I Became the Leader of the Monster Circus Troupe

Chapter 65: Opening Ceremony of the Reversal (20)

Chapter 65: Opening Ceremony of the Reversal (20)

[You have completed the Subquest Trial.']

[As a reward, you receive +50 Circus Troupe Reputation.]

[Current Circus Troupe Reputation: 96]

[As a reward for reaching 50 Circus Troupe Reputation, you are granted the Dressing Room.]

[Ellas favourability has increased by 1.]

[Mayas favourability has increased by 1.]

[As a reward for achieving an average favourability of 10 for the members, you receive a Skill Book.]

Messages appeared in succession along with the judges verdict.

I felt the tension dissipating.

The final inspection report felt like entering a forced victory event in a game.

This quest, in the end, was a structure that would be resolved if you defended your reputation for two hours.

I had prepared to be held for months

It was quite a surprising twist.

Of course, I had no complaints.

But I couldnt help but wonder what would have happened if my reputation had dropped to zero before the report arrived. Would it have led to the Circus Grand Prix activities temporarily suspended through some process?

Would the report catch fire on its way here?

There was no way to know at this point.

That was not the only question on my mind.

I also couldnt understand why Ella and Mayas favourability had increased.

What did my acquittal event have to do with them?

Was it just a coincidence that something happened outside while our timing happened to overlap?

I thought about asking them later but soon dismissed the idea.

There was something that had piqued my interest even more.

: Skill Book (Unlocked at 10

: [Unlocked at 25

: [Unlocked at 40

: [Unlocked at 60

: [Unlocked at 80

: Dressing Room (Unlocked at 50

: [Unlocked at 150

: [Unlocked at 300

: [Unlocked at 500

: [Unlocked at 800

The skill book floated in the reward window, just like the Phantoms Mask from before. It was retrieved by hand.

The dressing room was added as a functional feature under the Member Management section.

I wanted to examine both of them closely, but now was not the time.

First, I should express my gratitude.

I stood up hesitantly from the advocates seat and looked at Anais.

Sweat beads formed on her thin, pale neck.

Her complexion looked quite worn out.

She had been suffering for a long time, and her physical strength was considerably weak. Just walking from the carriage left her breathless, and she struggled to find a seat.

Her complexion had improved compared to before, but her overall physical strength was still lacking due to the lack of absolute exercise.

However, when she stood in the courtroom to argue, she showed no signs of weakness. With her back straight and a consistent, confident attitude, she argued for over an hour.

All for me, of all people

I had caused her deep emotional wounds

She reached for the desk, as if her legs had given way.

I tried to approach her as usual to offer support, but it was her bodyguard, Porsche Grape, who lifted her up by the shoulders.

He glanced at me with a slight tilt of his head.

I could tell what he was trying to convey.

Many eyes were watching us now.

There was no need to give them another reason to gossip, especially after the recent reconciliation.

And, one more thing, it was the words she had thrown at me earlier that made me hesitate.

I wish you had just pushed me away.

I wish you hadnt smiled at me.

I wish you had told me you didnt like me.

My kindness and smiles could make things even more difficult for her.

I was the one who had rejected her advances.

I still dont know how to talk to her.

I feel terribly sorry and incredibly grateful to her.

Fortunately, both she and I didnt have the luxury of paying attention to each other for a while.

When the judge declared the end of the trial, the audience rushed up onto the stage and surrounded us.

The nobility and the dignitaries were heading towards Anais, while the cabaret and circus people were crowding around me.

Well done! You did great!

Cock-a-doodle-doo Minova smacked my back and exclaimed.

The ringmaster is the face of the circus. Always be careful of your appearance. If your dignity falls, it affects the members.

Veil Arno looked over his shoulder behind the stage and said.

I felt so refreshed inside. Im from the same hometown. Nice to meet you.

A young ringmaster I didnt recognize grabbed my hand and shook it vigorously while an old ringmaster I didnt know also nodded in appreciation.

The young friend has great courage and ability. Its a monster circus not my preferred field, but it might be worth watching.

May I ask what your inspiration is?

Several people spoke at the same time, and it was chaotic.

Anais was in a similar situation.

She seemed even more exhausted than me.

If Lord Mustang had not skilfully interjected himself among the people, she might have collapsed right there.

Lady Vergsong, how about going back to your lodgings and resting for the day?

Anais made a sound that resembled a sigh.

Hasnt the event not finished yet?

There is time for the ringmasters to prepare and for the sponsors to be introduced. But

Mustang grinned and looked around at the people.

Everyone here will agree. You have already splendidly revealed who you are. Tonight, the news will spread worldwide. By tomorrow morning, the whole world will know about your performance. And everyone here can testify to your determination towards Ringmaster Wonderstein. Most importantly, I am the owner of one of the six theatres in Grand Prix and also the sponsor. I will allow it. Haha, arent we comrades who fought together?

