I Don’t Want This Bad Ending



She dressed simply to indicate that she was still sick. She chooses a carnation dress that goes well with her pale complexion.

The dress has a simple design, with lace around the waist and beads around the hems. It was the simplest she can find in her wardrobe, but it still looks expensive.

After walking the long corridor, they arrived on the second floor of the main building, it was a long walk.

Her room was located at the west wing of the mansion, while the dukes' office is located at the main building.

For Evelyn, her room was majestic enough and luxurious to look at if compared to her dorm before.

However, what was in front of her eyes was a palace that is on a whole new level, the detailed ornaments, the ionic columns, the paintings on the wall, the marble walls... it was a whole new level of luxury.

She saw it before, in the memory of Evelyn but it is still incomparable when you witnessed it personally.

Her sunset eyes become busy as she inspect and scan every little detailed that her eyes falls upon, while doing so, she didn't notice that she was standing at the Duke's office door, waiting to have his permission to enter.

"Young Lady Evelyn is here... Your Grace." The head butler said, announcing my arrival.


"Come in..." A cold domineering voice can be heard from the other side of the door.

She steps into the room with her head facing the floor, she graciously curtsies in front of the Duke after doing it she sneaks a peek at her father's face, waiting for his answer.

'Duke Keene Adalfurus von Emsworth, a military general that led victory during the war. He became a Duke because of his achievements at the age of 20 and married the princess of the neighboring kingdom, and now the late Duchess Monica Aveline von Emsworth. They have two children, me and Allan. I can't believe how young he looks despite being in his 30's and having two kids. He has silver-blue hair, sharp eyes with a color red, and he has a manly physique. Well... he's a military general so, there's no question with his body. Hmm... ' She snapped back at her thoughts and focused on the situation.

'But why did he call me here for?!' Evelyn thought.

"Evelyn, did you really lose your memories?" The Duke asked.

'Straight to the point...huh'

"Yes. umm... Duke?" She doesn't want to call him "Father". He's not one to begin with... for Evelyn that is.

The Duke's cold red eyes slightly flinched. It was hard to notice it if you didn't pay close attention to his reaction.

"Duke?" She called.

"Anyway, did you know what you did wrong?" Said the duke... he's still not looking at his own daughter.

'What? I did wrong. The f*ck is this dude talking about?... I should just say sorry then get the hell out of here.'

"I'm sorry Duke... if there's a punishment you'll give for me, I'll gladly take it."

He put down his quill and looked at her with his brow raised. He never knew that his daughter would "gladly" take a punishment.

"You'll accept it? Did you know what you did wrong?"

"Is the cause because of what happened at the garden? I know I did cause a commotion however it was an accident, I didn't mean to make a commotion by falling down. Still, because it was my negligence...I apologize."

"If you'll punish me, I'll gladly accept it" Evelyn continued.

The duke's face had a hint of confusion but he ignored it. He notice that Evelyn answered rather calmly. Something that she never did before.

"Alright... you're banned from getting near the garden, and you're grounded until your wounds heal. Reflect on your behavior...! that's not how an Emsworth acts." He said with a cold voice and a stoned face.

'Wtf... this is what he will say to his daughter? No greetings? No asking if I'm fine? And now it's my fault that I had an accident? Wow... this household lives up to the expectation huh' After complaining in her head she answered the duke.

"Yes, Duke."

"You can go now"

She bid her farewell and did a little curtsy then she walked fast to the door without looking back at him.

When she arrived at her room, she plopped to the couch near the fireplace and lay her head on the armrest.

"I'm grounded because I accidentally fall and hit my head? Ridiculous!"

She looks outside and saw a sky that for a long time she didn't have the chance to looked at when she's still Adelyn, her past self.

"Well, I guess this is for the better... I have free time and I can study how this medieval era works... I also want to learn magic."

She sighs after deciding what to do with her now accumulated free time.

*knock knock

"Come in..."

"Young Miss, we have prepared your lunch...do you want to eat it now?"

Sheila said, standing there at the front door.

"I don't have an appetite... instead, can you get all the history books about this Kingdom? I mean the Kingdom of Levingstone ... also the family register of the Emsworth? Bring me all you can find"

"Yes, Young Miss... umm do you want some tea and snacks? If you don't want your lunch, I can make some refreshments while you read" Sheila suggested with a hopeful smile.

"That would be great." Evelyn gave a small smile to the maid who was worried about her.

"Thanks, Sheila," She added.

"Oh! Young Miss you don't need to thank me. It's my job after all"

With a joyful glee, Sheila walked out of the room to heed the Young Miss order.

While Evelyn was left alone in the room again. She can't help but sigh as she needed to study all over again even after reincarnating.

"I guess... I'm stuck to being a student?!" She jokingly mumbled to herself.


Evelyn is now reading the history of The World. There's 5 countries or Kingdoms which are...

The Kingdom of Livingstone, where humans reside.

It is the Kingdom that discriminates against the other races as they strongly believed that humans are at the top of the chain. This is where the famous St. Prisch Academy is located, It's a prestigious school where a lot of legendary and the famous wizard graduated from.

The other human country is the Kingdom of Perspiru, it's a country that accepts all races. It's the largest country in this world. They don't discriminate as their King before passed a bill that states no discrimination against the other race and they can accept them to their country.

