I Became the Villain of a Romance Fantasy

Chapter 41: Uninvited Guest (6)

Chapter 41: Uninvited Guest (6)

‘Ah, this is dangerous…’

The girl, who was covering her face with a hood, sighed inwardly as she observed the appearance of the boy in front of her.

The black aura emanating from Damian swept through the space like a small storm.

Despite the shattered bookshelves and scattered books being swept away by that aura, the reason people didn’t pay attention was because she had previously placed a barrier here that completely blocked external perception.

However, even that was reaching its limit soon.

As if to show that the dragon’s protection that Kraus had obtained by killing a dragon a thousand years ago was still in good health, the aura emanating from Damian did not show any signs of weakening.

The raging storm still felt as if it was tearing at the barrier. Although she possessed a tremendous amount of mana that far exceeded that of humans, there was still a limit to the mana that could be used while maintaining her human form.

Even if she maintained the barrier, if her true form was revealed, there was no way the ruler of this city would not notice it.

“How troublesome…”

She sighed and began to wave her hand, attempting to disperse the storm created by the aura blocking her path. If it were a regular aura, it should have dissipated with a single touch of her hand, dispersing into the air. However, the black storm swirling around him only grew stronger, rather than dispersing.

Her face twisted slightly from the unfamiliar pain that pierced her fingertips.

For what reason was she suffering like this? She had only come down from the mountains after a long time to see what the humans were up to, that was all.

But to encounter such a disaster because of meeting one wrong person, it was impossible for her not to be enraged.

Of course, she knew that the underlying cause was not the boy in front of her. Yet, despite knowing that, she couldn’t help but be angry that her peaceful pastime, which she had finally found after hundreds of years, had been ruined.

In her heart, she felt the urge to strike the back of Damian’s head, standing at the center of the storm, and made him faint or something. However, no matter how angry she was, she wasn’t the type to vent her frustrations on someone undeserving.

The ominous feeling she just sensed here was not something she could easily overlook. So, it would be the right course of action to calm down the boy in front of her and investigate the cause together.

Before she knew it, the distance between her and Damian had become so close that they could touch each other by reaching out their hands.

As the distance closed, she also began to sense something she hadn’t felt before. Looking at Damian, who was staring into the void with eyes completely transformed into those of a dragon, she could feel her body instinctively shrinking.

The dragon’s eyes, which were merely a superficial change, seemed to carry a kind of madness similar to what she had seen in the previous dragons. It wasn’t just the eyes that had changed. The innate aversion brought about by the occupation of being a dragon’s slaughterer, which she could have easily brushed off just a moment ago, now felt like a knife being thrust into her throat, just like the fangs of a dragon itself.

But that was all.

There was a slightly insufficient feeling to connect that to the emotion of fear. The black sword thrust into her was a sword without an edge. It was merely fragments of emotions flowing from Damian’s restlessness that grazed past her; his sword wasn’t directed at her.

The storm that had been wreaking havoc in the surroundings seemed to slowly calm down as if showing that he was regaining his composure.

If she had known this would happen, she would have waited a little longer before approaching. She murmured with a slight complaint, shaking her numb hand, and looked up at Damian. However, just as she was about to speak to Damian, ironically, he spoke first.


Her eyes widened at the name that came out of Damian’s mouth.


It wasn’t an uncommon name.

Especially in this Merohim, there were many people with the name Theia. In the past, the Merohim people referred to the fierce north wind blowing as the wind of the god and called the god who caused that wind Theia.

It was a common practice to name children after gods other than the name of the supreme god, Altair. However, Damian called her Theia.

Even though he knew that she was a dragon.

“How do you…”

She looked at Damian with a bewildered expression. Until now, she had never revealed her name to Damian during their conversations. No, even if she had told him a name, she wouldn’t have brought up that name from her mouth.

Suddenly being called by her true name, she was taken aback, but Damian, on the other hand, looked at her with unchanged eyes and spoke.

“Theia, if it’s you, you should be able to trace the remnants of the power left here. Please, take me to the source of that power.”

“Wait a moment! Before that, explain about my name first!”

“There’s no time. I’ll tell you after we’re done. Hurry.”

Damian’s firm answer made Theia no longer contend with him.

Though she felt a bit irritated by the young boy ordering her around, she also knew well what was more important right now.

A small magic circle began to appear on the palm of her hand. Soon, the mana that made up the magic circle converged and mixed together, forming the shape of a small butterfly.

