I Don’t Want This Bad Ending

Chapter 8: Festival

Chapter 8: Festival

The next day I went and did my past month routine which is magic, Physical training, and Etiquette.

I went to my room and take a bath then I said to my maid Sheila that I will take a nap.

"I'm tired. Don't disturb me. I also don't need dinner."

"Yes, Lady Evelyn."

My maid also started to call me Lady as I ordered her to.

I don't like them calling me Young Miss. I prefer the Lady as I'm an adult inside.

I'm now alone in my room, in the past month I ordered the butler to change the interior of the room to a normal one.

The butler seems surprised as the Young Me before are addicted to the pink color, but not anymore.

I went to my dressing room and picked dark clothes to wear.

I decided to go with my training pants that fitted my legs and a black long sleeve shirt. Then, I put the cloaked that Mr. Sheik, my Physical teacher gave me as a present when we do our sparring for the first time during our training.

Imagining the pain that I experienced during that time was giving me goosebumps.

As I stopped remembering that experience, I quickly decided to esca- I mean sneak out for a while.

I grab my coin purse and the small kitchen knife that I got from sneaking in the kitchen during the times that I explore the Emsworth mansion.

Its late in the afternoon now so the knights must have finished their training. The Training ground I found that there's an escape hole that leads to the back of the estate leading to a small village.

I should go there.

As I was searching for the hole, I heard the bushes rustling so I unconsciously look back.

I was afraid that someone might spot me, so I hurriedly went to the dog hole that I found. I'm small so I can fit without struggling.

After walking around, I found myself in the plaza. A lot of people are wandering around.

A bustling sound of people talking, the cheerfulness of the kids playing, the bantering of the seller and customer, the triangular shapes with different colors hanging.

"Wow!" I admired the beautiful scenery that's happening right now as it is the first time to witness this since I reincarnated.

As my eyes look around, I finally accepted that this is not the world that I know.

'Western medieval clothes, the 19th-century buildings... what is it called again? I forgot. Oh well. I'll buy snacks first!'

I walked in the busy street and the stalls here have different kinds of fruit, food that I've never seen before.

I found a tasty looking barbecue that was glazed with different kinds of spices that the smell can stimulate your appetite.

"Hey! Young girl! Do you want to try this? This is only three copper coins and you can have this delicious barbecue..."

"You can only taste this here."

I forcefully gulped my saliva because I feel that I'll drool at any moment. It made my appetite rise to a whole new level.

I grab my coin purse and give it to the stall owner.

"Here little girl. Enjoy!"

I excitedly bite the tender looking meat piece that was pieced together with a stick and it's a special sauce that was dripping into the floor.

"Wow! This is so delicious mister!"

"I'm glad you like it little girl."

I smile at the stall owner who made this delicious barbecue.

I continued my walk after eating my fill of food and I came across a stall with peculiar signage.

I unconsciously went to open the door that leads to the inside of the mysterious store.

Nope! Not mysterious anymore. It's a jewelry shop. I keep on looking around and...

There standing at the front desk...

An old man with his white beard that reaches his neck like the ones I saw in any fantasy genre that I've watched.

The black robe that hides his face that only the lower face can be seen.

It was creepy.

Nonetheless, my curiosity got the best of me and I approach the old man. But the old man beat me before I could say anything.

"What's a Young Miss doing in my humble shop? Hehehe"

A dry voice can be heard that will give you the feeling of someone who's been shouting for a long time and then losing the voice.

I replied with indifference.

"I just thought that I should check out this store."

"It looks, shabby mister!"

"Hehehe. That's a first...!"

"It's the first time that someone said that straight to my face. But it's true that it's shabby hehehe..."

"So, can I look around?"

"Sure...! Hehe... look as much as you want. Hehe."

I want to tell him to stop laughing like that, but I stop myself as I approached a black stone that shines even its dark inside the store.

"What stone is this?"

I turned my head to the direction of the old man and point my finger to the stone that captured my eyes.

"Oh that... hehe!"

Ugh. Can he stop laughing like that? It gives me the chills.

"Yes, this! What stone is this?"

"I also don't know. Hehe... hehehe"

"It's been there, as much as I can remember. Hehe, it's been always there in that corner hehe!"

"Can you stop laughing like that?"

I squinted my eyes, making my expression visible to him.

"Hehehe sorry but I can stop hehe... hehe"

"Ugh. Anyway, can you make a ring out of this?"

"Ooohhh... hehe. Sure hehehe"

"Just give me an hour and I can make it for you hehehehe. By the way, it's three gold coins."

"What?! That's expensive."

"It's a jewel you know?! And I'm customizing it for you hehehe"

I hesitated for a bit and remembered that I'm from a duke house so, I don't need to worry about money.

"Okay. Fine. Here."

I put my three gold coins at the front desk.

I know that I have the money but as a frugal person back in my old world. I still can't get it out of my system to hesitate before buying it.

An hour of waiting has pass and the old man came back from how gods know where.

The old man carries a wooden box and placed it on the desk.

"Open it... hehe"

I reach for it and open it as the old man said.


I said out loud as the astonishing black stone that's been dusted in the corner is now sparkling.

And the color was pure black like an abyss bringing a mysterious charm to the ring.

I put the ring in my forefinger and started to walk out at the door when the old man speaks to me.

"You should be careful. Hehe, I wish you luck in the future hehe."

"Umm... thanks? I guess."

I hurriedly ran to the door as the old man was totally creeping me out.

I was now again in the busy street and when I look back, the mysterious store was nowhere to be seen.

"Did I run that fast? Where's that old man store?"

I begin to wonder around again with my ring clutching on my forefinger.

I pondered about the old man's statement.

"Why is he wishing me luck? For the future? For what?"

"Tch. I won't go anywhere with these thoughts. He's just an old man so maybe he went senile."

It didn't occur to me that I'm nowhere near the main street.

"Looks like I walk too much without thinking where I'm going. Where the hell is this?"

I was now in a dark alley.

"This is giving me a bad feeling"

I walked around the dark alley to escape the gut feeling that I'm having right now. When a group of men suddenly came out of nowhere.

"Hey, ~~ little miss."

The man who looks like the leader said as his hands both hold a knife.

"Are you lost~~ hehe"

'What's wrong with these people and the way they laugh?! Ughh'

"What do you want?"

I angrily stared at the group of men.

"What? Ganging up with a small kid like me?"

My stare went from their faces to the knife that the leader holds.

'This is going to be tough...! Shit!' I cursed inwardly to the situation that I'm in right now.

"Little girl~~ don't get so angry hehe. If you give us your belongings, then maybe~~ hehe maybe I'll think about letting you go."

The leader smiled creepily when he sees me clenching my fist.

"Oh, my~~ our little young miss here wants to fight five adult men? Hehe, that's so brave hehe~~"

Suddenly, I remember what the old man said.

'You should be careful...hehe'

"Is this what he's talking about? Shit!"

The leader approached me with a few steps with his knife in his hands and he began to run towards me.


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