I Don’t Want This Bad Ending

Chapter 54: First Class: Part 1

Chapter 54: First Class: Part 1


It was a clear day, the bell tower first strikes at the early hour of 6 am, the clock hits, and a loud noise was heard through the two floors of the brick building with signage that clearly says "Ladies Dormitory"

Evelyn put on her white cotton bathroom robe, that was hanging in the wooden hook beside the oak doors of her bathroom. She tied it around her waist and went to her closet.

A training uniform was hung and the normal uniform for ladies which is a pale blue dress was seen inside her closet amongst the other elaborate fluffy dress that her maid, Sheila, packed her up for her.

She picked out the training clothes.

Black skinny fabric that wraps her skinny thighs, paired with silk clothing in the shade of beige with long sleeves and a bell cut at the end with raffles around her chest area. It emphasizes her blooming blossom. A smile showed in Evelyn's face.

She chooses to wear leather black boots that shine without a speck of dust and tie the shoelace neatly.

She goes to her creamy white vanity mirror and picked up a wooden combed to brush her silky black hair with a tint of silver-blue at the end, her hair was long and now around its waist so she decided to tie it into a ponytail.

Evelyn thought her face lacks attention so, she put just a little bit of powder and she rose up to her sit and went out of her room.

Walking down the aisle of the dormitory. The arched shape window cast a shadow to its sturdy walls. The red carpet was laid on the wooden floor and with every step of Evelyn, a resounding sound was heard echoing through its walls.

She decided to walk around early in the morning to do some light stretches before she went to her morning class. The whistling wind blows to Evelyn's face. She felt refreshed at the sudden gust of wind and she enjoyed the scenery before her eyes. The weeping willows planted in the back of the dormitory brings calmness to her mind. She etched the peaceful sounds of nature to her memory.

The bell tower rings again. It indicates that the morning lesson is about to begin in a few minutes.

She decided that she will need to run to get to the training grounds of the arena.

Evelyn's first-class for today is the swordsmanship.

This will be her first subject where most of her classmates will be young men.


At the far distance, Evelyn saw a group of young men chatting inside the arena. All of them were wearing their training clothes with their swords hanging around their waist.

She scans the whole face of every noble that was there, thinking that their will be someone who faces she is familiar with. But as expected, there was no one she can recall.

Evelyn starts to walk on the dusty ground, the tall trees sway when every wind blows and makes her tied ombre hair wave like a smooth tide, gaining the attention of the young men who were once occupied with their own business.

"Lady Evelyn seems to become more beautiful these days..." The young noble said.

"Look at those rosy lips... The Crown Prince is lucky to have her as a fiancee candidate." Answered the other noble.

"Eh? She's not the official fiancee?"

"Where did you come from?! All nobles knew that after the King announces his highness engagement, it becomes a competition when the other high-rank officials protested to have their daughters get a chance."

"But still, I think Lady Evelyn is going to be a great future empress of our kingdom." said the innocent green hair.

"Are you dumb? Don't you know that Lady Evelyn has a reputation as an evil-doer?" Said the redhead.

"Huh? But she looks like a frail flower."

"Tsk. You're from the countryside? clearly, you don't know the surrounding rumors and famous acts of Lady Evelyn a few years back..."

The whisper acts continued but stops when Evelyn arrived at their spot.

"Hello...! Umm... Is this the class of Sir Bern? The swordsman instructor?" She asked.

The two noble young men who gossip Evelyn a while ago shut their mouths and blush like a burning tomato.

"Y-yes... umm. Lady Evelyn..." said the redhead guy.

"Thank you..." Evelyn said.

"Umm excuse me, Lady Evelyn. Are you perhaps taking this subject?" Said the innocent green head.

"Oh... Yes. I'll be your classmate. Let's be friends~.."

The two once again blushed hard. And they both yelled in answer.



When I get on the training grounds, I asked a few students if this is where the class of Sir Bern will take.

The nobles that I asked, blushed like a steaming kettle when I approached them. I don't get why? It's not like I'm going to eat them alive.

So, I shrugged it off and stand a little further from the crowd. I'll stay in here before the class starts.

While I was busy minding my own business, a noble lady approached me.

She was also in her training clothes like me, and when I looked at the whole area, I thought that I was the only female who takes this subject but I guess, I'm wrong.

"Good morning, Lady Evelyn!" said the lady.

She has a blinding orange bob hair with fair skin. Her physique is slim but you can see in her stature that she has muscles under those fitted clothes. Her big round eyes, which is color hazelnut, contrasted her bright hair.

"Good morning too, umm..." Evelyn paused. She doesn't know this lady.

"Oh! I'm sorry! How rude of me... I'm Cathy... from the house of Bourbon."

House of Bourbon? Oh... A counts daughter. If I'm not mistaken, they're family of knights.

"Yes... Good morning, Lady Cathy..." Evelyn continues her greeting.

"That's so stiff..." She replied.

Evelyn narrowed her eyes. She didn't expect the response.

"Oh umm... Don't get me wrong, Lady Evelyn. It's just I'm not used to people calling me lady." She explained.

".. ."

"Since umm... We're classmates and the only female in our class. I thought that maybe... umm" Cathy slightly scratched her face in embarrassment and asked Evelyn again.

"Can we be friends? Hehe~" she asked. Evelyn slowly raised her cat-like eyes in bewilderment.

'She's asking me to become her friend? Why? There's no benefit to be friends with me...' Evelyn thought and eventually, she answered.

"Sure..." She said. It's not wrong to accept it. She will not fully trust her in the end so there's no harm in accepting someone's offer.

'I'll just pretend...' Evelyn consciously thought.

"Yaay!!! So by the way, you can call me Cath! Like what my brothers do~" She said.

"Oh really?... Sure. I'll call you that, cath." Evelyn replied indifirently.

"I made my first friend yey!! Oh, then can I call you by your nickname? Do you have one? Hehe~ this is my first time to have a friend... So exciting." Cathy said cheerfully.

Evelyn smiled when she saw the girl's enthusiastic response. She decided that she will permit it.

"... Eve. You can call me, Eve. But in one condition..."

"Condition... What condition?"

"You can call me only when we are alone. There's still eyes and ears in this whole place..." Evelyn said sternly.

"Yes, I understand." Cathy agreed.

The noble society always emphasizes that people in high status should be respected by the lower ranks. And since Evelyn is a duke's daughter and Cathy is from the count, there will be people who will find fault for their way of addressing each other.


"Okay! Everyone!!! Gather up!"

A brusque man, clap his tan muscle to get the attention of the scattered students.

Evelyn and Cathy immediately went to where the man stood up.

"Hmm... Freshman. This will be another sh*tty bunch of nobles." He said in a tired looked.

The instructor was wearing a black loose pants and his white shirt was unbuttoned that his bulky chest was exposed to the students.

His pink hair was all over the place like he just woke up from his sleep and remembered that he has a class to teach so he just took off without bothering to tidy up his appearance.

Evelyn observes the man in front of her.

'What's wrong with this man? He just called the nobles children sh*tty?' Evelyn thought, perplexed by the sudden trash talk of the instructor.

Then, the muscular instructor, Bern, yelled!

"Okay listen up! You younglings! I'm Bern, your freaking swordman instructor. I don't like weaklings like all you lots! So, if you think that you have what it takes to be in this class then I'll give you some ideas of how I instruct! But once I saw that you sheltered nobles are trash then I don't want to see you here in my class! Understood?! "

".. ."

All students were stunned at the way their teacher talk. And how he just insulted them many times in one breath.

"Okay. Now you sh*tty lots, run 200 times! Go!!!"

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