I Became the Villain of a Romance Fantasy

Chapter 86: What exactly gift means

Chapter 86: What exactly gift means

A letter arrived from Orcus.

It apologized for missing the engagement ceremony and inquired if there was anything I needed as a gift. In my reply, I asked him to find out about Luden’s tourist attractions and famous dessert shops.

Since I needed to move to Luden next year for academy admission, it seemed wise to gather such information in advance through a local. Despite expecting Elena to already know everything about the dessert shops, it never hurts to be sure.

Hidden gems known only to the royal family. Well, such places might exist.

“And speaking of Luden...”

I visualized the capital city of Luden, known as ‘the safest city in the world’, and contemplated the events that would unfold there.

The most critical incidents in the original story occurred in Luden, the ‘safest city’, making it impossible not to worry. Half of these incidents would take place in the academy I was to join next year, adding to my concerns.

Given that similar events to the original story happened in the Legion regardless of the timeline, it was hard to imagine what might unfold in Luden.

Maybe, contrary to my worries, nothing would happen at all.

The incident in Legion this time. The monsters’ attack in the south originally occurred when the heretical influence was at its peak. In the original, the empire couldn’t fully eradicate the instigators due to many preceding incidents that had spread the royal forces thin, leading the empire into a dark age.

But now, events have taken a very different turn.

For some reason, the church, which should still be recovering, had made its move, allowing us to suppress them more easily than in the original. The royal family inadvertently cleaned up across the empire, resulting in many heretics being swept away.

With the capital’s defenses significantly bolstered, maybe Elena and I would really have a peaceful time in Luden.

It was not highly likely, but it was possible. To be honest, it was partly wishful thinking.

I pulled out a book that I hadn’t opened in a while from my drawer. Its light green leather cover had gathered quite a bit of dust, as I hadn’t touched it since meeting Elena.

After dusting it off and opening it, I was greeted by familiar characters. The early sections were scribbled unevenly, but the rest were neatly written and easy on the eyes.

My hand stopped at the action plan I had written for the future.

The plan started with breaking off the engagement with Elena, a section I had aggressively crossed out to the point of nearly tearing the paper. It was understandable, given how things hadn’t gone as initially planned.

Reflecting on the past, I read through the untouched lines below.

They were guidelines aligned with the novel’s timeline, but now they seemed irrelevant and brought a smile to my face. Back then, I had blindly believed in this information from my memory, but revisiting it now, it felt meaningless.

Why had I so firmly believed that the story would follow the novel’s flow?

Even breaking off my engagement with Elena was a deviation from the story.

I ignited the book with a magical aura. Engulfed in black flames, it disappeared as if it had never existed.

The information in the book had long been memorized, so its value had diminished the moment I met her.

Yet, I had kept it until now because it comforted me to think the future was unfolding as I had written, reassuring me of my knowledge of what was to come.

Watching the book completely burn away, I felt a bit clearer in my head. It wasn’t a headache or anything; it was just a feeling.

“Time to get on with today’s tasks.”

Glancing at the clock on the wall, it was almost time for my appointment with the chef.

I got up, opened the door, and left the room.


“You’re here, young master. Everything is ready; you just need to wash your hands.”

Entering the kitchen, I was greeted by a man in a spotless white chef’s uniform with a short mustache.

Since it wasn’t long after lunch, the dishes hanging in the kitchen were still wet. I went to the sink, washed my hands, shook off the water, and put on the gloves he handed me.

His name was Hans Pillow.

Like Ken, my personal butler, he was employed by the Kraus household and had long been responsible for our family’s meals. He was a kind man with clear eyes, and just as he appeared, he was known for his generosity.

I had heard that among the servants of the lord’s castle, Hans was everyone’s favorite. If Ken was popular for his kindness and expertise, Hans had the added talent of captivating people’s stomachs with his cooking. I, too, was quite fond of his dishes.

Following his lead, I donned the prepared chef’s uniform and stood in front of the counter.

“It’s so clean.”

“The kitchen must always be clean. We clean regularly, but some tools are enchanted to maintain cleanliness. The chef’s uniform you’re wearing is one such item.”

There was no stain, no scent on the pure white chef’s uniform. Even though I half-expected a pleasant smell, it was utterly odorless, not even the scent of freshly laundered clothes.

