I became Voldemort

Chapter 114: Don’t waste your talent

Chapter 114: Don’t waste your talent

"The Quibbler" was probably the most outrageous newspaper Cyrus had ever seen. He originally thought he might be able to get some inspiration from the absurd. After all, there is sometimes a thin line between genius and madness.

But it wasn't worth reading.

He read it a few times and got nothing out of it except a few laughs.

Most of the readers of this newspaper are at St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, and the readers are very concentrated. They are all wizards who have problems with the fifth element in their bodies due to errors in spells.

If it were expressed in a language that muggles can understand, it would be - mental illness.

Given that most dark wizards are mentally ill, it makes sense that the old man would read The Quibbler in public.

Cyrus ignored these unimportant people and focused on a person who was sitting in the corner wrapped up tightly.

That person was so short that his feet couldn't even touch the ground when he was sitting on the chair. He may only be 1.2 meters tall, but his body is very bloated. His hands were gloved, and his palms were much wider than those of an average adult.

There was no doubt, that this cloaked person should be a Goblin.

The combination of goblins and Hog's Head Inn always reminds people of the goblin rebellion centuries ago. At that time, the goblins used the Hog's Head Inn as their base to launch a violent rebellion.

In the past few decades, the goblins have never given up fighting for more rights for themselves. From the goblin's point of view, this is of course understandable. But from the perspective of a wizard or even a Muggle, no one is willing to share the right to possess lethal weapons with other races.

Not to mention that greedy goblins always want to get more things. Their desires are like ravines that can never be filled.

The tall and lanky bartender of the Hog's Head slammed two glasses of drinks in front of Cyrus and Tonks. He looked unkempt, with silver hair and a white beard.

"Butterbeer 2 Sickles, Firewhisky 4 Sickles."

Cyrus casually paid 1 galleon, and then secretly pointed at the goblin who wrapped himself in the robe. Aberforth Dumbledore immediately understood what Cyrus meant.

Spending money to buy information is also common here, but most of the information he can provide is only superficial. Not many dark wizards are stupid enough to publicize their criminal records or evil conspiracies.

Aberforth didn't say a word, he just tapped the greasy table casually while taking the money, and a pool of clear water was summoned by him, flowing on the table into a sentence:

{This goblin has been here for several days, probably waiting for someone, but no one has appeared.}

Aberforth immediately left with a look of boredom on his face.

His boredom was not directed at any one person, but more like he was tired of the world.

Cyrus knew he had found his target.

It's just that he couldn't tell whether the goblins were planning to repeat their old tricks and occupy the Hog's Head Inn as their headquarters again, or whether they were cooperating with other wizards. But he wasn't too worried about any of it.

Although the goblins have always been rebellious, at least in the original work, they have not made any trouble in the past few years.

Even after Voldemort was resurrected, the death eaters did not try to reach the goblins.

The Death Eaters wooed giants with low intelligence, uncontrollable Dementors, bloodthirsty werewolves, and even Acromantulas who were not even demi-humans under their command. However, Voldemort had always looked down upon goblins as something not pleasing to the eye.

These guys have no other characteristics except being greedy and being able to make fairy treasures with one hand, which Voldy had very little interest in, and their own magic power is far inferior to that of ordinary wizards. Goblins are really not qualified as a combat force.

In general, there is nothing to worry about. Even if the goblins cause riots again, they will only cause a little trouble to the Ministry of Magic. It is impossible to overthrow the existing wizarding order.

Tonks concentrated on drinking her butterbeer, a little surprised that Cyrus had found the target of their operation so quickly.

"How do you know that person is a goblin?" she asked in surprise.

"Obviously, only goblins are so short. And didn't you see his hands? Although its wearing gloves, the size is very different from that of ordinary people."

When Tonks heard this, she immediately looked at the goblin carefully. She tried not to attract attention with her actions, so she picked up the beer glass and glanced at the Goblin while drinking. Sure enough, the man's characteristics were exactly the same as what Cyrus said.

She couldn't help but admire "Delis".

'After all, he is a well-trained Auror, he is indeed amazing! '

She retracted her gaze, put down the wine glass, and asked in a low voice, with butterbeer foam all over her lips: "Then how are we going to get information? Wait until he is alone and then knock him unconscious? It's just a goblin, I should be able to do it."

"Even after you have been training with Moody for two years, why are you so reckless? What's the use of catching him?" Cyrus said helplessly, "The goblins are very united. If you catch him, you won't get any information. On the contrary, He will also alert others."

"What should we do then?"

"We just wait and watch - to see who he is waiting for." Cyrus said, "You are a Metamorphmagus. When the person he is waiting for appears, after they part, you can transform into that person, and then Get information."

"Okay, but I still want to participate in the mission of hunting down Sirius Black," Tonks said regretfully.

"Don't be stupid. You have the talent of Metamorphomagus. You are naturally suitable for the task of gathering information and tracking. It would be stupid to confront the Death Eaters head-on." Cyrus thought of the deaths of Tonks and Lupin in the original novel. He felt her death was not worth it even during the final battle at Hogwarts.

"Use your talent well, Tonks! It is an ability that many people dream of, and it is not something you use to amuse children."

With her ability, she could transform into a Death Eater and sneak up on Death Eaters, but she instead chose to fight and die. It's a pity that the good ability could not be used, and it can even be said to be a bit wasted.

In fact, after Cyrus became the only Imago Magus in the world, his human body transformation skills became so powerful that he was almost on par with the Metamorphmagus.

"Yeah, Yeah, got it," Tonks replied dully, then looked at Cyrus with resentment and ordered another glass of butterbeer.

When it comes to butterbeer, many people think it is non-alcoholic, but this is not the case. In fact, it does contain a small amount of alcohol, but the amount is so small that even underage wizards can drink it.

But house elves, whose body structure is different from that of wizards, can become drunk after drinking too much.

Cyrus was surprised that Tonks could even drink a drink made under such unhygienic conditions. Anyway, he would never touch the glass of fire whisky in front of him.

"First you should wipe—" Cyrus wanted to remind her of the beer foam on the edge of his lips that looked like a white beard, but at this time the door of the Hog Head Inn opened with a bang.

The dazzling sunlight shined in.

Cyrus and Tonks stopped conversing as their attention was attracted. When they heard the sound and looked around, they saw a huge figure blocking the door.

Tonks lowered her voice in surprise: "Hey, it's..."

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