I became Voldemort

Chapter 51: The Inheritor

Chapter 51: The Inheritor

[Let's say - If that man is caught...if everything stops...]

[What do you mean? ] Dippet stood up from his chair as he spoke, his voice a bit harsh, [Riddle, are you saying you know something about these attacks? ]

[No, sir. ] Riddle said quickly.

Dippet sat back, looking slightly disappointed.

[You can go now, Tom...]

Riddle slid out of his chair and trudged out of the room.

Several people followed.

They descended the spiral staircase and emerged from the monstrous gargoyles in the darkening corridor. Riddle stopped and they stopped, all staring at him.

Cyrus had a very strange feeling. Although he had watched this memory countless times, this was the first time that he had brought others to watch it. Especially since the owner of the memory looks exactly like him now.

In the memory, Riddle was thinking seriously, biting his lip, and wrinkles appeared on his forehead.

Then, he seemed to suddenly make up his mind and hurried away, followed quietly by several people.

Along the way, they saw no one. Finally, they came to the foyer, where a tall wizard greeted Riddle on the marble stairs.

[What are you doing, Tom? Why are you still wandering around so late? ]

"It's Dumbledore!"

Ron stared at the wizard dumbfounded.

He was none other than Dumbledore, who was fifty years younger.

This is a very strange feeling as if they are traveling in time, the gray world seems to be the color of time, and they are going upstream.

"I never thought I could meet such a young Dumbledore," Harry said dully.

The Dumbledore of fifty years ago was different from the Dumbledore of today. At that time, he had long flowing auburn hair and a long beard, and his cheeks were not as old as they are now.

However, perhaps due to the gray filter of this memory, Harry felt that he looked a little too sad as if he had walked out of a wet rain.

He didn't know what sad things Dumbledore had experienced at that time, but it seemed that the old man was already discouraged. What kept him alive was not hope, but more like punishment.

Cyrus knew it very well.

Fifty years ago, at this time, Grindelwald was still carrying out their plans around the world, the vow they made until death as young boys, but they had already drifted apart. In a few years, people would be cheering for the day he lost his love.

In this way, Harry and Dumbledore are also very similar.

But Ginny remembered the night she met Dumbledore in her night out, and it seemed that there was no difference between it and now.

Even if his appearance was somewhat different, the thing that remained unchanged about Dumbledore was his eyes that could see through people's hearts.

[I just had to see the Headmaster, Professor. ] Riddle said.

[Okay, now please return to bed. ] Dumbledore said, staring at Riddle with the penetrating gaze that Harry was very familiar with, [It's best not to wander in the corridors these days. Since it's already...]

He sighed heavily, said good night to Riddle, and strode away. Riddle watched him walk out of sight, then quickly walked up the stone steps leading to the underground classroom.

However, Riddle did not lead them to a secret passage or a secret tunnel, but to the underground classroom where Snape took Potion lessons.

The torch was not lit, so when Riddle pushed the door almost shut, Harry could only see Riddle standing motionless in the doorway, staring at the passage outside.

They stayed there for at least an hour.

Cyrus could tell that Ron was getting a little impatient. Because they could only see Riddle's figure standing at the door, peeking out from the crack of the door, waiting like a sculpture.

"Don't worry, the person who opened the secret room was hiding here with the monsters he raised." Cyrus' words made them calm down.

Just when their patience was about to run out, there was movement outside the door.

Someone was walking quietly in the passage. They heard the man walking past the underground classroom where Riddle was hiding. Riddle was as silent as a shadow, sidled through the crack in the door, and followed.
 Cyrus led them over.

They heard a door creak open and someone whisper in a husky voice.

[Come... come out, come up here... come... come to the box...]

"Is this the heir? This person's voice seems a bit familiar." Hermione frowned and said.

They saw the dark figure of a large boy squatting in front of an open door. There was a large box beside the door.

Soon they knew why they felt familiar, especially after the dispute between Riddle and Hagrid in their memories——

[Good evening, Rubeus. ] Riddle said sternly.