Thinking about it, a good-smelling garment wouldn’t necessarily benefit cooking.

The aroma of food plays an important role in its enjoyment, and too strong a smell might even mask its natural flavor. Indeed, the tools of a professional, even their clothing, were different.

Catching me sniffing the uniform, Hans looked at me with amused eyes as if he’d seen something interesting. Feeling a bit foolish under his gaze, I quickly pulled down my sleeves.

Ken and others who had watched me grow up since childhood were particularly sensitive to my actions. I was not sure if it was because I grew up rather maturely for my age, but older servants like Ken, Maria, and Hans seemed delighted whenever I acted a bit naively.

Facing Hans, who didn’t avert his gaze, I said,

“It’s my first time wearing such a garment.”

“If it doesn’t fit, please let me know. I brought what seemed to fit your physique. Even if it’s a bit uncomfortable, please use it for today. I will have one tailored specifically for you.”

“Oh, that’s not necessary...”

Hans, smiling gently at my hesitant response, assured me,

“You’ll definitely need it later.”

I nodded, convinced by Hans’ confident assertion.

Was this his way of getting me interested in cooking? This cooking session was meant to be like a one-time event, but in Hans’ mind, it seemed I was destined to continue cooking.

Normally, at this time, I would be training in the martial arts field or attending to my duties as the heir of the family, but I had cleared my schedule today to learn how to make sweets from him.

The reason why I, who doesn’t have a sweet tooth, learned pastry making from Hans, once renowned as the best patissier?

What I was doing now was preparing a unique engagement gift of my own.

Typically, engagement gifts were rings or jewelry, and indeed, I had given Elena a ring and necklace I had thoughtfully chosen for her after our engagement. My taste in jewelry wasn’t particularly refined, so it took me a long time to select what I thought would suit her best.

Fortunately, Elena liked what I chose, and the very next day, she took me to the city to reciprocate.

“Damian, you seem to only wear your family’s uniform. The other clothes you own are also dark and similar in style. We need to broaden your range. Oh, mam, could you prepare one of each style from this catalog to fit him?”

“What? Elena, that’s too much...”

“Come to think of it, you’ll need accessories for your new clothes. Let’s go to the shop where Damian chose my necklace and ring. Something like brooches or tie pins that match them... Ehehe.”

That day, I truly realized Elena was an heir of one of only three ducal families in the empire.

I hadn’t expected to witness her ordering everything listed in a catalog right before my eyes.

While I knew the Kraus family was no less distinguished than the Edelweiss in terms of wealth and power, my economic mindset still followed my past life’s. I had seen documents move millions as the heir but had never experienced such spending firsthand, which perhaps made it feel less real. Even the checkbook I carried could easily replicate Elena’s spending.

That was why I was now preparing a second gift.

Though the most important aspect of a gift was the giver’s heart, I couldn’t shake the feeling of having lost something after receiving so much more from her yesterday. To avoid turning it into a mere extravagance, I chose to make her homemade sweets as a gift.

After all, receiving something handmade held a special meaning. Looking back, it seemed like a good decision.

I moved my wrist around and picked up a whisk lying on the countertop.

Before me were ingredients layered neatly in a round bowl. I always watched others do it, but now that it was my turn, even this simple task made my heart race.

“Hmm, so now I just need to make the dough with this?”

“Yes. It’s quite a laborious task, but there’s no need to worry, young master. Just watch what I do and follow along.”

As Hans moved his hands, the ingredients in the bowl began to mix together. I watched and mimicked his movements. The dough, heavy and stiff, required significant effort, and I had to be careful not to let it spill out of the bowl.

With such a great example before me, I managed to control the force and create the dough without difficulty.

I filled a piping bag with the thickened dough and began panning it onto a tray at regular intervals and sizes. It might sound boastful, but I had a knack for controlling my body, so my panning was done with impressive skill.

The size of the dough mounds was so uniform it almost looked machine-made.

Hans, seeing my work, clapped and praised my skill.

Could I have a hidden talent for this?

“You’re doing very well. You have a knack for it, young master. This time it’s just simple macarons, but next time...”

“Hans, I can see right through you.”

Hans grinned sheepishly at my comment.

I almost fell for his flattery. Looking over the dough on the tray, I realized all I had done was mix and pipe the dough – hardly enough to warrant talks of talent. Satisfying, yes, but his praise was a bit much.

