I Don’t Want This Bad Ending

Chapter 51: TESTING, TEST!

Chapter 51: TESTING, TEST!


THE AUDITORIUM is full of murmured sounds from the whispering of the young nobles to some who are looking for an opportunity to gain favor with the powerhouses that are present in the assessment test.

Evelyn was only looking at the front avoiding the stares of the aristocrat.

She stares at the stage, two pillars standing at each side, supporting the vaulted ceiling whereas the sparkling cream marble mirrored the shiny chandelier that was decorated at the center. And the intricate design spokes volume about how high the quality of materials that were used in this room.

Her eyes bulged at what she saw and was amazed to see the grandiose architecture of the St. Prisch Academy.

After some time of looking, Evelyn eventually got tired and silently observed the vicinity, searching for some faces that she wants to avoid when the voice of the examiner rang out in the spacious space.

"Lady Elise from the house of Baron Acker, please step forward..."

I immediately looked at where the sound of the tapping heels came from. The pink lush hair sways like some p*ntene shampoo commercial. It was smooth, shiny, and bouncy.

As expected from the favored heroine, her beauty is unparalleled because she is blessed by the author and this world.

"Y-yes...!" Elise answered the examiner.

Elise immediately walks to the center stage.

Evelyn knew what will happen so she stops following the heroine's steps but eventually her eyes glued to her. Because Elise was walking confidently and is smirking.

"Did she just..." Evelyn mumbled.

Gab stare at him, he heard what she said and try to gaze at where she is looking at.

"Is there something wrong, Eve?"

He turns his head to face Evelyn who was bewildered.

"Oh no... It's nothing." Evelyn dismissed his question.

She then again stares at the stage, recalling the events that happened in the novel.

If I'm not mistaken, Elise was an innocent, timid girl from a Baron's house. She's an honest child who sticks with her principle and acts in the name of justice.

But why is she smirking as if she knew about the results of her power? Is it just my imagination?

While Evelyn was thinking about the unusual behavior of Elise who was portrayed in the book as a timid girl. The surrounding nobles stop their acts as the crystal stone which determines their affinity to mana shines with great light as the hands of Elise touch the Crystal stone.

The whispers begin after Elise takes her hands out of the crystal stone.

"What? It's white...?"

*Gasp! "A white color represents the Light mana right...?"

"A light mana! That's a rare attribute!"

"That girl has light magic?!"

"How can that be?! Maybe the crystal stone made a mistake!"

The nobles begin to chat amongst themselves, some with prejudice and some are taking this chance to talk to the heroine. While the suspect of such an event was smiling brightly with a triumph look.

Elise turns her head to the examiner.

"Hey! What are you doing?! Announce my result!"

She looks at the examiner with a crumpled face. The shocked examiner then hurriedly announced her magic.

"R-right...Lady Elise, from the house of Baron Acker has a light magic attribute. And her mana is in... *gasp! MIDDLE TIER?!"

"I'm awesome, right?" Elise said to the examiner.

"Yea?... Y-yes! You'll be accepted to the magic department, as for your specialization, we would discuss it with the higher-ups, as we don't have a light department for about a hundred years."

Elise nodded.

The examiner was shocked. There are levels on how to examine the mana capacity of a person. That is to touch the crystal stone and the stone will indicate how big is her/his mana consumption.

There are six levels of how to determine the mana. Lower, middle, advanced, high, and saint, and divine tier.

The lower tier shines in the size of a fist inside one's body, it usually manifests during their training in their freshman year and will continue to have an upgrade if you didn't reach a bottleneck during the training. And you can only chant low-level spells like fire blitz with low attack power and earth barrier with minimal defense.

It's also the reason why nobles make their child learn magic in an early stage so that only a minimum amount of time can be spent to reach the next stage. That's why it takes 2 to 5 years to get to the middle tier. If you're lucky!

The middle tier which Elise mana has is comparable to the graduating seniors of the St. Prisch Academy. In there consciousness, the mana brilliantly shines in the size of an apple.

