flowed from the body of the person blocking Maya’s path, and at the same time, it was the hair.

Maya widened her eyes.

She called out the person’s name.


Karen had endured the Avatar’s attack to protect her.

With just her bare body.

She glanced at Maya with a faint smile.

While coughing up blood and entrails.

“Cough, cough… Enduring and standing firm… That’s a specialty of a ground skills…”

Her body collapsed like a pile of rotten straw.

It was an attack that carried the weight of a target several times heavier than herself.

No matter how much she displayed her ground manipulation skills, a human body couldn’t withstand it.

Maya received Karen’s falling body.

Her arms were twisted beyond recognition, and her legs had burst open, unable to withstand the pressure, revealing bones and flesh.

Maya bit her lip for a moment, then spoke.

“Why did you do that?”

She wanted to curse.

She couldn’t even say a word of thanks, but in this situation, she was curious about that?

But Karen didn’t feel bad.

Maya’s expression remained unchanged, and her voice was still emotionless, but Karen could see it.

Her trembling hands, her quivering lips, and the tears welling up at the corners of her eyes.

Karen wanted to burst into laughter.

Her friend was sad for her sake.

“Maya, I’m here…”

The voice that flowed from Karen’s lips was vivid and alive.

It didn’t seem like something coming from the mouth of a dying person.


That was the end of it.

Her pupils stared blankly into space, and her lips no longer moved.

Maya’s rational mind accepted the situation logically.

Karen was dead.

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Chapter 191: Demon in the Bottle – 30

Chapter 193: Demon in the Bottle – 32

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