I Fell For My Nemesis

Chapter 59 - Cielito Lindo

Avery had to plan ahead like a normal woman in love who was merging families with someone else. It was what was keeping her going right now. 

Talking about wedding plans with Nancy, Vanessa, and the tías. Making holiday plans with someone else for the first time since she had never dated anybody seriously enough for that before. Acting like she wasn't Nox and didn't have anything else going on even though she did. 

She had this rather large-scale, super important mission looming over her but once that was done all she would have until after the wedding was her usual insulin runs. She could handle that!

"You really are just trying to live your life, aren't you?" Angelo asked suddenly after several minutes of silence. 

Avery glared at him. "What, did you think I was purposely trying to mess up our plans?"

"No! But I guess it just sort of hit me that you're really trying to move on after what happened."

"That's what normal people do when they lose people they love, Angelo. Most people don't become villains and try to get revenge. The plan was always to move on once this was done. It just…accelerated because I met Christian early, that's all."

Timing. The timing of all of this was insane. Avery and Christian had been dancing around each other for years and some of that time they were both crushing on each other without even realizing it. 

What if she had met him later? What if they met when he had retired and she had taken down Hunsacher and they never knew about each other's secret identities? 

That would have saved her a lot of stress but she couldn't think like that. There was no guarantee they would have ended up together any other way. Things happened the way they happened and there was no way around it. She had to work with what she had. 

Angelo leaned his head against the back of the couch and wouldn't look at her. "I can't even think that far out." 

"I know. You're a man of action capable of one task at a time. You've always been like that," Avery said with a sad smile. "But I hope that once this is all over you'll be able to find your own happiness." 

"I don't know if that's possible for me."

"I believe in you even if you don't. You'll figure it out someday. But first I'd recommend starting with taking better care of yourself. You can't see a better tomorrow if you die today from sleep deprivation, you know."

Angelo chuckled. "Don't become a motivational speaker. It doesn't suit you."

Avery stuck her tongue out at him before changing the subject. "So is there anything else you need me for or are you finally going to get some sleep? I can tuck you in if necessary."

"That would be so weird!" 

"You didn't complain when I sang you lullabies in Spanish after your mom died because your dad sounded like a rooster that was being strangled." 

"That was one time because I was sick! I was too old for it then and I'm too old for it now."

Angelo's mom died when he was nine. A couple of months later the flu swept through the school and he got it pretty bad. He broke down sobbing because he felt terrible and wished his mom was there to sing to him and make him albondigas soup. 

Horatio did his best with the soup but couldn't do anything about the singing because Angelo only cried harder when he tried. Avery, who had recently recovered from the same bout of flu, overheard Horatio talking to her dad and offered to do it herself. She had heard Elena Cruz singing "Cielito Lindo" so many times over the years that she had it memorized. 

She went over to the Cruzes' apartment and held Angelo's hand while she sang. He mumbled to himself in Spanish, somehow thinking it was his mother under the hazy influence of his fever, and fell asleep. 

He had been mortified and defensive when he found out that hadn't been a dream but she was glad she had been able to help her friend out if only briefly. She knew what it was like to miss having your mom around even if she couldn't remember much about her at that point in time. 

Avery didn't think there was anything embarrassing about letting someone take care of you when you were having a hard time. Her friend would keel over if he didn't get some sleep sooner or later. If nothing else teasing him would inspire him to do as she said. 

"De la Sierra Morena, Cielito lindo, vienen bajando, Un par de ojitos negros, Cielito lindo, de contrabando—" she began but Angelo shoved her off the couch. 

"Alright! I'll get some sleep! Get out of here. Don't you have better things to do than bother me? Go plan your wedding."

Avery grinned. Her plan had been a success. "I'll leave once I see you're in bed and all of your electronics are off. Not on sleep mode. Off. Then you won't have to deal with me again until Sunday."

Angelo grumbled about it but did as she said. She watched as he did so then climbed into bed. "Happy now?"


She softly sang the chorus of the song on her way out and he threw a squeezy stress ball at her but missed. "I am not a child, Avery West!" 

Ooh, the full name treatment! She knew she had gotten his goat. He was the one who had to take care of everybody. He hated being taken care of himself. Honestly, it was ridiculous. 

"Better take care of yourself like an adult then," Avery said cheekily as she left the apartment.

She heard him curse her before the door shut and she laughed. Messing with him made her feel better about what she had to do. She really wasn't looking forward to this weekend. She had already warned Christian that she would be gone Sunday afternoon until he was at work on Monday so at least her bases were covered there. 

The worst part would be all of the traveling back and forth. She wasn't sure she would be able to sleep on all of those flights. She would have to crash once she got home and pray she was awake by the time he got back from work. 

All of that late night traveling for the mission in California had really messed her up. She could only hope she fared better this time. 

When she arrived home Christian glanced up at her from his place on the couch reading a book. "How did it go?"

"As well as it could have. They're prepared to handle all of the food except for the cake." 

Avery had already talked about this with the tías on a separate occasion. They were very excited she was getting married despite not having met Christian yet. That was how the holiday plans originally got set so far in advance. They wanted to meet him sooner rather than later. 

"When are we doing the cake consultation again?" he asked. 

"Sunday before I leave."

If Avery had to travel all night at least she wanted to get sufficiently sugared up beforehand. Cake samples ought to help sustain her. 

"Ah, right. What else still needs to be done? It's hard to keep track of everything," Christian said apologetically. "I know the dress stuff isn't my domain but if there's anything else you need me to do let me know, okay?"

She did still need to go dress shopping. It was hard to find a time where everyone whose input she cared about was able to be there but she needed to get that done sooner rather than later too. She would have to coordinate all of that after she got back. She didn't have the energy to deal with it now. 

What else was there? The invitations were sent, the registries were up, the honeymoon was booked, the colors had been chosen, the venue was taken care of…

"I think you might be good for a while. I'll let you know."


Avery smiled and got out her phone to watch videos as she cozied up next to him. She didn't mind taking some time to relax after dealing with the extensive debriefing earlier. Taking some quiet time being near the one she loved seemed like the perfect pick-me-up. 

Planning a wedding and saving the world at the same time was a lot to juggle! It was a miracle she hadn't lost her mind yet. 

One day at a time. She had to take this one day at a time until it was over. That was all she could do. It wasn't as if she had any better ideas. As long as she made it through this crazy week she would be able to breathe for a while. That would be nice. 

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