I Became the Tyrant of a Defense Game

Chapter 18

Chapter 18

Work was progressing in earnest.

I hustled around the site, giving out orders.

We fortified our defense mechanisms, set up artifacts on the ramparts, refined the soldiers formation, and worked tirelessly to erect the wooden wall.

Not too shabby.

With every preparation made, my confidence in this stage grew.

Theres no reason to panic!

Indeed, the Living Armor is among the most formidable monsters at the start.

But this was stage 1, the very onset of the early stages. The average monster level was a mere 5.

Regardless of how challenging the opposition, their stats werent overly impressive.

In fact, thats beneficial! Handling the Living Armor early will smooth the path ahead!

A legion, once dealt with, doesnt reemerge for a considerable while.

Its better to take the brunt at first, dealing swiftly with the worst foe for an easier journey later.

Plus, having cleared stage 0, the circumstances are decidedly in our favor.

Whether here or on Earth, money is the fuel that drives progress.

Investing the earnings from stage 0 into our defense infrastructure, we could prepare in a manner extraordinarily sturdy, unthinkable for an early stage.

I can do this, I can do this, I can do this!

Repeating this mantra to myself, I spent three days preparing our defenses.

Time seemed to zip by...


Three days later.

On top of Crossroads southern rampart.


I studied the stage information window.


- Start in: 30 minutes

Just half an hour left.

The stages beginning meant that the monster waves vanguard was about to launch their initial assault.

-Thud! Thud! Thud!

Before that, the monsters figures would become visible, looming over the landscape.

-Thud! Thud! Thud!

A soft, metallic noise echoed across the land.

The spectral armors began to materialize on the horizon, moving as one.

"Theyre visible!"

The scout hollered at the top of his voice.

"Theyre coming!"

-Thud! Thud! Thud...!

The Living Armor legion.

Even as distant silhouettes, the sight of a thousand heavily armored monsters caused the ground to hum slightly.


A simultaneous dry swallow resounded among the soldiers positioned on the ramparts.

For about a decade, the monsters hadnt reached Crossroad.

The dwindling hordes had been entirely repelled at the forward base erected by the lake.

But the forward base had fallen, and after more than a decade, theyd made it this far.

The soldiers tension was entirely understandable.

"Theres no need for fear!"

I bellowed with conviction.

"These monstrous brutes are nothing more than numbers!"

Well, they were the Living Armor legion, the most daunting monsters at the onset.

"In contrast, were the mightiest army in the southern empire!"

Well, we were actually a group of retired veterans and green recruits, a band of novice mercenaries.

"Our defensive preparations are flawless! Our equipment is in prime condition!"

Well, no matter how much money was poured in, time was against us. Our preparations were, in reality, insufficient.

"We can hold them off! We have nothing to fear!"

But my bravado-laden declaration belied a deeper anxiety.

I alone should bear the burden of worry in this place. Their fears and doubts should rest with me.

"Just follow my lead."

With a mischievous grin, I took in the faces of the expectant soldiers.

"So that we can raise our cups to victory tonight."

At my words, the seasoned soldiers, who understood the terror of the Living Armor, tensed up.

The new recruits, unfamiliar with the looming threat, remained frozen in place.

Regardless of the humans tremors, the monsters advanced steadily.

You can do this, Jupiter!

I peered anxiously through my telescope at the approaching horde.

Half this stages strategy rests on you! Do well!

And then...

-Rumble, rumble...

The distant rumble of thunder resonated faintly.

A smirk played at the corners of my mouth.

Thunder heralded the coming of lightning.

The high-priced lightning magician Id hired was making her move.


From the get-go, Jupiter and her party were stationed outside the fortress.

Their mission was to ambush the Living Armor legion trudging across the southern plains.

-Boom! Boom! Boom!

Like an unyielding machine, the 1,000 armored beasts marched in impeccable order.

From the southern plains to the southern ramparts of the crossroads. A straight line.

Observing their path through the telescope, I whispered to myself.

Just a bit closer... Just a bit...

Monsters adhere to one fundamental principle.

- Eliminate humans.

They take the most direct path to exterminate humans.

Absent significant obstacles, they would naturally follow the road in a straight line towards the city. Which meant...

All of a sudden.

Given their predictable path, traps proved incredibly effective.


The leading Living Armors tread on the earth that unexpectedly gave way beneath them.

The Living Armors staggered, then collectively plunged to the ground.

-Thud! Bang!

The classic pitfall trap.

Lacking the time to dig deep, the pit was shallow. Enough to throw the frontline Living Armor off balance.

But that was enough. The heavily armored beasts tumbled clumsily.

As the first row collapsed in a heap, the rear ranks stumbled or came to a halt.

Almost instantly, a bottleneck formed, bringing their march to a standstill.

And that brief pause was all we needed. I roared,


-Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud!

As if responding to my command, Jupiters five-strong party, perched on war horses, sprang from the bush where theyd lain in wait.

Brilliant sparks of electricity danced in the hands of Jupiter at the forefront.

"Well then...."

Jupiter, her white hair flicking, channeled her magical power and unleashed a storm of lightning in every direction.

"Lets get our moneys worth!"


-Boom! Boom! Boom!