The pure white butterfly that emerged from the magic circle fluttered in the air for a moment, but as it passed a certain point, its color turned black. The butterfly seemed to have found something and started flying in that direction, but it soon vanished with a pop, unable to fly any further.

Damian turned to Theia, thinking that something might have gone wrong, but Theia, in contrast to Damian’s concern, let out a relieved breath at the sight of the disappearing butterfly.

“Thank goodness. It seems the source of the power has been eradicated.”


“Exactly. The enigmatic entity that left this peculiar residue in this place has disappeared from the world. We’ve saved ourselves the trouble of seeking it out.”

Although the cause of what had happened was unclear, the result of the magic indicated that nothing would happen to them. Perhaps it was due to the optimistic nature of the dragon race, despite the unclear cause and effect. Theia didn’t find it particularly important and dismissed it.

‘Well, as long as the result was good, right?’

Now, if she only listened to how the boy in front of her knew her true name, she could happily return to the mountains.

However, unlike Theia, Damian’s face still had a serious expression.

For him, what was important wasn’t the cause of this ominous sensation, but rather the whereabouts of Elena, who was not present before him now. The clue he thought would lead to finding Elena had become meaningless, and it felt like darkness was descending before his eyes.


In his ear, he heard a delicate voice.

When he turned his head towards the source of the voice, the woman he had been looking for was standing there. Elena looked at him, puzzled by the mess around her, she said.

“…What the hell happened? Why are all the bookshelves broken like this-“


Elena, who was looking around the mess in surprise, tried to ask Damian what was going on, but her voice was buried beneath his voice shouting and rushing towards her.


On the table placed in the darkness, there were seven candlesticks, just like the number of people setting there.

The flames of the candlesticks, which looked like the darkness was burning, seemed to provide no help in illuminating the darkness itself.

Although it was a place where the wind didn’t reach, the flame attached to the thickest candlestick began to flicker precariously, as if in the presence of a strong gust of wind.

Not long after one flame went out, another candle followed suit. The onlookers, gazing at the candles in the darkness, felt a sense of unease.

【Damn it…】

As feared, the flickering flames that seemed like they could extinguish at any moment gradually diminished.

Within a single day, two of the most important members of the church, who could be considered their backbone, lost their lives.

The individuals who remained in this place could not comprehend why those who had gone to greet the being that descended upon this land ended up losing their lives for some unknown reason. However, every time the flame went out, they could clearly feel a powerful emotion shaking their minds.

There was only one entity in this world capable of affecting them in such a way. That was why, as one by one the candles were extinguished, they smiled while being overwhelmed by this immense emotion and felt fear in their own vulnerability.

Why did God express joy instead of sadness at the death of the faithful servant?

The incomprehensible will of God was enough to confuse them. Their minds were filled with confusion and doubt, yet their faces still bore smiles due to the unwanted emotion of joy. The feeling of terror naturally followed as they appeared to have lost their free will.

Amidst all the bewildered members of the church gathered here, there was one who genuinely sympathized with that emotion, and that was Archbishop Pelian, who was known to be closest to God.

Even though she looked at the two extinguished candles before her without feeling any emotion, she sincerely rejoiced in the emotions flowing into her mind. Pelian laughed joyously like a child who had received a grand gift, swept away by the surge of emotions.

One of the disciples, who couldn’t stand to see her like that, shouted at her with a dissatisfied voice.

【What the hell are we going to do now! Archbishop! Even though you know what the situation is right now, you’re just laughing like that!!!]

In response to his words that resonated through the space, Pelian stopped laughing and turned her head to look at the disciple who had shouted at her. With a face that showed she couldn’t understand why he was saying such things, she asked him.

【Cardinal Bellot, it is you who is saying strange things. How can you tell us not to laugh when our god is pleased?]

【Two people who went to meet him lost their lives! But God is not sad about him, but only rejoices. Don’t you feel that something is wrong?]

Some of the cardinals in their seats nodded involuntarily as his words penetrated their doubts. However, despite his words, Pelian still looked at him with incomprehensible eyes. Rather, as if angered by his words, dark red divinity began to overflow around her.

【Foolish, Bellot Piman.]

Her ruby-colored pupils emitted a sinister light in the darkness.

Although her voice was weak and tender, it contained an irresistible power.

Facing her ruby eyes shining as red as blood, Bellot felt a piercing pain in his head and let out a groan.

【You dare to add your personal opinion to God’s will. As a disciple, you are unparalleled in your impudence.]

【That… That’s not what I meant…】

Seeing Bellot’s face distorted in agony, the other disciples silently closed their mouths. Perhaps satisfied with their reactions, Pelian smiled and spoke to them.

