I Don’t Want This Bad Ending

Chapter 48: To St. Prisch Academy We Go~

Chapter 48: To St. Prisch Academy We Go~


EVELYN went down the stairs and into the front yard where the Duke is waiting and beside him is the lined servants waiting for her departure.

The Duke simply gave advice to Evelyn, who's first time leaving the mansion.

"Just enjoy experiencing life in the Academy, Evelyn."

"Yes, Papa"

She's now accustomed to calling the Duke "Papa" after a year of pushing her boundaries when she meets the red eyes of the duke.

"... Don't worry about the rumors circulating in those foolish nobles... And if anyone tries to bully you..."

She gulped down her dry saliva.

Duke Keene suddenly burst out his murderous aura, thinking about his daughter's affair. Then, he continued.

"Don't hesitate to cut them down! Don't forget that you're an Emsworth. You can do what you want."

She didn't reply, instead, she only looks at the Duke's determined face.

'Is this what she said to Evelyn in the story before she went to the academy...? Is this the reason why she bullied the heroine? Because she had a backup from the Duke?'

Evelyn plainly thought, but soon shake off her hunch.

'If that was true, he should have rescued Evelyn in the guillotine...'

Evelyn shakes her head and answers the waiting Duke.

"Thank you, Papa. I'll keep that in mind."

She soon walks to the carriage. While the Duke looked at her and call Gab who is getting ready to leave the mansion.


Gab looked at the Duke and bowed. Placing his fist on his chest to salute, still, he twitches in annoyance every time the Duke called him "Kid". With he's 179cm height, he can't be called a kid though he's still growing up to these days.

"I placed you to be Evelyn's knight... Do your job at the Academy! Protect her..."

"Yes, your Grace..."

"I only permitted you to join the Academy to have direct access when Evelyn needed help. And also...,"

".. ."

"Don't let the b*stard Crown Prince get near Evelyn! You understand?"

"That... Yes, your grace. I will not let the Crown Prince get near her..."


While the two were talking, Evelyn was observing them in the glass window of the carriage, sighing about her future.

She didn't know that the kid he thought Gab was is actually the same age as her. He was so small at that time that she thought he was at the age of 7.

But after a year of residing and training at the estate, he grows tremendously that you can even see his manliness.

Though, Evelyn still looks at him like a young kid.

Gab saluted again and went inside the carriage where she is, as the Duke said, he'll enter the Academy not as a Knight of Emsworth but as a student sponsored by Duke Keene.

The carriage starts to move, and Evelyn waves her hand to the Duke with awkwardness.

When they're out of sight, Evelyn sighs.

Evelyn spoke to Gab while he sits across from her.

"What did he said?" Evelyn asked him, curious about why the Duke's expression became serious at the last moment.

"Hmm... The Duke just said to take care of you."


"Yeah... You don't need to worry, Eve."

Evelyn smile.

Ever since he became her escort not even once he called her with a title.

It's also the reason why she can relax in Gab's presence. He became her first friend in this world. Although, she doesn't trust him completely that she would tell him her deepest secret. She still felt reassured that she can confide with someone.

"Don't you go around chasing girls when we got there, Gab. I'm warning you..."

Evelyn was concerned that he will get attracted to the heroine and he will become one of the people who will slander her.

It was a real warning to Gab. To not lose sight of his purpose in the academy... To protect her.

"Heh... Why would I do that? I'm busy chasing the Duke's daughter..." Gab answered, playfully.

"Oooh... I didn't know that my cute Gab likes me so much..." Evelyn teases Gab.

"Wh-what like? I- I meant protecting... I'm cha-chasing you so I can protect you... and I'm not cute!!!"

Gab was stuttering and his face was too red like a tomato that she burst into laughter.

"Why do you always stutter? Hahaha!!! This is the reason why I love teasing you, Gab!!!!..."

"Tsk! Shut up! This is the reason why I hate you, Eve!"

Gab and Evelyn's eyes met that they both burst in laughter.