Bright yellow bolts of lightning descended like an electric storm on the Living Armor Legion.

This was Jupiters initial move, [Bleaching Zone].

This elderly ladys active skill, aptly named Bleaching, hinted at lightnings power to bleach or whiten its targets.

But theyre turning black, arent they?

A shiver coursed down my spine as I stared at the charred remnants of the Living Armor, crisped to a blackened hue by the lightning bolts.

Is this what they call bleaching? It looks more like scorching.


-Boom! Boom! Boom!

The downpour of lightning bolts showed no sign of stopping.

With every bolt, the Living Armors crumpled like sodden paper.

Given their metallic armors high conductivity and the extra damage ghost-type monsters received from magical attacks, it was a perfect storm.

Before I knew it, dozens of Living Armors were blackened and toppled.

Watching this unfold, I clenched my fists. Well done, Jupiter!



The Living Armors who had escaped the lightnings wrath and those unharmed in the rear lines, all at once turned their gaze to the attacker.

The sight of a thousand monsters staring in unison was bone-chilling.

I felt a chill even from this distance. I could only imagine Jupiter and her partys predicament, under that penetrating gaze.

"What are you gawking at, you little monsters who dont even know how to respect their elders!"

But they were holding up.

Jupiter was a seasoned warrior, and every member of her team embodied heroism. They werent fazed by this level of intimidation.

Lighting a cigarette with a flicker of lightning, Jupiter wore a wide grin as she raised her hand again.

"Tonights dinner special is fried armor! Make sure to chew it properly, kids!"

This time, blue lightning fell from the heavens.


Jupiters second skill, [Bleaching Again]!

The initial skill left a mark on the struck enemy, and the second move inflicted an extra hit on those marked.

The blue lightning struck down on the Living Armors who had survived the first assault, pulverizing them into dust on the spot.

The armors of the surrounding Living Armors melted down, causing them to collapse. The power was staggering.


Flames and thunderous sounds shook the battlefield.


The soldiers watching from the castle walls erupted into collective cheer.

Seeing the monstrous armored beasts dissolve like frost in the warmth of spring, their jubilation was only natural.

But as the smoke and flames cleared, the soldiers cheers gradually subsided.



The Living Armor Legion was far from defeated and their numbers remained frighteningly vast.

Their initial assault had decimated about 50 monsters, but the legion initially numbered in the thousand.

The previous attack was nothing more than a minor scrape.

The Living Armors started to reassemble their broken ranks, their eerie eyes glinting. I bellowed at the top of my lungs.

"Fall back, Jupiter!"

At once, Jupiter swung her head around.


Jupiters shout echoed as her band of five spun around, presenting their backs to the armor-clad monsters, and goaded their steeds towards the fortress.



The living armors, in return, let out ghastly roars and gave chase.

-Clang! Clang! Clang!

A metallic wave followed in their wake.

A thousand armor-bound beasts had launched into full-speed pursuit, their sole intent to rip apart the fleeing riders.

Though slower than the warhorses, the sight was enough to send shivers down anyones spine.

"Run, run, you little whelps! Dont look back, just run!"

Jupiter, leading the group, bellowed from the front.

The soldiers perched on the ramparts paled. The wave of armor chasing the fleeing humans was a sight of pure horror.

"Its all going as planned! Theres nothing to worry about!"

I yelled at the top of my lungs.

"Just follow the instructions! Everyone, get ready!"

"Yes, sir!"

The soldiers scrambled to their positions. All the cannons mounted on the walls were primed and ready.

-Thump, thump, thump, thump!

The living armors, hot on the heels of the fleeing humans, soon encountered something peculiar.



A wooden wall.

A long wooden barricade, slightly taller than a person, stood erected in the path of Jupiters band.

A construction, our diligent carpenters had toiled night and day for the past three days to erect.

-Thump, thump, thump, thump!

Members of Jupiters party darted through a narrow gate in the middle of the wall.

The pursuing living armors paused, momentarily flustered.

The monsters had three possible routes.

- Shatter the fence.

- Circumnavigate the fence and take the longer path.

- Or, trail the humans through the narrow gate amid the fences.


For the monsters, there was only one choice.

Eliminate the humans ahead.

Without sparing a second thought to options like tearing down the fence or taking a detour, they charged straight ahead.

"Thats right, you dim-witted monsters!"

I cheered, extending my arm to the side.

"All units, ready to fire!"

To pass through the narrow gate, the living armors were forced to condense their ranks.

Their pace slackened, they jostled and bottlenecked as they squeezed through the narrow passage.

Those who emerged on the open grounds at such a reduced speed were met by...

"Weve been waiting, gentlemen."

A meticulous crossfire set up by the humans.

Finally, I gave the command in a booming voice to the soldiers manning the cannon, waiting for my signal.

"Spare nothing, fire everything!"

As I thrust my arm forward with all my strength,



The soldiers echoed my command in harmony and ignited the cannons.

-Boom! Kaboom-!

All the cannons on the walls belched fire in synchrony.


Dozens of unleashed cannonballs descended upon the heads of the monsters who had just shuffled through the gate,

-Boom! Boom! Boom!

Setting off a spectacular explosion and reducing the armored monsters to piles of ashes.

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