With this, you can invoke spell with high attack power that can smash a century-old tree with strengthened physical ability.

That's how much the gap of low tier mana and middle-tier mana has.

And don't mention about the advanced and high tier magic! The two levels can invoke spells that can kill a high-level beast with ease! The only difference is how efficient the mana capacity of a high tier mage has.

That's why only a handful of them can reach the Saint-level. And only a few can reach the divine tier.

While Elise was walking out of the stage with a smug look and dignified stance. She encountered Evelyn who is in the front of the stage, she stops and glares at her for a moment before she smiles and walks away again.

"Did she just glare at me?"

"Hmm? What did you say, Eve?"

"You didn't see that, Gab?"

"What did you see?" Gab answers Evelyn with a confused head. And she, who saw that, reprimanded him for the lack of focus in the examination.

"Where the hell is your attention? Seriously, gab!"


He was actually busy finding where the presence of someone elusive stare was.

It wasn't directed to him, rather it was focused on the girl beside him. His keen sense of a beast was more sensitive, that's why he knows that someone was intently staring at her.

He was irritated and eagerly want to know who has the nerve to stare at her.

But alas, the presence vanished in the wink of an eye...

He focuses his gaze on her who was nagging him by how distracted he was.

"I'm sorry, Eve." He smiles genuinely without a hint of his distracting thoughts.

"Don't do that again!" She only answered him with a pout. And he answered back.


After Evelyn turn her head around, he grimaces at the thought that someone was watching Evelyn in the shadow.

He clicked his tongue, and Evelyn, who has focus again at the front didn't see the murderous look of Gab.


After a half an hour-long wait, it was Evelyn's turn.

"Lady Evelyn of the house of the Duke of Emsworth, please step forward to evaluate your magic affinity and mana..."

The examiner yelled.

She was nervous that people will see that she have the 4 basic attribute, which is fire, water, earth, and wind as her magic affinity.

It would possess a great influence if the Royal Palace heard about my magic attribute.

They would not let me go and will push me to become the Crown Princess. I don't want that!

Soon, she decides to speak to his contracted spirit, Gil.

"Gil... are you there?"

She talks to him while slowly walking straight to the center stage.

"Yes, child."

"I have a question..."

The two are busy talking in Evelyn's consciousness.

"What is it, Child?" Gil asked with confusion in his tone.

"Does the crystal stone can detect dual affinity magic? Or more?" She seriously questions him.

"Yes, child. Everything can be detected by the crystal mana... But this one in front of you can only detect two or three attributes. It has low capacity detection. And is only used to examine mana up to the advanced tier...why, child?"

Evelyn released a relieved sigh. His explanation helps to understand how the crystal stone will detect her magic.

But she soon narrowed her eyes to a frown.

'I don't want to become the topic of tea parties. When words came out that I have the 4 attributes, one which is unprecedented in the history of the Livingstone, except for the Grand wizard who also had the 4 affinities for magic. Then I'll be doomed. The royal families and the nobles will latch on to me to gain some favor.'

"... I don't want that." She whispers her thoughts unconsciously.

"Gil? Can you do something that only my wind attribute can be detected?"

"... I can do that. But that wouldn't be easy." He said.

"Why?" She asked in a hurry. Evelyn was slowly approaching the vaulted ceiling stage.

"It would take a lot of mana from you..." Gil explained.

"That's fine... And also, do something to make my advanced mana appeared to be in the lower tier..."

"Why? Child, if you have that power, no one will bully you." Gil explained.

Evelyn is now in the stage, the examiner is getting ready to get her mana attribute and mana capacity.

"I don't have time to explain, Gil. Just do it if you can!" She yelled in her thoughts.

"Fine! I really don't get you sometimes, child!"

When Evelyn gets the answer that she wants from him. She starts to reach for the crystal stone as the examiner is looking at her.

"I trust you, Gil"

As she said that the crystal shines in yellowish color, and the examiner yelled in a hurry!

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