I Don’t Want This Bad Ending

Chapter 29: Power

Chapter 29: Power

The Duke heard that her only daughter was injured.

The Duke dismissed his butler who gave the news about Lady Evelyn's arrival with Shiek carrying her and the other child.

Nonetheless, he called Shiek to his study to know what happens and what Shiek found out for her daughter to be injured in the "Safest Forest" of his dukedom.

The employees know that Lady Evelyn was prone to get hurt but what they witnessed was different than usual. Tattered clothes, dirty bodies, and messy hair that was what they see when Shiek was carrying the lady in his arms.

The small frame was covered with bruises and blood. They gasp at the horrendous scene of their Lady.

The Sage Healer also called Doctor Lloyd von Harise, who was the one who gives medication to Evelyn before, arrived a bit later and immediately went to the room.

Dr. Lloyd examined her body and saw that only the external injury, like bruises and scrapes, was needed treatment as well as the boy who was with the lady.

The news relief those who are waiting for the Sage Healer, Doctor Lloyd. Specifically, Shiek and Sheila.


"Enough is enough, Evelyn!" The Duke said, his eyes narrowed while his nose was wrinkled.

"I've had enough of your tantrums!" The Duke continued.

Allan who is beside the Duke also called her sister.

"Are you crazy, Evelyn?!" Allan chimed in.

"Just because you learn to use your mana, you have the gut to talk back to Father?! I thought you learn some decency but look at you. Brandishing that little bit of power, you have. How unpleasant!" Allan continued to say with scorn.

My forehead creased when I saw my Father emitting a murderous aura and my foolish brother who only know how to preach but don't know how to practice it.

"Tantrums? Decency?" the right corner of my lips rises into a smirk.

"Shall I show you how the new me throw tantrums?!" The winds were clashing in and out of the mansion resulting in the glass windows clacking.

"Listen to your Father Evelyn! I won't tolerate this any longer." The Duke's angry voice rang in the hallway.

"You can't be really called a Father. You're just a scumbag!" I answered with an evil smile.

'I just want to kick some sense at the two and let them know that I as Evelyn, will not permit an abusive act from them. I've tried to hold it in but locking me up triggered my sanity and it snapped.'

"If you don't stop this childish act, I'll kill the child that was with you as a punishment! My patience has a limit, Evelyn!"

"What?! You'll do what to Gab?! That's it. Fucked this!"

And that snapped the last string that I hold.

The mana within me keeps on rising as it seems to be powered up by my anger whenever my hatred for my Father was showed.



Shiek stands in the office of the Duke. The tension was rising as the Duke only looked at Shiek.


A grim voice rings the still office room.

Shiek looked up to face the man sitting in the office table and begun to speak.

"As you wish, Your Grace." Shiek bowed and he tells what he knew.

"I was worried when Lady Evelyn was late to attend our promise meeting..." Shiek said.

"Meeting?" The Duke raised his brow by the word that piqued his interest.

"We are supposed to meet so, I can help her with butchering the dead wolf to give to his Grace as the sign that she accomplished his task..." Sheik explained.


"Before the Lady went into the Shield Forest, I gave her a special whistle that only the owner can hear. For safety reasons as well." The black slit eyes glance at the Duke and he continued.

"I heard it ring when I was supposed to find her because she was late. I informed the butler about it and made my way to the Shield Forest where I found them in the deepest part near the cliff."

"Them?" the Duke inquire.

"Yes, Your Grace. I found Lady Evelyn besides a boy where both of them are unconscious. I suspect that the boy helps the Lady to defeat the Krokta."

When he heard the name of a monster where only the Elite Knights can kill his ear perk up.

"Krokta? That girl defeated a Krokta?" The Duke asked.

"I guess she's not completely useless." He continued with his eyebrows rose.

Shiek flatly looked at the duke with no emotions. He knows that the Duke was a cold-hearted person, especially to his daughter. But what he heard made him think about Evelyn who smiled brightly whenever she made progress with her sword.

After the report of Shiek to the Duke, the butler knocks hurriedly in the Duke's office.

The Duke who glance at the head butler, quicken his steps and immediately told the Duke about the situation.

"Your Grace, the Lady is awake and"

The butler hesitated for a bit but decided that the Duke can only be the one to handle the Lady.

"What?" The Duke stops his paper works and lets the butler tell him what he needs to know.

" she's a bit angry about locking her up and is now throwing a fit." The butler said, trying to find words that will fit the Lady's image, but he knows that it was more than a fit. Lady Evelyn was ready to murder anyone who challenges and question her sanity.

"Then, let her be." The duke said devoid of emotions.

"But Your Grace, Lady Evelyn is using her powers." The butler finally said.

The Duke hesitantly drags his feet to the chamber of her youngest child, Evelyn.

The way to the room was horribly fast for the Duke, as his long legs strides in the red carpet that were laid in the desolate hallway.

It was still dark outside and only the lamps that are pasted in the interior walls were the source of light as the sun hasn't shine yet, but the echoing voices can be heard arguing and are already deafening as he gets close to the room.

He knitted his brows and was making a full horizontal line when he saw the scene that was presenting.


Evelyn, who is throwing a tantrum no, more like wreaking havoc, as the cold and murderous aura was oozing out in his thirteen-year-old daughter.

He called Evelyn.

But to his surprise, her daughter mockingly answered his call. Leaving a bitter taste to his mood. What startled him the most was he's daughter frank cursing.

It irked him, and unconsciously let his emotion take place and his aura voluntarily escape from his body.

"Language, Evelyn!" He warned her.

But he was awed at the bluntness of her daughter. "Why would I care about what you say? You don't even give a damn about me. So, why should I?"

Evelyn let her anger consumed her. She had enough of the poor treatment of the Emsworth family.

The splitting wind brush inside the mansion wall creating a wind tunnel that everything it touches was either cut or torn.

Duke Keene step in front of his heir apparent, Allan to protect him, while the knights were busy shielding their body.

It was evident that her daughter was out of control, and he can sense that Evelyn's mana was that of a Scholar mage.

'This is dangerous.' The Duke assesses the situation and decided to restrain her daughter by emitting his heavy aura.

But her daughter who was blinded by madness and seems to be determined to release her pent-up frustration.


The Duke can't stop me, and I send my wind in his direction.

-drip! The Duke's face was cut as the splitting pressure of the wind pass. The Duke raised his arm and touch the blood on her face.

While that happened, the black ring in my hand glistened and it became hot and I felt power surged within me. Then, I heard a raw male voice called my name, it sends shivers to my very core and my vision blurred and all went blank.

Suddenly, I was inside a dark space. It made me confused, but I followed my gut and the noise, then I saw myself.

I saw my body moving on its own. My sunset eyes were devoid of emotions and I felt like it was just a doll.

The wind swirls around the mansion breaking everything!

My body, that was doing some ridiculous manipulation of my mana was cutting everything using wind magic without chanting!

"How the hell can she do that?" I ask myself, while I know that no one would answer.

I can shorten the spell, but a no-chant spell was still far off my caliber.

"And who the hell called me here? Where the damn place is this? What about my body?"

Then the voice that I heard a while ago, answered me back.

"It's been a while, child."

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