I Can Peek Inside Every Place And Even Record It

Chapter 182 Move

Chapter 182 Move

That Ciel acted like that after touching her butt made Thalia chatter her teeth.

In her eyes this was truly excessive tyrannical behavior.

Of course, Mu Yixue was also disturbed by Ciel's actions.

She rolled her eyes, but perhaps she didn't feel heavy enough since Thalia was his slave.

When he did something with his slave, it was different from when he did something with his lover.

"Don't be in a hurry to leave, how about sitting here and helping me eat," Ciel said again, looking at Thalia while patting the empty area at his side.

It was the woman's own fault, daring to act arrogantly in front of him without remembering her status as his slave.

Her arrogant attitude ultimately made him want to punish her, and when he realized that he enjoyed it, he wanted more.

Perhaps it was the arrogant attitude of a slave that appealed to him so that her beauty seemed more striking in his eyes.

Ciel's request left Thalia at a loss as to how to respond.

Her instincts told her that if she sat next to Ciel, he would really do various embarrassing things to her.

However, could she refuse?

She looked at Mu Yixue who looked comfortable by Ciel's side as she began to eat.

Her beauty was something she recognized, but she seemed happy with her relationship with Ciel.

She wondered if she would also be like that if she was open-minded.

Of course, even if she was closed-minded, she still recognized that Ciel was indeed a man of great charm.

Staring at him did not make her feel disgusted in the slightest, quite the contrary, staring at him for too long made her sometimes feel strange changes inside her body.

"What are you waiting for?" While Thalia was still thinking, Arthur suddenly moved, grabbed her hand and pulled her hard so that she fell on her side.

She froze and looked like she wanted to cry.

"You really are arrogant and know no bounds," Thalia said. She couldn't stop herself from speaking her mind because she felt oppressed.

"I've always been like that," Ciel replied, not arguing at all. "However, you need not worry, I may be pushy at times, but I always treat beauty with affection."

After saying that, Ciel touched the woman's pointed ears, which were really very soft as there were no bones at all.

"You?" Thalia looked like she wanted to jump again, but couldn't because Ciel was faster. He placed the tray for him on her thighs, signaling her to feed him.

Yasmin laughed as she watched all of Ciel's actions. In her eyes it was all very funny.

"Come on!" Ciel patted Thalia's hand for her to do her job immediately.

At the same time, he leaned on Mu Yixue's shoulder.

At this point, it was impossible for Thalia to continue to resist, she could only act obediently.

Ciel's gaze made her think that she would be in big trouble if she still refused.

Slowly, she aimed the spoon containing the mixture of various foods at Ciel's mouth.

Ciel accepted it happily.

At this moment, the aura of jealousy really appeared everywhere, it could be clearly felt as no one could contain their jealousy.

Having one of the three most beautiful women was enough to make people jealous to the point of sleeplessness. However, Ciel had three.

"I'm sure there hasn't been in the Seven Realms a man like you..." Ahong finally spoke again.

"Is it like that?" Ciel responded by asking.

"Everyone else knows how to limit themselves, while you don't seem to know at all, aren't you worried that it will lead to your downfall later?" Ahong replied, also asking.

Ciel shook his head as he replied, "What's there to worry about when my life is fine now?"

"Hey bad things can happen to anyone."

"Well, since it can happen to anyone, so it doesn't matter how I live. Even Buddhas can still experience bad luck."

"Hmph, you humans are good at arguing." Ahong finally snorted after his words seemed completely meaningless.

The problem was that every one of Ciel's answers did make sense.

Right after that, Thalia suddenly said, "If you had bad luck, it would be even more terrible."

"What nonsense are you saying?" Ciel looked at her with sharp eyes, even hitting her thigh lightly.

"She's right, your downfall will be more terrible," Ahong chimed in, getting the idea to continue the debate.

Ciel was too lazy to respond, he was more focused on Thalia who seemed to pretend to forget what she had said.

"Remember Miss Elf, if I suffer a terrible fate, you will experience something much more terrible," Ciel told her.

Basically, he was reminding her that as his slave, her fate would be tied to him.

Thalia did not dare to reply, she lowered her head, focused on putting food into the spoon she was using to feed Ciel.

After that, she fed him again.

Even though the woman had just said something bad, Ciel did not refuse the food she gave him.

Over time, the sun gets hotter.

Ciel finished his food faster and stood up immediately.

Staying in the same place would only make him feel more uncomfortable.

He did not delay any longer, together with the others, he mounted his camel, starting to move towards the direction filled with the Pyramid.

Of course, he was not the first to move, there were many who had gone before him.

Here, people were not just aiming for the World Soul because only a few would get it.

For most people, the most important thing was to seek the good fortune that came with the appearance of that World Soul.

It was said that here were also many tombs of mighty cultivators, if you could get an inheritance, it was more than enough.

Ciel's group was followed by the Desert Giants, so they were very conspicuous.

However, Ciel found that compared to those pyramids, even those giants were not significant at all even from afar.

They were just as small.

"Who made these buildings?" Ciel couldn't help but ask Yasmin.

Compared to the others, she seemed more used to it.

"It is said that in ancient times this region was inhabited by the Eternal Desert Clan. They were so powerful, no less than the Heaven Race, everyone in this desert was their slave. I don't know how they disappeared, whether they were wiped out or they went somewhere else, there are no records anymore." Yasmin explained.

That piqued the interest of everyone who heard it, not just Ciel.

"Such a powerful clan if destroyed must have left many remains," Ciel said, holding her chin.

He said that because he didn't find much destruction.

The pyramids were still standing firmly. They only had a little damage, and it was obvious that it was natural damage due to time.

Seeing that Yasmin didn't seem to know any more than that, Ciel finally sought information from the Information Artifacts given by the Elf Queen and the Ice Goddess.

However, it didn't have any other useful information either.

It seemed that it was truly a mystery.

"By the way, where are the locations of the Holy Pagoda Flame and the Holy Bone Flame?" Ciel then asked Ahong.

He was more curious about those two things.

"Are you sure you want to look for them?" asked Ahong in response.

He was actually unsure of Ciel's plan.

The problem was that the two Flames were extremely terrifying.

Without considering the difficulty of searching for their Core, just their heat was enough to turn everyone here into ashes.

"You don't need to care about anything other than fulfilling your promise of losing the bet," Ciel replied.

Of course, that did not matter to Ciel now.

He did not need anyone's help anymore as he had the Immortal Domain that he could use to enter the Flames and move their Core.

Seeing Ciel so calm, Ahong finally stopped questioning Ciel.

"Follow me," he said. He jumped forward and ran towards one of the pyramids.

It looked unique as it seemed to be silver-plated.

"Prince!" Yasmin suddenly called out to Ciel.

"Is there something?" asked Ciel as he turned his gaze towards her.

When talking to her, Ciel couldn't help but smile.

In fact talking to her did give a certain pleasure that was very strong.

"I have heard about the two Flames though I have never seen them," Yasmin said. "Recently, I heard that there was a very powerful Fire Dragon near the two Flames."

"Ohh, is it stronger than me?" asked Ciel.

Hearing about dragons, he couldn't help but be interested.

He had indeed lived in this cultivation world for many years, seeing many things that for earth people were fantasy.

However, even he had never actually seen a real dragon, only fake dragons created from techniques like when the Ice Goddess created an Ice Dragon with her ice power to fight.

As far as he had heard from people, dragons were very large creatures, usually having one element as their trademark plus a very strong physique.

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