I became Voldemort

Chapter 47: “The Legend of Draco”

Chapter 47: “The Legend of Draco”

For a long time, Malfoy was immersed in the joy of learning curses.

Cyrus didn't give him much guidance, but he still learned quickly.

In addition to curses, Malfoy is also very interested in some alchemical gadgets. But this was something Lucius didn't want him to have access to when he was at home.

Being addicted to alchemy tools is equivalent to playing with things and losing one's ambition!

But in fact, Malfoy is quite talented in this area.

After Cyrus discovered this by chance, he immediately took advantage and began to teach Malfoy about alchemy.

Sometimes he would go to the hiding room to find some damaged alchemical items for Draco to repair.

A broken pensieve was even found among them.

As a result, they finally have a common secret. Malfoy also became more trusting of Cyrus.

"If you want to continue studying alchemy, I suggest you choose runes in your third year." Cyrus suggested.

Different from the ancient alchemy he is currently studying, modern alchemy is more focused on refining magic props, and is better at using runes to add magical power to props.

The school hasn't mentioned course selection yet, but Malfoy is indeed considering it seriously.




Ever since he stole the diary from Ginny, Dobby has been in a state of distress and confusion.

He thought of so many ways to inform Harry Potter, but he never thought that the person whose name could not be mentioned was actually still alive.

You-know-who had narrowly escaped death from Harry Potter eleven years ago!

Now, I'm afraid Harry Potter will face an even more terrifying threat.

"The man who must not even be named is still alive! Harry Potter must leave Hogwarts!" Dobby clenched his fist hard!

At Hogwarts, Harry and others are still trying their best to help Ginny find Riddle's diary. But it has been several weeks and there are still no results at all.

They looked at almost everyone as a culprit, and almost every Slytherin and Gryffindor student became a suspect.

Ginny was very devastated and barely managed to sleep, but as time passed, she became sad and gave up.

"I'm afraid we'll never be able to find that diary." Ron, like a pig, began to talk in frustration, "And have you noticed? The attacks seem to have stopped. It must have happened somewhere we don't know. Something happened. Maybe that Tom Riddle used his method to stop the successor."

His words almost imply that the brave and righteous Mr. Riddle has died on the road to stop evil.

So Ginny immediately started crying after hearing this. Not only did she cry, but she also hung Ron from the ceiling with an upside-down golden hook.


In contrast, Fred and George, who thought Ginny had lost the map, were less anxious.

On the one hand, they have figured out almost all the tunnels in the map, and at the same time, they also think that it is impossible for the successor to know the secrets of the map.

The other party can never use the map to harm others. Even if he gets it, it is just a piece of waste paper.

Now that the attacks have stopped, this is the best proof!

So not only were they not worried, but they would come to comfort Ginny from time to time, but their comfort method was somewhat different. At least Percy didn't think of dressing up in fur or turning into bolls, jumping out from behind the statue to tease her... Such behavior can hardly be considered a kind of comfort.

Soon, Harry had to stop looking for the thief.

Because Wood has been training them like crazy recently, Harry stayed on the court almost all the time after dinner.

The weather was still very cold and raining, which caused him to return every time. He felt like a drowned rat whenever he went to the dormitory.

Ron was also very tired and always fell asleep.

Worse than all of them was Lockhart.

In order to ease the tension in the school, he organized a Valentine's Day event on his own initiative.

Those "little cupids" with greeting cards - actually ugly dwarfs - would read out love letters written to you by others in public.

The only thing that made Harry happy was that at least he didn't receive anything that might embarrass him.

But Ron was very angry because Hermione could never unite with him in her attitude towards Lockhart. He suspected that one of the forty or so Valentine's Day cards Lockhart had received belonged to Hermione.

"That Gilderoy Lockhart, I've never seen a worse man!"

Even Malfoy had almost had enough of Lockhart.

"My dad was really right. Dumbledore has completely suffered from Alzheimer's disease. Look at the Defense Against the Dark Arts professors he has been appointing for the past two years."

"The Defense against Dark Art's Professors are getting worse and worse every year! The last year's professor Quirrell just stuttered like a dumb. And look at what have we got this year. This Lockhart should go to a drama club rather than teach us!"

If there was anything about Lockhart that made him happy, it was the fact that he always invited Harry Potter to perform with him in class.

Almost every time, the annoying scar head plays a funny role, which can indeed add a lot of laughter to himself. But watching the same drama too much will make people feel bored.

This time, there is another Valentine's Day drama...

He, Draco Malfoy!

Who doesn't know how popular he is in Slytherin?

There must be some people wanting to express their feelings for him, right?

But if someone confesses his love on this occasion, he would rather die!

"If someone dares to write me a greeting card and make me look embarrassed, I will teach her a lesson!" Draco said immediately. This made Pansy Parkinson, who was sitting not far from him, immediately give up the idea.

At noon, Malfoy complained to Cyrus about this matter again.

He has almost regarded Cyrus as a real friend. He even takes care of the diary, like his own brother, and calls him very kindly.

Sometimes Cyrus would remind him, "I'm older than your father, and even he has to respect me. How can you refer to me as your younger brother?"

Draco always looked unconcerned:

"We all talk about our own affairs. He calls you master and I call you brother!"

Draco did not hesitate to give himself a super plus. But if Lucius knew that he called Voldemort his younger brother, sooner or later he would kneel in front of Draco and call him daddy!

Cyrus didn't care about this.

It was enough for him to be Draco's "close friend".

"I think this 'Valentine's play' of your professor might not be a bad thing," Cyrus said deliberately. "You should take advantage of this opportunity."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, if you think this is a shameful thing, what about others? It seems to me that you hate that Harry Potter, right? Then why don't you try writing him a greeting card without a name?? How about, 'His eyes were as green as freshly pickled toads'?"

"Then just enjoy the show of how the big celebrity is embarrassed in public!"

Cyrus had absolutely no consideration of the brief period when he and Harry collaborated to steal potions, and the deception was unambiguous.

"You are simply a genius!" Malfoy jumped up.

"I'll write! No, I must write! I'll write just as you have said! To be honest, I have long hated his eyes." And he had a new idea.

"And have the dwarfs read it out in the Potions class!" he said proudly.

"?" But Cyrus slowly raised a question mark.

"You probably don't know that Professor Snape hates Harry Potter the most!"

Malfoy thinks that Cyrus doesn't understand the twists and turns, and immediately explains to him excitedly,

"If Professor Snape's class were interrupted by Potter, it is easy to imagine that Potter would be dead!"

In front of Snape, Harry's eyes will be called as green as freshly pickled toads...

If he found out it was you, Draco Malfoy!

It's not certain who will die!

Don't you know that Snape hated every pore of Harry's body, except his eyes?

You called Hermione a dirty word like "mudblood" and you cleaned the toilets for a semester. Now if you do this on Valentine's Day you can instead try to step on Thunder directly!

This Draco Malfoy and his stupid brain...

What a legend!


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