I Don’t Want This Bad Ending



"What the hell are you saying? Don't just blabber what you're thinking!" Chrisfold looked at Cassandra who still had that calm look.

'Why is he so angry?' Evelyn thought.

However, her mind is still occupied about what she said.

'Reincarnated?... so that means I really died by the hands of Amy?' she thought.

Then, Cassandra speaks up.

"Her curse is about her soul being torn to pieces every time that she died and reincarnate'

"What do you mean?" Evelyn slowly asked as she was shocked about it.

"Don't believe her Evelyn!" Chrisfold shouted.

Evelyn folded her eyes thinly and looked at Chrisfold who was yelling and was being suspicious.

"What are you so upset about?" Evelyn strongly asked.

She doesn't understand why Chrisfold, her earth spirit, is shouting and yelling at Cassandra who was just doing her job, informing her about what she found out.

"I'm just worried! And what the hell does she mean that reincarnate?! That's just impossible!" Chrisfold stood up and explained.

"Look, even if you're a thousand year old spirit and are living in the human world for a long time, I'm still more experienced in this field so back off geezer."

Cassandra snapped at Chrisfold that made the tension a bit heavier. Evelyn looked at Cassandra, who for the first time spoke her mind.

Chrisfold seems to be flabbergasted that Cassandra knows he's a spirit.

"Don't give me that look, old man. You think I wouldn't know when you're using a fake hair color and change your eyes. You think I wouldn't connect the dots through Evelyn?"

Again, Chrisfold was stupefied. He never thought that a human can guess his real form and origin.

Evelyn switches to look at Cassandra and Chrisfold. She knew that living for a long time, Cassandra has discerning eyes that she accumulated and that she is wary in her surroundings because she has always been the target of the people because she's the last witch.

'I know that she will immediately find out about Chrisfold. I mean who wouldn't observe someone who just popped out of nowhere and starts to live with you. Of course Cassandra will try to find out if he's on our side.' Evelyn thought.

Evelyn faked a cough, she wanted to let the tension to slightly ease away. She called for this meeting for them to talk and not to fight!

"Okay, let's calm down for a second. Chrisfold, please sit down. Cassandra is just reporting what she found out about my curse. We don't even know if it's really that kind of curse. She's just saying that she found an ancient text that has similar bindings like what I have." 

Evelyn tried to smooth talk and pursued the two to calm down.

Chrisfold clicked her tongue that made Evelyn think about what was wrong with him.

"Anyway, Cassandra please proceed."

And the lady with thin glasses nodded.

"Your curse has an effect whereas your death will come from someone you are close with. In short, you'll be betrayed everytime that your life is about to end."

"That's that's ridiculous."

She held her head with both of her hands as she was yet again shocked by the cruelty of the curse that she had.

"But wait does that mean" she pauses for a while before her mind spoke the rest for her.

'The curse has been in effect in my last life? But how?' 

She thinks things through, however, no matter what comes to her head, the possible cause seems to be impossible because it's the first time that she got reincarnated and it's the first time that she has encountered magic.

"You've got to be kidding! How am I supposed to believe that I will be betrayed everytime my life ends?" She asks and glances at the two.

Chrisfold isn't looking at Evelyn which she thought was something that is odd considering that what Cassandra was telling concerns his master.


He didnt respond as if he didn't hear a thing. Evelyn repeated herself again.


Cassandra also looked at him who was in a state of deep thought and was only looking at the floor.


Evelyn shouted as she walked to where Chrisfold was seating and she grabbed his shoulder.


Chrisfold seems to have been taken aback by what happened as he didn't even seem to notice that Evelyn is in front of him and is holding his shoulder.

"What is it? What are you thinking?"

Evelyn asks as she starts to think that Chrisfold has been acting strange since the time that Cassandra told them about her curse. He became irritated and defensive like he was trying to cover something.

"What are you hiding?" Evelyn decided to ask. She knows that she was only speculating but her guts is telling her that there was something that she needed to know.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Eve."

"Don't give me that bullshit when you can't even look me in the eye. So, what is it that you're trying to hide from me.'

Spirits are known to have access to their master's feelings and vice versa. So, Evelyn knew that Chrisfolds heartbeat is abnormally high like he was nervous and there was sweat in his forehead even though her room has ventilation that cool air comes in.

Chrisfold took Evelyn's hands off and unexpectedly stood up.

"What are you doing?" Evelyn asked.

"It's too late, so I'll go back to my room now." Chrisfold started to walk to her front door when Evelyn decided to ask her question.

"You know something don't you? You know something about my curse"

"No!" He strongly disagrees.

"I don't know about it. I'm tired so I'll leave now, let's talk sometime."


The door swings open and closes in a split second. Chrisfold didn't bother to turn around and immediately left them.

"He's suspicious." Cassandra told Evelyn who was still staring at her door.

"I also think so, he's hiding something from me" Evelyn replied.

"I should also get going" Cassandra also stood up after she finished her tea.

"Oh um, you're right. We should talk some other time."

When Cassandra was about to leave the room she heard Evelyn talk.

"By the way, can you umm not tell the other's about it? Especially Gil and also can you also find out if my family has the same curse as me?"


Creaaaak! Thud!

The door went close again and Evelyn was left in the room. She plopped down and laid herself at the soft mattress and looked at her ceiling.

She thoroughly thought about what Cassandra said.

"That's one cruel curse getting betrayed by someone you're close with. But is my old life affected by it? Or was it just a coincidence? I don't really know what to believe anymore."

Evelyn thought as she closed her eyes and dwelled in her consciousness. Soon, she drifted into her sleep.


After Elise and Allan left the Drivas shop, they immediately left to have some supper at the Emsworth mansion.

Elise started to coax Allan like what she used to do and to gain information from him. Allan also started to talk just like he was used to doing.

"Is the Duke not coming for dinner?" Elise asked.

She was here not because she wanted to but because she had a task that was given to her to confirm the Duke's condition.

Allan replied without skipping a beat.

"He already retired for the evening."

"Oh my Is he not feeling well?" 

Elise looks concerned but deep inside she was happy that what she will report to them would be good news.

"He's fine, he's just tired lately"

Allan responded nonchalantly.

'Of course, he can't admit that the Duke is dying and is on his deathbed. He's still a part of the Emsworth, Allan would try to hide it even if it's me.' Elise thought.

What she doesn't know is Allan was just telling the truth and also is wary of her so he always gives a vague answer to her question.

'So, she really wants to know the condition of my father did she really charm me and is my feelings for her not real?' Allan has seriously wondered about it.

He still can't forget what Crown Prince Edickart said about a month ago that the Saint, the Elise that he knew, was using charm magic to hypnotize people and that there is a possibility that his father was poisoned because of her.

Elise warmingly looks at Allan as they have the dishes served in front of them.

"Can I see the Duke? I want to pay my respect It's been awhile since I saw your Grace." Elise said.

Allan looks at her and observes how Elise will act when he decides to let her see Adelyn who looks exactly like her sister if she made it into her 18th birthday.

"I'm sorry, but I think the visit should wait for another time... "

"Is that so?"

Elise confirms that Duke Keene is in critical condition if Allan persistently denies her request which he never does.

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