The Kingdom of Krasnolud, where the best armors, sword, and new technology came from is where the land of dwarves is, they are close off and only a select few can get in their country, so trading is possible but only their trusted partners can sell their objects.

The Kingdom of Nisse is where the elf's abode. It's a land where many trees and animals reside. They also said that spirits live there but only a few can see them. It is also one of the oldest countries in this world, and their knowledge about the world exceeds because of their long life span.

But their country has a protective barrier that hides their country, and only if the elf queen gives permission can you visit their country.

And lastly...

The Kingdom of Bahalkii. It's a beastkin country, where the fluffy humanoid beast resides, they have fluffy ears and tails, and their physical strength exceeds that of humans and the other races. In terms of physical strength, they are the strongest.

In the Kingdom of Levingstone, the 58th King reigns in this country. His majesty's name is King Charles Dreda Enguerrand von Langton, who has two wives, the late empress, and the queen. Crown Prince Edickart is the late empress and the second prince came from the queen. Both are fighting for the throne.

So... this world has magic, to be exact every person has mana to use for everyday convenient use.

However, only nobles with a pure blood can have a strong mana that it can evoke strong spells and enchantments.

And in Evelyn's memory, she already tested for the mana and learned that she has an affinity for water magic that she inherited from her mother. But it was too weak to be even called magic. That's also one of the reasons why her family disregards her.

Evelyn frowns...

"I should learn magic and how to manipulate mana. The old Evelyn didn't even practice and she gave up easily. But not me. I don't give up without fighting"

She rings the bell to call Sheila

"Yes... Young miss?"

"Can you bring a few books regarding mana manipulation and magic? Preferably for beginners."

The maid frowned...

"Young miss... are you sure? You've been reading since earlier and besides, you rarely study. Are you sure you're okay?"

Evelyn just stared at her then she thought about the maid's words.

'Is she worried or is she saying I'm dumb?' Evelyn thought however, looking at her innocent maid Sheila, Evelyn decided to shrug it off.

"I don't have anything to do because I'm grounded, I can't even go to my favorite place because the Duke banned me from getting near it. Now, all I can do is read or lay down... so Sheila, can you get it now?"


"It means to go! get the books and give them to me... NOW!" Evelyn hurriedly said as she was getting impatient.

Sheila ran off as fast as she could to the Young Miss door...


In a secluded forest where the bustling sound of the bushes and leaves were heard and the sound of the night birds singing and matching the dark lit area... a meeting were currently held.

Five individuals are sitting at a round wooden table whereas their faces was covered because of the darkness seeping in their surroundings.

1st: "Did she safely arrive?"

2nd: "Yeah... She arrived yesterday. We need to inform her about the impending predicament that she will face in this world"

3rd: "Wait... first do you know how hard it was to do that to her, you summon her. Now what? She felt betrayed because of what happened you know... she'll not believe what we'll say to her."

4th: "We can't do something about it... this world needs her. We've been delaying it for a while now; we can't wait anymore. We can only receive our punishment later... we can only apologize to her. Besides she's not happy in that world."

3rd: "But still..."

5th: "Let her settle here first... adjust her life to the surroundings and ways of this world. Then, we can let her know the issue at hand by visiting her dreams. You can do that right?"

2nd: "Yes... I can give her warnings when she's asleep, it's up to her if she wants to get stronger."

4th: "We need to warn her now, 2nd visit her dream tonight. Give her a small warning first. She'll quickly understand it. That girl is smart."

1st: "Let's discuss the other issue sometimes, give a signal if something happened to the girl. We can't let the girl be found out by the hidden forces when she's not strong enough. Okay meeting adjourned"

The five powerful individuals vanish as the meeting is over and only the second person is there, waiting for the opportunity to give the girl a warning.


Back at the Emsworth mansion, the young lady is still reading late in the night. She was used to studying until 4 in the morning and sleeps for two hours when her exams are up. So, it's not a big deal for her to be awake at this late hour.

Meanwhile, the outside forest near the Dukes' estate we're an individual was waiting patiently for the lady to sleep so he can give her the warning and prepare for the upcoming years.


Fast forwardEvelyn is in her room. She was thinking about the plot that will happen to her but before that her ban was lifted when her wounds were healed, it's been a month after the accident, and she's been frequently visiting the library to gather information and to get books regarding mana. 

Practicing her mana manipulation during the night as she needs to protect herself.

A week after Evelyn came into this world, she dreamt about herself and in her dream some strange men were in her room and were trying to assassinate her.

They didn't succeed because her maid went inside her room to check and she screams when she finds assassins in Evelyn's room and was gravely injured.

The result was her staying in her room until a month before her own engagement. She doesn't know if it's just a dream or a warning.

It was so vivid that it feels like if she doesn't do something and prepares herself she'll end up with that hateful engagement.

She has eight months left before the engagement party and her coming-of-age ceremony in the palace and estimating the time in the dream that she was bedridden for, she only has five months left to prepare herself for it.

Before that happens, Evelyn should at least defend herself until Sheila comes to her room. Until then, she needs to hold on and pray that nothing grave will happen to her.

She knew she should be happy that she was still alive after that night but being in a coma for two months and bedridden for a month and just accepting her fate is out of the question.

She should at least try to change her fate.... right?

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