I Don’t Want This Bad Ending

Chapter 157: SUDDEN ATTACK?!: PART 2

Chapter 157: SUDDEN ATTACK?!: PART 2

Chrisfold was so focused on the battle with the mages that he didn't notice an assassin who removed his presence to attack him at the back however, before the assassin could send his dagger to Chrisfold's body it was struck by a stone.

A silhouette came to view and with a lightning speed that the assassin's eyes can't follow, he was struck in the back of his head.

"You're late!" Chrisfold yelled while he was attacking the mages.

"Do you know how close it was? If I didn't come in time, you would have been injured!! How can you forget that there's some assassin aiming for your neck?"

"Don't get angry I was fulfilling the order that you gave. Now that you're here, I can use as much mana you have, right?"

"You can as long as you can kill those bastards and left some mana for me to walk on my own feet..."

"That's my princess~"

Evelyn focused on fighting the remaining thirty assassins while Chrisfold is solely fighting the ten mages that were left.

The mages came down to attack the barrier that the Duke and the other injured Light Legion. A lightning strike struck the earth magic.

"Oh no you can't do that while I'm here!" chrisfold boldly state.

Half of the mages attack Chrisfold with fire magic. The air surrounding the forest heated up as a fire as large as a tornado started to swirl and was running to where Chrisfold was standing.

Chrisfold countered, he raised his hand up in the air while he enchants a spell and built an earth wall that was as big as the fire to stop it's movement for a while.

While doing so, his other hand was pointing to the mages and the cracks that came from the ground fly up to the air. The small rocks that he gathered flung to the mages one by one.


The mage who's at the back and seems to be the one in-charge of leading the group of mages said.

A series of barriers with white light are soon up in the air. The quick decision of the mage saved most of the mages that were attacking the group.


Chrisfold clicked his tongue.

'I need to get rid of their leader' he thought.

He glanced back at Evelyn who was still dealing with the rest of the assassin. 

'I need to buy some time before I can deal with them'

Chrisfold started to think of a surprise attack. While he is still continuing his earth wall and resuming to make layers after layers for the wall to continue protecting the earthen dome that he made and where Evelyns's father is.

While attacking the mages with the small rocks, he started to manipulate the ground surrounding the mages.

Chrisfold then heard the leader of the mages screamed at him.

"Why the hell are you intervening? You're making me work too much!"

The staff that he had was raised up in the sky. The leader of the mage whose face was covered because of the robe smiled like a maniac and the spell popped into the sky.

Chrisfold looked up and saw a magic circle and he could feel a powerful mana that would shoot from it.

"Why don't you try to defend this?"

Chrisfold stops his attacks and the earth wall crumbles as he lifts his hands up high. He called for Evelyn to let her know about the attack that the mages did but before he could do that, Evelyn already saw and felt the fluctuation of the mana in the sky.


Evelyn pushed all the assassin's from her and she made multiple barriers for herself. 

Booom! Baam!

Now that she did, a multiple lightning strike that was much more powerful than before struck down on the area where Chrisfold and Evelyn is as well as Duke Keene and the Light Legion knights..

Friend or foe, assassin or the knight, the spell that the leader of the mage casted strikes down anyone below. The only safe haven is where the mages are.

The assassin was left to fend for themselves, while the others died as they became the victim of the mage's attack. The burning smell of flesh and the sizzling sound of the enemy's body was heard loud and clear.

Evelyn and some of the knights saw the cruel fate of the assassin. Evelyn can't help and curses the leader's mage.

"You bastard!"

"All of you will die here! You nosy pest!" The leader of the mages said.

The first wave of attack just finished and soon the enchanting circles in the sky popped up again. Another wave of lightning will strike down below.

The dome that was made from molten rocks envelopes Chrisfold and the Duke's company. They heard the hysterical laugh of the leader of the mages.

"Hahaha! Take that!!"

"Baaang! Booom!"

Multiple lightning strikes came down, the other mages were supplying their leader their mana and he who was casting the spell was continuously making spells bringing the lightning with powerful attack down to his enemy.

The light that came accompanied by the spell was blinding enough for everyone that was below the ground. 

The leader's hysterical laugh can't be heard because the thunderous noise that came from his spell overpowered his maniac laugh.

"Hahaha! Take that! All of you burn to hell!"

Evelyn's hand was still held high as she supported her own barrier and some of the Legion Knights that were not in Chrisfold barrier.

She needed to concentrate while still casting continuously as one barrier isn't enough to protect them.

"Ugh...Damn! That mage is strong" Evelyn mumbled while she grits her teeth.

The Light Legion knights that were knights of the Emsworth mansion and who were helping Evelyn to strike down the assassin gape their mouth with the multiple barriers that were casted on them.

Doing so was exponentially hard as the knights are in different locations and need accuracy to make the barrier successfully envelop them to protect them.

"Ha- this is crazy!" One of the surviving knights mumbled.

They have doubts when a young man suddenly appears while they are being attacked by some assassin and mages. Especially Rolf, the second-in-command to the Light Legion Army.

However, seeing the sudden intrusion of the man who helps them when the Duke was struck down by lightning and a fire magic which resulted in his injury. Rolf felt a relief but still his doubts and sense of danger was heightened.

'I need to know why they are helping us but!"'

Rolf was shocked when he heard the young man who was defending himself and the others by the attacks of the mages yelled and called a familiar name.

'He called her Evelyn?' Rolf thought.

He turns his head to the woman whose face is covered by a mask and only the eyes and forehead can be seen in the shadow casted by the cape that she was wearing.

'Is she really No, it can't be'

He was having doubts especially when a person involved had the ability to cast a barrier to multiple people, when their lady has a low mana since she was a child.

Meanwhile, Evelyn was having a hard time, everytime the lighting strikes down, she felt the impact and her hands trembled.

Chrisfold was eating her mana away and she was also using her mana simultaneously to repair the barrier casted upon the knights of her father, so that she started to feel the fatigue kicking in.


Sweat was trickling down from her forehead and her back was soaking wet. They needed to quickly finish this. Even though she has a vast amount of mana, suddenly using it with multiple powerful attacks still takes a toll on her body.

She called for her Chrisfold in her head.

'I'll cast a barrier on you and my father attack that bastard with all you've got.'

"I got it" Chrisfold answered.

Evelyn closed her eyes and concentrated to take over casting multiple magic barriers.

She takes over casting the barrier to where Chrisfold and the injured men are. A white layer was casted above the dome like molten rocks that was made from Chrisfold magic.

When Chrisfold felt that a barrier was casted in exchange for his magic. He let go of his barrier and it slowly crumbled.

The mage seeing this laughed. He saw the thin layer of barrier but compared to the barrier made from the rocks it was weak.

"Are you giving up? That's right! Give up, I'll slowly kill you all!"

The leader's mage and Evelyn locked eyes. The leader's mage furrowed his eyes. He felt that the woman whose face was covered with a mask was laughing at him.

"What are you-"

Before he could curse at her, he felt the ground below shake. 


The leader's mage yelled.

Whoosh! Baaaang!

Spikes came out from the ground and half of the mages who were flustered and didn't have the time to dodge were killed in one strike.

"How dare you!"

The leader who was sensitive to mana turned his head to Chrisfold who was smirking, because of Chrisfold's attack the last wave of his spell halted and vanished.

The source of his power that came from the mages was also disrupted. Because of that surprise attack, only four of the mages were saved.

He looked to his surroundings and saw that none of the assassins were alive. Some of them were lying there and were burned into crisp while the others were killed in one strike from their carotid.

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