[It's over,] he said, [I have to turn you in, Rubeus. They are discussing about closing Hogwarts if the attacks don't stop. ]

[I know you didn't mean to harm anyone. But monsters are not ideal pets. I guess you just let them out and move around, so--]

[It definitely didn't harm anyone! ] The big boy said, taking a few steps back and leaning against the closed door. Harry could hear a strange rustling and clicking sound coming from behind him.

Riddle moved closer, [The parents of the dead girl will be here tomorrow. Hogwarts can at least ensure that the thing that killed their daughter is killed...]

[No! It didn't kill anyone ] The boy yelled, his voice echoing in the dim passage, [It won't! And never will! ]

[Get out of the way. ] Riddle said, pulling out his wand.

This move immediately made Harry and others nervous. They were looking forward to seeing a wonderful duel, but they were also worried about Riddle's safety.

Riddle's spell illuminated the corridor with a sudden burst of fire. It also lit up the huge boy's face.

"It's Hagrid!" The young wizards shouted in surprise, but they were unwilling to believe it was true. "How could it be Hagrid?"

The memory did not stop because of their surprise.

Riddle's spell knocked Hagrid into the opposite wall, popping open the door behind him.

A huge, hairy, low body flew out so fast that it was almost hard to see what it looked like!

Riddle raised his wand again, but it was too late. The creature fled, knocking him to the ground, then dashed down the corridor and disappeared.

Ginny and Hermione were both frightened, but Cyrus knew that Riddle had deliberately let the Acromantula escape. A person killed by an Acromantula looks completely different from a person killed by a Basilisk.

Riddle stumbled to his feet and looked after it; he raised his wand, but Hagrid rushed at him, seized the wand, and knocked him to the ground again, shouting:

[No--! ]

Hagrid's rough voice shattered Riddle's memory.

Cyrus stood in the dark space with several young wizards and fell into silence. They seem to have not been able to get over the "truth" they just saw.

After a long time, Hermione frowned and excused her friend:

"Mr. Riddle, could it be that you have found the wrong person?"

"He may not mean it, but you also know that he has a soft spot for huge monsters," Cyrus said, trying his best to take Hagrid's good personality out of the conversation and focus their attention on the monsters. , "The monster escaped at that time, and now someone may have brought it back."

"But -" Harry opened his mouth. He wanted to defend Hagrid, but he knew that Cyrus was telling the truth.

When they were at Hogwarts last year, Hagrid had tried to raise a fire dragon in his cabin, and the big three-headed dog he called "Fluffy" was something they couldn't forget for a long time.

Back then, when Hagrid was still a teenager if he heard that there was a monster hiding somewhere in the castle, Harry knew that he would definitely try his best to see it. 

'Hagrid probably thought it was outrageous to keep the beast imprisoned for so long and that it should be given a chance to stretch its legs'

Harry could even imagine thirteen-year-old Hagrid wanting to put a leash and collar on the beast and make it his pet.

But Harry also believed that Hagrid would never intentionally kill anyone.

"I'm afraid that's the truth. Ron, do you still remember the Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them you lent me?" Ginny asked, "The Ministry of Magic labels the most dangerous creatures, and there was your note- 'Or whatever Hagrid likes'."

Ron tried to change his perspective.

"You sound a lot like Percy - after all, who told you to tell on Hagrid?" he grumbled.

"But the monster killed someone, Ron." Cyrus pretended to be helpless and said, "I know Hagrid is your friend and he is a good person, so Dumbledore is willing to vouch for him. But he has some issues. Really... I can't just sit back and watch more attacks happen.

"The attacks have stopped since Hagrid was kicked out. If they close Hogwarts, then I'll be back in a Muggle orphanage. I'm sure you'll understand that I have a legitimate reason to want to be here. The original…"

Of course, Harry understood.

Several people were silent. After a long silence, Hermione hesitantly asked the most difficult question: "Look, should we ask Hagrid about these things?"

"Wow, then should we go to him and then simply ask him?," said Ron. "Hello, Hagrid, tell us, have you let any wild, furry things out of the castle recently?"

"You think he'll tell us?"


So they decided not to say anything.


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