I Decided to Kidnap the Male Lead

Chapter 7: Nice to Meet You (I)

Chapter 7: Nice to Meet You (I)

Imperial Calendar Year 588. April 20th. 8:00 in the morning.

Ophelia slept deeply, not knowing how long it had been, and greeted a refreshing morning.

Just by escaping from infinite regression and starting a new day, the world would look beautiful no matter whether she was in the gutter or not.

So Ophelia was able to smile broadly at her mother.

Its a beautiful day, Mother.

Thats new. And you seem busy. Where are you going so early in the morning?

Im going to the Imperial Palace.

Wherever I go, its been bustling since morning What?

Ill be back.

Wait! Ophelia! Ophelia!

Leaving her mother frantically calling behind her, Ophelia headed straight to the palace.

This is Ophelia Bolsheik.

Do you have an appointment?



After interrupting the guards words, Ophelia took out a small card.

I dont have a prior arrangement, but I have this card.

To Ophelia, who became his aide, the card that Richard gave as if pulling candy out of his pocket was not like candy at all.

It had a mark that only the blood of the imperial family could give.

Although it had a grand appearance, it was simply an imperial palace free pass, and at the same time, it allowed the bearer to see the imperial family member who gave it to them any time without a prior agreement.

After verifying the card, the guard immediately took a step back, withdrawing his gaze from Ophelia.

It must be because of Richards seal, which was clearly embossed on the card.

Pardon me, Lady Bolsheik.

Oh, no. Youre just doing your job. Well, I have to go now.

Surrounded by a halo of sunlight above her head, Ophelia passed the soldiers with a smile like a Buddha.

She entered the crown princes palace without hesitation and went to the office without hesitation.

Tok tok.

Come in.

Its a refreshing morning.

Opening the door vigorously, Ophelia walked towards Richard with a bounce in her steps.

You look good.

Your Highness is still not dead.

The lady is the only person who sees me and says that.

Its because Im the only comrade youre trapped in this damn cycle with. Yesterdays infinite regression ended, so maybe not today, right?

Well. Rather, the lady might wish for an infinite return to do everything she has to do today.

Is it work?


Ophelia blinked rapidly at his answer, which seemed to ask why she was asking something so obvious.

She answered after scanning Richards huge desk and the piles of paperwork that lined up to the floor to form a mountain range.

But even the mere sight of the breathtaking mountain of papers didnt bring down her feeling of walking on clouds.

I have to work. Of course! Now that Im your aide, its natural I have to assist you!

As she eagerly rolled up her sleeves, she glanced at the papers and Richard alternately with twinkling eyes.

You dont need to touch those documents, instead, go to the aides office. Its the second door on the left from this office.

Ill be back!

After she gallantly went out of the door, Richards eyes, looking at her small back, curved slightly.

Are you coming back here?

He touched the corners of his mouth that had risen unconsciously, and then shook his head.


Ophelia popped out of Richards office and, in front of the aides office, took a deep breath to calm her excitement.

Richard, its a face I got tired of while doing infinite regression, and to the point it didnt matter if I skimp on etiquette or something, but

From now on, if she made an infinite regression, these were the people she would also meet face to face again and again.

But Ophelia was the only one who would get to know them unilaterally.

She shook her head. Its not too late to think about depressing and serious thoughts then.

After tidying up her hair and clothes, Ophelia steadied her chin and straightened her back.

Tok tok.

Come in.

Unlike how she immediately opened Richards office door upon hearing a brief permission, this time, she carefully grabbed the doorknob and turned it.

Entering the aides office, she first faced a mountain of documents, not people.

Whats going on?

Although Ophelia could not see the person, she raised her voice a little towards the source of the voice from beyond the many mountains of papers.

Hello. I am Ophelia Bolsheik, who has become the Crown Princes aide as of today. Please take care of me.

At the end of her words, the only sound in the aides room was the scratching sound of a pen.

Ophelia tilted her head in the silence longer than expected, then she took a step into the mountain range of documents.

You dont have to go further.

A very business-like voice interrupted her steps.

As I said today I have to set up a place first. You just have to find it from the beginning.

Although it was still a clerical voice, the content it contained was kind, which made Ophelia more reassured.

Thank you. Ill do that.

After Ophelia left the room without seeing the faces of her fellow aides once.

Behind the mountains of documents, the aide who was grimacing opened her mouth.

What just happened?

At Iris words, Cooper, another aide that didnt take his eyes off the papers while Ophelia came and went, asked absentmindedly.


A lady just came in and greeted us.

What? Who came?

Cooper finally removed his gaze and nose from the papers, stuck his neck out, and looked around.

But Ophelia had long since left the place, and Coopers sight was blocked by the piles upon piles of documents, so no one could be seen.

