I became Voldemort

Chapter 62: Cram school

Chapter 62: Cram school

Early the next morning, when Cyrus was sitting sleepily on Slytherin's long table eating breakfast, an owl with a letter flew in front of him.

Cyrus took the letter, fed the owl some food, and immediately opened the letter.

The letter was sent by Lucius and Narcissa.

On the surface, it seemed to be just an ordinary letter expressing their concern and greetings for their son. But Cyrus saw the secret message left in the letter at a glance. After casting a secret revealing spell, the real content disappeared in a flash.

Lucius had convinced the other school governors to have Dumbledore leave the school as soon as the next victim appeared. He also did some mobilization on the Ministry of Magic, ensuring that Hagrid could be sent to Azkaban for a few days.

Cyrus was excited inside, but on the outside, he remained calm, as if he were reading an ordinary letter. Silently he folded the letter and put it back inside his sleeve.

The two little followers sitting next to him seemed to want to talk to him, but considering that Malfoy seemed to be a different person during this period, they did not dare to say anything.

"What's wrong?" Cyrus glared at them in a Malfoy-only arrogant manner.

"No, it's nothing..."

"I'm done eating. Goodbye." Cyrus stood up alone and walked through the dining table full of people.

Many people greeted him, but he ignored them all. Instead, he was thinking about when to launch the next decisive attack.

Right now?

Or should we wait a little longer?

'I still have no clue about refining the Philosopher's Stone, and I'm not ready to confront Dumbledore. ' Cyrus was most worried about Dumbledore.

But if the plan goes well, he won't face Dumbledore.

"We can't make any more mistakes next!"

The Christmas accident really caught him off guard, but fortunately it was nothing bad. Cyrus thought about it carefully and decided to continue according to the development of the original work. The next attack will be on the day of the Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, and the target of the attack is naturally——

"What mistakes are we talking about?"

A voice suddenly interrupted Cyrus's thoughts. He looked up and saw Lockhart with a smile on his face.

"Haha, I guess you must be talking about the next Quidditch match, right?" Lockhart showed a self-satisfied expression and then started bragging regardless of Cyrus's feelings.

"You were in the limelight yesterday, and you did a great job! I have to say, you did almost half as well as I did. Didn't I mention that I was also a seeker on the school team when I was a student? Winclaw team! To be honest, if your opponent was half as talented as me, then you may not have won so easily!

"And your hand is recovering well. You know, I could have cured you right away—"

"Professor, what do you want?" Cyrus interrupted Lockhart's sterile speech. He was not interested in listening to this guy bragging.

"I think I can give you a little help in Quidditch. If you plan to join a world-famous team in the future, then you'd better listen to my opinion." Lockhart said proudly, "Back then I received letters from many teams, but unfortunately, that was not my ambition so I turned them down. Hah! The Quidditch world has lost a rising star!"

"No need, Professor, actually I'm not that interested in Quidditch either. And I don't intend to become a star showing off."

He almost understood what Lockhart was thinking.

The other party obviously took a fancy to his Quidditch talent and planned to make him his "student". In this way, if Malfoy became a great player in the future, he would naturally be praised as Malfoy's mentor and become more famous.

Unfortunately, Cyrus wasn't interested. Not only did he have no interest, but Malfoy himself had no interest.

"Don't like Quidditch? You are wasting your talent, Malfoy. After all, not everyone is as good as me. Even if you leave Quidditch aside, you can make achievements in many aspects. And I am still a third-level Merlin. The owner of the medal——"

"I'm sorry, Professor, you just need to donate some money to the Ministry of Magic for that kind of thing. You can have as much as you want." Cyrus said unceremoniously, "And Professor, maybe your memory is not very good, but have you forgotten my name? My name is Draco Malfoy. Quidditch talent aside, I still have a lot of business to do and a lot of money to inherit!"

After saying that, he turned his body sideways and walked away from the other party regardless of Lockhart's expression. After evading Lockhart, Ginny and the four of them caught up again.

"Why are you here?"

"We saw that you came out after receiving a letter, so we followed you."

"It's just a letter for Malfoy. I plan to put it away for him."

"What's the matter? I just saw Lockhart talking to you. What was he saying?" Ron glanced at Hermione first, and then asked, "I guess he must be bragging again. Is he planning to teach you how to play Quidditch?" ?"

"You really know him, Ron." Cyrus said with a hint of admiration, "He also said that he was a genius seeker back then."

"I've seen through him a long time ago!" Ron was very happy that he guessed correctly, which made Hermione a little unhappy.

"Professor Lockhart was actually Ravenclaw's Seeker."

"Eh?, but you know I worked in the medal room and Ravenclaw never won a Quidditch trophy during his time at school. Come on Hermione, he's just terrible at it! Much worse than Malfoy!" Ron said provocatively.

But surprisingly, Hermione just snorted and didn't respond.

"By the way, do you have any better suggestions for selecting courses for the third year?" After a while, Hermione seemed to remember something and turned around to ask.

After the Easter vacation, the Professors of each house could not handle course selection. Hermione took this very seriously, while Harry and Ron were very casual. But it would be good for both of them if they could listen to "Mr Riddle"'s opinion, at least they wouldn't need to use their brains.

"In general, the Care of Magical Creatures course is very important, but I heard that Professor Silvanus Kettleburn is retiring next year, and I don't know who will take over this course.

Of the two divination courses, I only recommend Arithmetic Divination, and the other one... how should I say, does require a bit of talent. There are also ancient magic texts that are more referenced, and for the others, I also recommend alchemy. Or if you don't want to miss out, you can choose them all."

Cyrus said.

"I just want to give up Potions class," Harry said frustratedly.

"Potions are very important Harry. Even if you don't plan to be an Auror in the future, knowing more about Potions can prevent you from being poisoned by others."

"But I can't think of anyone other than Snape who would try to poison me."

"Of course, there are, such as those Death Eaters. Don't forget they are the subordinate of Voldemort—"

Cyrus saw Ron shudder.

"I beg you not to say that name, especially since he is still alive..."

"Well, in short, the only course I don't recommend you to take is Muggle Studies. It's not that that course is unimportant, but the content of the school is just nonsense. But it's understandable. After all, wizards sometimes find it difficult to understand Muggle technology.

As for other courses, you can ask the senior students. After so many years, maybe the teaching content has changed between now and my time."

In the end, Cyrus chose Alchemy, Ancient Runes, and Care of Magical Creatures for Malfoy. As for Hermione, she only heard Cyrus say that she could select all subjects, and she immediately marked all the subjects.

"Do I have too many subjects to learn? Can you help me with tutoring now?" Hermione pestered Cyrus.

"Teaching? You haven't finished studying the second year yet, and you plan to take up the third year's content?" Ron looked like he was crazy. You have to know that he hasn't even started reviewing the content of the final exam!

"What's wrong? I advise you two to prepare early. After all, this will affect our entire future." Hermione glared at him and dragged Cyrus to the library.

Ron and Harry looked at each other, both feeling that what Hermione said was a bit too exaggerated.

When Ginny saw Hermione starting to study with Cyrus, she was not far behind. She borrowed a second year's textbook and asked around Cyrus.

Cyrus also told them an extra head-soaking spell.

They made some progress and chatted a lot and used spells.

In the end, they were kicked out by an annoyed Mrs. Pince.


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