【Everyone, let go of unnecessary delusions. Although it is regrettable that Paulla and Iolon, the disciples, have passed away, it is certain that our God has descended upon this land. Undoubtedly, the two disciples have gone to be by His side.]

Rather than showing any signs of regret, the disciples, excluding Bellot, who had his face buried on the table, nodded hastily.

As Pelian stood up from her seat and declared the end of the assembly, they started to leave without looking back.

Bellot, with his head throbbing, tried to move his body to escape from this place filled with terror. However, he couldn’t help but stop his footsteps when he heard the voice calling him.

【Cardinal Bellot.】

【Yes… Archbishop…】

Bellot wanted to ask Pelian to help him escape from the agony that was tormenting his mind. However, his fear of her prevented those words from escaping his lips.

Could she have possibly read Bellot’s heart? Pelian gently placed her hand on his head and took away the pain she had previously given him.

With a refreshed mind, he looked at Pelian with a desolate gaze. Pelian, with a compassionate smile, spoke in a softer voice than before.

【It’s nothing else, there’s something I want to ask of Cardinal Bellot.】

【Ah yes! Please command me.]

Bellot immediately knelt in front of her.

His appearance, unlike that of an honorable knight, resembled that of a well-trained dog. However, he felt no shame in his actions. This was his true nature. His previous behavior had been a mistake made in the face of unknown terror and fear.

Fortunately, her mood seemed very good due to God’s advent.

Otherwise, she wouldn’t have taken away the pain she had inflicted upon him directly. He obediently knelt and waited for Pelian to speak.

【There is something I want to offer to God, but you have it. So can you give it to me?]

【What are you referring to…】

For a moment, Bellot looked at her hand, which was resting on his head.

He hurriedly tried to speak to Pelian, but his body had already separated from his neck and fallen to the ground.

One of the candles on the table went out.

Pelian looked at the extinguished candle with eyes filled with anticipation, but she didn’t feel the same emotion as when the candle had gone out before. With a disinterested gaze, she looked at Bellot’s head and threw it towards somewhere in the assembly hall.

【It seems that God did not desire the lives of the disciples.】

For the first time, a feeling of pity welled up in her eyes.

Curious, she tried to see if it meant sacrificing the disciples, but it seemed that wasn’t the case after all. She reproached herself for daring to measure the will of the deity according to her own standards and looked down at the necklace hanging around her neck.

The necklace held a black gem, similar to the relic she had handed to Paulla, embedded in a symbol representing the sect. Looking at it, Pelian could feel that the relic she had given to her had safely been delivered to the deity.

Fragments of emotions faintly transmitted through the relic from a certain moment became the evidence.

As the warm and gentle emotions that other disciples couldn’t perceive seemed to be solely directed at her, Pelian felt grateful.

Unable to take her eyes off the necklace for a long time, Pelian finally tucked it back into her clothes. However, at that moment, light began to emit from the black gem embedded in her necklace.

Since the fire of Iolon had been extinguished, the emotions transmitted through the necklace had continued calmly, but now they suddenly changed with an intensity that couldn’t be compared to before.

Unlike the previous emotions that she could immediately recognize, this was an emotion that was difficult for her to comprehend. Nevertheless, Pelian didn’t try to understand it.

She regarded it as the will of the god and held the necklace, which carried a warm aura, tightly in her hands, closing her eyes to offer a prayer.

【Yes, when the time comes, God will give a revelation again.】

She decided not to dwell on why the god didn’t come to their side at this very moment. Everything was because there must be a reason the god was contemplating.

Pelian composed herself and left the empty assembly hall, where no one remained.


“Elena!! Are you hurt anywhere?”

“What? Yes…”

As Damian’s face came close to her, even to the point where their noses almost touched, and his warm breath brushed against her, Elena felt her face naturally growing hot.

Perhaps it was because the atmosphere was different from usual.

Since her regression, she had only seen his gentle and rounded appearance, so his gaze, scanning her with sharp eyes, felt like it was piercing through her heart.

“D-Damian!! You…you’re too close…”

But above all, what made Elena’s head feel hot was the increasingly diminishing distance between her and Damian.

He approached her without hesitation, unlike before when he seemed hesitant and reluctant to dance with her, making her feel embarrassed to meet his gaze.

While it was fine for her to approach him herself, Elena had no resistance to Damian approaching her.

Representing Elena’s emotions, once again, a warmth began to flutter around her.

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