Nobody is here?

Anyway, youre such a jerk. Why cant you do two things at the same time?

As if familiar with Iris insults, Cooper asked, fixing his pen.

So whats going on?

The new assistant, Lady Bolsheik, suddenly arrived.

New assistant?

Did you hear anything from Sir Gryu?

No way. His Highness is the only one who can reach him right now.

By the way, theres no mention of when hes coming back.

He went out to inspect a territory, so his return wont be quick.

Is that why a new aide was brought in?

Cooper tilted his head and sighed again.

And Iris, are you dissatisfied?

Of course Im dissatisfied. Arent you?

Cooper shrugged his shoulders, rubbing his stiff neck in response to the sharp reply that immediately returned.

Iris eyes flashed with the momentum to stab Ophelia to death at any moment.

Lady Bolsheik. Ive never heard her name anywhere.

If you say so, then shes just an ordinary young lady.

Yes. Shes just a young lady who isnt outstanding in any field, and doesnt even have a title to be of any help to His Highness. But without saying a word to us, starting today, shes an aide?

Hmm. Im definitely not in a good mood.

Its His Highness decision, so Ill follow it.

Cooper shrugged at Iris cold voice.

Regardless of what His Highness is up to, Ill have to thoroughly find out how helpful she will be to him.

What are you going to do? Ah, if you throw a pen, the ordinary young lady will fall with the pen stuck in her forehead.

I dont do that.

Yes. As long as you dont use violence, Ill just leave it alone.

Arent you annoyed?

I dont have time to be upset. Unlike you, I have to move my pen all day to barely follow what His Highness is doing.

At his words, Iris opened her mouth again, ready to retort when a knock was heard.

Come in.

This time, it was Cooper who answered, not Iris. The door opened, and Ophelia and the palace servants with furniture entered in a line.

Eventually, after navigating through the multitudes of documents and setting up the desk somehow, the servants disappeared, leaving only three people in the aides office.

Looking at Ophelia with her arms crossed, Iris slowly released her arms and took a step forward.

Im late for greetings. Im Iris Fillite. Over there

Cooper Halsey.

As long as the lady has become an assistant of His Highness, the family title is meaningless, so dont worry about it. Neither Cooper nor I have individual titles, so were the same as you.

Yes. Im Ophelia Bolsheik.

Now that you have a seat, you should start working.

Iris went straight to the main topic without a very formal greeting.


And Ophelia didnt even say the standard answer of Leave it to me.

She was limited in what she could do. It was better for her to be someone who couldnt speak politely than to say she couldnt do it when put in charge of something.

Its her first time, so simple chores like organizing documents

Please pick the beans out of the sand.

At Iriss next words, Ophelias eyelashes fluttered as fast as the wings of a hummingbird.

Did I hear it wrong?

No, are you kidding me?

The momentary thought disappeared as soon as she saw Iris face, which seemed unlikely to be pierced by a needle.

It was real work.

Ophelia swallowed her saliva.


Yes. Its very simple. I cant leave you with a headache from the first day, so please do what you can.

It was a cold voice; as though one would freeze if one touched her hand.

Ophelia was taken aback. If she was an aide, then shouldnt she handle paperwork?

Of course, as Iris said, it was Ophelias first day, so she wouldnt be able to take charge of confidential or urgent papers.

Besides, it was clear that there would not be enough time or space to teach her who was put into actual practice. She planned to spend a day or two learning what they do over their shoulders, and if it didnt work out, she thought to pester Richard.

Because he had a baseless belief that he could turn Ophelia, who didnt know much about his work, into a useful assistant in a day or two.

But beans? Picking beans out of the sand?

She received a job she never expected, let alone imagined.

Iris stared at Ophelia with the most bitter eyes.

The beans are very precious, theyre from the holy country of Garon. Its handled directly by the Crown Princes Palace, not anywhere else. I wont explain further. The beans will be used as a celebration in the upcoming hunting contest. Come back as soon as youre done. There are other things piled up. Its a simple job, so you can finish it quickly.

Ophelias eyes, which were swaying like a ship that met a storm, immediately became firm at Iris explanation.

She started with the terribly strange thing of possessing a character in a book, and now she is trapped in the bloody cycle of infinite regression.

Could there be anything more absurd and embarrassing than that?

Picking beans wasnt that weird.

Besides, wasnt this kind of territoriality cute?

Yes. I will do my best.

With a wide smile on her face, Ophelia headed straight to the warehouse where the beans were piled up.

Two people remained in the aides office. Iriss forehead creased, and at the same time, a smirk leaked out between Coopers lips.

I dont think shes just an ordinary lady?

Credits goes to Jassie for raw providing, and Ame for translating.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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