I Don’t Want This Bad Ending

Chapter 72: EAT THIS DIRT!

Chapter 72: EAT THIS DIRT!


VALLEN quickly made his stance as he confronted Evelyn.

"You really don't learn your lesson, do you?" She asked.

"Lesson? What lesson can I possibly learn from someone like you?" He proudly said.

She sighs and runs her hand through her ombre hair.

"I tried to ignore all your rubbish words but it seems my patience is wearing thin already. I was sure that I warned you before not to talk like trash when we met in the arena." She explained as she was too tired for drama.

"You know what I'm out of here... I don't think I need to waste my time here anymore. Go and find yourself a sparring partner in the knights class." She continued and turned around to walk away from him.

Vallen felt a rush of boiling anger as she dismissed him like he's worth nothing. He rushed and ran to strike her when she moved away and he tripped.

He was confused as there are no rocks within the area. He shifted his gaze to the floor and he saw her foot. She tripped him using her foot, that's what happened.

He was fuming like a volcano and as he stood up his anger erupted. "How dare you trip me?!"

Vallen spoke like a madman and Evelyn was only listening to his rumbling when she decided to walk away.

"You already had your fill of the hard soil so I'm going back to my dorm." She said.

Vallen was outraged and he fired a spell, "Oh thy mighty spirit, grant thy wish and give strength to this wind, Wind slash!"

The chant finished and she was already a couple of feet away from him before she noticed the changes in the wind pressure around the area. She looked back and -swish!

The air splits into two and attacks her sides, she got cut on her cheeks and her thighs. Evelyn was momentarily confused before she realized that Vallen attacked her with his wind spell.

He looked at her and he smirked. It made the last thread of patience that Evelyn tried so hard to maintain snap.

She may not be able to use her magic because of her body's condition but she was sure she could at least throw some heavy punches at him.

She didn't say anything and dashed towards his way. It was so fast that Vallen was dazed and shocked when he realized that she was close enough to launch a strike.

With his quick reflex, Vallen moved his head to the side. He heard the sound of the wind rush past his ear which meant that she was serious with the punch she wanted to deliver to his face.

She clicked her tongue in annoyance. 'He's not in the knight class for nothing... He quickly evaded the punch,' she thought.

He crumpled his face as he felt like what happened during the tournament could happen again. He was underestimating her abilities though she was part of the semi-finalists at that time. He thought that it was all her luck that made her get to the semi-finals... Until he faced her.

So right now, he knows that he cannot underestimate this girl again. Although she looks frail and pale, she can throw quite a punch.

Without anything to hinder her anger, Evelyn quickly delivered a roundhouse quick and kicked his side the second he tried to catch her attack.

She punched his stomach that Vallen didn't shield and he made a loud sound. 


He held his stomach for a bit before he regained his stance but Evelyn was faster than him. She sat down, flexed her long legs, and tripped him which resulted in him falling to the ground AGAIN.

She wasn't finished though... She pinned him down using her right foot that she placed on his neck.

"If you try this stunt again, I'll show you how much of a Villainess I can be!" She warned him.

It was quite a shock for Vallen to see the frail-looking lady make threats but he also thought that she wasn't joking when she said that. He dismissed his thoughts and only looked at the sunset eyes of Evelyn. It was glowing dangerously against the sun rays behind her back and his whole being shivered in fright.

It was different when she released her fierce aura inside the office of the headmaster. What he perceived this time was that she was dead serious about it. 'I'll be beaten to death if I continue,' he thought.

She removed her foot from his neck and he coughed immediately.

"If you made the same mistake again. I'll quickly take your manhood and shove it down your throat!" She glared at him before she walked away.

Vallen who realized what she meant in her threats, paled. He unconsciously put both his hands on his jewels like he was hiding it.


"I'm tired." Evelyn sighed. 

She thought that all she did these days was either to sigh or to frown.

"I'm really tired!" She said again. She leaned back and closed her eyes for a bit. 'I feel like my head is going to split open...it hurts!' She cursed. Her problems were piling up more and more. 

"Are you okay?!" Silvester asked.

At the moment, Evelyn was attending her magic class and Silvester was beside her taking notes.

"I'm fine... just a bit tired, I guess?!" She answered as she darted back her stares at the board.

"You're looking pale... You should go to the clinic and ask for medicine or request to leave. So you can go to your room and rest for the day." 

"Yeah... I should do that! I'm not really in the mood to attend my classes." She replied.

"I'll go to the clinic after the magic class." She continued.

A while later, Evelyn was on her way to the Clinic which was also located on the second floor of the main building. Every building of the St. Prisch Academy had complete facilities, from laboratories to the storage room.

'Well, what can you expect? It is for the rich spoiled nobles,' she thought.

She knocked and opened the door to the clinic. "There's no staff again?"

As she saw the quiet room, she made her way to the bed she saw near the window and laid her tired body on it.

"It's because I haven't slept... A little nap will do until the medical staff comes..."

Her eyes were too heavy and as soon as she lay down a breath of tranquility escaped her cherry lips.


"Why are you here?" He asked.

"I thought that I needed to visit you after what happened at the tournament... You've become a punching bag for your sister, Allan," Carsillion said, amused.

The two were inside the Representatives room, an exclusive office where only a select few can have access. The Elite Force also had a separate building where all their needs were provided. A room, a kitchen, an office, and a separate training room was given for the Elite Force. That's how exclusive the treatment they get is.

And now, Carsillion was in the office of the sophomore representatives with Allan. They were discussing the school's policy and when they finished the main topic, Carsillion continued his taunts.

"So, how does it feel to be hit in the balls by your little sister?" He was trying hard not to laugh in front of his cold niece.

"If you're done with your business, get the hell out of here. I'm busy!" Allan replied. Carsillion is still technically the head of the school. He can't throw him out and punch him even though he wanted to.

"Aww, is my dear nephew angry? Don't be... You deserved it! Hahaha!" Carsillion couldn't hold it back any more and he burst out laughing.

"Ahh! I wanted to see your face at that time... But because your face was close to the ground, I didn't see how painful it was and how funny you covered your balls!" He continued and laughed again.

"Shut up or I'll freaking throw you out!" Allan snapped. 

"Aww, you're so grumpy! You inherited the nasty attitude of your father!"

Allan glared at Carsillion and he made a zipping gesture around his mouth, indicating that he'll shut up.

"Anyway, I've told your sister what happened that day..." Carsillion said.

The silence was only Allan's response.

"You know, you both idiot duo should've been the one to tell her about what happened that day... It's not like it was her fault. And you know that! I just don't know why you fools are blaming her for what happened." He clicked his tongue a few times before he stood up from the chair.

"I know! It's just... I can't help it. Every time I remember that day, a voice keeps ringing inside my head!" He replied.

"And what does it say?" Carsillion asked, his face devoid of the silly things he used to express.

"..." Allan shut his mouth.

Carsillion sighed.

"You...! Seriously! Why does everyone in your family bottle up their thoughts? Fine... I'll let you be!"

He walks out through the door and leaves Allan behind in the room.

"Monica... What am I going to do with your family!" He shook his head as he went to his office.

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