I Don’t Want This Bad Ending

Chapter 215: HER UNIQUE HAIR: PART 5

Chapter 215: HER UNIQUE HAIR: PART 5

Gab whose complexion was looking fine earlier after the Duke and the healers give first aid begin to have complications.


The fine looking man of his stature was now bending his back and is in deep pain. Gab's consciousness almost seems to have been occupied by his body's instinct.

His fangs and sharp claws were coming out.

"... what are you doing? Do something!!!!"

Duke Keene who decided to stay with Gab to oversee his condition after Evelyn left it to him is shocked at the sudden turn of events with Gab's condition.

"Ugh...! Ack! Ptooh!"

Gab is vomiting blood. The healers don't have any idea what is happening though they were sure that the Bahalkii General's injury was healed with their healing powers.

"Help me... hold his hand and feet."

"Yes, sir!"

The healers immediately do their job as they see the severity of the beastman's condition.

"We can't let him transform... it would be hard for us if he is undertaken by his beast form and instinct."

Duke Keene watched this unfold. He knew that Gab was someone important to his daughter.

Besides, it seems that the man was someone who looked after Evelyn when he was still a disappointment as a father.

"Check his vitals and his mana."

"Sir, we need to have the patient evacuated to a safe place..."

"His condition is not looking good, sir."

"The General's mana is also in tangled sir... If this keeps up, the General's life will be in danger!"

The healers who were discussing the condition of Gab were at their wit's end as the patient's vitality and mana does not look good.

Therefore, the Duke who was listening to them decided to ask about the best course of action.


Duke Keene grabbed the shoulders of the seemingly head of the healers as he looked at him in the eye.

"You need to save this person... if there's anything I could do then tell me!"

Flustered at the desperate plea, the head of the healers was in a daze as he saw a different look in the Duke's eyes. 

The crimson eyes that always had that usual indifferent gaze was now looking at the healer with distress.

"W-we need to get the ge-general in a safe place..."

"Do you need a teleportation scroll? Here. Use this!"

Like it was nothing, the scroll that usually is hard to obtain unless you have status and wealth was given to the head of the healer just like that.

The golden tie around the scroll was enough for the healer's orbs to bulge out of their eyes.

The golden tie means that they could teleport directly to the palace and it could carry ten people, which is exactly why it's expensive and rare.

"Your Grace..."

With trembling hands, the scroll was held tightly.

"Use it... just make sure that the Bahalkii General will survive."

The head of the healers nodded his head in determination. 

"You know what would happen if the General of the beastmen country died in our kingdom, right?! I'm counting on you..."

The healers surrounding Gab and restricting his seizure, gulped their saliva. They knew what would happen as the Duke said.

They will have conflict against the beastmen that have ten times more physical attributes against the humans.

War is something they can't afford right now.

The Duke knew that and decided to put pressure on them, so the healers and the doctors of the palace could put priority to Gab and would do anything to save him.

With this, the healers and the patient, General Gab, immediately left the capital to teleport to the palace.

And Duke Keene who saw their departure turned his head after the light in the scroll disappeared.

His eyes are looking at the direction where his daughter went earlier in a hurry.


Meanwhile, Allan arrived at the plaza.

"Make sure that no one will be left behind!" 

Allan was ordered to the Royal knights and Light Legion.

He was ordered by His Majesty to oversee the evacuation of the rest of the citizen around the plaza to the outside of the capital and in the nearby towns.

The further away from the capital the better.

"We need to evacuate the people... make sure to lead them to the safe zone!"

There is an abnormality of mana surrounding the plaza which the royal magicians informed them. They still don't know what it is for but they knew where it came from.

It came from the man who is fighting his sister.

"What is this...?" Allan mumbled to himself.

The sparks that came from the swords was the only thing that Allan could follow.


Unexpectedly, he saw the face of the man that was fighting with his sister.

He looks exactly like General Gabriel of the Bahalkii Kingdom. 

Though there was something odd about his aura because the appearance was someone Allan knew.

"This couldn't be that guy..."

Instinctively, Allan knew that it was not Gab that he knew.

He thought it was absurd as he knew that the General has a friendly relationship with the royal family of the Levingstone Kingdom.

Well, to be specific, he is acquainted with the Crown Prince and some high aristocrats in the society like the heir to the Dukedom of Emsworth, which is Allan himself, and the Duke of Sigrid, Cabel.

The first time that Allan sees it, he can't believe his eyes. There was no way that the slave that his sister picked up would turn his blade against his master, Evelyn.

The kid that Allan saw that time didn't look like a person that would betray his savior. Instead, the Gab that he saw that time was someone who looked like he would do anything for Evelyn.

"... there's no way that's the Gab I knew... So who is this impostor?" Allan mumbled.



The sword of his sister and the makeshift sword that came from a black mana made sharp sounds after they clashed with each other.

Then, Allan remembered that one guy who said that he could come directly and boldly to Evelyn and the entirety of the Levingstone Kingdom.

"Could it be... that bastard Ishid???!"

Flashes of memories came to his mind when he recalled the name.

Somehow, Allan was nervous and worried for his sister, Evelyn.


Ishid smiled from ear to ear when he saw how much struggle Evelyn was having when she was facing him.

When their swords collided and they were facing each other, Ishid opened his mouth.

"Is this all you've got? I'm a bit disappointed."

Evelyn pushed him back to get some distance as well as to get a grip of herself.

Her teeth was clenched and she almost bit her lips. 

Evelyn was frustrated that how much magic spells and mana she poured in, it was always got deflected by Ishid.

She only got to hit him thrice and it was always a graze and not a vital hit.

'I need to do something...'

Evelyn thought to herself.

"I'm getting bored, Lady Evelyn..."


"If you have any more cards left... I suggest that you use it now."


Evelyn scoffed at his arrogance but can't also argue with what he said.

Right now, her mana is almost at limit as well as her physical endurance. She could only cast one of the high magic tier spells and two mid tier spells.


She clicked her tongue.

'The most ideal thing to do is to make a diversion and attack him in surprise...' Evelyn concluded.

Meanwhile, Ishid is just standing there and looking at Evelyn who was panting hard.

Ishid felt like a predator toying his prey and waiting for it to get exhausted before he went for the kill.

However, before Ishid decided to kill Evelyn, he noticed the many presence surrounding the plaza and deduced that it must be the royal knights.

"Hmmm... the guest must be bored. Let's have them occupied for a bit."

When Ishid said that, Evelyn quickly noticed the sudden rise of mana in the surrounding area.

"What the hell-"

She could only curse the situation and the man in front of him.

With a chilling smile, Ishid turned his head and looked at Evelyn.

"Shall I destroy this hellhole of a place?"

Multiple dark magic circles appear on the ground.




Ishid continued to smile like a maniac.

"What are you doing...?" Evelyn blankly stares at Ishid.

"What else? I gave them a gift~... they looked bored and I don't want that."

"You're insane..."

"Tell me something new..."

The evacuation of the citizens is still going and Evelyn can hear the desperate help of the people.

And the only thing that she could do is to make Ishid lose focus so that the magic circle could be undone.


Wind gathered around her. Evelyn's sword was enveloped in fire. Earthen rocks were floating in the air and a water whip was on her other hand.

Multiple magic circles is casted in the air, ready to shoot at the target.

"Is it that again...?"

Ishid said while his brows were raised and his eyes were full of disappointment and boredom.

"Fine... give this your last shot!"

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