At hiss words, the people cheered and exclaimed in excitement.

He smiled faintly as he looked at her.

Three bosses who represented the Rose Windmill Cabaret.

The director, Yug Maroine.

The owner, Bouvalle.

The sponsor, Mustang Huck.

The roles of the three were clear.

Maroine was a tough guy with an obsession for the performances, Bouvalle was a skilled operator who schemed to generate profit, and Mustang Huck was a politician who balanced between the noble world and the common world.

By showing Anais some small consideration, he both took advantage of her favour and asserted his presence.

If he stayed still, the news tomorrow would only highlight Anaiss solo performance, so he needed to subtly imprint in peoples minds that it was a joint effort of Huck and her.

Ill call the carriage to the back door. If we go out through the main entrance, well be swarmed by reporters.

This statement was no different. It seemed like a gesture of consideration for Anais, but it was essentially a declaration that he would step forward and handle things in front of the media.

Anais also accepted his proposal without complaint.

I thought it was a good idea.

After all, this was his territory and front yard.

Stopping at this point was good for both sides, as we had to take the test here, and we had to consider his reputation as well.

So, we arrived at the back courtyard of the cabaret.

While waiting for the carriage to arrive, we rested in the lounge.

When we entered the small lounge with only three sofas, Anais finally collapsed onto the couch as if her strength had given way.

Phew, phew.

Are you okay?

Anais was breathing heavily and looked exhausted, but at the same time, she seemed proud.

Phew, its been years since Ive been in front of people like this. Ive always used my illness as an excuse to stay away. After I took the position of chairman, I handed most of the work over to Uncle Pierre.


When his name was mentioned, Anaiss complexion darkened again.

She seemed to be thinking the same thing I was.

Todays crisis started with Pierre spreading malicious rumors about her. Maybe he was involved behind the scenes in framing her.

She looked at my face and nodded.

Probably. In the high society, theres a saying like this. If you want to attack the others family, seduce the eldest son. Unless we want to completely sever ties with the upper society, the enemies probably had some degree of connection with the opposition faction within the Society. In reality, this attack was more about my personal issues than the Society itself.

She said that and covered her forehead and eyes with her hand, then leaned her head back silently.

And she didnt even flinch.

Could it be that she had fallen asleep out of exhaustion?

About five minutes had passed like that when she suddenly spoke up.



She still covered her face with her arms, and her lips trembled.

It seemed like she had something she wanted to say.

My lawyers fees are quite expensive, arent they?

Out of nowhere, she brought up this question.

I thought she might be joking, so I chuckled and replied, Haha, how much should I pay?

Money is not a problem. I have plenty of it. But well, I called it the last question earlier, but Im sorry for asking another one. So um

She hesitated for a moment, then lightly bit her lower lip and continued, Is the reason you rejected me, still because of our difference in social status?

I stopped laughing at her question.

I couldnt see her expression because her arms were still covering her face, but the seriousness in her voice was unmistakable.

I pondered for a moment.

The gap between nobility and an wanderers status.

I had experienced what that disparity meant from the inside.

The easiest way to answer her question would be to say, Yes, thats right. She would probably understand and accept it.

But that wouldnt be courteous to her.

She had not only crossed the social gap but also stood in court to defend me.

She could have risked losing her position as the head of the family if she had made a wrong move.

Just as I had shown Yurakne the meaning of the smile.

Just as I had made a promise to Ella about two and a half years work from now.

I couldnt give her the full truth, but I resolved to answer her with as much sincerity as I could.

Anais, I have staked everything on reaching the Grand Prix circus main event. So, I have no room for anything else in my heart. The reason I rejected your feelings is because of that.

She lifted her arms and looked at me.

Is it that important to you?

Her voice carried a hint of disappointment.

I decided to be more honest.

To tell her the truth as much as I could.

To be honest, the Grand Prix circus itself is not that important. Whats important is the reward that comes with it.

Anais clenched her chest.

I see

She looked at me with a sad expression.

I thought she must be quite disappointed with me.

In two and a half years, I dont know what will happen to me. I cant make a promise with no certainty.

I let out a small sigh.

No, Im more of a coward than you might think.

No, you

I shook my head.

Cutting off her lingering feelings here would be the best thing for her.

Anais, youre a beautiful person. Youre a magnificent, capable, and attractive woman. At first, I might not have known, but I understand now. If I were in a different situation, I might have accepted your feelings. But right now I cant do that.

I thought my words would firmly sever her attachment.

Thank you for your honesty, Lord.

With a sad look on her face, Anais thanked me.

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