After about ten minutes, the dough on the tray began to harden.

The next step was baking the dough in a temperature-controlled magical device. Adjusting the heat and preheating twice, a delicious aroma wafted up as the well-baked sweets emerged.

Finally, Hans’ special cream was piped onto the finished cookies, and another cookie was placed on top to complete the macarons.

It seemed simpler to make than I thought.

Just bake the dough, add cream, and stack.

Hans’ suggestion to make macarons wasn’t unfounded. The cream, which was a major flavor component, was made by Hans, but the process was incredibly simple. I even thought I could make them again if I had some free time.

“All of them turned out well. Would you like to try one?”

“You know I don’t do well with sweets... But I suppose the one who made them should try at least one.”

I bit into a macaron.

Freshly baked, it retained a warm temperature. The texture was perfect – not too hard, not too soft. The only downside for my taste was that it was a bit too sweet. But it wasn’t bad.

Hans also took a bite, nodded approvingly, and gave an okay sign. As long as the temperature was correctly set during baking, it was a simple enough pastry to not go wrong.

“However, it seems like too much for one person to eat.”

Was it the size of the tray or the fact that I got too carried away with piping the dough? Clearly, it was the latter. I had intended to make about six macarons, but ended up with three times that number.

“Hahaha. Don’t you usually eat this much? It’s fine. Miss Elena won’t mind.”

“But it could be too much. I initially planned to give Elena six, but I guess I’ll have to share the rest with others.”

Even after Hans and I had eaten two, there were still ten left.

Three for Alphonse, one for my father, and two each for Ken, Maria, and Hailey. That should just about do it. I took a bag from Hans, finished packing, and headed to Isillia Pavilion to deliver the macarons to Elena.

“Ah! Master Damian!”

I bumped into Hailey on my way.

Seeing her coming from the direction I was headed, I guessed Elena was likely in her room.

Hailey scanned me briefly, then her eyes lit up with recognition.

“You’re wearing a much brighter color today! You look great in white, completely opposite to black. Is this the outfit Miss Elena picked out for you?”

“Yes, it is. I’m glad it suits me.”

“And what’s that delightful smell? It’s coming from the bag you’re carrying. Miss Elena asked me to check the kitchen, but what a coincidence this is. Tea is already prepared in the room, so I’ll just accompany you.”

Hailey seemed pleased that she didn’t have to walk all the way to the main house’s kitchen. During our walk to Elena’s room, I handed her a small bag I was carrying.

“What’s this?”

“I made too many macarons for Elena, so I thought I’d share the extras. This is your portion, Hailey.”

“Wow! You made these yourself? For Miss Elena?! This is quite a treasure. It’s not common for young masters to bake, right?”

“Well, who knows? Maybe it’s not that uncommon.”

“Hmm, it smells perfect. But I’ll have to taste it to be sure!”

Hailey took a bite and quietly gave a thumbs-up. It felt like being judged by a royal food taster.

After receiving Hailey’s approval, I confidently headed to Elena’s room. My visit wasn’t unusual for this time of day, so Elena welcomed me as usual.

“The white suits you well, Damian. But what’s in that bag? It smells sweet.”

“It’s a gift.”

Elena opened the bag to find two pink macarons. They were the same as the ones usually served during our tea time, so she looked a bit puzzled at me.

Hailey chimed in, “Master Damian made those macarons for you!”

“Really? You made these, Damian?!”

Elena’s reaction mirrored Hailey’s initial surprise. Was it that hard to believe? Seeing Elena’s expression shift to a bright smile and hearing her words of thanks warmed my heart.

“I’ll save these and cherish them.”

“You can’t do that, they’ll go bad.”

“But there are only six! How can I eat such precious things? I’ll cast a preservation spell, they’ll last at least a year...”

I recalled Hans’ words from earlier. Was he so confident I’d need a chef’s outfit because he anticipated this scenario?

Thinking back to Elena’s joy when she first received the macarons, it seemed Hans’ prediction was on point.

“I’ll just make more for you later. So stop trying to cast a spell on them.”

With that promise, I managed to prevent Elena from casting a preservation spell on the macarons. I had a feeling that macarons wouldn’t be the only thing I’d learn to make from Hans.


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