I Fell For My Nemesis

Chapter 65 - That's Illegal

"That sort of fear never fully leaves kids with divorced parents," Avery said lamely. 

Vanessa huffed. "Your mom is trash and someone ought to tell her so. Even better, someone ought to ruin her political career by bringing up the fact that she walked out on her kid and never looked back. That would set her right."

"Who would believe it, Ness? I don't want to get involved in her drama."

She really didn't. Her mother was so insignificant in her life that she hardly ever thought about the woman. Things like this had only been popping up in her head lately because she was stressed about getting married. She was sure her dad hadn't thought he would get left behind when it happened to him but she was already expecting it because of the whole Nox thing. 

"You don't have to! Let me do it. I'll handle anything she tries to pull," Vanessa said fiercely. "It's not fair that you—the best girl in the world—are feeling like this right before the biggest day of your life because of that selfish witch."

Avery smiled despite herself. It was nice being defended like this even if her best friend didn't know the whole story. 

"I appreciate your loyalty but that really isn't necessary."

"I'm dead serious! We don't even have to say who you are so no one can bother you. Just cast doubt on her character," Vanessa continued. "At the very least I can blackmail her."

"…that's illegal."

"Not actually blackmail her! Just make her feel guilty by bringing up what a terrible mother she is for not even knowing her own daughter is getting married. She deserves to suffer more than you're suffering right now."

Her best friend loyally cursed out her mother for her until Avery's worries had surprisingly melted away. That was a better distraction than she thought it would be. 

Avery hugged her again. "You made me feel better already. Let it go, Ness. I don't need her. I have people like you."

Vanessa looked rather touched by that. "Aww, Aves! I love you."

"I love you too."

She did. She really did. With friends like Vanessa and Angelo did it really matter that she didn't have any proper family left? There were people who would always have her back even if the world fell apart on her. 

Would Vanessa accept her if she knew the truth? She had just joked about blackmailing someone but that didn't necessarily mean she would actually condone any illegal activities. 

Avery supposed it didn't matter. She would never find out either. The only people who knew her secret were a part of their network. And that was how it had to stay in order for them to accomplish heir mission and stay safe. The more people who knew a secret, the more likely it was to get out. 


Christian was looking forward to having the wedding festivities out of the way. He could tell that Avery was having a hard time and thought things might get better once the stress of that event was out of the way and they could focus on relaxing in Costa Rica.

Vanessa had reached out to him after the final dress fitting and didn't use specifics but said Avery could use some reassurance. He was pretty sure he knew what that meant. Her parents. The main reason she had been against the idea of getting serious in the first place despite being in love with him and wanting to stay together was because of how many people she had lost, wasn't it? They had talked about that before. 

She acted like everything was fine and stayed bright and cheery but there was a certain way her eyes clouded over when she thought he wasn't paying attention. What could he do to help when she wouldn't talk to him?

Christian had gone to his parents for the best marriage advice they could give him and they told him about the importance of communication. How was that supposed to work when he was a retired superhero and could never tell her about that or his powers without putting her in danger?!

"Mom, you know I can't tell her about being Mercury!" he protested. 

Nancy looked at him and sighed. "Why not? It isn't as if you're actively fighting villains. What does it matter if she knows? You're retired. And you're going to have to tell her if any of your kids end up having superpowers."

There wasn't much known about the genetics of superpowers. It was thought that it was an extremely rare recessive gene where both parents had to at least be carriers in order for a baby to have powers but there was no way to confirm it since people with powers weren't volunteering to be part of research studies. 

"The chances of that happening are so small—" 

"That's what I thought because neither your father nor I have any powers but we have you. Wouldn't it be better to just tell her?" Nancy argued. 

Christian sighed. "I can't." 

Avery used to have a crush on Mercury. It would be opening a can of worms unnecessarily. That was one conversation he did NOT want to have. He could tell her everything else about his life. Just not that one no-longer-significant detail. 

"Your situation is…unique…to say the least so I think an exception can be made for the time being but that's it," Nancy said reluctantly. "Other than that you need to have open communication with Avery if you want things to work. Talk to her and work things out together. You two versus the problem rather than versus each other."

"For better or for worse, right?" he asked wryly, quoting the traditional wedding vow. 

"Exactly! Whatever happens you're in it together and have to act like it. You and your spouse are a team." 

A team. Had he and Avery ever felt like a team? He wasn't sure. They were going to have to figure it out though because staying with her no matter what was the most important thing in the world to him. 

That thought was what gave him the courage to talk to her about whatever had been on her mind. He might regret it later but he needed to know if she was experiencing cold feet or felt like they were rushing things too much. He hadn't wanted to be too hasty…he was just excited about spending his life with her. 

"Avery, are you really okay with getting married?" he asked as they sat in the living room two days before the wedding. 

Her head snapped up in astonishment. "You're asking me this now?!"

"You've seemed off lately! I just want to make sure you're actually alright with things before we do this. I don't want you to be stressed and I thought it might get better once this was all over but what if that isn't it?"

Avery sighed. "I am stressed. What bride isn't?"

"Is that really all it is? You can talk to me. I have your back no matter what. Even if we do have to push things back for the sake of your sanity." 

She shook her head vehemently. "No. That would make things worse. You're right. It will get better once this is all over. I just have a lot on my mind and I'm missing my dad too. He should be here for this."

Christian moved over and set a hand comfortingly on top of her thigh. "He should. I'm sorry he's not."

"Yeah. Me too."

"So you're missing your dad and stressed about the wedding. Is that all? Is there anything else I can do? I want you to be happy, Avery. If there's anything bothering you—anything at all—I'd prefer you tell me. Even if I can't do anything about the problem I can still be there for you."

Avery smiled softly at his earnestness and closed her eyes as she leaned against his shoulder. "I don't need anything else. Just you. Though I can't deny that the thought of having this all over with and being in Costa Rica sounds wonderful." 

Christian put an arm around her and pulled her closer before kissing the top of her head. "Okay. As long as you promise you're okay with all of this I can let it go." 

"What's not to be okay with? I want to be with you, Christian. More than anything."

"So do I. I just don't want you to be stressed in order for that to happen. If being with me stresses you out—"

"It has nothing to do with that!" Avery insisted, twisting around to look up at him earnestly. "Being with you makes me HAPPY. I never thought I would find that in any meaningful capacity after my dad died but I did. You're the best part of my life!"

Christian could tell she meant it. "Okay. I was only checking. You're the best part of my life too. Have been since before we even really knew each other."

"You're a sap, you know that?"

"That's what Liam says but I tend to take his words with a grain of salt."

Avery laughed, as he had hoped she would. "Fair. Seriously though, don't worry about me. I'm going to be the happiest woman in the world once the wedding is done and I have you all to myself." 

He kissed her then smiled as he caressed her cheek. "Good."

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