The two laughed merrily together, not minding the social status difference.


Evelyn and Gab, spent two weeks in a carriage to get to the St. Prisch Academy.

The Academy is in the middle of the forest of Deheldi, the great forest that connected the 5 kingdoms, the Livingstone, Bahalkii, Krasnolud, Nisse, and Perspiru.

The Deheldi forest is vast land and a lot of high levels of monsters reside within the deep forest.

You'll ask why it was build here?

No one actually knew why...

But the history said that the first Grand Wizard build the Academy inside the forest because of the heavy mana within that can help the students to increase their magic.

And people just accepted that and no one questioned the Grand Wizard logic.

Anyway, the forest is located inside the near border of the Kingdom of Livingstone. And just because of this reason, the jurisdiction of the St. Prisch Academy lies in the Livingstone Kingdom.

It sounds stupid, right? YUP!

Imagine... Just because it was near their border, they claimed it. And because of this, the nobles and the royalties are full of pride and hate to the other race... Really typical human greed!

Anyway, the carriage stopped in the middle of the forest, it has a barrier that only the "protector" outside can give access to proceed inside. So, they went outside for inspection.

"Your pass?"

Said the protector that wears a golden badge in his chest and a white cape that hangs around his back. And a mysterious aura that brings calmness as well as sharpness.


Gab gave the "protector" the white scroll that has an intricate sealed that wraps the folded brown paper.

The protector observes us from head to toe that it irked Evelyn but she keep it in.

She doesn't want to cause a commotion on the first day...

"Are we finished here?" Evelyn just belatedly asked while smiling.

The protector then smiled awkwardly and blushed all the way to his ears.

'What the...?'

She was shocked. The protector looks like a strict young man but he blushed at her.

Gab clicked his tongue and snatched the scroll in the hands of the protector.

"We're done here, right?" He stares at him with menace.

He was irritated at the sight of the green-haired guy and purple eyes of the blushing protector.

"Let's go, Eve...!"

Gab called but the protector didn't give a damn about his stare and went to Evelyn.

"Greetings, Lady Evelyn. My name is Chrisfold, I'm the fifth protector of the St. Prisch Academy."

He blushed hard while reaching for Evelyn's hand to do the "legendary backhand kiss".

'Oh, he knows my name? But why is he blushing? Is he shy? He looks so strict before though...' Evelyn thought while she placed her hand to the gentleman's hand.

"Greetings to you too, Sir Chrisfold."

'He looks 18? Wow... And he's a protector! He must be so powerful.'

Chrisfold kisses the back of her hand and he smiles at her. She mirrored the protector's expression and smiled too.

What she didn't notice was Gab looking... staring at their hand touching.

"If you need any assistance, you can find me, Lady Evelyn... I'll help you anytime."

Evelyn laughs awkwardly. And pulled her hand slowly from his hold.

"Is that so... Thank you, Sir Chrisfold."

"My pleasure... You can now go in with your companion, Lady Evelyn."

Evelyn gracefully leaned over and bow her head slightly to give respect to the protector. While Gab just walks away and stay at the carriage door to wait for Evelyn.

"We'll take our leave, Sir Chrisfold."


The two were quiet inside the carriage... more like Gab was sulking and only staring outside the window.

"What happened? Why are you quiet?"

"Tsk!" He clicked his tongue in response and only ignore Evelyn's question.

Evelyn narrowed her eyes and stare at the red hair guy and his golden eyes.

She leaned her body to get close to Gab. He was shocked at the sudden move of Evelyn. He asked in bewilderment.

"Wh-what do you want?"

"Why are you pouting like a kid?!"

"Nothing...!" He flared up and turn his head to the right to evade Evelyn's cat-like eyes.

"Tell me, Gab!"

"I also don't know, okay?!"

".. ."

"Just let me be for a while... I also don't know why..."


"Fine... But promise me, you'll tell me whatever that reason your sulking."



Evelyn ruffles his hair. And she smiles at him.

While he's busy mumbling words that Evelyn couldn't hear.

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